Mike Evans: Bucs GOAT?

January 2nd, 2017
Stunning numbers.

Stunning numbers.

No, do not misinterpret what Joe writes here. Bucs stud receiver Mike Evans has nothing to do with Sabby the Goat.

Joe is using the term “GOAT” here in reference to Evans as an acronym, the same kind the young-uns use all the time: Greatest of All Time.

As a Bucs receiver after just three years in the NFL, it’s hard not to believe Evans is the best receiver the Bucs have ever had, certainly the best the team ever drafted.

How good has Evans been? Joe will let data-driven Thomas Bassinger of the Tampa Bay Times tell the story.


Receiving yards for Mike Evans in his first three seasons, the fifth most all-time. Randy Moss holds the record with 4,163.


Receiving yards for Hall of Famer Jerry Rice his first three seasons.

Now think about that for a second: Sure, the NFL was a different game when Rice came into the league, but Rice also played in a pass-happy offense crafted by the great Bill Walsh, easily one of the top five coaches in NFL history.

Further: Look who Evans had/has throwing to him and look who Rice had throwing to him: When Rice was drafted by the 49ers, he had Joe Montana in his prime. Joe freaking Montana! Maybe the best quarterback who ever lived.

Evans? He had Stewart McClown his rookie year, then in his second season, a rookie quarterback, America’s Quarterback, Pro Bowler Jameis Winston. Now everyone knows Joe is a Jameis honk, but let’s be real: He’s no Montana and likely never will be (that’s hardly an insult, by the way).

This stat Bassinger dug up simply blew Joe’s mind!

22 Responses to “Mike Evans: Bucs GOAT?”

  1. Stpetebucsfan Says:

    Cameron Brate also had an excellent year as did Hump. So we have three legit targets. Now toss in Sims…and maybe Shep continues to grow…so we grab an FA a draft pick and our weapons are ok.

    I’m still worried about our running game not our lack of targets in the passing attack. A QB in his second year just set some amazing records with these “horrible” targets two years in a row!

    It’s our ground game that concerns me.

  2. Patrick in VA Says:

    Let’s also not forget that he’s clearly been the only viable target in most of his games. VJax has been hurt more often than not since Evans got here. He’s gotten those totals with everyone on the field knowing that the ball is coming his way. Really impressive stuff.

  3. Gencoimports Says:

    Keep in mind one of Jerry Rice’s first 3 seasons was the 1987 strike-shortened season of only 12 games. That year Rice had 1078 yds and 22 TDs! Imagine what he would have done with a full 16 games.

    Sure, Evans is one of the best today but I wouldn’t put him or anyone else in Rice’s class.

  4. Nole on Sat- Bucc on Sun Says:


  5. tdtb2015 Says:


  6. Mike Evans GOAT Says:

    Don’t use my name as a headline ever again joe. Lol

  7. Mike Evans GOAT Says:

    Why am I in moderation?

  8. R.O. Says:

    Mark Carrier played and had success with less opportunities and tougher Defenses… ME’s YPC way down this year. Need better playcalls and pass catchers around him to get him the deeper looks.

  9. ElioT Says:

    I don’t think Evans has even come close to his potential.

    He had almost no weapons around him to assist and arguably erratic play from his QB (no offense to Jameis, I’m sure he’s going to get better).

    Definitely not ready to classify Evans in the same boat as Julio Jones or Antonio Brown but damn, his future is looking bright AF!!!

    Go Bucs!!!

  10. BringBucsBack Says:

    He needs to fight harder for yards, after the catch. He is WAY to big to be looking to hit the ground as often as he does! He is capable of breaking MANY more tackles, if he wanted to.

  11. ElioT Says:

    Still need three new WRs (starters and depth) another TE to help Brate and a RB to pair with Martin (at a reduced salary), Rodgers and Sims.

  12. ElioT Says:


    You’re a dumbass.

    He makes tough catches that could get him killed because his QB throws high and hangs his a** out there (something #3 needs to work on). He gets down to avoid uncesssary injuries and move on to the next play.

    Evans isn’t an explosive run after the catch athlete and porabably never will be.

    Also, he almost never gets an opportunity to catch in stride and keep running which I’ll blame on play design/talent around him.

  13. Tampabaybucfan Says:

    Evans is a fantastic possession receiver…..he needs another receiver with speed that poses a deep threat…..that will open things up for ME13 even more…..and our deep threat needs to be a receiver that has YAC because Jameis can’t throw deep….I am becoming concerned that he never will master the deep throws….and that’s OK…..
    It is quite obvious that our receivers aren’t getting open….you can see Jameis in the pocket looking…..and his protection eventually breaks down.
    I am quite certain that we will address this need…..as we should have this year…..everybody on JBF were calling for that weapon for Jameis and it fell on deaf ears.

  14. BucinJAX Says:

    ElioT and BBB, I agree with you both. ElioT, yes he makes the very tough catches you mentioned. We all see and know that. And, as BBB pointed out, there are other times Mike looks like he is afraid of contact. On one play in Sunday’s game Mike hit the ground when the closest opponent was nearly 5 yards away. He hit the ground, curled into a ball, and waited to be tagged. He could easily have lunged forward for another 2 or 3 yards while diving for the ground. There definitely are times the big guy doesn’t look so tough when being confronted by a guy much smaller than he is. This is a tie. You are both right.

  15. BucinJAX Says:

    IF we have 3 good receivers on the field, a good pass catching TE, and Simms in the backfield, that is 5 solid targets. Does Evans then get more catches or fewer catches? If he is still doubled, the team wiins, but ME13 may have fewer catches.

  16. Warren Says:

    Joe Montana’s first two full years (he didn’t start during his first year in the league):

    1,795 yards – Age 24
    3,575 yards – Age 25

    I think you’re a bit quick to say Jameis “likely never will be” as good as Joe Montana. He’s had a pretty dang good start!

  17. Warren Says:

    Of course Montana won the Super Bowl in his second full season (1981) with a 13-3 record…would have been nice! But just like those 49ers, we’re building from scratch during Jameis’ first two years

  18. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    All these clowns who harp on his yac need to put their thumbs back in their butts and outta their mouths because you talk such worthless crap! ME13 absolutely has yac ability out the yin yang! Don’t know what you’re watching but when Fameis finally hits him in stride he can take a 10 yard slant and easily make it into a 20 yard gain. Joe please post the Giants game when Fameis hit him perfectly on a 40 yard cross and he turned it into a 70 yard gain! You guys complain about the wrong things! Fameis is messing him up with all the off target throws. At times Evans is making him look better!

    Hey GOAT I was thinking of you when I read the title. You’re on moderation? Ha ha Joes sense of humor!

  19. Bob in valrico Says:

    How many of the passes to all buc recievers are thrown so the receiver is squared up and facing Jameis and the throws are thrown high,Not the best place to put the pass for YAC. Jameis has unparalleled escapability and
    makes some unbelievable plays,but he needs to work on his accuracy in the offseason.Evans can be a deep threat if he hits him in stride and has time in the pocket.Pewter report was saying that we need another receiver like VJAX because Evans and Brate have had the best success at pulling in Jameis ‘s
    high passes.For those that don’t agree on the high passes ,Koetter has said that he wishes he could work on this with Jameis on this in the off season.

  20. Buc4Lyfe79 Says:

    Dam right Winston’s no Montana…He’s Winston, EXACTLY who he needs to be.

  21. Joe Says:

    I think you’re a bit quick to say Jameis “likely never will be” as good as Joe Montana. He’s had a pretty dang good start!

    Joe is a Jameis honk, but to compare him to the greatest quarterback Joe has ever seen after two years is a bit much. Hell, Drew Brees is no Montana and Brees will be in Canton. It’s hardly a slight.

    Calm down.

  22. BucsFan90 Says:

    Famous wont be as good as Montana, he’ll be better.