Chucky’s 12-Hour Film Days In Tampa
May 12th, 2016
Sometimes, Chucky breaks away to hang out with his friends and business associates at Hooters
Joe’s confident the following is simply the best article you’ll read today.
Bleacher Report columnist Dan Pompei was invited into Chucky’s rented bunker in Tampa, where Chucky obsesses over game film and prepares daily as if he’s a working NFL head coach, despite the fact he refuses to return to coaching.
Pompei might be the first writer to describe just what a freak show Gruden is while spending most of his waking hours in a football shrine rivaling the film library of NFL Films itself. And it’s all in a Tampa strip mall office, as Joe has been told.
The fun is all right here. Grab your popcorn and enjoy.
Pompei reports Chucky’s typical day starts at 4 a.m. and runs 12 hours. Often, per Pompei, Chucky’s wife is barking at him to get home for dinner.
Again, read it. It’s fun.
May 12th, 2016 at 11:37 am
Man I kinda miss Chucky.
May 12th, 2016 at 11:45 am
Big Log and the media ran him out of town. Great job guys! You obviously have the Bucs best interests in mind when you barked 4 hours a day about how horrible Chucky was (non-stop from 2004 until 2008).
So….you got your wish….how’d that work out for us? Great insight, bro.
Happily Chucky got the last laugh.
Intelligent fans know the real problem was that the Glazers were runnibg the team in Walmart mode at that time AND Chucky STILL made nice chicken salad out of the chicken spit money the Glazers were spending at the time.
Go Bucs!
May 12th, 2016 at 11:48 am
Holy crap Joe. Great article. This guy needs to coach again. Geeesh!
May 12th, 2016 at 11:48 am
It was sad to see Gruden avoiding any mention of the Bucs at the 2016 draft while raving about “his” Raiders. Great job Tampa media and Glazers, you fools.
May 12th, 2016 at 11:49 am
Damn, he’s even more crazy than I realized. You can definitely see what made him such a great coach though.
May 12th, 2016 at 11:51 am
The ONLY time Howard ever listens to Tampa sports radio anymore is when Joe makes his weekly appearance. Safe to say that Joe does have the teams best interests in mind and never brings a personal agenda.
May 12th, 2016 at 11:57 am
Thank you for the kind words.
May 12th, 2016 at 12:03 pm
Glazers and the GM were at fault for Chucky’s demise. our GM in our superbowl era was just GOD-AWFUl..
May 12th, 2016 at 12:03 pm
Jon was smart, driven, and a winner.
Thank you brain dead fans for running him out of town.
Still have not recovered from it.
May 12th, 2016 at 12:04 pm
Playboy did an excellent “Day in the life of…” article on Gruden in 2012. Easy to find online and it’s a nice companion piece for this great read.
May 12th, 2016 at 12:10 pm
Kinda?….I definitely miss Gruden!
May 12th, 2016 at 12:11 pm
I feel like I could give Gruden a run in the guess the name that tune classic rock game, as long as the songs are from 1960 thru 1980. I like that old time rock and roll, the kind of music that moves your soul. Reminisce about the days of old, with that old time rock and roll.”
May 12th, 2016 at 12:19 pm
@Skull-N-Sword for some strange reason when I google that article, my internet filter at work is blocking it out.
May 12th, 2016 at 12:21 pm
Great read, thanks Joe.
May 12th, 2016 at 12:24 pm
Great article Joe. I didn’t think that I could like this guy more.
I hope that some of the naysayers take the time to read the article and take note of Jon’s win/loss record over his career.
May 12th, 2016 at 12:37 pm
Speaking for Pablo
“Hon Gruden is Pablo’s favorite coach…..Hon’s two great achievements were winning the SB and bringing in Jeff Garcia to QB……
Hon Gruden just edges out Tom Flores & Ron Rivera on Pablo’s great coach list.”
May 12th, 2016 at 12:39 pm
I’ve always thought our Bucs F’d up when they let Gruden go. But…Our Bucs have always let coaches go to soon. Its in our Buc Historical Blood. And we have continued to do so. Thus..our well earned label, CELLAR-DWELLERS.
Gruden just got sick of the politics of coaching. Especially having to kiss owners butts. And why coach? Look at the salary ESPN pays him. Plus his speaking fees, camps, endorsements. he’s doing far better than most NFL coaches..without the headaches. Love the guy.
Enjoyed this one Joe. Keep up the good work!
May 12th, 2016 at 1:14 pm
screw chucky….he won with tony’s group of guys….when he tried to win without them he sucked and got canned…plus he ran our best player(at the time) and promising rb into the ground in Cadillac Williams….he was here 7 years and went to the playoffs twice and was 1and done after winning it all with tony’s team…his bucs record was 57-55…fans miss a coach that barely went over .500….smdh….GO BUCS!!!
May 12th, 2016 at 1:19 pm
I didnt want us to fire Gruden, but at the time i thought it was a good idea. It had seemed like the team wasn’t living up to it’s potential. I suppose coming off the superbowl in his first season with us, set the bar really high. So year after year of mostly disappointing seasons took it’s toll. The NFC South was horrendous those years under gruden. We should have won the division every season not every other. But in hind sight, we should have just kept gruden and waited for him to finally draft a QB worth a damn. (If he ever planned on doing that)
May 12th, 2016 at 1:45 pm
Thanks for sharing the great article Joe.
My respect for Chucky has never waned and an in depth article like this reminds me why. He cares. Football really MEANS something to this guy. It is his life and he knows as much about the game as probably anyone on the planet – largely due to relentlessly working and studying his ass off – even though its not required of him at his current longtime position on MNF.
Sounds to me like Jon will not be available to coach again in the NFL until his youngest son gets through high school. After that? Maybe – but he’s got a great and well paying gig with MNF – as well as a # of side projects to keep him busy and involved in football.
Jon – I hope you are enjoying life – and if you do come back to the NFL one day – I hope it will be to coach your hometown Tampa Bay Buccaneers again.
Just one question though that has always baffled me –
WHY the F__k didn’t you find a way to draft Aaron Rodgers if you were so in love with his abilities coming out???? He lasted until #24. If you could have convinced GM Bruce to pkg 2nd and 3rd picks together to move up to 22 or 23 and nab Rodgers, you might STILL be coach here and we probably would have won 2 or 3 more SBs over the last 10 years with a QB like that leading this team.
Oh well – The Bucs have Jameis now and are about to embark on something special. So now that all ties to the past have been cut and we are “starting fresh” so to speak with respected coaches, a ton of young talent and the best young QB prospect to come along in years – how bout you do us Bucs fans a major solid and remove Chucky’s curse from the Buccaneer franchise…. Please? Pretty Please?
May 12th, 2016 at 1:56 pm
@ 813buc
I did not know that spires, kennan, joe j., pittman, digler, dudley, oben and the total of 23 new players that were on the super bowl played for dungy. Seems like half the team was new players on the superbowl team. How can you give all credit to “dungy’s” players when close to half were new? I get it…you were one who wanted gruden gone and now you realize how wrong you were yet you have to remain bitter at him to save face.
May 12th, 2016 at 1:58 pm
813 and Trubuc – apparently you guys forgot that thanks to the Glazers – the Buccaneers had THE LOWEST payroll in the entire NFL for all of Grudens last 5 seasons. Jon preferred vets and the Glazers would not let him spend any $ for talent – and Bruce Allen and his staff sucked at spotting and acquiring talent in the draft. I realize that GM Allen’s failures were ultimately on Gruden for hiring him – but let’s not confuse the organizational failures and subsequent lack of talent with Jon Gruden’s abilities to coach football. Getting 9-7 out of the 2007 team for instance – and having the 2008 team at 9-3 heading into December before the Monty thing and total collapse of the defense – that was GREAT coaching and getting his limited talent to overachieve.
May 12th, 2016 at 2:20 pm
Get home for dinner… If it’s 12 hours that’s 4pm that’s an early din din..
May 12th, 2016 at 2:34 pm
813buc is either a troll or a moron. My guess is troll.
May 12th, 2016 at 2:35 pm
his response is so old, tired, insipid and vacuous that Howard refuses to address the fallacies on a point-by-point basis
May 12th, 2016 at 2:38 pm
813bucboi…if you know the history of what transpired after the SB then your post makes NO SENSE.
Actually anyone that uses the term Dungy’s Team makes no sense to begin.
Do a little research on what he did for the Raiders and how much they sucked before Gruden was hired.
I’ll NEVER get the hate.
May 12th, 2016 at 2:38 pm
Maybe he’s a racist?
May 12th, 2016 at 2:44 pm
Oh never mind. Just listen to Pickgrin.
Thanks Pickgrin, you saved me a lot of typing.
May 12th, 2016 at 2:47 pm
gruden and allens only down side were there drafts, imo, wish he had stayed
May 12th, 2016 at 2:54 pm
also the dungys team staement, then the raiders were grudens team also, he had two teams in the sb
May 12th, 2016 at 3:20 pm
@tinytim…the defense got us to and won the superbowl….brad Johnson was the king of dink and dunk…he won that superbowl with the defense dungey built….which is also consider one of the greatest of all time…
@pickgrin…that was their philosophy…winning with vets…that’s how he was successful in Oakland…the gm and owner give gruden exactly what he wanted and he failed…
@howard…no moron here…highly educated in the books, streets and on the field…im too mature to play the name calling game…judging by your post/comments you have no knowledge of football let alone the bucs…
@87….I did some research…gruden did nothing…what did he win in Oakland?….he took a franchise as far as he could…he couldn’t get over the hump….
praising a hc that was here for 7 years and is ONLY 2 games above .500 is insane….some say racist…bs…that facts and reality….GO BUCS!!!!
May 12th, 2016 at 3:27 pm
Gruden was a terrible mistake for this team, he took what should have been a dynasty and turned it into a one and done from his own stupid personel decision disasters. He ran off Sapp, cut Lynch, ran off the guy that built the team Rich McKay, benched key starters in a playoff stretch (Keyshawn) and basically removed anyone from the team who had the gall to actually have any type of star power that might overshadow his own. Heck Alstott would go out there and have a 100 yard game and get all the highlights, then the next week he’d have Pittman running into the back of his offensive linemen again while Mike would get 2 carries. There’s a reason on Brooks and Ronde stuck around, because they were low key guys that wouldn’t overshadow him. There’s also a reason why Gruden will be at MNF until they fire him and he won’t be a coach again – on TV it’s all about him, he gets to have his face front and center every week. Gruden’s ego destroyed the team and his crappy offense was never very good. Meanwhile the defense was left to Monte to run and it was outstanding and year after year was the best or one of the best in the league which is the only reason the team had any success. People that don’t know this most basic stuff just were not paying attention, there’s a reason the moment Monte said he was leaving that Gruden was out the door.
May 12th, 2016 at 3:32 pm
@87…gruden did nothing in Oakland…..he went 8-8 8-8 12-4 and 10-6…nothing special…they sucked for a long time, had 2 .500 seasons and 2 good seasons….so whats your point?….its not like he took them from 1-15 to 15-1in 1 season and had the in the afc championship game every year…
@tj…your right…bill Callahan took a gruden team to the superbowl and got spanked by a dungy defense…GO BUCS!!!!
May 12th, 2016 at 3:35 pm
Lol @ the attention whores
May 12th, 2016 at 3:35 pm
Actually they’re probably the same person posting from two different IP’s
May 12th, 2016 at 3:49 pm
@rob…I couldn’t have said it better….GO BUCS!!!!
May 12th, 2016 at 4:03 pm
You did say it yourself, because you ARE Rod Munch. Nice try though.
(Rule #16: Bi-posters will always have their different sock-puppets support each others views so as to give the appearance of a majority)
May 12th, 2016 at 4:09 pm
@HOWARD….tricks are for kids….I only post under my screen name…joe knows….he bans poster that use two screen names….get a clue…GO BUCS!!!
May 12th, 2016 at 4:13 pm
Sure thing, whatever you say *wink*
May 12th, 2016 at 4:14 pm
Multiple IP’s are very easy to come by. It’s the oldest trick in the troll playbook. Proxy-server anyone?
May 12th, 2016 at 4:15 pm
@HOWARD…”(Rule #16: Bi-posters will always have their different sock-puppets support each others views so as to give the appearance of a majority)”….LOLOLOL…in this situation you 87, pickgrin, tinytim, tj and others are the majority….so you must be typing from about 10 different IP’s….GO BUCS!!!!
May 12th, 2016 at 4:15 pm
May 12th, 2016 at 4:17 pm
No, that’s just because most intelligent people know Gruden was an epic head coach. Saying he sucked is ridiculous. A comment like that is a huge red flag for a troll, and when two “different” trolls come back to back with the same ridiculous opinion you can bet that they’re one in the same.
May 12th, 2016 at 4:27 pm
Sorry, I meant “Ecatel” not Escatel
Google Ecatel servers in Amsterdam (where everything is legal for the right price)
May 12th, 2016 at 4:28 pm
@ 813
Obvious you do not know your history. The bucs had a top 10 offense in the second half of the super bowl season. Once they grasped it, they were very efficient and bradbjohnson was voted to the pro bowl. The offense allowed the defense to stay fresh which was something they could not do under the dungy led offenses. And you are hillarious by saying gruden did nothing in oakland yet you praise dungy’s time here and his record here was similar to gruden’s in oakland. Now thats funny. Yea….you are not a bitter man who can’t he was wrong. Lol. Go ahead and lie to yourself. Its your life.
May 12th, 2016 at 4:30 pm
Can’t admit^^^^^^^^
May 12th, 2016 at 4:40 pm
8-8, 8-8, 12-4, 10-6. Yeah, what a lousy coach he was in Oakland. Our record over the last 7 years has been so much better. Oh wait.
Gruden had his faults, but the fact was he had 4 or 5 winning seasons, 3 playoff appearances, and 1 super bowl victory in his 7 years.
In the 7 years since, we have 1 winning season, and nothing else except losing, losing, and more losing.
May 12th, 2016 at 5:18 pm
@tinytim….I know all about the bucs history and to suggest that offense was the reason why we won the superbowl is foolish….which post did I sing tony praise?…I simply said gruden won the superbowl with the defense tony built….FACT…gruden did nothing in Oakland…the only thing tony was able to do is build a dominate defense…other than that, he did nothing as well….FACT…brad was voted to the pro bowl prior to his superbowl victory with the redskins so that statement make no sense….FACT….that offense was top 10 in yards…guest what lovies defense was top 10 in yards allowed and how did that work out….the years with tony we had dilfer and king as a qb…both were turn over machines…the offense had 2 things to do….get a lead and don’t turn the ball over and the defense did the rest…please don’t suggest that the offense carried us to the superbowl….I never heard 1 peek about how great that offense was and how they match up against other great offenses….
@unbelievable…I never said he was lousy…I just don’t sing his praise….he won 1 superbowl with a great defense that he didn’t build…once he tried to build his own team he failed….GO BUCS!!!!
May 12th, 2016 at 5:21 pm
“The offense made slight improvements during the season, but the strength of the team was the defense. The 2002 Buccaneers became the first team to lead the league in total defense, points allowed, and interceptions since the 1985 Chicago Bears. They also held opposing quarterbacks to an unbelievable 48.4 passer rating for the season.[2] Led by this dominating defense, the 2002 Buccaneers achieved their most successful season to date”…..GO BUCS!!!!
May 12th, 2016 at 5:26 pm
@tinytim…..what were the bucs ranked in the first half of the season?….doesn’t matter because the defense was dominate the whole year…tampa never had an explosive dominate top 10 (in points) offense under gruden or dungy….GO BUCS!!!!
May 12th, 2016 at 6:09 pm
I actually think Rod Munch made some good points, I’m not really a fan of Gruden either.
May 12th, 2016 at 6:23 pm
I like you spunk – but sorry buddy Tony has never built a defense – Because the pieces were already there.
When he was in Pittsburgh – they already had great players. Same to be said for his time Kansas City, Minnesota, and Tampa. Each one of those rosters were stacked with defensive talent before he arrived.
As for as the coaching staff – He doubled down by grabbing a few great defensive coaches along the way. He picked up Herman Edwards from his time in Kansas City. Snatched Monte Kiffin from Minnesota. Then together they worked the phones – and picked up a few great up in coming position coaches out of the Southwest – Lovie Smith & Rod Marnelli.
What he did do is implement a great scheme (at that time) – Which he learned from Bud Carson. Then added a few wrinkles he picked up in Kansas City – from Bill Cowher.
May 12th, 2016 at 6:24 pm
I like your spunk
May 12th, 2016 at 6:46 pm
I never wrote the bucs won the bowl because of offense. Saying that i did makes you foolish. I said the offense provided the defense with the rest it needed in order to perform at a high level which dungy’s offenses never did. Oh and you wrote gruden won with tony’s team/players. Thats why i had to inform you it was at least 23 new players because obviously you were clueless to that fact.. FACT. You also wrote johnson was merily dink and donk trying to downplay his significance. That is why i pointed out to you sir that he made the probowl that year..FACT. Offense was the only thing keeping the bucs from winning a bowl and gruden brought that. I am sorry your hate has blinded you to the most important chapter in bucs history. Oh and please go watch what lynch and sapp had to say about gruden on the episode of americas game. Its obvious they were fustrated with dungy and gruden brought them the juice the “team” needed to win the superbowl…FACT!!!
May 12th, 2016 at 6:51 pm
@ 813
Your exact words were “gruden won with tony’s group of guys”. FALSE.. There were 23 new players …FACT
May 12th, 2016 at 6:58 pm
Sam Wyche (Players)
• LDE Chidi Ahanotu
• LDT Brad Culpepper
• RDT Warren Sapp
• MLB Hardy Nickerson
• RLB Derrick Brooks
• SS John Lynch
May 12th, 2016 at 7:17 pm
@Luv my bucs
if what you are saying is accurate and I do respect your opinion.then built a very good coaching staff.
Another conclusion can be drawn if the talent was already there is that it was assembled by Rich Mackay and staff.
Now I don’t Dungy would have ever got us to the Super bowl and it was time for a change but the fact is Gruden needed an extra year to get only 3 more wins than Dungy.People forget that Gruden had 3 sub .500 seasons including a 4 and 5 win seasons
Enough on that when Gruden pushed Mackay out brought in Allen who specialty was capology and saying yes to Gruden(IMO).Drafting suffered
players like Sapp,Lynch’and McKardle were let go.There was a succession of
bad free agents similar to 2014.we had one lineman so bad we paid him a big contract and had to fire him and bring him back at league minimum.dan Strizinky I believe. Tim Brown who was terrible at returning kicks by the time we got him. Charley Garner ,another overpaid over the hill running back.Unfortunately the talent level regressed during the bruce Allen era.
May 12th, 2016 at 7:25 pm
@ Luv my Bucs
sorry meant tony Dungy
also interesting take on Wyche,I was under the impression Mackay was in
charge of draft.
May 12th, 2016 at 8:01 pm
All ways thought it was Monty’s defense and Gruden gave the offense that boost it needed to get over the hump. Dungy was a good head couch but never allowed the offense to open up. He learned his lesson when he went to the colts. They went to the SB on offense that Tony didn’t build
May 12th, 2016 at 8:26 pm
@Robert G
cant disagree ,very possible this trait was passed down to Lovie as it was passed down to Tony from his Pittsburg days,I believe with Chuck Knoll.
May 12th, 2016 at 8:32 pm
I can’t believe we’re still talking about Gruden. We have plenty to look forward to. Nostalgia and selective reminiscing are boring.
May 12th, 2016 at 8:33 pm
Also, Chucky looks like he’s getting an under-the-table handy in this pic.
May 12th, 2016 at 8:34 pm
@Luv my Bucs
will test both our memories here’ but didn’t Dungy go after Jim Haslett in New Orleans and came away with Monte.
May 12th, 2016 at 8:52 pm
cut it out ,Man
May 13th, 2016 at 1:17 am
Dungy walked into his first Bucs meeting with 2 first ballot Hall of Fame players on the roster. A hopefully, soon to be 3rd Hall of Famer in Lynch and then Ronde Barber his 2nd season.
Please take a look at the 2008 Bucs starting lineup. How did that team even get to 9-3? Defensive starters and contributors such as –
Gaines Adams?
Jovan Haye?
Stylez White?
Quincy Black?
Barrett Rudd?
Geno Hayes?
Sabby Piscitelli ?!?!?!?!?!?