Bucco Bruce Meets Jameis

September 22nd, 2015
Jameis' dad is sitting on a fashion trend setter.

Jameis’ dad is sitting on a fashion trend setter.

Credit Seminole High grad Jeff Darlington of NFL Network for grabbing a photo of this sweet Bucs shirt.

And the owner of the shirt is none other than Jaboo, Sr., the father of America’s Quarterback, Bucs signal-caller Jameis Winston.

Antonor Winston was hanging outside the Bucs’ locker room Sunday after Tampa Bay beat the Saints, and he was wearing a Bucco Bruce creamsicle shirt. The only difference is, Bucco Bruce’s likeness is Jameis.

That shirt may or may not be legal by NFL standards, as it is using an NFL likeness, that being Bucco Bruce. A spoof t-shirt company has been selling them for months. They claim it was a “hand-drawn” piece of “comical original art.”

But if Antonor Winston could get permission by the Bucs and the company to produce more of those shirts, he could make a killing.

14 Responses to “Bucco Bruce Meets Jameis”

  1. Tom Edrington Says:

    The original logo was the work of Tampa artist Lamar Sparkman who drew the very popular Ali-Gator illustrations that appeared in the Tribune back in the 70s…..I know that the Benjamin School over in North Palm Beach uses this logo….
    Wouldn’t think Winston’s pop needs to be out there schlepping t-shirts

  2. Dave Says:

    That is awesome!

  3. Bucco Brice Says:

    my brother Bruce would not be amused lol …now bring back the throwbacks!…stupid NFL helmet rules 🙁

  4. Harry Says:

    I want one Joe!! How can I buy this?

  5. TheShaz Says:

    Cubby Tees dot com

    I am seriously thinking of getting one.

  6. TheShaz Says:

    With decals being what they are…..cant that come up with a total helmet covering decal that is white with the old Bucco Bruce logo?

    And it would look cool for the guys in the trenches with theirs all banged & ripped up and you see tears with the pewter underneath.

    But I would wait till Jamies is no longer a rookie and the Bucs win games ona regular basis.

  7. Nole on Sat.-Bucc on Sun. Says:

    Thank you TheShaz,I no longer gotta wait on it.☺

  8. Harry Says:

    Thank you. Just ordered one. Very cool!

  9. BuccaneerBonzai Says:

    It’s legal. It’s not bucco bruce. It’s Jameis in a hat like bruce…which is considered a parody. Which is permitted under law.

  10. Danr Says:

    Satire is always in the likeness (think snl dressing up like obama) perfectly legal.

  11. Espo Sec 149 Says:

    The dagger should be replaced by a crab leg. I’m not hating, I’m embracing it and think it would be hilarious.

  12. Buc1987 Says:

    I saw this last night and was going to e-mail Joe the link, but forgot about it. Glad you found it Joe. The shirt is awesome and hilarious at the same time. Love it!

  13. SOEbuc Says:

    Just ordered mine

  14. BucTrooper Says:

    Better than the current uni.