“You’ve Got To Take The Cleaner One”

March 12th, 2015


Joe loves Mike Mayock’s draft guru work on NFL Network, but it’s becoming clear that Mayock is struggling trying to evaluate Jameis Winston off the field.

Mayock is on record expressing how Winston is a stud prospect, but he’s “scared to death of him” otherwise. (Joe wonders whether Mayock hires armed guards when he talks to prospects and NFL players who have actually assaulted someone.)

Today, during NFL Network live coverage of University of Oregon quarterback Marcus Mariota’s pro day, Mayock found a way to throw a misguided shot at Winston.

Mayock made the case that if the Bucs, or any team evaluating Winston and Mariota, consider them the same player with the same potential, then “you’ve got to take the cleaner one.”

And that “cleaner one,” Mayock said, is Mariota.

Joe has a problem with the whole premise. Winston and Mariota are nowhere near the same player. They’ve got different experience and different skill sets. Mayock would never be caught saying such a thing about a 4-3 edge rusher versus a 3-4 edge rusher/linebacker, so why is he saying it about Winston and Mariota?

340 Responses to ““You’ve Got To Take The Cleaner One””

  1. passthebuc Says:

    Joe. you have a problem if anyone disagrees with your assessment of Winston?

    You are not objective this year and you were not objective regarding the QB last year.

    Joe has no problem at all. And don’t be confused. Joe shares his opinions. Opinions are not objective. … Last year, so the record is straight, Joe begged the Bucs to draft Johnny Manziel while consistently writing that Joe would be just as happy if the Bucs drafted Teddy Bridgewater. Joe was not a Blake Bortles guy. And Joe wasn’t much of a Derek Carr guy because of the presence of Manziel and Bridgewater in the draft. But Joe would have understood and supported the Carr/Jeff Tedford connection and Carr as a pick. As for Josh McCown, well, Joe was firmly against installing him as the starter without one of those rookie QBs on the roster. –Joe

  2. tmaxcon Says:

    Mayocks clear bias has made a once credible man completely irrelevant. I felt bad for him during broadcast and I am a heartless prick.

  3. Tampabaybucfan Says:

    Well Joe…..He’s clearly a racist!!!

  4. BillT Says:

    What’s the issue? If they are determined to be of equal talent on the field, then you definitely the “cleaner one”. Don’t want the risk of off field issues causing a situation where the player won’t actually be on the field.

  5. JoeJoes Fungi Nails Says:

    Joe is kind of like Daniel Snyder….it’s my backyard,ball and bat

  6. Tampabaybucfan Says:

    Speaking for Pablo

    “Pablos Madre told Pablo when Pablo was very young “You’ve got to take the cleaner one” Pablo should have taken his Madre’s advice because Pablo ended up trying to get rid of Pablo’s crabs (took Pablo months)….Pablo learned his lesson!!!”

  7. Jacko101 Says:

    i think he’s correct, that’s what I’ve been saying all along. I think they both have a rare talent. But I just think the Bucs need a player that can play ball and stay out of trouble. Williams or Mariota, however if they feel Winston is best… Let’s do it

  8. Dave Pear Says:

    The key phrase here is “if they have the same potential.”
    From everything I’ve seen it is not even close.
    Jameis is coming to Tampa Bay.
    Just learn to deal with it.

  9. wifebeater5 Says:

    Mike can’t be seen supporting a QB who raped a girl while in school. With all the domestic abuse cases in the NFL this past year maybe he’s just taking the high road.

  10. Jacko101 Says:

    And Joe if it were Winstons pro day you would have posts all over your site, you are extremely Biased. Johnny hasn’t givrn you much to talk about so Winstons your new fantasy.

    Absolutely Joe is biased. Joe writes about what Joe finds interesting. Joe watched Mariota’s Pro Day and Twittered live from it, and Joe will write more about it. It’s not like it was very exciting. Heck, Lovie Smith didn’t even want to watch in the flesh.–Joe

  11. David Says:

    Wow…look how fat Winston looks compared to Mariota…lol. Another piece of sum one over analyzing everything about these two. I’ll be happy with either qb but can WE stop acting like we’re NFL professionals getting paid for this and know who will be better. Hell, they don’t even know.

  12. Arealbucsfan Says:

    What ever happened to Pablo? Havent seen him since around this time last year.

  13. Tampabaybucfan Says:

    Alas!!! Mayock finally clearly defines the issue facing the Bucs and Buc fans over the two QBs.

    If you believe (as many do) that the skillset/ceiling/on-field talent is similar…..you would naturally go with the QB with less off-field risk.

    The words speak for themself.

    Now, certainly many Winston supporters are convinced that there is a large enough difference so that you should overlook the off-field issue…..or they don’t feel that the off-field issue is an issue…

    This is the debate….pure and simple.

  14. See Below Says:

    Jameis is the pick, Mariota falls outta 1st round.

  15. The original "Kevin" Says:

    The only qb we could have had made a difference last year would have been P manning. He runs his own offense. That is why it blows my mind when people rave about how good a coach john fox is. John Fox will be gone from Chicago is three seasons. Worse than lovie. Lovie needs to pray Koetter prefers to stay oc in two years because he will be hard pressed to find someone else to help him retain his job

  16. Tampabaybucfan Says:

    Arealbucsfan Says:
    March 12th, 2015 at 7:11 pm
    What ever happened to Pablo? Havent seen him since around this time last year.

    I have no clue….maybe he was a Freemanite….and vanished…

    I thought by speaking for him….I could flush him out….or at least keep him alive until he returns.

  17. the real Buck Bruce Says:

    I can’t take my girlfriend’s daughters to any games if we draft Winston, meaning I won’t be able to go to any.I’m a Florida State fan and I stand behind her after being accused of rape how can I let two little young girls cheer for this guy.please team Glazer don’t draft Winston.

  18. Louis Friend Says:

    It’s a shame that nobody will remember this pre-draft talk in a few years. Very possible neither of these guys will be successful in the NFL, or at least no more so than a scrub.

    Everyone falls in love with these guys just because of this trait or that ability, but each of them has a massive flaw in their game (or their head) that’s potentially lethal to both.

    I’m just thrilled that regardless of who they draft (and I don’t care) that the salary cap isn’t screwed forever. They get 2, possibly 3 years as starter, and unless they completely stink up the joint a good defense should hopefully improve us to ‘mediocre’ level. After 2-14, following 4-12, I’ll take mediocre.

  19. Howard Cosell Says:

    Joe is always smitten with QB love this time of year.

  20. Maze Says:

    Mike is losing his mojo

  21. CreamsicleBananaHammock Says:

    Interestingly enough, Mayock DOES NOT BELIEVE THEY HAVE THE SAME POTENTIAL. If he did, then he would be ranking them as 1a and 1b. He’s not doing that…he’s got Jameis ranked 1 and Mariota ranked 2.

    You take the best qb in this situation, period end of story.

  22. MariotaOrWinstonOrWalkdaPlank Says:

    I think Winston is obviously a more well-rounded prospect for right now. However, I believe that Mariota’s raw talent and athleticism give him a higher ceiling than Winston.

    As for the off-field stuff, well on one hand you have a guy who was accused of rape, but not charged, yelled FHRITP after said accusations, stole crab legs and soda, and something involving a BB-gun (I’m not even sure of all the fuss about that?). On the other hand you have a guy who was given a speed in ticket and……………well……

    I like both of these prospects. I think Winston will have a better rookie year, but Mariota will quickly catch up and reach his ceiling, which I believe to be higher than Winston’s.

    I just hope L&L pick ONE of these guys, as both would be HUGE improvements.

  23. iamkingsu Says:

    guru??? He’s a friggin joke! I hate BSPN as much as you do but Kiper/mcshay are 10 times better than him. You are where i was in 2009 when i was searching for alternative other than anyone from the 4 letter network. So i became a fan of his. He has great mayock-isms but that’s it because his misses on players are ridiculous. You don’t know but he was big Leonard Johnson fan coming out of Iowa State lolol. That should be enough for you

  24. JosieH Says:

    Because it’s true

  25. lurker Says:

    We need Mariota. Guarantee if the Saints had the #1 pick they would select Marcus. He beat Winston head on and is not a criminal.

  26. Tampabaybucfan Says:


    My thoughts exactly…..I think it is hard to say that a 21 year old is close to his ceiling…..but I think Winston is much closer to his than Mariota…..
    Mariota is more athletic and I believe he can be extraordinary given some time/coaching.

    Most of the mocks have us picking Winston because he might be the better “win-now” choice….and they think at 2-14…Lovie must win now.
    I believe the Glazers will give Lovie time and have let him know if his QB choice is a project….That’s OK.

  27. getaclue Says:

    Some if you are smoking crack, Winston is the pick and if it’s not it will haaunt us for 15 years. You really want to see his character on YouTube of the multiple videos of him working and speaking to youth or him I spring his team on the sideline or locker room. Some of you are as dumb af I swear.

  28. Clint Says:

    Mariota had a lukewarm pro day by all accounts. Just further cements that the Bucs pick will be Jameis, it isn’t that close and it hasn’t been. Lay off Joe for reporting facts.

  29. Jim Says:

    Assess the tape, the combine, the pro days, and the interviews and then draft the QB that you evaluate as best. None of us have the info that Team Glazers has so our opinions really don’t mean sh&t.

  30. TampaBayBaker Says:

    I’m losing respect for Joe(s) by the day. Joe(s) over the top bias for the drafting of a certain criminal person who commits crimes, has caused Joe(s) to intentionally twist the words of a guy whom Joe(s) supposedly loves the work of. LMAO ……..I think I’m done here. I’ll see you on twitter Joe(s).

    See ya. Joe didn’t twist any words. They’re all here. –Joe

  31. Keepitreal Says:

    What a joke. Mariota has no deep touch. He’s a good guy, that’s true, but this is football!! He is so soft spoken. I can’t imagine this guy in Seattle barking out plays or getting in somebody’s grill if they are slaking. No problem with winston. He will lead.

  32. tval Says:

    @the real buc, someone will fill your seats who isnt a blithering idiot..mariota disappeared on pro day..its over guys..and chip is targeting hundley? Lol!! Winston is the best prospect since aaron rodgers..luck isnt even as good

  33. FloridaGirl Says:

    Flash back to what Lovie said after living in the basement in CHItown for two years….he wants an offense that can sore 17 points, defense does the rest. This year and last years FA period reinforces his approach so it’s clear the vision is a QB that can manage 20PPG. Dont need a rockstar for that one. Smoke/Mirrors, whatever. Fix the shot sandwich.

  34. Keepitreal Says:

    Smokescreen for what!!!!! We have top pick!

  35. Erik with CleanAthletics.com Says:

    Don’t get it twisted #WinstonWhackos, Mayock’s credibility is 100% intact. And I agree with him that we should pick Mariota. It would be very unwise to do otherwise.

  36. LargoBuc Says:

    Ugh. April 30th cant get here soon enough. NFL draft and Lightning playoffs!

  37. jh Says:

    @passthebuc I agree with you 100%. The biased coverage is become hard to stomach. If this wasn’t the best place for breaking bucs news I’d probably never go anywhere but bucnation.

  38. tmaxcon Says:

    Funny how Mariota has bad day and Joe gets crap. I’ll say it again if you’re nervous for a scripted pro day in a controlled environment that’s not the guy I want leading my team on the road Sunday afternoon. Especially when he wrote script.

    Lovie needs Winston! Get used to Winston to Evans next 10 years

  39. Mr. T Says:

    Absolutely Joe is biased. Joe writes about what Joe finds interesting. Joe watched Mariota’s Pro Day and Twittered live from it, and Joe will write more about it. It’s not like it was very exciting. Heck, Lovie Smith didn’t even want to watch in the flesh.–Joe

    Clearly one of the L&L boys had to be here during the signing of these FA acquisitions, it doesn’t mean he didn’t want to be there watching his Pro day as you stated unless you personally heard him say that which I doubt.

  40. Erik with CleanAthletics.com Says:

    Lovie dreams of having a super athletic/mobile QB that can also make all the throws and that, my friends, is Mariota.

  41. Keepitreal Says:

    Eric… Mayock has Winston #1. Sorry!!!!

  42. P'cola Buc Says:

    Could Mike Mayock have crossed the boundary of being an objective evaluator of talent to becoming a bias, and shameless endorser of an individual he admits having “some of the same friends” with (Mariota)? Mariota, who seems to have a wonderful character, didn’t help much when his introverted personality initiated little of the conversation. Mayock asked (led) Mariota to speak if he felt taking the ball from center is too overly emphasized. He then led Mariota by asking him if he knew the percentage of times Drew Brees threw from the shot gun recently…Mariota stated he thought it was something like 85-90%. These were several issues that Mayock obviously wanted the national audience to hear. Then came the outright plea from Mayock, if you find Mariota’s on field talent is in the same ballpark with any other quarterback you must take Mariota. The cleaner one off the field. I don’t know but it seemed that his expressions included a little too much “spin”. I love and admire Mayock, I was kinda surprised how he handled this interview.

  43. Keepitreal Says:

    For Mayock to say Mariotas pro day was solid says it all… Are you kidding me!

  44. tmaxcon Says:


    You clearly did not watch your boy struggle today. On top of that he was nervous. Just does not have IT. He is much greater risk than Jameis. Get used to it.

  45. WS99 Says:

    I think mayock is just suffering from a case of the chip Kelly’s. Lol jk couldn’t help myself. The real question is what are the players saying about the two prospects?

    kurt Warner was trying his best to NOT correct mayock at the combine during qb drills. I’m not sure that mayock knows what he’s talking about he just knows he has to keep talking to stay employeed.

  46. iamkingsu Says:

    Winston is closer to his ceiling???? He played baseball his whole life which took away from his football off-season. Do you all think before you post??

  47. Clint Says:

    Can’t believe people are getting on Joe for wanting his favorite team; a team he has a business interest in due to this site and other ventures, to draft the generational talent. Don’t people understand I could care less about Tampa bat football but they now have a chance to bring in a guy who makes me want to spend the dollars on the merchandise, watch their games, he will have them leading off Sportscenter again, and NFL Network. He means relevance. Shame on Joe for wanting not only what’s best for business but what’s best for the future of his favorite team I guess

  48. Keepitreal Says:

    Huntley moves into #2 after Winston. Mariota will slide.

  49. Tampabaybucfan Says:

    It’s quite obvious why Lovie stayed in Tampa….every single last signing has connections to Lovie….
    Also…Lovie is probably doing the cuts…..

  50. iamkingsu Says:

    That’s hilarious because that’s what I’ve been trying to drill into these people heads all day on here. Mayock is a joke he’s just good for tv!

  51. the real Buck Bruce Says:

    @tvil, I bet you do not have any daughters.if you did you would not let them go to the game and cheer for an accused rapist.

  52. Dreambig Says:

    Who is Mayock and why is he remotely relevant to anything? Hie opinion is as relevant as mine. He is just a talking head on TV

  53. Keepitreal Says:

    Watch Chip Kelly pass on Mariota at 20.

  54. iamkingsu Says:

    I’m sick of Arguing this Mariota is a bumb at qb I saw him play live. He was just the best athlete on the field playing in a unreal offense. No matter who the oregon qb is they don’t throw more than 9 interceptions in a season. Stop looking at the stats

  55. 87ForJameisNOMariota Says:

    I’m getting a free Winston jersey.

    The debate is OVER!

  56. WS99 Says:

    The real buc Bruce

    Would you take her to see Greg Hardy, ap or manning. All of which are guilt of domestic violence, child abuse and sexual assualt respectively. What say you?

  57. MarshallU Says:

    That’s the smartest thing that Mayock has said in a while. Best choice is obviously Mariota by far

  58. 87ForJameisNOMariota Says:

    the real Buck Bruce…I’m buying my daughter a Winston jersey for her birthday this summer.

    Erik is buying mine.

  59. 87ForJameisNOMariota Says:

    Why do so many of you misconstrue what Mayock said.

    He didn’t say Mariota was the better of the two did he? Nope.

  60. Tampabaybucfan Says:

    I really no longer have a problem with Joe’s bias….I’ve become immuned….and now am amused by the skill that Joe artfully orchestrates his thoughts.

    The Bucs are in a fantastic position to choose & justify their choice of either QB.

    They will be positive about the choice….not negative about the one not chosen.

    Winston>>>>Fantastic talent….NFL ready….great person
    Mariota>>>>>Fantastic talent….high ceiling….tremendous athelete….great person

    And….in the end, if it is Mariota….Joe will agree….with either…and, hopefully, so will we!!!

  61. WS99 Says:


    The more I see the kid the more he reminds me of Leon sandcastle.

  62. Off Topic Says:

    I’d like to think Winston is no where near his ceiling. He’s never even had a full football offseason. Nobody is perfect, Mariota is just as capable of screwing up off the field as Winston. What?! You think since it hasn’t happend yet that it’s impossible? Certainly not.

  63. 87ForJameisNOMariota Says:

    lol 99

  64. Keepitreal Says:

    He has Winston #1 and he hates him! Winston, Hundley, Mariota.

  65. MTM Says:

    Mariota had a bad pro day? Who gives a sh*t! Watch 3 yrs of his game tape.

  66. 87ForJameisNOMariota Says:

    27 out of 28 mock drafts have the Bucs taking Winston.

    I’ll bet with the odds. You guys can sit around and dilly dally and still think Mariota has a shot…

  67. tmaxcon Says:

    I have 2 young ladies who work for me that are ready for Winston Jerseys and one is a gator. All morons acting like he is a monster or predeetor have zero evidence to back it up. Accept it… Winston is the victim of a money grab that backfired because she couldn’t keep her lies consistent.

    I hope you and your daughters are never falsely accused of a crime.

  68. Keepitreal Says:

    I’ve watched most of Mariotas games …. 6 yard screen pass to wide open receivers… Enough already

  69. MTM Says:

    Winston hasn’t even come close to his criminal ceiling. Too soon.

  70. WS99 Says:

    Sbnation is hot garbage. Sander needs to write about futbol cuz he don’t know chit about football. The only one that has a clue over there is huckie Duckie. And lets not even talk about the commenters. If you spent anytime there around this time last year you’d know that mccown is better than Glennon and MJ is a premier pass rusher who is better than peppers and Jared Allen combined. What a joke. Please go back to SB. The difference here is joe works for himself (I think) and joe has actually played football. Fckn jokers at SB. Gtfoh

  71. grafikdetail Says:

    But Maycock still has Winston as his #1 QB right now ???

  72. Babaloo Says:

    I agree. We all need the Pablo

  73. mikeh Says:


  74. iamkingsu Says:

    I saw him play live. Helluva athlete but that’s about it. He will be trash without that system

  75. iamkingsu Says:

    Winston is the best thing since shoestrings!! I’m not arguing about it anymore. He’s way better than Luck!

  76. Keepitreal Says:

    Finally you came to reason

  77. WS99 Says:

    I would take Marriota a year just to get used to of the heat.

  78. WS99 Says:

    You see what happened to Tedford.

  79. Skyline Crew Says:

    The ones saying Mariota will not go in the 1st round you have no credibility. He doesn’t get out of the top 5. Skins even said if he was there they would take him. I think Jax makes a trade though if Mariota is there. Won’t matter though because we should be taking #1.

  80. 87ForJameisNOMariota Says:

    From Twitter on Mariota’s pro day :

    “Mariota looks too mechanical IMO” – Damien Woody

    Mike Mayock on Marcus Mariota’s Pro Day: “I thought it started a little rough and I thought he was a little nervous.”

    Mayock on Mariota’s Pro Day: “At best it was just a solid workout.”

    Charley Casserly after Mariota pro day: “Not a sure thing. If you’re going to take him, you’ve got to hold your breath.”

    “Underwhelming workout for Mariota. Underthrew some long balls. Ball placement issues on some shorter throws.Yeah, we’re overanalyzing.” #nyj – Rich Cimini

    “If #Titans felt same way about Marcus Mariota’s PD as a lot of onlookers did, they can’t take him at 2. I don’t care how nice a guy he is” Jim Wyatt

    “Interesting. @MoveTheSticks says good thing Marcus Mariota threw at the Combine, which was far better than his pro day. Rarely hear that.” – Ian Rapoport

  81. Babaloo Says:

    Here is a haiku for you

    Won’t give up baseball
    Bucs flushing money away
    Dead arms don’t throw well

  82. lurker Says:

    Anyone who thinks we are taking Winston is a fool

  83. 87ForJameisNOMariota Says:

    Skyline Crew…don’t know who said it on NFL Network but they were discussing that Mariota could go in the top 5 or all the way to 20 or further….

    Could be an Aaron Rodgers type of thing….

  84. Tampabaybucfan Says:

    87ForJameisNOMariota Says:
    March 12th, 2015 at 12:45 pm
    Oh yes let’s keep debating about Winston when it should be clear to all that he’s going to be the pick by now. Well not all…so keep it up the rest of you.
    It gives you something to do all day.
    I’m staying out of the fray as much as possible. There’s no need to banter on anymore about a guy that’s GOING to be the pick.
    I’ll just sit by as much as possible and wait until draft day

    87….Admit that you just can’t control yourself & I’ll stop reminding you of that…

  85. WS99 Says:


    Yet at the combine they were like well at least he has his pro day. Now with all fairness Bridgewater had an awful PD but he won the most games from his class. It’s all a crap shoot.

  86. P'cola Buc Says:


    Correct, no matter how hard Mayock tried to push his boy Mariota over Winston throughout the interview he actually hmmm and haaaaad and responded “well, yes I still have Winston as my number one quarterback”.

  87. 87ForJameisNOMariota Says:

    lurker Says:
    March 12th, 2015 at 8:33 pm

    “Anyone who thinks we are taking Winston is a fool”

    The only childish fool is you and your impersonation of another poster.

    Let see who’s the most childish poster on this site? hmmmm

    There are quite a few, but the most childish one.

    I’ve narrowed it down to two posters now.

  88. tmaxcon Says:

    Anyone who thinks Lovie does not need Winston to save his arse is out of touch. Lovie needs Winston to save his career period. 2 – 14 removed any good will or time he may have had. Not to mention every decision he made last year failed. Winston to Evans…love it

  89. iamkingsu Says:

    You better put when Mayock said “i thought you ripped it” to Mariotas face immediately after the pro day in his interview with mariota so we can disqualify anything Mayock says in the future

  90. 87ForJameisNOMariota Says:

    TBBF…I’m not debating Winston..I’m talking about your boy from now on.

  91. mikeh Says:

    who cares! who has witch QB first they are not making the pick! and saying not picking Winston will set them back for years is high! he is a kid and all this talk is just everybodys opinion none of us know! they can both suck! and don’t put it past idiot lovie to take Williams. so WHATEVER!

  92. BuccaneerBonzai Says:

    “Joe has a problem with the whole premise.”

    Where exactly is the issue? He said IF they are essentially the same on field, then you go with the cleaner one.

    I don’t see where you disagree with him. You claim they are NOT the same, so therefore it isn’t an issue, right?

    Mayock never said the WERE the same…he said IF they are the same. If they are equally good.

    If you have two top notch prospects that are equally good, then you way the other things into the decision…such as off field issues.

    That’s no different then choosing a healthy player over an injury prone player.

  93. SuperSam Says:

    No way in hell Lovie takes Winston, aint happening.

  94. Tampabaybucfan Says:

    87ForJameisNOMariota Says:
    March 12th, 2015 at 8:18 pm
    27 out of 28 mock drafts have the Bucs taking Winston.

    Perhaps they saw Lovie & Licht bring in McCown…..Collins, Johnson, Cousins….let Zuttah & Penn go….

    Perhaps the mockers agree with many Buc fans that Lovie & Licht don’t know talent….so they think they will pick Winston….

  95. iamkingsu Says:


    Teddy B had tape to fall back on because he played in a pro style offense. We can’t say the same for Mariota. We don’t have to be fair here just honest

  96. tmaxcon Says:

    Supersam he has no choice. You’ll get used to it

  97. BuccaneerBonzai Says:

    iamkingsu Says
    You better put when Mayock said “i thought you ripped it” to Mariotas face…”

    Do this…show me one NFL quarterback that completes 60 of 65 passes in a game and then we’ll talk.

  98. 87ForJameisNOMariota Says:

    TBBF…that’s not up for debate.

  99. MariotaOrWinstonOrWalkdaPlank Says:

    So suddenly the people who said earlier today that pro days don’t matter are now jumping on the criticism of Mariota’s pro day?


  100. Tampabaybucfan Says:


    Just made my point…he thinks Lovie is an idiot….therefore….the Mocks all have Lovie picking Winston……

  101. Chef Paul Says:

    The real question is, How big was Licht’s smile when talking to Mariota?

    Was it bigger than when he was talking to Winston? And did he look smitten?

  102. WS99 Says:

    All I know is this. If we’re trailing by ten in the fourth I want Winston or mg8 in the game. Simple as that.

  103. Clint Says:

    I mean guys…. They’re going to take Winston

  104. 87ForJameisNOMariota Says:

    Bonzai…I have no problem with what Mayock said. If they both are equal on the field then you have to go with Mariota.

    Although I don’t think that’s the case at all.

  105. iamkingsu Says:


    What the hell?? Lmao

    Did you see one defender out there?? No fuggin way you’re being serious lmao

  106. 87ForJameisNOMariota Says:

    TBBF….word of advice.

    Don’t cite mikeh anymore.

  107. Tampabaybucfan Says:


    I’m not buying that…..not debating Winston….just debating Mariota…..the debate is between the two….so…same thing.

    If you will admit you just can’t help yourself…..I’ll stop pointing out that you just can’t help yourself….

  108. tmaxcon Says:

    It’s not giving the pro day credit. Pro day is irrelevant at this point if the teams do know by now it’s to late. it’s correcting the ones who are in denial and dispute that Mariota is a huge risk. Also, Mariota being so nervous at a scripted event is concerning. sorry actually that’s ridiculous at this level . By the way, He wrote the script.

  109. iamkingsu Says:

    Mane do you’ll have Twitter handles?? If so let me know them because I need a ‘favorite’ button to hold you’ll feet to the fire because this s(h)it you’ll say is utterly rediculous

  110. 87ForJameisNOMariota Says:

    TBBF…okay well it will lean more towards your boy from now on then. Like an 80-20 mix.

  111. Clint Says:


    You are flat wrong. I for one know that Winston can play and will be a franchise changing talent. I said it with Cam Newton, watched every one of his Auburn games, and said he would be a superstar in the NFL; heard all these same stupid comments. He’s a superstar. Winston will be even better, we are talking Big Ben type numbers

  112. iamkingsu Says:


  113. MariotaOrWinstonOrWalkdaPlank Says:

    Haha so what’s next? INT’s don’t matter, but oh wait, if Mariota is throwing them it’s a big deal?

    My biggest takeaway from the pro day was that he was taking snaps from under center and making non “gimmick offense” throws. As stated before, Winston is better in the pro-style, but I believe Mariota could be just as good down the road, only more athletic.

  114. Keepitreal Says:

    Did any of you really watch his PD?? He was fair at best. He missed and missed bad on most deep balls. He is not even the second best in this draft…

  115. The "Original" BuccaneerBonzai Says:

    iamkingsu Says

    What the hell?? Lmao

    Did you see one defender out there?? No fuggin way you’re being serious lmao”

    I was just illustrating how silly it is to say Mariota sucks because he didn’t complete 5 of 65 passes at his pro day.

    Be honest. He could have completed all of his passes and you still would have hated on him.

    At least I gave Winston props for the Combine stuff and his interviews, and his marketing push.

  116. The "Original" BuccaneerBonzai Says:

    He missed 5 passes. 4 of which were deep balls. But…he also completed 4 deep passes.

  117. iamkingsu Says:

    This man said he completed 60 out of 65 throws today. Who tf cares???? Lmao

  118. WS99 Says:

    Watching the of now the kid still doesn’t plant his back football. According to several SB qbs that’s important. Prob why he not throwing deep balls well.

  119. 87ForJameisNOMariota Says:

    TBBF..if you noticed I have tapered off attacking people that attack Winston’s off the field crap. I can’t be bothered anymore with that crap when he’s going to be the pick. There’s no need for it anymore and I won’t be baited by someone either.

    I’m with Joe. I don’t like spread QB’s. I don’t like scrambling QB’s. That won’t change anytime soon.

    How many times did our Bucs play a scrambling QB and you yelled at the TV for someone on D to take him out? For me many, many, many times.

  120. BuccaneerBonzai Says:

    Let me just say something. I DID predict Winston would be the pick weeks ago.

    It isn’t the pick I want, but I did say it would be Winston. I can link it if needed.

  121. Couch Fan Says:

    If Mayock truely thought that the 2 QBs are close then how come he refused to say that Mariota should be the pick?

    According to his statement “If they are anywhere in the same ballpark you take the one whos clean.”

    So then when it was asked “Then the Bucs should draft Mariota?” He refused to say yes. Hmm… He also said Winston is #1 on his board. The man is clearly bias and contradicting the hell out of himself to lift up Mariota. Lol

  122. Keepitreal Says:

    50% on deep balls with no one covering… That’s great!! This guy can’t even lead his own pd.. Lol

  123. BuccaneerBonzai Says:


    Clearly you do, seeing as how you cannot stop commenting on it.

  124. iamkingsu Says:


    You don’t look at completions in a pro day because it’s no defenders. You look at the receivers and say did he have to break stride when he caught it? Have to turn around? Reach down?? Etc.

  125. BuccaneerBonzai Says:


    Here’s an idea…let’s see how many Winston completes going deep at his pro day.

  126. BuccaneerBonzai Says:


    Wait. You don’t look at completions at a pro day? But you can look at incompletions?

    Quite the double standard.

  127. Keepitreal Says:

    He threw 2 that weren’t within 5 yards

  128. Chef Paul Says:

    IIRC, Johnny completed ALL his pro day throws.

  129. 87ForJameisNOMariota Says:

    rolling my eyes at this whole discussion right now…

  130. BuccaneerBonzai Says:

    Yes he did, Keepitreal.

  131. Tampabaybucfan Says:

    @87 & All

    So we can all agree….Lovie is no longer an idiot and does know talent because he is certain to pick Winston…….

  132. LUVMYBUCS Says:

    *Potential to push the middle of the Line (Value Play)

    (WR) Steve Johnson (Age 28.104)
    • Height: 6-2 || Weight: 210 lbs.
    • (Career) – Receptions: 336 || Yards: 4267 || TD’s : 31

  133. Keepitreal Says:

    bonzii… I’ll take that bet all day long!!!!!

  134. salish_seamonster Says:

    Off topic, but I haven’t heard that Goldson has been released yet… WTF? Perhaps the 3rd day rule doesn’t apply to any more guarantees for him. I guess if there is no financial impact to keeping him around past today, I guess they’ll hang onto him for awhile to see if they can maybe trade him for a 7th round pick.

  135. LUVMYBUCS Says:

    *Potential to push the middle of the Line Up (Value Play)

  136. 87ForJameisNOMariota Says:

    TBBF…no we can’t agree…because I don’t think Lovie’s going to have the call on the pick….

    Remember I’m in the “Glazers will make the pick” club.

  137. Chef Paul Says:

    Nope wrong. Sorry. 61-64 for manziel. But he defenders… Brooms!

  138. Stpetebucsfan Says:

    Mayock would never be caught saying such a thing about a 4-3 edge rusher versus a 3-4 edge rusher/linebacker, so why is he saying it about Winston and Mariota?

    R U freaking serious. This debate is getting paranoid. OF COURSE HE WOULD.
    Do you suppose if somebody was considering Lawrence Phillips against another guard Mayock or any analyst would have pointed out Philips off field issues. If Rich Incognito was being compared to another guard would somebody mention that comparison? We’re all already doing that with FA’s like Hardy or AP.

    I think the Bucs better sign one of them ASAP. This debate is not doing either player or either group of fans OR the Bucs any good at this point.

    TBBF nails the nub of Joe and the Winstonites who fall into two groups.

    Now, certainly many Winston supporters are convinced that there is a large enough difference so that you should overlook the off-field issue…..or they don’t feel that the off-field issue is an issue…

    That’s it in a nutshell. I have no problem with that first group, they are at least honest, and while I disagree with their take based on talent, I certainly accept their point and can easily concede they could be correct. There are many valid points to made for taking Fameis.

    But the second group are simply delusional. If it wasn’t an issue it wouldn’t be an issue then would it…as in it wouldn’t be on EVERY blog, in every sports mag, the talk on every cable sports or radio talk show.

    It IS an issue whether you acknowledge it or not. It might not be an issue for you but that doesn’t mean it’s not an issue. It’s being discussed all around the NFL and it IS THE ISSUE!!!!

    Winstonites can’t seem to be consistent. First they say if it wasn’t for the off field stuff Fameis would be a slam dunk or the only reason people like Mariota is because he’s Mr Clean not because of his football skill.

    You are calling it an ISSUE, admitting it with those statements.

    Again the debate is not about Fameis guilt or innocence. It’s about whether his repeated lack of judgement will show up again when he turns pro. THAT is the issue. He DID all of those things except for the rape…in FACT not the words of some hater.

    I’m OK with drafting Fameis. But I’m still concerned about his arrogance and lack of respect for others. I’m not suggesting he never get another chance. I’m simply stating some of you Winstonites including Joe need to get your heads out of the sand…or wherever you have them buried.

  139. Stpetebucsfan Says:

    typo Incognito is obviously the guard…Phillips WAS a running back.

  140. WS99 Says:


    Hell no

  141. Tampabaybucfan Says:

    And…I should add that Mike Evans would have caught all of Mariota’s passes today and Vjax would have dropped some….

  142. WS99 Says:


    Yes. Wanted him last year.

  143. LUVMYBUCS Says:

    *Potential to push the middle of the Line Up #2(Value Play)

    (WR)Dwayne Bowe (Age 30.172)
    • Height: 6-2 || Weight: 221 lbs.
    • (Career) – Receptions: 532 || Yards: 7155 || TD’s : 44

  144. Keepitreal Says:

    Ok let’s be serious… Can you really see Mariota barking out calls in a hostil environment, or getting in someone’s face that isn’t pulling their weight!! NO WAY!!! He’s a great guy….. Terrible leader. He didn’t even lead his own PD. He is so sweet I’m getting a cavity.

  145. iamkingsu Says:


    They expect you to complete all of your throws because its no defenders covering the receivers. They look for underthrows if the receivers have to slow down and wait on the pass that’s an underthrow. That what Daniel Jeremiah was critiquing throughout his pro day. He wasn’t being negative he was just saying what he saw

  146. Tampabaybucfan Says:


    Aw….c’mon……give Lovie credit for learning from his mistakes…..now he knows talent……picking Winston instead of Mariota is evidence of his new-found brilliance!!!

  147. Dewey Selmon Says:

    They are not neck and neck. Jameis Winston can sling the ball all over the field, he is a alpha male that teammates gravitite and rally around. Off the field I believe he is a 21 y/o that is maturing and realizes he has made mistakes and the spotlight is on him. He is making attempts to better his reputation and he really wants to play in Tampa. Marino threw 23 ints during his junior and senior year. Winston will struggle at first, but Lovie is building a defense to keep games close and give the offense a chance to win.

  148. iamkingsu Says:

    @st Pete

    Mane nobody wants to read all them essays and term papers on here you type every post. You’re a respected poster but try and keep it short

  149. Waterboy Says:

    I actually agree with Mayock on that but I just don’t think the talent level is equal. I don’t think think Mariota is even in the same ballpark with Winston when it comes to talent at the QB position. Mariota is more athletic than Winston but speed doesn’t matter as much at that position as other intangibles.

  150. the real Buck Bruce Says:

    maybe I’ll wear a Jameis Winston mask and rape you at 87 and ws 99.and no I don’t really mind other players being charged for crazy s*** specially defensive players are not the face of the franchise.

  151. jfat Says:

    Doubt much weight was put in to the actual throwing. Imagine a lot of teams learned that lesson after moving Teddy B down the board with his poor pro-day. He missed a few throws I take it? Did he talk to the group before he threw a la Manziel? If so, how’d he come across? I haven’t had a chance to watch it yet.

  152. MariotaOrWinstonOrWalkdaPlank Says:


    If it wasn’t an issue then we wouldn’t be having these debates.

    If Winston never gets accused of rape, never hollers FHRITP after being accused of rape, steals crab legs or soda, and shoots squirrels with BB guns, then he goes No.1 overall. Period.

  153. Tampabaybucfan Says:


    Maybe you’re right……Glazers to Lovie “Lovie, you stay home…you can hire all your buddies from Dallas & Chicago….but Licht, Koetter & Bajakian can go to Oregon…because they will be the ones making the choice”

  154. the real Buck Bruce Says:

    anybody accused of rape can kiss offo I’d rather go 0and16 the win the Superbowl with anybody accused of something like that

  155. Keepitreal Says:

    Bruce…. Didn’t know you swung both ways. Not my thing… Sorry.

  156. Tampabaybucfan Says:

    Mayock instead of saying “You’ve got to take the Cleaner One”…..probably wanted to say….”Take the one who looks best in the shower”…..

  157. LUVMYBUCS Says:


    Got Luv for the kid his a competitor. Similar to Vincent Jackson when it comes to drop rate–But the kid can play. IMO we need at least one more veteran productive (WO) to push the middle of the line up.

    Note: He played in a Chan Gailey system– that has a lot of Zampese/Coryell type of terminology.

  158. LUVMYBUCS Says:

    Got Luv for the kid he’ a competitor.

  159. 87ForJameisNOMariota Says:

    the real Buck Bruce beats his kids….doesn’t matter if he did. I’m saying he did and I saw it. He needs to be arrested and taken to jail.

    You guys believe me right, wait until I get a hold of the media about this guy.

    TBBF…that was a baiting…it was tough.

  160. iamkingsu Says:


    Where did you grow up?? Have you ever been in the real world?? Anyone can accuse anyone of doing anything under the sun but that doesn’t make it true!

  161. iamkingsu Says:


    You need a ‘favorite’ button on here. The stuff I see on here maaaane! Lol

  162. 87ForJameisNOMariota Says:

    I’m accusing the real Buck Bruce of beating his kids.

    How can anyone blog with this guy that’s “accused” of child abuse?

  163. MariotaOrWinstonOrWalkdaPlank Says:

    “Can you really see Mariota barking out calls in a hostil environment, or getting in someone’s face that isn’t pulling their weight!! NO WAY!!”

    Hmmm….don’t think I’ve ever seen Russell Wilson get in someone’s face. He’s a poster boy for niceness and has made the playoffs every single year he’s been in the league, including two Super Bowl appearances, and one win.

    And guess what offense he runs? Hint: Not the one Winston runs.

  164. 87ForJameisNOMariota Says:

    MariotaOrWinstonOrWalkdaPlank…I’ve seen Brady get into WR’s and O-lineman’s faces…

  165. Keepitreal Says:

    Wilson isn’t a mute!!

  166. ndog Says:

    You people still wanting the second best QB in this draft are just sad. Jameis is clearly the best QB, you guys getting all excited about the better athlete is just funny. QBs are not the best athletes in the NFL they are the best passers why don’t you get that. Plus this guy is really hard to root for he is like a little mouse with the microphone, I cant stand listening to his weak ass scripted answers.

  167. LUVMYBUCS Says:

    (WR) Stevie Johnson (Highlights) ᴴᴰ

  168. 87ForJameisNOMariota Says:

    I guess it just depends how much fire you have in your gut for the game…and Mariota to me is lacking in that dept.

  169. Stpetebucsfan Says:


    You perhaps missed some of the posts earlier with links to Scott Frost pointing out that Mariota is such a competitor that he actually had to be pulled off a fight in a particularly testy practice.

    If you watched the NC game you saw when the OSU player planted Mariota that his OL immediately jumped in to defend him.

    Gawd some of you are Neanderthals. Having a loud mouth does not make you an alpha male or a leader. Not saying it disqualifies either. Being a nice guy does not disqualify you as an alpha male.

    CAn you say Warrick Dunn, Derrick Brooks, GMC, Levonte. Are these class acts, one of them even helps up competitors are not Alpha males?

  170. Keepitreal Says:

    I think when he is a bust he would make a fine monk.

  171. iamkingsu Says:

    He did?? I’m bout to call the police on Bruce right now because that’s unacceptable

  172. MariotaOrWinstonOrWalkdaPlank Says:


    That’s because Brady is a bitch.

  173. Barry Bryan Joel all agree Says:

    Winston is under house arrest. Ordered off social media. FSU didn’t want him back because if upcoming civil rape trial. Cleaner? You bet your sweet crab cakes Mariota is the clean one. Tell what team trying to move, make a deal to get Crab boy. I’m waiting. Queue the crickets. I’m reading about several teams interested in Mariota. You do to. Again, Bryan and the boys not in Winston’s corner. Joe you know this, don’t you?

  174. Tampabaybucfan Says:

    OK….so now we have a consensus…..Lovie/Licht/Glazers…..now know talent….are now great evaluators of talent and will demonstrate that with their choice of QB.

  175. 87ForJameisNOMariota Says:

    MariotaOrWinstonOrWalkdaPlank …yes but like I said. I guess it depends on the QB. I don’t knock Mariota for his niceness. That would be silly.

  176. 87ForJameisNOMariota Says:

    How many of you just skip over Barry’s posts?

  177. Keepitreal Says:

    They no Winston will be the bucs pick… You really believe the teams saying they want Mariota.. Chip will pass at 20.

  178. Barry Bryan Joel all agree Says:

    Can you imagine Bucs choosing L.Williams and start MG8? Haha.

  179. iamkingsu Says:


    Im from the streets and you can’t be put under arrest for anything civil. I didn’t believe any part of your post but I’m just trying to help you out to convince others who may not know

  180. MariotaOrWinstonOrWalkdaPlank Says:


    You don’t but as you can see other people do. If that’s the case why don’t we just kick GMC off the team right now? Helping up opposing players? Pfff guy’s too nice he could never be a leader right?

  181. 87ForJameisNOMariota Says:

    Keepitreal Says:
    March 12th, 2015 at 9:32 pm

    “They no Winston will be the bucs pick… You really believe the teams saying they want Mariota.. Chip will pass at 20.”

    I don’t think he will fall out of the top 10, but if he falls to 20 and Chip skips.

    That would be the talk of the draft. Also the talk of JBF for days.

  182. Stpetebucsfan Says:

    @iamking and lovers of shorter posts…this requires use of your scroll wheel.

    We haven’t played the race card yet tonight. Shall I open the gates.

    First I wish to state unequivocally that I’m not naive and I totally accept that a few or our posters have attacked Fameis using racially tinged words like “thug” and other words that reveal what they really mean.

    Now can anybody concede there just might be the possibility for a little reverse racism left over from some of the same old stupid stereotypes. Since Fameis is blacker he must be better? I’m not stating that just asking.

    A story to illustrate. When I covered Furman in the late 70′;s early 80’s the Paladin basketball team was good not great. One year the fans were all abuzz about about a recruit from Kingsport Tennessee who was rumored to be able to jump through the roof even though he was only 6-4. We couldn’t wait to see this Kangaroo when the Purple White game rolled around. It was literally our first look at Rodney Arnold. When the players took the court and we found his number the fans became incredibly subdued.

    Rodney Arnold was a skinny 6=4 WHITE guy and so everybody immediately wrote him off. He HAD to be black! Remember the movie White Guys Can’t Jump?

    Arnold shut us all up in the warmups when he did a 360 two handed slam. Yes dude was a leaper.

    Personally I believe race has next to nothing to do with this debate but I do concede that some have attacked Fameis with racist tones. I just wonder if some also look at Mariota as inferior because he’s not dark enough. Both views are of course absurd but that doesn’t mean some knuckleheads don’t hold them.

  183. LUVMYBUCS Says:

    (WR) Dwayne Bowe (Highlights)

  184. Keepitreal Says:

    It’s great that he is a good kid.. I’m all for it, but he doesn’t have the demeanor for NFL. He is too shy. Not a bad thing , just not what you look for in QB.

  185. ndog Says:

    You people still wanting the second best QB in this draft are just sad. Jameis is clearly the best QB, you guys getting all excited about the better athlete is just funny. QBs are not the best athletes in the NFL they are the best passers why don’t you get that. Plus this guy is really hard to root for he is like a little mouse with the microphone, I cant stand listening to his weak scripted answers.

  186. iamkingsu Says:


    I was just joking with you lolol. But I’m not about to read that long post with my name attached. Somebody read it for me and let me know if he said anything disrespectful

  187. 87ForJameisNOMariota Says:

    LOL I’ve called Jameis a thug….but in jest. No “hidden” meaning behind it.

    More like a gangsta meaning behind it…in jest.

  188. Posey99 Says:

    Welcome to Tampa FSU vs Florida rivalry. We really needed the devide among all 17 of the fans in the seats.

  189. Tampabaybucfan Says:


    “White Guys Can’t Jump”…..still might be true….Mariota (Hawaiian/Samoan)….jumped 8” higher than Winston & 1 foot broader……

    So….the saying still holds

  190. 87ForJameisNOMariota Says:

    iamkingsu LOL…no disrespect in the post.

  191. Tampabaybucfan Says:

    a violent person, especially a criminal.
    synonyms: ruffian, hooligan, vandal, hoodlum, gangster, villain, criminal;

    I fail to see any color mentioned……

  192. 87ForJameisNOMariota Says:

    TBBF…some people think thug is the new N word. I don’t know. Maybe I’m out of the loop or something…

  193. Keepitreal Says:

    I may disagree with a lot of you, but when they kick off the new year I’ll still buy you a beer.

  194. BuccaneerBonzai Says:

    St Pete, I don’t view “thug” as a racial word.

    In fact, that’s not what it means at all. It means a person with a focus toward violent crimes. Has nothing to do with skin color. A white guy, Jew, Latino or anyone can be a “thug”.

    Maybe rap music uses the term in a racial way (I honestly don’t know), but that doesn’t mean everyone else does.

    So, accusing people who call criminals “thugs” of being racists is out of line.

  195. BuccaneerBonzai Says:

    Well…Tampabaybucfan beat me to it.

  196. 87ForJameisNOMariota Says:

    Keepitreal….I’m buying season tickets IF the pick is Winston. So I’ll gladly drink your $8.00 beer if it’s at the game.

  197. Stpetebucsfan Says:


    Arnold broke another stereotype for us sadly. He may have been white but he was dumber than dirt. Fun to watch though.

    My final thought on racism. It’s certainly still with us and sadly at 67 I no longer believe it will disappear in my lifetime which saddens me a bit.

    But overall I have no doubt it will be gone not long after me. The reason? All you have to do is read about the historic levels of interracial, intercultural marriages.

    In another 30 years we’re simply going to have to many Hispanic/Anglo (sorry Pablo) black/white, black/hispanic Asian/white. The races and cultures are co mingling at historic rates and so pretty soon there won’t be enough differences for us to argue. Hope Pablo and Maria are ready for an Anglo or Black or Asian son in law.

  198. David Says:

    “the real Buck Bruce Says:
    March 12th, 2015 at 8:07 pm
    @tvil, I bet you do not have any daughters.if you did you would not let them go to the game and cheer for an accused rapist.”

    I have a daughter who is 3 years old now and means the world to me. I see yours mean alot to u as well. But are u going to teach your girls that just because someone is accused of something they are guilty. What’s gonna be ur response when Susie rotten crotch accuses ur daughter of stealing her boyfriend? Are u gonna say I can’t let you other sister or brother support you because SRC accused you? Lol. I know it’s a little like “what” but you get my drift.

  199. MariotaOrWinstonOrWalkdaPlank Says:

    Well, Mariota is Samoan, and that’s looked at as a disability according to Hunter S. Thompson. 🙂

  200. Tampabaybucfan Says:

    Most of the Samoans in the NFL have been fierce comptetiors……I guess since he is only half-Samoan…he isn’t as fierce.

  201. BuccaneerBonzai Says:

    I don’t personally view Winston as a thug. I’m honestly not sure how I view him as a human being.

    While I do believe a person should get second chances, I can’t help but wonder if I would feel the same if he victimized my own daughter (if I had one). As a father, I would certainly take the word of my own kid.

    Of course, neither of my kids engage in such behaviors and they avoid hanging out with instigators of trouble. Thankfully, both are aiming toward high paying jobs, clean lives and hopefully, each will have a private room for mom and dad in their house so I can stop paying rent and travel more 😉

  202. iamkingsu Says:

    @st Pete
    Seriously though, that works both ways in this argument. No one will give Winston is proper due as the next Great pocket passer. I’ll give you an example the Monday morning after the combine on my favorite radio show “Boomed & Carton”.

    Boomer Esiason didn’t watch the combine he just went threw the numbers and said I don’t know why everyone is talking about Winston shining at the combine Mariota clearly blew him away in every category if you look at the numbers. Like every black qb have to run fast and jumped the highest? We just can’t be pure pocket passers like Mannings and Brady’s??

  203. Stpetebucsfan Says:


    Agree that “thug” has replaced the N word for some. Certainly agree that it’s inappropriate when used for Jameis transgressions and probably indicates some racial component.

    Now 87 IF the worst thing happens and we pick Marcus are you still not going to buy season tickets? What if we trade down?

  204. 87ForJameisNOMariota Says:

    SPBF…and as the 50’s and 60’s generation dies off it will diminish. I don;t know if it will completely go away though. What with TV channels like BET and such trying to cater to a certain race therefore segregating our population. BET is just an example…I could name a lot more instances.

    We could also do without the 10 black done wrong movies a year Hollywood pumps out to drum up the past and how badly they were treated. I don’t think there’s a need for it anymore. Hollywood thinks so.

    I don’t ever see the country coming together when people are lumped into groups, classes and race instead of just being called an american.

  205. Stpetebucsfan Says:


    Agree with your observation. Racism and bigotry of all forms generally shows one’s ignorance.

    One comparison that was made of Fameis was to Roethlisberger. I like that comparison in terms of style. Fameis moves well enough, not like MM, but certainly better than average and like Roethlisberger is physical enough to extend plays. There we go comparing a black QB to a white QB. BTW I have higher hopes for Fameis than Cam Newton the other guy he gets compared to a lot.

  206. 87ForJameisNOMariota Says:

    SPBF…it will be a wait and see for me about the tickets then.

    Remember is what I dreamed of in 2013 before he was even in the discussion.
    I will buy tickets to see that dream become reality.

  207. mikeh Says:

    shut your pie hole 87 we all know your in love with this guy. give it a break! you better hope your boy can carry the bucs. because if that is IF! THEY TAKE HIM and he stinks the place up you will never hear the end of it.

  208. iamkingsu Says:

    You can give the Webster’s definition of any word you want to. It’s all about the intent of the word when you use it. I can tell the difference

  209. Tampabaybucfan Says:

    Speaking for Pablo

    “Talking race….How do you think Pablo feels……Pablos Bucs only have Evan Rodriguez (FB)….bet most of you didn’t even know he was on the roster…..and today the Bucs signed Javorski Lane (FB)….so Evan with his no-guarantee contract will probably be cut.
    Now all of you Buc fans have Black, White and maybe Hawaiian/Samoan…you have pollocks, micks, italians to root for and poor Pablo is left out”

  210. 87ForJameisNOMariota Says:

    mikeh on the other hand won’t buy any tickets…

    mikeh…if I saved 1/2 of the trash you post about Winston, I could make you eat your words by midseason. BTW Mike I don’t think he will do much his first season.

  211. BuccaneerBonzai Says:

    St Pete

    In regard to racism, here’s an interesting story. After spending over 30 years living in Tampa, and only leaving Florida on short trips, my wife and I decided to move to Virginia years ago.

    Up until that point, I thought racism was nearly a thing of the past, because, in those days, there wasn’t much of it in Tampa.

    My eyes were opened in Virginia, one of the most racist places I have ever been. We had a nice little house in Roanoke on top of a hill. One day the neighbor came over to complain about the new people that bought a house at the end of the street. It was a mixed couple.

    Now, seeing this didn’t even strike my wife and I as odd, but having someone come to us about it did. The whole street was like that.

    Nowadays it is everywhere again…but racism isn’t limited to one people. It’s disappointing.

    We moved back to Florida because of it.

  212. 87ForJameisNOMariota Says:

    I’ll bet Winston’s GPA in high school was 3 points higher than mikeh’s.

  213. BuccaneerBonzai Says:

    87ForJameisNOMariota Says
    “BTW Mike I don’t think he will do much his first season.”

    Are you talking on or off the field?

  214. mikeh Says:

    Winston is not and never will be better than luck your crazy! I am sure glad all you Winston lovers can see the future! WOW!!!!!

  215. Eric Says:

    All Bucs fans should hope Jameis does great at his pro day so they don’t get any ideas about not taking a QB at all.

    Seems like the consensus is that Marcus had an average day at best. Not at all a number one pick in the draft performance.

    I’m anticipating a masterful performance from Jameis, like at the combine.

  216. iamkingsu Says:

    Winston got accepted to Stanford I say his gpa was 4 points higher than his

  217. 87ForJameisNOMariota Says:

    Ask TBBF, there’s LOTS of Pablo’s in N.C.

    I don’t consider myself all that racist, but that’s why I moved back to Florida from Carolina. I didn’t want to learn Spanish and I felt like I was in a 3rd world country in some parts of the city.

    So I moved back to redneck Pasco where they hate everybody!

  218. BuccaneerBonzai Says:

    Wow. When comparisons between Winston and other QBs are made, it has nothing to do with race. To say otherwise is…racist.

    I has to do with track record.

  219. 87ForJameisNOMariota Says:


  220. mikeh Says:


  221. 87ForJameisNOMariota Says:

    mikeh Says:
    March 12th, 2015 at 10:07 pm

    “WHEN IS WINSTONS PRO DAY?” typed with steam coming out his ears.

  222. Matt Says:

    Joes, noticed the exact same thing when watching the combine, but dismissed it as it was just one occurrence. This seems to confirm my suspicions. Is he racist? Misinformed? Uninformed? You’d think a person of his stature in the industry would do his research on Winston. Which leads me to believe he either isn’t as thorough as he should be, or he is blinded by a predisposition and couldn’t objectively read police reports or understand how underwhelming winstons “issues” are.

  223. iamkingsu Says:

    Winston is different guy is hard to explain the intangibles unless you saw him in the locker room before primetime games his freshmen years. The kid will rally the troops and he expects to win Day 1. His drive is unparalleled on top of the confidence in himself that rubs youll the wrong way. You’ll confuse it wit cockiness

  224. Tampabaybucfan Says:

    You have to try to separate racial comments from racism and It’s nearly impossible to do it on line with anonymous posts….

    Someone can actually make a racial comment….like “White people can’t dance”……and they aren’t a racist…..maybe a bit biased, ignorant….making a stereotype….trying to be clever, humorous…..but not a racist….
    or….they could be.

  225. Eric Says:

    How do you blow your pro day? Throwing in underwear, no rush, in your own stadium, to guys you are familiar with…..


  226. 87ForJameisNOMariota Says:

    Bonzai…I think when people compare Jameis to Leftwich, Vince Young, and Jamarcus Russell in the same sentence on JBF, it can come across to some people as racist. When they use all 3 in the same sentence it makes me wonder for a second and then I just move on.

  227. 87ForJameisNOMariota Says:

    iamkingsu…I concur with that whole post.

  228. MariotaOrWinstonOrWalkdaPlank Says:

    You know, even if I were a total Winston hater and wanted absolutely nothing to do with him, if he were chosen by the Bucs and proceeded to bust I would NOT be concerned with saying “I told you so” to people like 87 and Eric and Joe. I would be worried about our beloved Bucs, because if Winston busts as a Buc, that sets us back another 6 or so years.

  229. Matt Says:

    Also, you’re never going to convince the bonz(s)ais, mikehs, and maybe even mayocks of the world.

    Let’s face it, a majority of your readers (and the world) are either uninformed, unintelligent, or both. Example? Compare the disdain we can all see for Winston to the results of your poll an whether or not the Bucs should sign Greg Hardy. Ones a kid who made some silly choices, and the other is a reprehensible human being who is a danger to society… Yet I’ll let you guess who got the overwhelming support based on the poll results.

  230. WhatTheBucIsWrongWithYou Says:

    Some of these posts are histerical…I get it tho, we got dads at home blogging, single guys with nothing better to do, even some intellectual women. But when you make comments, it helps to educate yourself a bit, adds credibility. Bottom line, everyone makes “mistakes”. You can accuse anyone of anything but the facts are the facts…I love the part how during all this scrutiny and adversity, the guy never showed/shows it. He’s risen above it and faced it head on, that face, that leadership, is exactly what I want on my football team…we need a change in Tampa and something to get excited about and around, I could barely hear mariota speak today, don’t get me wrong I think he’s a great player and did well but it was like a listening to a shy little boy.

  231. Tampabaybucfan Says:


    Winston compares to Leftwich, Vince Young, Mike Glennon (but slower), and Jamarcus Ruissell

    There, I avoided being racist…..

  232. 87ForJameisNOMariota Says:

    MariotaOrWinstonOrWalkdaPlank …..good point. I worry about the team as well.
    I could care less if I have to say I told you so.

    You guys are cool and all, but I care about my team a lot more than any of you.lol

  233. the real Buck Bruce Says:

    Where there’s smoke there’s fire.some of y’all are the worst fans I’ve ever seen.once again I’d rather go o and 16 with no quarterback then to win the Superbowl with Jameis the rapist Winston.I’m calling the cops, wow how old are some of you guys.it’s just smack talk retards.

  234. iamkingsu Says:

    I’m born in raised in Richmond,VA racism is indirect here but if you go out western,VA like Roanoke where you were and out a little farther. They will call you a N bomb in your face never happened to me because I’m never out there long enough to experience it but my family that live out there say it’s common

  235. WhatTheBucIsWrongWithYou Says:

    @The real buck Bruce

    Fsu fan right? Did you read the police report? Do you believe in our justice system? Educate yourself before you use rape so loosely.

  236. 87ForJameisNOMariota Says:

    Bravo TBBF.

  237. Luther Says:

    Personally, I don’t care about the pro-day. I know what I see on film and Winston is the better QB. Mariota made some throws that were not the best placement but that could be jitters. It won;t even matter if Winston has a great or poor pro-day because right now shouldn’t matter.

  238. WhatTheBucIsWrongWithYou Says:


    Shame that crap is still prevalent…

  239. mikeh Says:


  240. MariotaOrWinstonOrWalkdaPlank Says:


    You failed to mention any Asian, Hispanic, or Somoan QB’s.


  241. 87ForJameisNOMariota Says:

    Cam Newton is a scrambling QB…so I would NEVER want him on my team.

  242. WS99 Says:

    I was in NC 2 weeks ago visiting one of my oldest friends that I graduated HS with. Our families spend every New Years eve together. I’ve slept in his house and his mother adopted me early on, we must have been 16.

    We get wasted at some redneck meth bar then head to ihop for breakfast. As we eat 4 couples come in, all black.

    As we leave Jeff goes to the bathroom and I wait for him outside. This dude comes outside and I say “are you ready to go?” He responds “no I’m okay” and starts walking away. I say “where you going?” He responds “im okay im just waiting for a friend” and literally starts walking swiftly away from me. I’m like “Jeff wtf are you doing” he’s like “oh shit”.

    This mf was scared of me. He literally tried to run away from me. This mf saw a “dark” man and get nervous, scared and looked for safety. I’ve known this dude for over 20y and he was scared.

    My point is for all the chit he talks about not being racist, drunks tell the truth, he certainly acted like one in that moment in time. Don’t get me wrong Jeff has never said or done anything to seem racist. I just think that deep down SOME people don’t know they’re racist. He forgot I was with him and thought he was being harassed by the “thugs” who had just walked into the restaurant. Food for thought my friends. I’m not racist bc my best friend is …. It’s total bullchit.

  243. Eric Says:

    Maybe Marcus got info on our oline and decided to tank a bit.

  244. WS99 Says:


    You can delete that. I didn’t want to post it anyway. Moment of weakness.

  245. WhatTheBucIsWrongWithYou Says:

    How’s that sub 4.4 speed?

  246. MariotaOrWinstonOrWalkdaPlank Says:

    Dan Marino never won a Super Bowl, what’s so great about him?

    Newton is better than any QB we’ve had in who knows how long.

  247. MariotaOrWinstonOrWalkdaPlank Says:

    And I hate Cam Newton btw. But he is a good QB.

  248. Tampabaybucfan Says:


    I am a Mariota supporter who voted yes…on Hardy….

    I’ll attempt to explain my choices….(can’t speak for everyone) but I think many feel the same way.

    There is a difference between a proven player…..FA vs #1overall draft pick…QB vs DE……so the two situations are totally different.

    With Hardy…he could likely be signed for a year with perhaps no guarantee & certainly a behavior clause….With Winston…the commitment is more permanent and impactful.
    With Winston & Mariota we have a choice…we weren’t presented a choice with the Hardy poll. If we were and the choice was Michael Bennett….what do you think the results would be.

    Yes, Hardy was convicted then it was dismissed….yes, he has character issues that are documented….I don’t like it but I trust the Bucs to make the right decision regarding him.
    I also trust the Bucs to make the right decision on Winston.

    Hope this helps…

  249. 87ForJameisNOMariota Says:

    I have an uncle in his late 60’s that uses the N word as if it’s normal and goes out of the way to say it at family get togethers. No one laughs. I cringe every time he says it. That’s why when I talk to him about a black guy I go out of my way to say african-american, even though I hate lumping people into classes.

  250. WhatTheBucIsWrongWithYou Says:

    Thanks? I said nothing about hardy tho but appreciate the shoutout!

  251. 87ForJameisNOMariota Says:

    Eric Says:
    March 12th, 2015 at 10:24 pm

    “Maybe Marcus got info on our oline and decided to tank a bit.”


  252. WhatTheBucIsWrongWithYou Says:

    Brett huntly says he should be number 1 overall, I’m just saying…haha

  253. the real Buck Bruce Says:

    @David, thank you for being mature in your comment.I get what you’re saying and I agree with you.most women you talk to don’t care if he was charged with the crime or not he put himself in that situation.it’s like the old saying fool me once shame shame on you fool me twice shame on me.

  254. 87ForJameisNOMariota Says:

    TBBF…or if the poll was worded differently.

    Say like. Knowing that he was found guilty of beating up a girl how many of you would like the Bucs to pursue Hardy?

    I guess that would be too long of a question though.

  255. 87ForJameisNOMariota Says:

    Buck Bruce never took a girl back to his apartment from a bar….

    I’m being baited TBBF…now I’m just bored though.

  256. Greg Says:

    Not to mention some of yall label him as a rapeist. Not a one of us was at that damn apartment that night. He says she says type of thing. Evedentually the court system doesn’t think it happened that way or he would have been arrested and charged. Do you all think its bc the girl has changed her story several times? Oh wait it must have been the knock over the head of the drugs. Oddly the hospital report shows no sign of either. Then on top of it all her lawyer wanted insurance policy on winston incase he or injuried during sophmore year. At first I thought he did it mainly bc the media making it out that way. Then started reading up on it here and there and seen way more questions n her story than answers. Some of u may call that rape but I call that a gold digger. She saw an opportunity for pay day and so she slept w him which I believe was consensual. Then she goes to hospital for rape test gets swabbed w his dna and boom that links him to doing act but when she says she was hit in the head and no signs of that. Then she claims she was drugged but when toxicology was done she wasn’t drugged or drunk. If anybody has any explanation for any of these discrepancys please tell me bc I’m just not seeing it. All I see is some money hungry girl looking for a payday. She knew exactly what she was doing from the get go.

  257. Tampabaybucfan Says:

    @ Bonzai

    I know the Roanoke area from traveling to the Homestead……bunch of rednecks there…..different parts of VA like NC & FLA……Roanoke to VA is sort of like Tallahassee (woops) is to Florida….

  258. WhatTheBucIsWrongWithYou Says:

    @ real buck Bruce

    He was accused of another assault? Shame who twice? Have you ever been on a college campus? Literally millions of men have been in numerous “situations” like that.

  259. 87ForJameisNOMariota Says:

    I’m “NOT” be baited*

  260. the real Buck Bruce Says:

    @what the buc* is wrong with you, yes I am a Florida State fan and I do love our justice system that doesn’t mean he didn’t do it where there’s smoke there’s fire.even if he didn’t do it I don’t want someone being the face of our franchise who puts himself in those situations

  261. 87ForJameisNOMariota Says:

    Taking a girl home from a bar. Don’t ever do this according to Bruce. Don’t put yourself in such “situations”.

  262. Matt Says:

    TBBF, fair points in regards to the poll options and length of contracts. Guess
    I’m speaking more about the absolutists. However, the pro hardy vote was like 90% if I recall correctly, which shocked me. And you were presented a choice w the hardy poll… Sign or don’t sign. I’d say the same thing about hardy as Winston… Make sure you do your research. Read the police reports. Listen to the 911 call. Dudes a way worse than even the false accusations put on Winston.

  263. WhatTheBucIsWrongWithYou Says:

    @ Greg

    I get it you read the reports and I did as well. No need to discuss her as a “gold digger” the story didn’t add up but she felt something happened and the court system worked it out. This should be about the players not the rape.

  264. gotbbucs Says:

    Josh Johnson had the same athleticism as Mariota, basically the same type of college production, and struggled with the same types of throws that Mariota struggles with, the chunk yardage throws (20-40 yards in the air). How did that work for him in the NFL.

    Arguably the two best QB’s in the NFL in the last two decades, Manning and Brady, are arguably two of the worst overall athletes in the NFL. But, they know the game better than anyone else.
    If Winston truly has the work ethic that they claim he has and knows the game like they claim he knows it, then the debate is over.

  265. Tampabaybucfan Says:

    87ForJameisNOMariota Says:
    March 12th, 2015 at 10:35 pm
    TBBF…or if the poll was worded differently.

    Say like. Knowing that he was found guilty of beating up a girl how many of you would like the Bucs to pursue Hardy?

    I guess that would be too long of a question though.

    Or….if Joe had a “HARDY WATCH”…..for a couple of months before the poll and pounded us with endless positive comments about Hardy’s ability and value….

  266. David Says:

    Hey I’m black but um…..how the hell did we get on race here? Just asking.

  267. MariotaOrWinstonOrWalkdaPlank Says:

    You know the guy that played RB for the Super Bowl 37 Champion Buccaneers and ran for over 100 yards in the gane was a wife beater right? Nobody seemed to care about that.

  268. WhatTheBucIsWrongWithYou Says:

    This is ridiculous! Where there’s smoke there’s fire? What smoke? And btw the definition according to me google smoke:a visible suspension of carbon or other particles in air, typically one emitted from a burning substance…typically but not always. Let’s talk football not allegations and if you don’t want to take yourself to a game that’s fine but don’t say it’s cuz he did it.

  269. WhatTheBucIsWrongWithYou Says:

    @ David

    Race and sexual assault/domestic violence are the hot topics in the media. Ppl love this Crap…everything on tv and the internet is true obviously.

  270. Matt Says:

    TBBF, won’t speak for joes, but I doubt they’d lobby for jameis as hard as they have if he did what hardy did while in college. I get your point, but it only holds water if the offenses are relatively equal, which they’re not even in the same stratosphere. Also, just because joes are annoying you, shouldn’t affect your ability to objectively assess the players.

  271. 87ForJameisNOMariota Says:

    Google : The Cinematic Railroading of Jameis Winston

    The article blows giant holes in The Hunting Ground documentary.

    It’s a long read, but a good one.

  272. Tampabaybucfan Says:

    MariotaOrWinstonOrWalkdaPlank Says:
    March 12th, 2015 at 10:45 pm
    You know the guy that played RB for the Super Bowl 37 Champion Buccaneers and ran for over 100 yards in the gane was a wife beater right? Nobody seemed to care about that.

    What a set of guns on MP………don’t be dissing anyone from my Champions..

    Actually, that was a different time for this character stuff…..thank Ray Rice for the New NFL…..

  273. Jman Says:

    I wish we drafted Teddy last year.

  274. the real Buck Bruce Says:

    I was just kidding I know Jameis Winston made passionate love to her

  275. iamkingsu Says:

    My history teacher told me in 10th grade be careful about letting white call you’ll African Americans it’s the year 2000 n word. He said he’s the only African American in here because he was born in Africa. That was one of my most important thing I learned because he was white. I hate being called black because if you look up the definition of black and it’s the opposite of white. And it’s so effed up to change because it’s engraved it US culture. Weare all just Ameeicans. I’m not preaching just trying to give you a heads up

  276. Matt Says:

    Walkdaplank, information was not as widely accessible, and Pittman wasn’t a heismann winning QB, during an era when college football was probably the most popular sport in America, and when espn fine tuned their strategy of focus on the most polarizing issues, or at least emotionally stirring ones.

  277. the real Buck Bruce Says:

    my dream would be that we draft Marcus Mariota or trade the number 1 pick for Teddy Bridgewater and their first pic

  278. 87ForJameisNOMariota Says:

    David Says:
    March 12th, 2015 at 10:44 pm

    “Hey I’m black but um…..how the hell did we get on race here? Just asking.”

    That’s it no one talk to David…he’s black. Ha ha ha

  279. WhatTheBucIsWrongWithYou Says:

    I wish we drafted Rodgers. Are we writing wish lists? If I’m good I want a bike.

  280. Greg Says:

    Player wise winston and mariota don’t even shoot at the same basket. All this little rinky dinky running he does when plays break down or his 1st read isn’t open running won’t work in the NFL. Defensive lines linebackers and backs run the same speed as him. Ohio state kept up w him bc there defense had speed and I can promise u defense n the NFL r better than what he saw against Ohio state. Mariota got hit and hurt his shoulder on roll out against them with him running to try to create plays he’s just putting hisself at greater risks. I’ll take winston the pocket passer more accurate clutch verbal rallier and someone who will get in someone’s face on team if there not doing what there suppose too

  281. 87ForJameisNOMariota Says:

    iamkingsu…like I said I don’t even like using the term african american.

    I don’t lump people into groups. I think it’s bad for the country.

  282. Tampabaybucfan Says:

    87ForJameisNOMariota Says:
    March 12th, 2015 at 10:48 pm
    Google : The Cinematic Railroading of Jameis Winston

    The article blows giant holes in The Hunting Ground documentary.

    It’s a long read, but a good one.

    BUSTED!!!……admit…you can’t help yourself….

  283. WhatTheBucIsWrongWithYou Says:

    Mariota isn’t even white

  284. Jman Says:

    I wish we drafted Luke Kuechly

  285. Matt Says:

    Iamkingsu, thank you and thanks to your teacher! I try to tell people that all the time. I’ll call someone black In corporate dialogue, and they will stop me and say “you should say African American” and then I explain how they are Americans, and how AA is actually a more trivializing term. For the record, im a complete mutt, but most would assume I’m white/Italian/Greek.

    Also, I guess I’m at the edges of the millennial generation. We don’t care about race as much because we are part of the general browning of our society.

  286. iamkingsu Says:

    The Winston debate is over from this point on I will only be entertaining debates about Tampa bay buccaneers 2nd round selection!

  287. Greg Says:

    Damn right jmam. Barron sure lighting it up for us isn’t he

  288. WhatTheBucIsWrongWithYou Says:

    87ForJameisNOMariota Says:
    March 12th, 2015 at 10:48 pm
    Google : The Cinematic Railroading of Jameis Winston

    Very interesting read, sheds a lot of light. Title could’ve used some work…kinda sounds like an adult film.

  289. Matt Says:

    Iamkingsu, to follow up… You have to refer to people as something sometimes. it’s touchy categorizing a human I suppose, but there are situations where you need to describe a demographic, and there are only so many words in the English language at our disposal.

  290. MariotaOrWinstonOrWalkdaPlank Says:

    Hey I’m not dissing Pittman, just speaking facts. He was actually CHARGED with abuse……multiple times.

  291. iamkingsu Says:


    Well said

  292. Matt Says:

    As a Winston fan and believer, one of the best things I saw was a headline article about how mariota is being targeted by the redskins as their savior and replacement of RG3. If ESPN is assuming jameis goes no. 1, then I’m calling it all but a lock.

  293. 87ForJameisNOMariota Says:

    TBBF…I didn’t post quotes from the article as I usual would. I’m telling ya, I am trying like hell to taper off. LOL

    Anyways I gotta hit the rack. Good night Jim Bob, Good night Mary Ellen.

  294. WhatTheBucIsWrongWithYou Says:

    If you asked someone how Winston looks and how Mariota looks, the words white and black would be used. They’re terms to distinguish us as unique but only in some certain situations.you say Bryce petty and mariota you say ” two white guys( even tho one’s Hawaiian) and then distinguish by size or stature. Damn you guys are reading way too into this. We’re names on a blog talking sports, when did color start playing factor

  295. Tampabaybucfan Says:

    @ Matt

    Oh…I live in NC among the Panther fans…I am very familiar with the Hardy incident…..He was found guilty by a Judge but in NC you can then ask for a jury trial and he did that……then the case was dismissed because the victim didn’t want to persue the charge…..
    He’s definately a bad actor….and was suspended and I guess with the loss of money you could say he paid somewhat for his crime.

    I merely point out the differences in the two choices…..Winston/Hardy…..

    Not exactly the same for me….but for some….a criminal/accused criminal…..maybe same for them.

    I have never had much of a problem with the rape allegation….The shouting of FHRITP after the allegation (even if not related) showed a great deal of stupidity/immaturity/insensitvity to me.

  296. Tampabaybucfan Says:


    Pasco?…….My Daughter & Grandson live in Wesley Chapel…..

  297. Matt Says:

    Whatthebuc, sometimes a dialogue about this stuff is healthy. But it guess this isn’t the forum. Just happened.

    How’s this: jameis Winston is the truth, he’s going to be drafted 1 overall, and he’s going to lead the Bucs to a minimum of 3 playoff appearances, and will be a multiple season pro bowler.


  298. Matt Says:

    Yes id argue the FHRITP was actually worse than anything else. And if that’s the worst thing… Well I’m not concerned. And before someone brings it up, Winston along w other players were getting freebies from
    Publix the whole time. Somehow someone didn’t get the memo, and it’s easier to charge him w petty theft than have fsu face NCAA sanctions for Free Shoes U Part Deux

  299. Tampabaybucfan Says:

    Time for the TBBF to call it a night.

    I’ll leave you with this.

    You have circled the wagons for your choice Winston for some time now…He has been under fierce attack. If he is the Bucs choice, I will hitch my wagon to yours and defend him myself….because he will be a Buc….and unfortunately…he will continue to need defending…..

  300. WhatTheBucIsWrongWithYou Says:

    @ Matt

    Haha touché! I feel you, I’m just saying it started getting a little to far. Healthy dialogue and discussion is always a positive in any forum…tune in next Tuesday this discussion might be on TOSHs “is it racist” haha…Winstons the truth

  301. Greg Says:

    @ TBBF
    Hell I’m from nc too lol. I hate having to hear all these Panther fans. My brother dad and basically most of family panthers fans. They were all saying they wanted to keep hardy too. Honestly I hope he comes to us and the main selling point is being able to stick it to them 2xs a year. Plus lovie has always been known for 2nd chances

  302. Bucfan4life Says:

    No need to talk about the number one pick anymore. Unless someone wants to debate whether or not the Bucs should take a DE or Winston. Mariota is no longer a contender and it is truly not a debate any longer. I will say this though, and BucsNation is saying it too, the Bucs have not addressed the lines and things are looking very bleak for next year. L&L need to take a good look at next years QB crop and decide if they want to take one of the DEs at the top of the charts. Regardless of who we pick this team still has a ton of holes and zero depth. We are going to have a very high pick again next year too. If they think a good QB prospect will be out there next year then they need to decide what is the best move. If we do take Winston I hope we don’t out him in the field next year. He will get pummeled and could ruin him much like it did to Carr a few years ago.

  303. Matt Says:

    I had to do it. 4/30/15 can’t come soon enough!

  304. WhatTheBucIsWrongWithYou Says:


    amen! Let’s band dem wagons together!

  305. Matt Says:

    Bucfan4life, agree all around. The OL situation is scary right now. To the point where I think they are going to make a trade, go heavy OL in draft, and plan for 2016. I view this as a building year. Wild card is a bonus

  306. lurker Says:

    lurker Says:
    March 12th, 2015 at 7:30 pm

    We need Mariota. Guarantee if the Saints had the #1 pick they would select Marcus. He beat Winston head on and is not a criminal.

    smdh sorry saps. i embarrass you so you take my name and post with it.

    you can’t beat me so you try to be me, but you fail at that too. jameis winston will always be the better qb over marcus mediocre. even chip the dip sees it. nice mediocre pro-day. shoulda stayed outta the pocket!

  307. Greg Says:

    See that’s the thing they say there not any potential franchise qb next year so that’s why we need to get ours now. The hell w trading out of pick we now have our pick. I remember when we took Gaines Adams over Calvin Johnson and I would have traded every pick we had for him bc he’s a game changer. That’s exactly what winston is. I know our o line is garbage. I was actually happy w zuttah penn and Joseph and I would never have got rid of zuttah for 4th round that’s was the dumbest thing ever. I mean he could play guard or center and was extremely smart and we pissed it all away for 4th. I bet the o line we took n the 13 draft will not b as good or versitale as zuttah.

  308. Clint Says:

    Can we start talking about what we will do rounds 2-7? I can guarantee that Licht and the rest of the front office and player personnel group already have. Probably grabbing one of Jameis’ FSU lineman buddies in round two to give the cornerstone some comfort.

    Also Joe please keep the Winston posts coming in the meantime.

  309. I'm a great person Says:

    Wait, they’re saying if the talent is equal the Bucs must pick Mariota? But Winston himself said he’s a great guy! All great people remind us and tell us that they’re great people. Right?

  310. Clint Says:

    In short, get your crab legs and bone in catfish ready for draft night fellas. Gonna be a Tampa tailgate staple for about 15 years.!

  311. Tye Says:

    Not sure who the Bucs Should draft #1 but fully convinced JW will be the worst decision of the choices available…. Possibly the most overrated QB to come out of college in years….. EJ Manuel, Christian Ponder and Winston will be floated around the league until they move on to do something else….

  312. Greg Says:

    Ha ha ha winston didn’t loose that game against Oregon. All the turnover did. I know winston had those to fumbles that were all his fault but he was also making money throws and wr would run for few yards and fumble it or rb would run and fumble it. They were down against Oregon but u never saw him give up the fight until it was over. Mariota against Ohio state I didn’t see him pumping up teammates or trying to rally them when they were down he was on the sideline and knew he was down and figuring his teammates knew they were down.

  313. Greg Says:

    Manuel and ponder as upper classmen werent as good as winston was as a freshman. Winston came in and lead all those upper classmen to a national title against a really good auburn team. Manuel and ponder never even sniffed a championship game.

  314. Jeagan1999 Says:

    I know Mariota struggled a bit today with the deep throws, but according to this chart from NBC Sports, over his career at Oregon, Mariota has a better completion percentage on throws over 20 yds than Winston or Hundley.


  315. Donkc Says:

    OK Joe, here’s what we’re gonna do. We tell the Saints Winston is theirs and we’ll pay their tab for Brees but we’re gonna need their young starting tackle too. And their two first round picks. And their second round pick. And next year’s number one. Now we have a Hall of Famer and the best QB in the division, plugged a hole on the o-line, and have four of the top 44 picks in this years draft and two first rounders next year. Let the Aints worry about Slick Willy matriculating from crab legs to lobster tails.

  316. Joe Says:

    OK Joe, here’s what we’re gonna do. We tell the Saints Winston is theirs

    You want the Bucs to face Winston twice a year for the next dozen years???

  317. MariotaOrWinstonOrWalkdaPlank Says:

    “Winston came in and lead all those upper classmen to a national title against a really good auburn team.”

    I’m sorry I don’t mean to knock Winston, but that Auburn team was OVERRATED. Never shoulda made it outta the UGA and Bama games alive. Luckiest team I’ve seen in college football recently. There’s a reason they sucked hard this year.

  318. lurker Says:

    whatever. don’t you complain about excuses, then have excuses?

    auburn won the sec. nick satan is OVERRATED!

  319. Firethecannons Says:

    Can someone give me the cliff notes for this thread?

  320. MariotaOrWinstonOrWalkdaPlank Says:

    Wtf are you even talking about? The guy who says silly things in response to sillier things.

  321. MadMax Says:

    Whew, what a thread. Not much time to go through it all. I’ll say this though, Winston will def be the 1st QB picked, hopefully by us. I like MM, love his leg speed, but once again he just didnt “knock it out of the park” with his performance on his pro day.

  322. WS99 Says:

    Watching path to the draft and this panel is killing mm. Called him “A prospect” like 100x. BUT OFF the FIELD watch out!

  323. WS99 Says:

    Charley casserly to be exact

  324. cmurda Says:


    It’s pretty much the same as every Winston or Mariota thread. I have to admit that I attempted to read all of the posts. While entertaining, I only made it about half way and skipped to the bottom.

  325. HoosierBuc Says:

    The pick is Winston. It’s not remotely close. Winston is on a whole other level when it comes to playing QB. Mariota only throws screen passes and slants. He misses A LOT of easy throws that avg QBs can make in their sleep. Winston on the other hand fits the ball into tight windows, makes anticipation throws before the receiver ever breaks on his route, and has a cannon for an arm. The off the field stuff is just immature BS IMO, aside from the rape allegations, which weren’t proven. I could go on and on about why Winston will be a much bigger success in the NFL, but it’s pretty clear he’s our guy anyway. As for the off-field issues, I guess we’ll just have to cross our fingers.

  326. Bill Says:

    “I’m sorry I don’t mean to knock Winston, but that Auburn team was OVERRATED. Never shoulda made it outta the UGA and Bama games alive. Luckiest team I’ve seen in college football recently. There’s a reason they sucked hard this year.”

    I can agree with that, kind of. Maybe Auburn wasn’t head and shoulders above UA or UGA…….but it should be obvious that Alabama or Georgia were not clearly better than Auburn either.

    The stage was set, the lights were on, and Winston won the game. Show some class and give credit when it’s due.

  327. Pickgrin Says:

    Its not a good thing for one’s draft stock when the descriptive Buzz words used to describe a top QB prospect’s Pro Day seem to mostly start with the letter “U”. As in “Unimpressive” and “Underwhelming”. Teddy will tell ya…

    Not that there was much doubt at this point – but a lackluster showing by Mariota at his Pro Day pretty much seals the deal.

    Welcome to Tampa Bay Jameis. Where ya been man? This organization has only been looking for a QB with your skills and leadership and will to win for about – Oh 40 years or so. Next time you come to visit OBP – we’re gonna go ahead and get you signed up and get you a playbook – Cool?

  328. White Tiger Says:

    Maybe all the hype you’ve been hearing about kid famous, really is just hype?

  329. Josh P Says:

    Wonder if Deumig will make a big deal about Lovie not being at Mariota’s Pro day the way he did about Lovie not being in any pictures with Jameis at OBP??

  330. Josh P Says:

    @White Tiger

    Or just like any top billed drama you have to have a villain…. who better to play the villain than JW… Their on the field play isn’t even on the same level..Everyone’s knock on Jameis is his off the field issues and thats ok. But lets not try and compare the 2 on the field..

  331. MadMax Says:

    Can we PLEASE get some O line help to protect our new Winston?!? Im pretty sure 2nd and 3rd will be spent on the O line…..as it SHOULD be. Hopefully we get Cam Erving and slide EDS to RG!

  332. MadMax Says:

    WE NEED LT though!!! Come on L&L!

  333. loggedontosay Says:

    Tampabaybucfan Says:
    March 12th, 2015 at 7:02 pm
    Well Joe…..He’s clearly a racist!!!

    You are clearly an idiot.

  334. Josh P Says:

    So Mariota was worse at his pro day with scripted plays and with his own WR’s than he was with players he has never thrown to before??? little bit of an issue.

    This kid is so stiff, he’s to robotic for me…If he thinks the Combine and Pro days are pressure filled.. what in the hell is he going to do on a Sunday afternoon playing on the road in Seattle, Pittsburgh, etc….??

  335. Bill Says:

    “Maybe all the hype you’ve been hearing about kid famous, really is just hype?”


  336. Bill Says:


    Over the last 3 years the Ducks (and MM) have lost 5 games. 2 to Stanford, 2 to ARZ, and 1 to OSU.

    Over that 3 year period the Ducks average more than 50 points a game. In the 5 loses they average 18.8 points a game.

    What happened? Clearly, there is something to this riddle…….maybe. They weren’t surprised by an opponents trick play. They were stopped. The offense failed. 50 ppg to 19 ppg is not a joke……it’s not a “maybe”. It was done “twice” by the same team…twice.

    System, system, system.

  337. Josh P. Says:


    Its called a physical pass rush. Thats what separated FSU from OSU in the playoffs.. that and 6 turnover.. But OSU was a able to get pressure on MM unlike FSU and keep Oregon’s OFF off balance..You get this kid out of sync and he’s no where near the same QB.. To me and clearly this is my opinion. this is what separates JW and MM..over the past 2 seasons you’ve seen Winston break out of pressure, changing plays at the line, taking hits and getting right back up..Sure some of the holes he got into were his fault(trying to make plays with lesser team than what he had the previous year) and lot were not…and still went 27-1 as a starter.. give me JW for the win.

  338. cigarman Says:

    If we draft Winston, just be prepared for the petty crime rate to increase in Tampa. Winston is a loose cannon off the field and brings noting but problems with him. I would rather have another losing season with a professional football of men with morals than a winning team full of “THUGS”.
    You have to have the larger picture in mind of the good of your community as opposed to a winning team full of criminals terrorizing your city.

  339. Josh P. Says:


    Go to church on sunday and start a football league and then you will have exactly what you want… NFL isn’t filled with saints..and in what way is Jameis a thug?? just want to get your perspective on the definition thug..

  340. Josh P. Says:


    actually i take it back… there’s probably more criminals and thieves at church than on a football field on sundays.