Chris Godwin References Practicing In 2025 Training Camp

March 13th, 2025

The mystery surrounding Chris Godwin’s recovery from a gruesome dislocated ankle caught a ray of sunshine on national radio.

At Godwin’s news conference announcing his massive new contract on Tuesday, the Bucs’ stud receiver avoided all specifics when talking about his potential return to health.

Buccaneers Ring of Honor general manager Jason Licht shared the news conference but nobody in the media throng attending asked him when he expects Godwin on the field.

However, Godwin hopped on SiriusXM NFL Radio and co-host Pat Kirwan talked to Godwin about seeing him on the field in-person this summer in training camp. Godwin responded with a huge smile in his voice as well as a chuckle.

He acknowledged that he’ll be happy to be back on the field. “You’ll see me drenched in sweat, as always,” Godwin said.

What Godwin said after that came out garbled garbled, but he referenced “dripping” and “sweat marks” when he sits down for another interview with Kirwan at One Buc Palace.

Joe’s taking this all as good news.

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23 Responses to “Chris Godwin References Practicing In 2025 Training Camp”

  1. First Last Says:

    It is all smoke and mirrors I tell you. Low expectations so that people don’t plan their defenses around Godwin. But also, it is better for Chris Godwin’s mental state to not worry about expectations. Think of it this way, if you end up sucking it can mess with your head!

  2. gp Says:

    Most teams defenses can’t put enough players on the field to cover all of our offensive weapons.
    Pick your poison.
    As always, high expectations at this time of year.
    This should be a very good year!

  3. 813BUCBOI Says:

    no worries regarding CG….

    i honestly would like to see palmer and Jmac get tons of reps during TC….

    GO BUCS!!!!

  4. Lightningvinny Says:

    It doesn’t matter Cowherd just picked Falcons to win division ,, he says we are getting old??? I thought we were a fairly young team,,, And I’m not sure Pennix is best QB in division ,,, Us against the world again ,, Baker w a chip on his shoulder

  5. Bojim Says:

    Great news.

  6. Gipper Says:

    Cowherd is an absolute media dud. Shocking that this guy has an audience. Often wrong but never in doubt.

  7. 813BUCBOI Says:

    cowherd picked the falcons last year if im not mistaken lol…

    we’re SB CHAMPS as long as baker doesnt lead the league in INTS and fumbles AGAIN!!!

    GO BICS!!!!!

  8. Paratrooper Buc Says:

    We live in central Forida, “drenched in sweat” is the norm when you are outside standing still in the sun, so he could be on the field and not working out. I hope we see him but don’t need him to rush things before he is ready.

  9. Ed Says:

    Panthers make JC Horn, 4 year $100,000,000 CB, highest paid in league history. NFL salaries are skyrocketing, Panthers still a lower tier team. It sure seems like the bad teams are overpaying their players and the good teams like the Bucs and Eagles know they need to be more realistic about winning by keeping a roster full of good players vs having 2 or 3 players eating up their cap.

  10. Fred McNeil Says:

    Cowturd says Penix is the best QB in the NFC???
    Hah! What a tangamaroon!!!
    Well he probably doesn’t even watch our division.

  11. BakerFan Says:

    what the he!! has Penix done, just a hit away from another bum knee injury. Then they will all be clutching their pearls and doing the but… but… but.

  12. FilthyAnimal Says:

    Pretty sure he’ll be out there drenched in sweat even if he’s still only rehabbing. It’s a stretch to take those remarks as any indication of his readiness for camp. I mean, you really gotta be desperate for a timetable to take that as encouragement. We still know nothing about his progress. He’ll be ready when he’s ready and nobody’s going to outwork him to get there.

  13. KABucs Says:

    Cowturd is an idiot. The Bucs are the youngest team in the NFC South & definitely the best team plus they’re the fourth youngest in the NFL. We have two older guys on our team and Chris is about to turn 30 and Vita is 30. Everybody else that matters is in their mid to early 20s.
    Avg age 26 yrs 9 mths.

  14. Lokog Says:

    Chris godwin will come back and be the same productive player he has been i guarantee it.

  15. KABucs Says:

    Godwin will probably go light in the first few mini-camps, if not still rehabbing some. Do a little bit more in the summer in the last mini and will be back in time for camp/pre-season going at a high percentage. That is my prediction, a prediction from someone who has no inside information whatsoever. LOL

  16. Bucsfan Says:

    Drafting a quality WR is necessary due to the incredible value that position group brings to the passing game of today. Luther Burden is there and Campbell is not-take him.

  17. Kenton Smith Says:

    Dang, we’re gonna need a backup offensive tackle. Skule signed with the Vikings.

  18. Todd Says:

    Wen Gronk?

  19. Beeej Says:

    Argh we lost Justin Skule

  20. Lefty Says:

    More Chris Godwin articles please. Sheesh.

  21. adam from ny Says:

    not great about skule…

    after the detroit debacle he was decent

  22. adam from ny Says:


    godwin’s presser was just so impressive

  23. Badbucs Says:

    I’d take 2 DT before WR.


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