Chris Godwin: I’ll Be Back

March 12th, 2025

Terminator-like determination.

Joe remembers two weeks ago at the combine in Indianapolis where Bucs types pretty much all agreed that if any player could bounce back from an awful injury like a dislocated ankle, it would be Chris Godwin.

And Godwin yesterday at One Buc Palace oozed that confidence, all but promising a full return.

“I’m fully confident in my ability to make that come back,” Godwin said. “Unfortunately or fortunately, I’ve had the opportunity to do it once before, but it’s just like anything else.

“If I just focus on my process and actually get better each day, it will take care of itself.”

Godwin refused to elaborate on his injury or his rehab. Wouldn’t even put a timeline on a return, only to say he was good with where he was in the rehab.

Godwin did say one reason he didn’t want to offer a date is that it would be empty. If his rehab is lagging and he tries to push it too hard to meet that day, it all could blow up in his face and actually set him back.

Obviously, Godwin wants to avoid that. Taking the rehab at its own pace is possible, Godwin said, because of the talent the Bucs have on offense.

“I think the beautiful thing is the way this team is set up,” Godwin said. “We have a ton of playmakers all over the field and I think we had a really good view of that when I got hurt, when Mike [Evans] got hurt and we were still one of the best offenses in the league.

“To me, I look at that as there’s a world of opportunities out there and not just for myself but for all of us. When we’re all healthy, we’re going to be a hell of an offense to try to deal with and that excites me.”

If Mike Evans can avoid his seemingly annual hamstring issues until Godwin gets back, that will be a plus. Bucky Irving and Cade Otton and Jalen McMillan and Evans can carry the Bucs until Godwin gets the green light.

If new Bucs offensive coordinator Josh Grizzard can keep the Bucs offense in the top 10 — Joe doesn’t want to put unreasonable expectations on a first-year coordinator — until Godwin returns, look out NFC South.

19 Responses to “Chris Godwin: I’ll Be Back”

  1. Leopold Stotch Says:

    Look out NFC South? Look out NFL. If Bowles can stop being scared and let his players play how they’re supposed to, man coverage, rush the passer… If we’re able to rush with 4? We’ll be dangerous. I’m not worried about the offense, until I have to be.

  2. Sean G Says:

    Joe, thanks for all the great updates these past few days. Being a lifelong Bucs fan its really nice to see some consecutive seasons of smart free agency. Currently living in Fort Bragg NC, we were Blessed to host a Summit here in Tampa and our Team chose Big Storm Brewery for our gathering tonight. I will have to try some Bromosas in Joes honor.

  3. buc4evr Says:

    Kind of concerned that Godwin is unwilling to give an update on rehab. The pessimist in me sounds like he is a long way from being back in playing shape.

    Sean, big no to Bromosas…

  4. Bucsfan Says:

    Thanks Joe for your keen analysis and reporting-it is appreciated.

  5. BucU Says:

    “”Kind of concerned that Godwin is unwilling to give an update on rehab. The pessimist in me sounds like he is a long way from being back in playing shape.””

    I second that concern. This long after the injury and he can’t even say if he’s running or jogging yet? That press conference did nothing to alleviate any doubt’s about his status.

  6. Colonel Angus Says:

    Licht told Godwin to “stick around”.

  7. Lt. Dan Says:

    @buc4evr & BucU: In the infamous words of whack job QB Aaron Rodgers………R-E-L-A-X. Neither the Patriots or our beloved Bucs would have thrown a boatload of money Godwin’s way if they had concerns about his recovery. I’m sure the two teams have intel that us Joe followers do not. CG will be fine.

  8. DislocatedBucsFan Says:


    Hope you’re not stuck at Bragg too long. So glad I left there in 2018.

  9. BridleOaksBuc Says:

    I have a Masters of Science in Physical Therapy with 30years experience…Godwin’s answer and outlook regarding timelines is exactly what he should be saying and is exactly where his head should be…I tell my patients virtually every day that we’re not machines. We’re not built like a ‘57 Chevy where we can drop in a new carburetor and then just take off. Everyone heals differently and at their own pace. Where you most certainly have your goals, they are fluid. You can’t circle a date on a calendar and say definitively this is where I’ll be…
    Case in point (I’m dating myself), Carson Palmer vs Dante Culpepper. Both had similar knee injuries and repairs at the same time. Palmer took his time and shook off the pressure from the Bengals and outside media and basically told everyone to pound sand and that he’ll be back when his knee feels ready….Culpepper went out of his way to say and prove that he was doing great and he was way ahead of schedule and that he’s pushing hard to get back on the field with the Dolphins. Palmer went on to have a great career. Culpepper re-injured his knee early in the season and his career was over…
    I trust in Chris and the Bucs training staff.

  10. Bojim Says:

    Sounds like he won’t be ready by training camp.

  11. KingDavidBucs Says:

    Fayetteville NC Buccaneers!!

  12. Bee Says:

    It’s smart for him to not give a timeline. Lots of things can happen between now and TC. Let him rehab and get well. This team is a late bloomer anyway

  13. FilthyAnimal Says:

    Thanks for the rational perspective, @BridleOakBuc. Fans seem to get their panties in an uproar if they can’t get all the answers they want when they want them. The human body heals and recovers at whatever rate it does and all the patient/player can do is optimize that recovery by rehabbing at whatever pace they can. Work hard enough to build strength and mobility, and rest enough to promote tissue recovery. Putting artificial dates on it just sets expectations which may not be reasonable.

  14. stpetebucsfan Says:


    Thanks for that informative explanation, and sharing your decades of experience.

  15. William Walls Says:

    Well, that’s better than Jason Licht singing “You’ll be Back” to Chris Godwin like Jonathan Goff in Hamilton.

  16. DungyDance Says:

    One other thing to note – he walked up to do the presentation. And walked up steps. No limp. No cast or brace.. So we know he’s walking like normal at least.

  17. Aqualung Says:

    I just rewatched the Saints 50 burger. Tucker also needs to be involved more in the offense, and he looks like a good short yardage option for whoever it was complaining about the Bucs league leading 3rd down conversion performance.

  18. Matt_PcAfee Says:

    This is the decade of high powered Buccaneers offense

  19. orlbucfan Says:

    BridleOaksBuc, THANK YOU!!!!!!!! Ungodly CG14 is simply being honest! We’ve always got the usual idiotic yahoos getting on here and b1tch1ng. If Chris waits and starts in the second or third REGULAR season game, and he’s 100%, that’s fine with me! Retards!


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