Washed Cam Jordan Says He’s Staying With Saints; Makes Luke Goedeke’s Day

February 6th, 2025

Good news!

The past two years, washed Cam Jordan has basically been a lawn chair against the Bucs.

The loud-talking, small-producing once proud slimy Saints defensive end still hopes he doesn’t get cut by New Orleans. With the Super Bowl in the Big Easy this week, Jordan has been seen out and about, specifically on radio row.

There, Jordan dropped in on Kay Adams’ show and told Adams he has no plans to play anywhere but for the slimy Saints.

Joe stood and applauded. Jordan lately has been nothing more than an empty uniform, not even producing more than Joe Tryon-Shoyinka the past two seasons.

Against the Bucs, Jordan has been Luke Goedeke’s female dog. The past two seasons Jordan had had six tackles in four games against the Bucs without a sack on Baker Mayfield.

So if the slimy Saints want to keep Jordan, Joe is all for it. Because Jordan has been a complete non-factor against the Bucs.

So yeah, yesterday was a good day for Bucs fans with this news.

JTS vs. Cam Jordan 2023-2024 comparison.


28 Responses to “Washed Cam Jordan Says He’s Staying With Saints; Makes Luke Goedeke’s Day”

  1. Bring back the lawn chairs Says:

    Oh man. Joe i wouldn’t poke that bear. Just saying leave well enough alone. His shadow of himself is tougher than half the players in the nfl.

  2. Aqualung Says:

    It’s Cam Jordan that failed GM Mark Dominik passed on drafting because Duminik said he talked too much in the cafeteria, right?

    That and 28-52 will get you zero jobs in the league. But at least dead snook loved him.

  3. FortMyersDave Says:

    Let’s lay off Cam a bit, I mean besides the fact that he is good for a few one liners from Jason Licht, he is basically irrelevant as the comparative numbers versus JTS reveal.

  4. Funderstruck Says:

    There HAS to be a way to turn the reference to being a lawn chair into being The Sage of Tampa Bay Sports, Uncle Ira, the Custodian of Canton, King of New Port Richey, the Monsieur/Monarch of Mold, the Water-Damage-Whisperer, the Pilferer of Potatoes, the Conquistador of Coconut Donuts himself, Ira Kaufman’s missing beach chair. Make it happen, Joe(s)!

  5. LouisFriend Says:

    Very classy, Joe. Keep those high standards.

  6. Leopold Stotch Says:

    Total disagree with my fellow commenter’s opinions. Keep banging that drum on loud mouth Cam “Proof is in the pudding” Jordan. He’s trolled us for years, talking so much ish it’s ridiculous. Been living rent free in that guys head for so long, now he’s getting his. There’s something to be said about being humble, you can age gracefully and be respected. Like Brees, I won’t say anything bad, because he was a good guy, on a slimeball team. Jordan is a slimeball on a slimeball team, I have no sympathy for him.

  7. BA’s Red Pen Says:

    F Cam Jordan

  8. Bring back the lawn chairs Says:

    Aqualung, what does ‘dead snook’ have to do with cam Jordan? Just wondering man…

  9. Drunkinybor Says:

    They love strange, queer, things in New Orleans in LA. CAM gal fits in perfectly. The state that turned vampires onto sparkle princesses of darkness.

  10. heyjude Says:

    Cam and the Saints deserve each other. Never forget he faked injuries and then appealed the fines. Never forget Bounty-Gate, … Says a lot about his character.

  11. Joe in Michigan Says:

    One of the dirtiest players I’ve seen in the NFL, and I was around when Conrad Dobler played.

  12. garro Says:

    If Cam were guaranteed to get 10 sacks this year would anyone in Tampa want to sign him? I would not. Send him packing! Ass hat!

    Kay my sweet girl, you can do much better than this. I am sure there are much higher quality people you could have on your show. Somebody twisting your arm? Blink three times if you are being forced to bring ass hats on your show.

    Go Bucs!

  13. Tony Says:

    Cam going right back to where he was. Just like he said about the Bucs.

  14. Allbuccedup Says:

    Saints second to only the Browns as worse franchise in NFL. Browns have super perv Watson and the Saints have the priest’s that could be worse than Watson.

  15. BuckyBuc Says:

    Can’t wait for bucky to break his ankles again

  16. RagingBrisket Says:

    Hate that dude. Runs his mouth and can’t back it up.

  17. Lokog Says:

    Ringless scam jordan

  18. Kev@Inverness Says:

    I 2nd the F Cam Jordan.

  19. Pops Malone Says:

    Keep talking Cam. You suck and your team sucks and will continue to suck with that QB and salary cap situation. Loud mouth idiot.

  20. Pickgrin Says:

    Saints have almost no choice but to keep Jordan on the roster this year.

    His cap # in 2025 is $20.06M – but if they cut Cam, it would be a $24M dead cap hit.

    I love looking at the New Orleans balance sheet….
    – $65M in dead cap hits AND $51M OVER the cap right now headed into 2025
    – $53M in dead cap hits on the books for 2026
    – $51M in dead cap hits on the books for 2027
    – $21M in dead cap hits on the books for 2028

    Total debt – just under 1/4 of a BILLION dollars…. ($241M)

    LOL at Cam – “Who has a better chance than us (The Saints)?” – “We’ve GOT the talent….”

    Dream on buddy – your best and most expensive players are all old and your team is so F’ed with salary cap restraints its not even funny anymore….

    By comparison – here are the Bucs credit card bills:
    – $52.5M in dead cap hits – $5.6M in cap space right now headed into 2025
    – $22M in dead cap hits on the books for 2026
    – $23M in dead cap hits on the books for 2027
    – $14M in dead cap hits on the books for 2028

    Total debt as of now through 2028 – $105M

  21. Boge Says:

    No sport site makes me chuckle like Joebucs, the best one liners… great stuff

  22. heyjude Says:

    Holy cow Pickgrin! $241 million! That is crazy. Thank you for the info.

    The Bucs are so much more financially managed.

  23. Funderstruck Says:

    You’ve made my day, Pickgrin. We are in the last year of our 3yr “hell,” and we’ve suffered through two-thirds of it with Division banners. I think we all agree that any incurred dead cap hits on Brady were worth it. I think we all agree that, even though it sucked to have the dead cap hit from Jensen’s injury/retirement, none of us think it was a terrible choice to extend him and invoke dead cap years. You can’t have all the injury luck, right Ira?! Speaking of, the dead cap cash associated with Chris Godwin can be mitigated if we re-sign him.

    Every angle of our hell has a silver lining. We WANT Godwin. Only drunk Saints fans (redundant?) want Cam Jordan back at this stage of his career.

    Even the division title noon they enjoyed that caused this cap hell comes with the knowledge of knowing they had no fans to enjoy it in the stadium, and that the Super Bowl winner was the team that beat them *with fans* in their house, and is their hated rival.

    It’s like how we felt about the Falcons this year (beating us twice), except when it counted (the playoffs), ATL didn’t show up and we did.

  24. Pickgrin Says:

    Funderstruck Says:
    “the dead cap cash associated with Chris Godwin can be mitigated if we re-sign him.”

    mitigated = pushing more debt down the road – $18.85M to be exact for Godwin’s dead cap hits.

    But the money is going to have to come from somewhere if the Bucs intend to re-sign Godwin, LD54, Anthony Nelson, Bredeson and/or any other free agents they want on the team. The $5.6M in currently available cap space would take care of either Nelson or Bredeson and thats about it…. Bucs will have to ‘create’ about $30M more in cap space if they want all 4 of their own top free agents back in the fold…..

  25. Woodman Says:

    And how much cap will they have to create if they trade for Garret as Joe keeps suggesting?

  26. Pickgrin Says:

    Woodman – Garrett has 2 years remaining on his current contract – with cap hits of $19.72M in 2025 and $20.37M in 2026. So $40M IF he were forced to play out his current contract.

    But Myles is grossly underpaid at $20M per year – and thats definitely part of why he is demanding a trade. Because he wants a new long term deal – likely for something approaching $30M per year – from a ‘contender’…..

    Any team that trades for Garrett likely does so with the understanding they will have to extend his contract and sweeten the compensation to keep him ‘happy’.

    So more like $110-$115M over 4 years with at least half of that guaranteed in the first 2 years would have to be ‘created’ in order to have Myles Garrett play in Tampa Bay. That PLUS 2025 and 2026 1st round draft picks or similar just for the ‘opportunity’ to create that $100+M in debt…..

  27. J Says:

    More like black & old

  28. KABucs Says:

    JTS ‘s stats are actually better. DE’s that get any int is all random… lucky, right place at right time scenario.