“Severe Headaches” And “Bad Anxiety” For Luke Goedeke

February 7th, 2025

The Week 1 concussion suffered by Bucs right tackle Luke Goedeke was no trivial traumatic brain injury.

And yes, every concussion is a traumatic brain injury.

Goedeke missed four games and returned wearing the Guardian Cap available to NFL players, though few use it.

Goedeke’s good buddy Tristan Wirfs, the Bucs’ All-Pro left tackle, opened up about the situation to WDAE radio yesterday in New Orleans.

“He was getting like really, really severe headaches at night. Getting like real bad anxiety about it,” Wirfs said of Goedeke.

“He wasn’t right yet. … I told him, ‘You gotta be smart, dude. Like this is your brain.’ And he wore the Guardian cap for a while.”

Wirfs said Goedeke wasn’t too happy about wearing the Guardian Cap because he knew Wirfs would make fun of him.

In typical locker room style, Wirfs said he told Goedeke that sure he’d be made fun of but it’s too important to skip the extra production. “I still love you,” Wirfs said he told Goedeke.

This is a good reminder of how things that go on behind the scenes from fans and media. Todd Bowles surely was asked multiple times if Goedeke was close to meeting the NFL’s concussion-return standard. And Bowles just said it was a day-to-day thing.

Bowles never said Wirfs was suffering.

“[Goedeke] was going through [it] there for a while,” Wirfs said.

Joe’s not knocking Bowles, just mentioning how player health is not always as it seems.

Regardless, the ending was happy for Goedeke, who had a hell of a season when he returned. “He came and balled out. It was awesome,” Wirfs said.

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41 Responses to ““Severe Headaches” And “Bad Anxiety” For Luke Goedeke”

  1. BucVoyager Says:

    Honestly, if its that bad, he should retire. I know he won’t but brain injuries are no joke. I don’t understand why they don’t all wear the guardian caps.

  2. LEWI Says:

    You can’t risk forgetting your name In the future bro, sucks bad for him and us. Not worth it man

  3. ReeeBarrr Says:

    Choose health!

  4. FilthyAnimal Says:

    Well, Bowles is under no obligation to share the personal details of a player’s injury. In fact, to share more than the absolute minimum is inappropriate and irresponsible. Fans may be frustrated because we want explanations and we want to know when we can expect a player back. But these guys deserve a little respect and space, especially when dealing with traumatic head injuries.

  5. Lol Says:

    Thats pretty terrifying. Imagine having all that money but being a shell of yourself . I hope it never happens to Luke again. I would be very worried for him if it did. You only get one body/mind man.

  6. ModHairKen Says:

    TBIs are no joke. The Guardian Cap may not be better, time will tell, but why not wear it?

  7. Joseph C Simmons Says:

    I hope he plays for us a long time, but man, Luke, if this continues it’s not worth it. Life lasts way longer than a football career.

  8. Aqualung Says:

    Keep wearing that Gazoo helmet. We need our glass eating donkey.

  9. Pmike Says:

    He seems very fragile. Probably shouldn’t be playing

  10. heyjude Says:

    Sorry to hear about how bad Luke’s concussion really was. Surprised he was cleared to come back after four weeks now. From reading on here it was thought his concussion seemed somewhat more traumatic. Feel bad for him. You just never know. Agree with other comments, health over football. I think Ali Marpet was 27 when he retired. Luke is 26. Something to think about for the long term.

  11. Steven007 Says:

    Idiotic comments are so disappointing. Everyone is fragile when they have a blow to the Head. Ffs. And then to come back and have a great season. But yeah, maybe he shouldn’t be playing.

  12. Pickgrin Says:

    I knew it had to have been bad…. Not many players miss 4 games in a row after getting concussed – its usually 1 or 2 games if any….

    Sucks – because Goedeke has turned into a very good player – but now the Bucs have no choice but to be wary moving forward with Luke – regarding the size and timing of large contracts and large guarantees, etc.

    Marpet retiring suddenly and unexpectedly in the prime of his career and thus leaving the Bucs in a bad spot is still pretty fresh in the minds of all who are concerned….

  13. gp Says:

    I’d be real careful not to say that anywhere near him.
    You may just find out how fragile YOU are!

  14. Pmike Says:

    Some guys can take hits some guys can’t. It’s genetics, it’s not personal

  15. Defense Rules Says:

    Joe … ‘Bowles never said Wirfs was suffering. Joe’s not knocking Bowles, just mentioning how player health is not always as it seems.’

    Maybe Bowles didn’t think it was any of the media’s business. Media all too often acts like a dog with a bone and uses their position to aggrevate already crappy situations.

  16. Bojim Says:

    If you play ay least wear the cap. They really don’t look that bad at all.

  17. Cover deuce Says:

    Why would Bowles need to give a detailed description of Goedekes pain and suffering? What would any of those details add? It’s a concussion, he’s day to day. The pain and suffering is assumed because it’s…a TBI.

  18. Saskbucs Says:

    This info and a bunch of the comments talking about Luke potentially walking away… is why we can’t get upset if BPA round 2 is an OL. I would like us to be able to go D heavy draft, possibly only D if that’s how the board falls but Goedeke is a bad hit away from potentially being done and we currently don’t have a LG.

    Won’t happen but if all of a sudden that Zabel is sitting there round 2 and the brass deems him BPA, I understand why we would pull that trigger. (Depending on FA of course).

  19. geno711 Says:

    This is the best Buc site in town.

    Except when it comes to understanding injuries.

    I am just afraid these guys will never get it.

  20. Aqualung Says:

    It’s hilarious when site know it alls lecture the Joes. LOL.

  21. Esteban85 Says:

    Seems very fragile? Are you Fing kidding me? This dude is a beast and an elite RT in the NFL. You don’t get to where Luke Goedeke is by being even a little bit fragile. Luke is a pro bowl caliber RT with a world class offensive lineman attitude, one of my favorite players on the team tbh

  22. Esteban85 Says:

    The info the NFL coaches give on injuries are way better than in hockey. A hockey injury is deemed upper body or lower body and that’s that

  23. #99 the Big Fella Says:

    Fragile ? the guy goes up against 300 lbs lineman every play and more that holds his own. I don’t recall Luke being injured before to labeled fragile. I think some people post just to get someone to respond back. Must be a boring life you have.. really stupid comment as well

  24. Joe in Michigan Says:

    When I played, getting your “bell rung” meant getting out the smelling salts and often returning to the game. Was it worth it? No, it wasn’t.

  25. firethecannons Says:

    It is awesome that Goedeke and Wirfs are good friends, that must help alot with many things. It is good to be able to have someone else to ask questions and just relate. We have a good line–very pleased with that.

  26. Bee Says:

    Hopefully he thinks about his long term health. He’s got a lot of life left

  27. Bucs4Ever Says:


    Any day of the week.

    Some people don’t understand what true wealth is…beyond material things.

  28. DeRobbins Says:

    PMIKE there really isnt a genetics involved with head injury. as a multiple head injury sufferer, there is not really always even a corrolation between the force of the hit, and the length of time of the symptoms, or how bad they are.

    I’ve had several from football, and other activities, but the worse one i had was when i slipped in a parking lot. that one developed into post-concussive syndrome, and the symptoms lasted 6+ months.

    there is a level of risk involved with anyone hitting their head, and to say its genetics is a joke.

    while there is evidence that some people have a predisposition to more negative results from a brain injury, there is enough randomness in presentation of symptoms from similar injuries of people who dont have that risk factor, to make armchair diagnostics laughable.

  29. PewterStiffArm Says:

    Great article Joe, maybe you can start a series of writings of stories involving players injuries. The effect of psychology verses stress verses rehab. We had several players, starters, with prolonged injuries. Winfield comes to mind and obviously Godwin. It is amazing the Goedeke transformation, I thought for a minute we had a bust. I’m glad Jason has become the linemen whisperer.

  30. Vanessa Anne Says:

    I would not call Luke fragile.

    Not by any stretch of the imagination.

    We certainly missed him while he was out.

    But frankly, I’d rather have him (or any player) miss several games than come back too early and risk compounding the injury. Especially a concussion.

    I’ll join the chorus while I’m at it…

    His health is what’s most important.

    If it means ending his career earlier than he’d like, I hope he’ll seriously consider it.

  31. Pmike Says:

    Wow I hit nerve. First off, Luke’s a dog and by no means when I say fragile does that have any basis on how he plays or his professional accomplishments.

    Some guys can take hits some can’t. Yea genetics are involved, you can’t sit there and tell me that different body types, sizes, ‘mass, density of bone, etc play into how an athlete can or cannot take hits. Add that with the position he plays and yeah genetics could very well be involved here. Sure could have been a situation where he got hit the in the wrong place at the wrong time, but I didn’t make any sort of comment on that.

    I’m a big supporter of athletes putting their health first. That is all.

  32. Pmike Says:

    I agree Vanessa but where’s the line in the sand? What if Luke goes out, the defense were playing targets his replacement and baker takes a season ending injury? Still happy we paid him?

    I’m not sure what boat I’m in all I know is the team doesn’t have endless money and we’re trying to compete

  33. BucVoyager Says:

    Pmike, admit you’re wrong and move on. Genetics have nothing to do with head injuries and there’s noting soft about playing on the OL.

  34. Aceofaerospace Says:

    He looked like The Great Gazoo, but whatever it takes. Concussions are to serious to ignore

  35. Durango 95 Says:

    “Maybe Bowles didn’t think it was any of the media’s business. Media all too often acts like a dog with a bone and uses their position to aggrevate already crappy situations.”

    Well that is unfortunate for him. Because the media acts as the eyes and ears of the fans. Without the fans Bowles wouldn’t have a job. It is not the responsibility of the media to clean up any mess that he might create. I’m not sure how people don’t already these things or perhaps they do but are just too busy showing their foolish side while trying to cover up for a guy that needs to do his own job better.

  36. garro Says:

    Trying to keep an open mind as to the Guardian Caps. Luke is probably why I can’t just blow them off. I do not recall any player missing that many games with a concusion. Add to it that no doubt Luke is one tough SOB and I pretty much have to.

    Go Bucs!

  37. heyjude Says:

    Agree, garro. Luke is one tough guy.

    My understanding about the Guardian Caps is that more players would need to wear them for the increased percentage of effectiveness. With all the money and technology out there, they could make the design a lot better. And to further protect the players, how about a sensor added to the helmets too. There have been hits that look like it could be on the edge of being a concussion, but the player isn’t called out for an instant exam in the tent.

  38. Vanessa Anne Says:


    Very good points. I can’t argue with any of them.

    Justin Skule (and in turn, Baker to some degree) got roasted by Aidan Hutchinson. That’s not a slam against Justin, who certainly upped his game over the course of the next few weeks. Aidan has the reputation he has for a good reason, lol.

    I don’t know where the line in the sand is, except that it unfortunately may shift depending on the player and the circumstance.

    I do agree that the team only has so much money to spend.

    We’ve certainly seen evidence on our own team that some players are more fragile than others. Reference: one of our cornerbacks.

    I’m just not sure I’d put Luke in that category.

  39. unbelievable Says:

    Guardian caps aren’t the end all be all solution, but it seems like all players should probably be wearing them for the potential benefit. Maybe an exception for kickers and long snappers who rarely take hits. But you only get one brain, folks.

    As for Goedeke, I honestly thought his career might have been over after missing the 3.rd game in a row… hope it doesn’t happen to him again.

  40. Buckybucs Says:

    Marpet seemed to retire with concussions being a partial reason. Wouldn’t be surprised if Luke does, if it happens more frequently it needs to be considered. Other ways to stay involved with the game.

  41. Aqualung Says:

    Well said, Durango.