Peyton Manning: Baker Mayfield Is A Coach Maker
February 1st, 2025
Talking Baker Mayfield.
If history with Baker Mayfield holds, this time next year Josh Grizzard will be a head coach in the NFL. Or begging for a job.
That’s the reality of being Baker Mayfield’s offensive coordinator. As many have pointed out recently, Mayfield is now on his eighth different offensive coordinator (Grizzard) as he prepares for his eighth year in the NFL.
One of those guys is unemployed and working national sports radio. One is working for Bill Belichick in North Carolina. Two are considered among the better offensive minds in football. His last two have become head coaches.
Today, local sports media icon Rock Riley caught up with Hall of Fame quarterback Peyton Manning at the Pro Bowl practices in Orlando. There, Manning was asked about Mayfield.
In short, Manning had both sympathy and respect for Mayfield. He noted that it’s not easy having a different guy in your ear with a different offense each season. But Mayfield has persevered.
Props to Mayfield for that, Manning said.
Manning also admitted it’s been fun to watch Mayfield play quarterback the past two seasons leading the Bucs to the playoffs each year.
You can see the full clip below. If the video isn’t working, click here.
I asked Peyton Manning about Baker Mayfield’s success and having to have another new offensive coordinator.
— rock riley (@realrockriley) February 1, 2025
February 1st, 2025 at 11:59 am
No surprise here. Great QB’s recognize greatness in other QB’s. Too bad that Peyton Manning lacks the credibility of RodMunchenburger who categorizes baker as a “loser.” That really hurts coming from a guy who excelled at band camp in high school. Munch, you march as well as you always have.
February 1st, 2025 at 12:15 pm
My money is on Grizzard will either be:
The Bucs new HC 2026
unemployed with the whole Bucs coaching staff next year!
February 1st, 2025 at 12:26 pm
Ok. So we have learned it is better to pair a good qb with a good offensive head coach. Got it. With a defensive head couch if your qb does good you lose them. And we have a defensive head coach a good qb and can’t keep an oc. Seems like a disadvantage to have a defensive head coach. Unless he has a top 5 defense. It’s a BUCS life. Go Bowles!
February 1st, 2025 at 1:07 pm
Baker Mayfield Is A Coach Maker.
February 1st, 2025 at 2:42 pm
That’s some serious props for our QB!
February 1st, 2025 at 7:43 pm
Does this mean that Bowles is starting his own coaching tree?
February 1st, 2025 at 8:06 pm
But, but, but…Can you have an article about Rod Munch and how he disagrees with Manning? Just to even things out? 🤪
February 1st, 2025 at 9:22 pm
That’s a different side of Peyton, hi has gravitas for sure.
Goid explanation as to how tge bfl works.
Bgrizz is definitely a short timer i would guess.
February 1st, 2025 at 11:04 pm
If Baker can turn Leftwich into a head coach then I’ll really be impressed.
February 1st, 2025 at 11:41 pm
Unfortunately for Grizzard he’s late too the party. People’s expectations of Baker Mayfield are now high. Much higher than two or three years ago. So if Baker Mayfield stinks next year. Grizzard is going to catch the blame. If Mayfield balls out. People will give Mayfield credit for having a different coordinator every year and still being successful. Good luck Grizz!
February 3rd, 2025 at 2:44 am
Baker has always been good, beating expectations since being college walk on, let him play, Bowles not smart.Why do people defend a sub .500% 8 year head coach. Horrible hc. Forget the supposed exotic bltzes, bad sack counts, ludicrous interception rate, dooesnt want to give up “biig plays” just gives up every play before it…yeah score totals might look ok. Because other team mounts time consumming ling drives.Bucs will never win with Bowles, no team will. A shame