Lovin’ Baker Mayfield

February 6th, 2025

Endearing recklessness.

Until a year ago, Joe had never heard of this Bert Kreischer..

Last year Joe found out about Kreischer when he appeared (drunk) on Kay Adams’ show at the Super Bowl. There, he appeared with Bucs legend Derrick Brooks. The two bro-hugged it up and it was then Joe learned (from Brooks) that Kreischer lives in Tampa and is a big Bucs fan.

Apparently, Kreischer is a comedian of some import. Joe’s never seen his standup and has no idea what movie he’s appeared in.

Well, Kreischer came back to Adams’ show yesterday, live from the Super Bowl media center in New Orleans, and sat on the couch with former Bucs tight end foot-rubbing Rob Gronkowski. The three began talking about Baker Mayfield.

Kreischer is a big fan of Mayfield, but not just because he’s a Bucs quarterback or a really good quarterback. Kreischer likes Mayfield because Mayfield plays quarterback his way and if you don’t like it, “s@ck it,” Kreischer said.

“So I love the way Baker Mayfield plays football,” Kreischer said. “I love recklessness. That’s why I love Jameis Winston.

“I don’t need you to be the cookie-cutter athlete that maybe Tom [Brady] was. … I love that Baker — I want the — this!”

Kreischer then made a gesture with two hands to his crotch which is the universal language for “S@ck it!”

Joe has never heard anyone describe Mayfield that way but it’s true! Whenever he runs over a linebacker or runs downfield to throw a block for Bucky Irving or completes a touchdown pass, you can just envision him running up to a defender and yell, “S@ck this!”

That’s Mayfield in a nutshell, truly.

Gronk also said that the attitude of Mayfield is why he loves him.

“I do love Baker!” Gronk said. “As a quarterback, 100 percent that’s a great way to describe him. Team player. Going all out. Giving it his all.

“Kind of a dawg as well and a dawg is kind of reckless. Not just a dawg where he’s a five-pound dog. He’s a pit bull.”

Kreischer is expecting big things from Mayfield this fall.

“We got a little bit of that [Kreischer repeated the gesture to his crotch] this year,” Kreischer said. “And we will get a lot of that [for the 2025 season].”

Joe hopes to see Mayfield play like or just yell at defenders, “S@ck it!” enough for the Bucs to get a bye week in the playoffs next winter.


33 Responses to “Lovin’ Baker Mayfield”

  1. Stu Padaso Says:

    Kreishcher has a legendary stand up bit about hanging out with the Russian mob.
    Good stuff.

    Was his shirt off again?

  2. The Smokey GO Bucs!!! Says:

    Joe get on the phone with the brass at one buc place and 1)yell till the resign Godwin 2) nudge them in the right direction with this Myles Garrett signing we know u have pull Jo’s make it happen capin!!!!

  3. Half_Sac Says:

    You’re not missing anything. His gimmick is he takes his shirt off and tells a story from his college. Men in their 40-50s love it

  4. ModHairKen Says:

    One point about Baker making downfield blocks and taking big hits to get first downs: name one player on Defense who plays that hard? Other than David. Maybe Winfield?

    Not JTS. Not Dean. Not non-tackling always behind McCollum. Not Yaya. Not part time weak calf. Vea is dominant but can’t play enough due to his size and lack of conditioning.

    Remember Sapp? Full intensity. Brooks? Always on 10. Lynch? Would pick off a pass and knock out a TE in the same quarter.

    Nobody on Defense matches the intensity of Baker. You read that Licht? Go get some animals.

  5. stpetebucsfan Says:

    As one of the “old dudes” here I feel I’m qualified to say what is normally a worn out old trite phrase. But it fits Baker so perfectly. He’s old school!

    Like virtually everyone here I love watching Baker play. It comes with a cost however. The odds increase that he will have to miss some games due to injury. I’m OK with that because I do not want him to change his style at all!!!

    Having said that I’m kind of surprised that in all the Garrett lust, and Coen angst nobody has even mentioned who is next up when Baker inevitably goes down.

    Who is the Bucs backup QB, more critical than ever since we’ve gone from the old man who simply dropped to the ground or threw it into the cheap seats at the first hint of a pass rush.

    Do the Bucs even attempt to resign Trask? He obviously knows the Bucs inside and out and provides the most continuity. The Trask mob believed he was better than Baker two years ago…LMAO…but perhaps he is the real deal.

    Should the Bucs look for a more “athletic” QB in the draft or FA to back up Baker? Or should they stick with Trask who is smart, experienced, and can throw the ball well. Problem is he’s a style that seems to be no longer valued in the NFL. QB’s with a great gun but no mobility are simply not in vogue and watching Brady’s final two seasons here seemed to show why!

  6. garro Says:

    Burt is funny?

    Kay who on earth is booking for you?!? Love me some Gronk but….I know you got more sway than this Kay! Come on man!

    Go Bucs!

  7. JimBobBuc Says:

    Bake running for first downs really fires up RJS and the Bucs, especially when Bake celebrates the first down!

    Grizz needs to put a Bake scramble (not eggs Joe!) in the first series for each game.

  8. Todd Says:

    Not for nothin’ … but Kay Adams. Always a wow.

    What is that gesture Baker makes again?

  9. Baking with Grizz Says:

    Im surprised Joe is not demanding the Glazers to tell Licht to sign AMERICAS QUARTERBACK JAMEIS WINSTON. This way we can have a true qb competition. Lol

  10. Beeej Says:

    Baker needs to go to a single bar facemask and complete the ‘old school’ thing. Theisman did that when he finally got to start, after watching Sonny Jorgensen and Billy Kilmer for several years

  11. Lt. Dan Says:

    “Until a year ago, Joe had never heard of this Bert Kreischer. Honest to goodness.” AND…Joe claims to have never seen an alligator in the wild. In Florida. Hahahaha! Just “bustin” your balls Joe. Sopranos style!

  12. Leighroy Says:

    No, no, no no. Jameis was reckless. Baker is fearless.

  13. BuckyBuc Says:

    Bret is such a tool, cringe

  14. RustyRhinos Says:

    Let’s all hope we are not the ones saying “S@ck It!” when Baker has a “Jammiss moment” with an INT or PICK-6. Would we all not be yelling that?

    I am glad we have Baker as our QB. He does have that “Moxie” and is not afraid to put himself in harm’s way to get a First Down or TD. No, he is not a Lamar Jackson clone (who is?). Yet, Baker has his own skill sets and traits that make him easy to be a fan of. I was bummed out he got kicked from Cleveland, for Carolina, then the Rams. I was excited to see what he could do in Tampa Bay with a supportive cast around him, an HC / OC’s, GM, and Owners who believed in Baker and resigned him.

    GO BAKER GO!!!!!

  15. Weebs10 Says:

    Bert’s “I’m the Machine” bit is hilarious.

  16. It's Corn Says:

    slow news day

  17. heyjude Says:

    All the kudos for Baker are right on correct. He is awesome. Watching him at the Pro Bowl he was a fan favorite too. His mic’d up is fun to watch and hear too. We are lucky to have him.

  18. Joe Says:

    Nobody on Defense matches the intensity of Baker.

    Not YaYa? Not Kancey? 🙁

    Kay who on earth is booking for you?!? Love me some Gronk but….I know you got more sway than this Kay! Come on man!

    She likes jackasses. She always has Cam Jordan on her show and DeSean Cancer. If she hasn’t had Sean Payton on her show this week yet, she probably will.

    Joe claims to have never seen an alligator in the wild. In Florida.

    Two months shy of 27 years and counting. As always, Joe doesn’t go where they hang and Joe sure as hell isn’t looking for one. So far, so good.

  19. Joe Says:

    slow news day

    Given Joe has thousands of (free) articles in his (free) archives, Joe is sure you will find something that fits your “news” tastes.

  20. Jack Burton Mercer Says:

    Jose, you never heard of Bert Kreischer, Tampa native, until 1 year ago? Never seen a live gator in the wild? Are you a shut in or are you doing this remote from Alaska? I actually heard and saw both in the 70s but I have some experience on you.

  21. Erik with UniqueModernArt.com Says:

    Baker running over/trucking Bobby Wagner is a classic NFL moment in my book.

  22. stpetebucsfan Says:

    Sawgrass Park in St. Pete right off I 275. Great boardwalks that go right by Gators. Getting soon to mating season I believe but in the Spring you can see mama’s with dozens of little babies…for awhile until the big gators eat them.

    @Baking with Grizz

    Please! I know you’re kidding but there are guys here (can you say Rod?) who still believe JW can play. JW has been a backup now so it shouldn’t be beneath him to come off the bench and if it wasn’t for his horrid past here along with his cement head, just talent wise I could see it. I can’t even believe I typed that!

  23. BucsfaninOregon Says:

    I’m with St.Pete on this one. I can’t believe I’m typing this but,—-Jamis may be the perfect backup. Say baker gets crushed in 4th qtr of tight game. Jamis gives us a shot. maybe he’ll fail, but I’d rather he had a chance that a totally inexperienced Trask.

    If Jamis is OK with backup, then I would look into it.

    There I said it. Can’t believe it.

  24. Becky Says:

    I do not understand why people continue to get their sports information
    from somebody because of the way they look, rather than from those who have actually played the sport they discuss. Not actually playing means you will never have full knowledge of that which you talk about. . As to Baker, I have made my feelings clear. I have been a fan since he walked on at Texas Tech, the first college where he took the starting QB position. He plays under center which shows he is a stud. He plays with abandon which I really wish some defensive Bucs players would do. He is beloved by teammates. He will put his body at risk to make a play. He is a gunslinger, and a leader. There is nothing about Baker not to love. He makes the game fun and exciting and he doesn’t cheat.

  25. Becky Says:

    James should not be an option. The Browns should have learned from hiring players with no moral character. The Bucs should learn that too

  26. Aqualung Says:

    *Baker not barner

  27. ballwasher61 Says:

    If Trask understands the offense and gets protection, as Baker needs, he should be ok to sub as needed but don’t really know yet. He can move when he needs to but it’s been a while sitting on that sideline, LOL. Remember when the running backs were declared extinct a few years ago? Look at Bucky, Barkley, and few others so a not so mobile QB would be ok even in todays world of the NFL.

  28. Rod Munch Says:

    Personally I’d prefer my QB not to fail in the biggest moments of his career.

  29. Ryan Says:

    Get Bert’s book on Audible and listen to the stories. They’re hilarious. The Machine story is better in the book than any standup routine I’ve seen him do.

  30. KABucs Says:

    Joe’s never seen an alligator in a random pond or lake somewhere? Not a golfer either, huh? Me either… but I see an alligator randomly every couple years while I normal subdivisions or public parks. I also have kayaks and have seen 32 on a single paddle, but those are “special” trips. They’re only scary when in the 8′ + range. Hillsborough Riv State Park had a 10-12 footer that haunted it’s shores for a while… saw him myself… from land thankfully!

    What about seeing Trask outside practicing? Can we count that?

  31. Davyboy🏴‍☠️ Says:

    Personally Rod, no one really cares what you prefer. You are a drag on the team effort and to be honest I would bet that you want the team to be divided and at odds with each other. What a joke of a fan.
    It’s all right though, Baker has proven you wrong in every single way possible. And thank goodness he is our quarterback and will be for a long long time. 🤣 So get used to it. Baker Baker the head coach maker. Lmao

  32. BucfaninMi Says:

    The Russia story of isn’t entirely true and Bert is a jacka$$

  33. unbelievable Says:

    Bert is a drunk who has some funny stories but he would not even be in my top 50 when it comes to stand up comics. And his bit on the Brady roast was just terribly unfunny. The only one who was worse was Dana White.

    He’s really only famous from paling around with Joe Rogan and getting some notoriety from that. His podcast is okay though.

    With all that said, he’s managed to parlay it all and his Bucs fandom into some NFL spotlight recently, so kudos to him for managing to do that. When life gives you lemons…