Liam Coen Addresses Josh Grizzard Hire

February 26th, 2025

Liam Coen talks about his replacement.

So yesterday, Liam “El Serpiente” Coen told Joe that he’s been cool with giving him a hard time and, in fact, he doesn’t even consider it a hard time.

That was cool.

Joe had a private chat with Coen but also asked him on the record about the Bucs replacing him with Josh Grizzard.

Coen hired Grizzard from the Dolphins last offseason. In Miami, Grizzard was a quality control coach for two seasons under Mike McDaniel. In Tampa, Grizzard got to be a daily voice in the crafting of the Bucs offense as passing game coordinator.

Coen says Grizzard is more than ready for many reasons.

“Josh is going to do a phenomenal job,” Coen said. “He’s got a really unique way about him to be able to connect with a lot of different people: coaches, players. He’s got a great sense of humor.

“He’s up there in terms of the IQ, the football knowledge, the ability to see it, design it, and also be able to communicate it to the guys. You know, he’s primed for his. He’s ready for this. And I think he’s going to do a really nice job.”

That’s the third time Joe has been told that Grizzard has a unique ability to connect and relate to players and staff. It’s not a coincidence. It seems like “Griz” is one of those guys gifted in relationships.

Joe apologizes to those offended by Coen’s face on this site.

Todd Bowles Is Today’s Guest; Combine Body Language And Comments, And Much More

Mike McDaniel Talks Josh Grizzard Preparation

29 Responses to “Liam Coen Addresses Josh Grizzard Hire”

  1. garro Says:

    Coen needs to keep any Bucs folks name out of his mouth me thinks.

    Go Bucs!

  2. Kenton Smith Says:

    “he’s been cool with giving him a hard time and, in fact, he doesn’t even consider it a hard time”. Sure Joe, he probably loves being called “El Serpente”. Thinking about that got a laugh out of me.

  3. OHBucFan Says:

    So Bucs nation wants to know, will Coen’s nom de plume remain “El Serpiente” on everyone’s favorite Bucs website?
    Great job this week. Joes.

  4. Ha-Ha-Ha Says:

    Its Coach DuuuVvaaaAl.

  5. Hodad Says:

    Coen did a great job here, he also was the one who brought in our new OC. Yes Bowles promoted him, but Coen brought him in the building. Since I live on the East coast of FL we get most all of the Jags games, Orlando market. I look forward to seeing Coen on the sideline for them. Probably be seeing some ex Bucs for the Jags too which is always fun. At least now when I’m forced to watch Jags football, when they’re the only game on I’ll have more interest. I bare no ill will towards Coen, hope he does well with the Jags.

  6. Edgar Berry Says:

    Liam Coen sucks rope.

  7. BucNWaterBoy Says:

    Is it just me, or does anyone else hear the snake’s voice from the Jungle Book when reading the Coen quotes?

  8. Win in the Trenches Says:

    He did the same thing to kentucky as he did to the Bucs , He probably looks at his bank account before going to bed every nite and laughing himself to sleep…. zzzz zzzz 🙂

  9. Drunkinybor Says:

    ~~~~~🐍 ” ssss hissss hissss.. Dooby Dooss VAWLsss sssl! “Sss Josh hasss a high I.Q. sss..hiss..sss Hesss got unique waysss to slither into the mindsss backyardssss and really get in the grassssess hiss hiss and trenchesss. Sssss ~~~🐍

  10. Drunkinybor Says:

    BucNWaterBoy Says:
    February 26th, 2025 at 5:57 am
    Is it just me, or does anyone else hear the snake’s voice from the Jungle Book when reading the Coen quotes?

    That is exactly what I hear in my head when I write out hisssss words

  11. Hail2dabucs Says:

    No need to apologize Joe. We are going to see his face looking like he’s falling on it for about 2-3 years until the screwey jags crap can his arse . Go bucs

  12. Weebs10 Says:


  13. Weebs10 Says:

    I hope Griz crushes it!!

  14. Tony Says:

    Hopefully Godwin doesn’t go there because if they can’t find a way to resign him it wouldn’t surprise me if he went there.

  15. BucsFanSince1996 Says:

    After reading this post and the comments below it I checked my email.

    I was informed by Anita Moorjani that in the Chinese calender, this is the Year of the Snake. 😉

  16. Jack Burton Mercer Says:

    Miscommunication is all it was, so I don’t care. Jose seems to need an angle, or a hook, or a wedge or whatever you want to call it when he writes his stories. (Some are way, way, way overplayed.)

  17. Jeff Says:

    Bucs could have had Coen’s dominant offense in place for 10 years. Instead, the Yucs went with old Clueless instead. Clueless Todd! Tampa’s treasure!

  18. Kenton Smith Says:

    Jeff’s grandpa-wake up and go down to the basement and get your grandson. He’s down there being a horses ass again.

  19. TheBigSombreo Says:

    “El Serpentine” makes me laugh every time I read it Joe!

    One of your best nicknames.

    I think what makes any coordinator good or bad, is there ability to call the game, in real time, under the gun… with the clock ticking fast. Can Grizzard get the right plays off in time, in succession.

    I wish the Bucs could help simulate that for him as much as possible this off season.

    Practices will be for the OC… not Baker and Evans.

  20. BucsFanSince1996 Says:

    Jeff Says:
    Bucs could have had Coen’s dominant offense in place for 10 years. Instead, the Yucs went with old Clueless instead. Clueless Todd! Tampa’s treasure!

    For someone who was “clueless” he picked a pretty good candidate for an OC, didn’t he?

    I wanted to keep Coen around as much as anybody but the Glazer’s learned their lesson long ago that a great OC isn’t necessarily going to be a good HC. It’s a different skillset.

    Also, had the Bucs made Coen a first-time HC he would have had to learn on the job how to be a good HC, and that would have taken some of his time and attention away from the offense. So the offense could have taken a step back this season if he were promoted.

  21. Julio A Cepeda Says:

    Coen you are a sellout the way you handled your departure was very un professional, not cool at all I hope you go 0-16 for the season remember you don’t have the same players there in jacksonville that you had here with the bucs. Go Bucs.

  22. David G Says:

    When asked he said Griiiiiiizard!

  23. Denny Gay Says:

    Kick rocks

  24. FilthyAnimal Says:

    Joe apologizes to those offended by Coen’s face on this site.

    …mentioning Kash Patel is more offensive.

  25. BootyLover Says:

    Coen has an optometrist for each of his eyes. The right one practices in Georgia and the left one somewhere in Florida.

  26. lambchop Says:

    Coming from a guy who’s back stabbed his way up, I really don’t value his opinion, especially since he’s not going to come out and say, “I screwed the Bucs over, hope it works out but I dunno. Duuuuvaaaal *grin*. Got dang Quasimodo.

  27. Aqualung Says:

    Business is business. I just happen to love Joe’s great El Serpiente nickname for him and it will stick. I also despise the Jags, their billionaire boob of an owner, their chick quarterback, and how they mistreated Lombardi Lenny.

  28. John Bucs fan Says:

    what a jerk

  29. ballwasher61 Says:

    Drunkin, actually I hear Scar from the Lion King…


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