Josh Grizzard Wants Bucs Offense To Evolve

February 6th, 2025

Bucs OC Josh Grizzard.

A word Joe does not like is one that has been thrown out there a lot in the wake of Liam Coen bolting to Jacksonville and the Bucs tapping Josh Grizzard as the new Bucs offensive coordinator.

“Continuity.” Joe doesn’t like that word at all. Being stuck in the same rut allows other teams to catch up with what you are doing. How is that good?

NFL teams should grow or look to grow week by week, not just in the offseason. So Joe saw the word “continuity” tossed around and got very uncomfortable.

Thursday when Grizzard stood before the local pen and mic club at One Buc Palace, he embraced the word “continuity.” However, he added, don’t get that confused with stagnation.

“The continuity will remain essentially the same,” Grizzard said. “What you want to do, like we did last year, is morph it to the players. You can morph after the draft, like it was last year, or in season based on who is hurt or who is not.

“But we want to keep the root of that the same because that takes as much time as anything. With that said, I do think you have to evolve every year because now there is a full season of tape on what we did here and now people are studying that.”

One way to evolve, Grizzard said, is to be open-minded. An example, he explained, is when he studies college tape of players that are on the Bucs’ draft radar. If he sees a play or a receiver route or a run-blocking scheme he likes or finds interesting, he makes a note to go back to that tape later to see if it can be incorporated into what the Bucs offense.

“We can go from the college ranks; we can do studies from around the league to put our unique spin on it,” Grizzard said. “There are definitely things I’ve done in my past that I want to add to [the offense] to continue to apply pressure.

“But again, the last thing you want is to get stagnant. So now we can take it to the next level.”

That was Joe’s biggest concern with keeping the hiring process in-house. By bringing in someone from the outside who has fresh ideas, not unlike what the Bucs did with Coen did last year, Joe thought that would be a way to grow an already good offense.

Apparently, from what Grizzard said, you can do both: Stay in-house and grow.

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21 Responses to “Josh Grizzard Wants Bucs Offense To Evolve”

  1. Rod Munch Says:

    Uh… the offensive scheme and play calling last year was insanely good.

    If by ‘evolve’ you mean adding in some new plays – sure, sounds great. But if ‘evolve’ means we’re going to trick people by running up the middle on every first down because no one would ever think you’d run up the middle 200 times in a row to open the season – no thanks.

  2. KnoxvilleBuc Says:

    “Continuity” can be a dangerous word and I am in agreement it sometimes best to get a fresh perspective and fire. Grizz did well today and I’m excited to see what he can do and hopefully push us even further on offense. Seems to have the players backing and I have faith in Bowels Defense bouncing back to compliment his offense till it gets on its feet.

  3. Tbbucs3 Says:

    Coen got way too much credit for last year….the talent is the main reason the Bucs offense was great.

    Not due to “insanely good” scheme and playcalling as Munch says…Munch just refuses to believe Baker is a top 10 quarterback.

    The offense will be just as good if not better next year without that Duval bozo

  4. Watch Daddy Sling It Says:

    Not having Bucky sit the last ten minutes of any game, or getting cute in the red zone(s) would be a very good evolution.

  5. SenileSenior Says:

    I liked the motions and doing different things from the same sets last season. I do not recall the Bucs offense ever having the looks that we did. I think you can have continuity and innovation in the same scheme.

    Go Bucs!

  6. Tony Says:

    If he finds a way to make the offense even better OUCH. Just have to get the D to play more consistent. Never thought that day would come after it was always the other way around back then.

  7. JustOneGame Says:

    People acting like Coen had nothing to do with the offense being ranked top 5 across the board are a special breed.

  8. Hearty Dikerson Says:

    This is what’s so weird, Joe. You hate ‘continuity’ and thing growing stale, yet you question why so people can’t stand Bowles. He’s the definition of stale, stuck in his ways, predictable. Every OC in the league knows to throw the easy 8 yard pass in the middle because Todd’s defense has had the same playbook for years.

  9. kgh4life Says:

    @Rod Munch

    What the hell are you talking about? It seems you don’t think before you type. So, the word evolve means running up the middle numerous times? It’s clear Grizzard wants to adjust the offense and add more plays.

  10. Tbbucs3 Says:


    Even better, people who claim Leftwhich had nothing to do with the superbowl year are a much worse breed.

    Embarrassing how Bucs fans will still praise Coen even after putrid performance in the playoffs leading to a 1st round bounce…..the guy who’s offense can’t execute 2 basic handoffs in the 4th quarter of a playgame= Genius. Lmao!

  11. GoneGator Says:

    He’ll bring in more pass concepts from Mike McDaniel’s system in Miami (which were the best in the NFL for a few years) and keep the successful plays and schemes we employed last year intact with wrinkles.

    He’ll get Rachaad back involved and play more “pony personnel” which will benefit us greatly.

    It’s a copycat league. He talked a bit about that, scouring pro and college games and making notes of schemes and plays that could be explored.

    He mentioned collabaration and I think he’ll work closely with the players and specifically Baker who he mentioned being like a cocah on the field.

    Bet Grizz has 1000s of ideas picked up over the past few years.
    Promoting Carr could be huge too!

    Continuity, to me, just means same people to a large degree – no need to get to know new people all the time. You learn about them and how they tick to a degree. The more you know your brother, the more time together sweating beside him and going to war with him matters.

    And the same foundational approach with the same players, language, and staff (mainly), schemes, etc is what I think he means by continuity…. Not status quo. I See potential for our offense to evolve to greater heights under Grizzard – We’ll see.

    I look at this as year 2 of the New Bucs

  12. Erik w/ Says:

    This is a pretty silly notion of ‘continuity’ and the wrong context, Joe.

    Continuity of system, plays, schemes, most coaches etc is definitely a great thing.

    And Baker should be way better and further ahead in his development in 2025 than he was in 2024, based on that continuity alone.

  13. Rastaferian Jenkins Says:

    If you don’t make changes you get left behind. Lots of tape to be watched, need to create your own wrinkles

  14. FilthyAnimal Says:

    J0E apparently doesn’t understand continuity. It doesn’t mean staying the same. In the case of the offense, it doesn’t take a PhD to figure out that it means keeping the basics, such as terminology and basic concepts as if Coen had returned as OC. You can have continuity and still evolve the offense. You don’t have to install a completely new offense from the ground up. That’s continuity. Why is this necessary to explain to a grown human?

  15. FilthyAnimal Says:


  16. Jeebs the Honey Bear Says:

    When you had a top 5 offense, you definitely want continuity and to say anything otherwise is insane. Continuity doesn’t mean do everything exactly the same. It literally means to continue, and we want the offense to continue to be top 5! Grizzard is clearly an intelligent guy, and he understands there will need to be adjustments. The only question mark is his ability to call plays under the pressure of game day situations, and that is a big question mark. But again he seems like a smart guy and I think he will be ready. LFG

  17. garro Says:

    Ok he has me confused now. Which is it? Continuity or new spin? I understand stagnant…DCs are watching tape as we speak.

    Go Bucs!

  18. heyjude Says:

    Sounds like he is looking at everything. That’s great. Hoping not to include cutesy plays.

  19. JustVisiting Says:

    The way I see it, continuity is about the core playbook: you don’t want your players trying to learn a whole new offense every year. Then you evolve within or around that core, at a pace that players can absorb in time to really execute it. Sounds to me like Grizzard is talking sense.

  20. stpetebucsfan Says:


    “I look at this as year 2 of the New Bucs”

    I agree! I like that a lot. And I don’t believe it’s window closing year for the SB!
    I think this team is just getting better and better and now that the SB cap burden is easing and the Bucs have started replacing retired SB stars with guys like Kancey and YaYa and the young OL…Remember the one hit wonders Timbuk3? “The Futures so Bright I Gotta Wear Shades.

  21. Gipper Says:

    Baker isn’t a Top 10 QB. More like a Top 5 QB. He has more TD passes in the last 2 years than any NFL QB. If the defense would ever get the ball back to the offense, Baker would get more chances to be even more productive.