Jameis Winston Regrets Not Having One More Year With Bucco Bruce Arians

February 7th, 2025

Laments exit from Tampa.

America’s Quarterback has been a busy man in New Orleans this week.

Working as a correspondent for FOX Sports, former Bucs quarterback Jameis Winston is all over various Super Bowl festivities in New Orleans and bouncing into shows along radio row.

There, he dropped in on the creator, curator and overall guru of Pro Football Talk, the great Mike Florio, along with his co-host Chris Simms, the former Bucs quarterback.

Jameis is between jobs. Saquon Barkley advised Jameis to sign with the Giants (from an exposure standpoint, that’s very savvy advice).

Florio, hosting his “PFT Live” show, told Jameis there is no question he can play in the league. Florio noted Jameis has a 5,000-yard passing season under his belt. Very, very few quarterbacks have ever hit that plateau.

Then Jameis began to reminisce about a lost opportunity. His last year with the Bucs was Arians’ first season in Tampa Bay, when Jameis threw for 5,109 yards passing. Alas, it was a contract year for Jameis.

When the Bucs and Tom Brady’s camp were feeling each other out late in the 2019 season, the Bucs made the no-brainer decision to bring in Brady and let Jameis walk.

The result? Super Bowl, bay-bee. Boom, boom, BOOM!

Jameis wondered out loud to Florio and Simms what may have been if he had a chance to stick around one more year with Arians.

Mike Florio: You threw for 5,109 yards out there. There aren’t many human beings in the history of the NFL that have thrown for 5000 yards. That’s something to be proud of. And that, I mean, it’s a rarity. And you did it. Forget the 30 interceptions. You’re in that small quad of 5,000-yard passers.

Jameis Winston: I’m grateful for that man. And statistics are things that, you know, I can tell my kids: “Back in the day… .” But my kids wanna see me win. Man, throwing for 5,000 yards is amazing. But we got Mike Evans, Chris Godwin. When you’ve got the pieces that I had around me. Bruce Arians is coming in, allowing me to go all in on my plays. Go all in. Byron Leftwich is calling the best plays in the world. Working with Clyde Christensen. We had the makeup. Obviously, you saw next year they went out and freaking won the Super Bowl with Tom Brady, the best to ever do it. So we had the makeup. Man, I just, I just think if I would have had another year in that system with Bruce, I would have been able to lead my team to that as well.

Bruce Arians has often mentioned in interviews that Jameis would have turned things around in a second year with him. And that Jameis not getting that second season is one of his coaching regrets.

But let’s not be silly here. Brady came in and raised everyone’s game. Set a new standard. That probably wouldn’t have happened if Jameis stayed.

We will never know what would have transpired if the Bucs kept Jameis. But Joe fully understands what did happen when Brady arrived. That season ended with Brady holding the Vince Lombardi Trophy aloft in victory in the humid Tampa night air.

60 Responses to “Jameis Winston Regrets Not Having One More Year With Bucco Bruce Arians”

  1. LEWI Says:

    SO ready for this dude to be an analyst/reporter doing interviews lol

  2. D-Rome Says:

    The Bucs were NEVER going to win a Super Bowl with Jameis. Brady brought Gronk, AB, and Fournette. It’s been five years since he played with the Bucs and he’s had his opportunities. The Lord Jesus Christ cannot or will not deliver him from pick 6’s (his words, not mine).

  3. Addb Says:

    He needs to be the sideline reporter for the manningcast

  4. Watch Daddy Sling It Says:

    Wouldn’t be surprised to see him as the Broncos QB 2. Payton is the only coach who’s been able to limit the picks. He did shock the Ravens this past season.

  5. Pickgrin Says:

    Sorry Jameis.
    But the Bucs 2020 Super Bowl season would not have happened without Tom Brady under center…..

    No Brady means No Gronk, No AB and probably no Fournette = NO Super Bowl

    Those 3 players btw were the only Buccaneers to score TDs that magical night at Ray Jay in front of only about 25,000 fans when Tampa Bay became the first NFL team ever to win a Super Bowl on its home field. Gronk had TWO (Tuddys)…

  6. Thomas Edrington Says:

    THE HUGE PROBLEM: You just can’t trust Jam-russ to NOT THROW A PICK — and his picks often come at the worst moments of a game……he had an INCREDIBLE defense that would bail him out at Florida State…..Hard for Leopards to change their spots!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. David Says:

    Can’t say, I feel the same way. He still has not learned. He keeps proving over and over- In big moments, he will turn the ball over.

  8. Permanently Moderated Says:

    The Bucs made the right decision.

  9. geno711 Says:

    Where is Ndog? An article for him and LaMarcus, Oneilbucs, Ardnagy, and Dapostman.

  10. Durango 95 Says:

    When asked why he wanted at least one more year in Tampa Bay. He replied.

    “Interceptions”. “I feel like there’s a lot more meat left on that bone… I could have thrown so many more.”

  11. Tye Says:

    The most amusing thing I read yesterday was:
    Jameis wants a chance to prove to a team he is ‘trustworthy’…

    Thats hilarious…
    Several years with Bucs/ 2 years Saints/ a stint with Browns
    Still throws to the opponent…. Already has proven untrustworthy!

  12. Bubby Says:

    He’s the only one that feels that way.

  13. heyjude Says:

    Loving the “W” Beignet. Good to hear that from Jameis. Maybe if Kyle is picked up by another team, Jameis could come back as a backup to Baker.

  14. Ha-Ha-Ha Says:

    Brady brought gronk and that was the difference.

  15. doolnutts Says:

    It’s simple. Winston’s agent priced him out of the FA market. The numbers I remember Winston asking were staggering and I think the bucs just didn’t want to marry to him for another 4-5 years at 150 mill which at the time was an insane amount. – See the Giants and Jones they regretted that move terribly.

  16. OHBucFan Says:

    Comments here are spot on but I’ll pick up what Joe’s laying down…
    Florio (Joe’s friend) says to ignore the 30 picks. Typical web site lawyer talk. Let’s not worry about losing games because you refuse to take care of the ball. Let’s instead focus on the passing yards. Hey Mike, how about wins/losses?
    Joe’s site spends a great deal of time (rightly so) on drive-killing sacks. You want a better drive killer? An interception. That’s why I’m as worried about the Bucs getting turnover makers as I am increasing QB sacks from the ends.
    One last thing and I don’t know if Jameis mentions it or not but it’s not in the snippets above: Jameis regrets not having another year with Bruce. No mention of regretting all those picks? C’mon man!

  17. PewterStiffArm Says:

    Sorry, coach Arians wouldn’t have wanted another year with you. Trying to teach not to throw the football to the opposing team, you know, those guys with the different color uniforms.

  18. Marine Buc Says:


    Winston still doesn’t get it.

    Arians set him up… He didn’t want you Jameis…

    Why else would he tell you to “keep firing” after you already threw 4 INTs?

    DUH!!!! Arians knew how to get rid of you and it worked.

    He wanted you gone and his plan worked to perfection.

    Look what happened after you left. A perfect plan that helped us win a Super Bowl.

  19. PewterStiffArm Says:

    Sorry, coach Arians wouldn’t have wanted another year with you. Trying to teach you not to throw the football to the opposing team, you know, those guys with the different color uniforms.

  20. Cobraboy Says:

    “Ignore 30 picks”

    That statement is pure bullhockey.

    You cannot just ignore 30 picks when examining a QB.

    ATM is nothing more than an entertaining clown.

  21. Eckwood Says:

    That guy took more hits and brutal hits than any QB I have ever witnessed by far . Never missed a game !! His biggest problem is he wants to win every down and puts winning every down on himself . Baker has learned not to do that but is still plenty agressive and puts the team on his shoulders , just a lil bit wiser !!

  22. Pewter Power Says:

    If baker was in BA’s system he might be in trouble too. The system has long developing route concepts because he always wants to throw deep, baker is short and throws a lot of interceptions too. I can’t compare his accuracy or interception rate but Brady is the only quarterback of the three that gets us that Super Bowl

  23. FortMyersDave Says:

    Jameis Winston only has to blame himself for how things turned out in 2019. He threw 5 picks and a pick 6 in a home loss to the Texans in the second to last game and in the finale he finished his career with a pick 6 in OT against the ATL to match his first play ever as a Buc vs Tennessee when he and Lovie let Mariota and the Titans boat race them. Jameis got what he deserved.

  24. bucnjim Says:

    Winston is a fantastic dude met him several times. You’d like to see guys like that make it in the NFL. Problem is he couldn’t protect the football no matter who coached him. The Saints benched him for a TE pretending to be a QB and unfortunately that tells you everything you need to know. Even the Browns gave him one last chance to stop turning it over.

  25. Jmarkbuc Says:

    Fantastic dude?

    That’s a stretch.

  26. Mike Johnson Says:

    Laugh all you like. But Jameis is setting the table for a Fox Sports career after football. Nationwide, he is liked by many people. He will probably never start again in the NFl. But there are lots of career backups who have done well financially. Famous Jameis is looking out for himself and his family. I cannot be mad at him.

  27. Tony Says:

    So much for that “eye surgery” he said he had to make him better. Looks like nothing changed with him there.

  28. Oneilbuc Says:

    If Jamies would have had a running game he would have still been here. But it’s funny to me how most of y’all didn’t care about a running game until Brady came and now Baker .

  29. Tbbucs3 Says:

    “ Go all in. Byron Leftwich is calling the best plays in the world”

    Well, looks like that ends all the speculation. Byron Leftwhich was the one calling all the plays during the Arians regime..

    But will that stop Joe and other mindless Bucs fans from bashing Leftwhich even though Brady and that roster was washed his final year? Probably not.

  30. BucsfaninOregon Says:

    Where IS Ndog? My guess he’s a Falcons’ guy now.

  31. Aqualung Says:

    The defense would have mutinied. Jameis lost the Texans game and Falcons game all by himself, with a little help from Gay the Kicker.

  32. geno711 Says:

    Ah, look who crawled out of the nostalgia vault—one of the old groupies made a grand entrance!

    Big shoutout to Oneilbuc!

    He couldn’t resist one of his old classic theories – if Jameis had a running game… How soon the boy forgets that Jameis has played 5 seasons since his Bucs years and in all 5 of those seasons, the team Jameis has been on has out gained the Bucs in rushing yards.


  33. Nicholas Carlson Says:

    Bucs Fans Do Not Regret Jameis Not Having One More Year With Bucco Bruce Arians

  34. geno711 Says:

    Not sure Mike Johnson about your ability to analyze.

    Remember your old classics:

    Mike Johnson Says:
    March 18th, 2020 at 12:38pm
    I think my fellow Buc fans are smoking Thai- sticks. I don’t see a 43 yr NFL player doing much except collecting money.

    Mike Johnson Says:
    March 18th, 2020 at 12:43pm
    Laugh and celebrate Old man Brady coming to Tampa now. Enjoy it while we are undefeated. You can and will be…..Crying Later.

    Mike Johnson Says:
    April 24th, 2020 at 2:02am
    KC got that RB out of LSU in the 1st rd. He is a beast. Watch him run amuck in the NFl.

    Mike Johnson Says:
    April 24th, 2020 at 2:07am
    Licht got..Bambozzled.

  35. Half_Sac Says:

    Jameis was not going to take us anywhere near a super bowl. His immature and a has committed more than one sex crime ( He admitted guilt but accepting suspension from the NFL). Nobody took him serious or respects him

  36. Oneilbuc Says:

    Geno11. And the year with Sean Payton he had a running game and he has 14 TD with 3 picks before he got hurt against us . Not to mention 2 of those TDs was against us. That’s just a fact and since you said that about the running game why know you care about it so much when Baker struggles in some games? Then you asked where was the running game which is a legitimate question for all quarterbacks including Jamies.

  37. Alvin Scissors Harper Says:

    30 interceptions, and don’t forget that Jay Miss had a propensity to fumble as well.

  38. CleanHouse Says:

    Check yo sheet!

  39. Baking with Grizz Says:

    The problem is he just wants to see touchdowns regardless of who is scoring. Smh

  40. JustVisiting Says:

    The only drive-killer worse than an interception? A fumble: like an interception with worse field position.

  41. geno711 Says:

    Saying “Check yo sheet.” That season wasn’t quarterbacking; it was a live-action crash test with Winston driving and the rest of us as the crash dummy passengers.

  42. heyjude Says:

    Most of us watched Jameis at FSU and were jumping up and down when we drafted him number one. I am betting that most Bucs fans were as thrilled as I was.

    Unfortunately, he ruined his integrity with all the things that came out that are very serious. Myself as a woman was very upset about it all. Disappointed in him.

    About the crab legs, how many athletes do you know that get free food and other free stuff? There are plenty…, starting in high school and onward. And a lot more than crab legs.

    It was time for Jameis to move on from the Bucs. And we got Tom and Gronk and a SB. Good times.

    Watching and hearing Jameis this season and now, he seems like he learned a lesson, reformed, and is trying to love life with his family. He deserves a chance. I was watching some of the videos he has out there as the Fox personality as well as the one Joe posted. He is have fun in NO. And to be honest, I think he has a calling for it. So funny watching him having a Beignet eating contest with kids. Good stuff.

  43. NJBucs Says:


  44. Aqualung Says:

    Good to see you out, Oneilbuc.

  45. gotbbucs Says:


  46. First Name Greatest Says:

    Unless Jameis was bringing Gronk AB Fournette and a different approach the Bucs were not winning much with Jameis

  47. firethecannons Says:

    Lets let Trask walk and sign Jameis as the back up. 😀

  48. stpetebucsfan Says:


    Well said! JW is a real conundrum to me. Just as you pointed out the Bucs had to swallow hard to look past all the allegations. They gave JW a chance and how did he repay the Bucs. First off season out blind drunk…and then the story grows murky about which of his posse grabbed the Uber driver but I don’t really care.

    First I obviously agree that we guys sometimes overstep decency losing any sense of character. So I take that point for sure!!!

    But no matter what happened at FSU, he was “forgiven” and how did he repay the Bucs? I struggle to get past that.

    OTOH outwardly JW seems like a great fun loving, perhaps immature, kinda guy. I see his appeal. But mostly I can only imagine his demons. Grow up from middle school on as the STAR…the guy who could throw it harder than anybody in baseball and football. The superstar athlete probably GIVEN the crab legs and yes sadly sometimes given sexual favors. It all went to his head.

    Having enjoyed a career in broadcasting with some of it’s “perks” again I’m back in the Glass House and while I’ve never “forced” anything I’m sure I haven’t been a choirboy. And JW is not the brightest bulb in the chandelier.

    Many growing old has made me far far more forgiving than when I was young!

    I’m CONFLICTED over JW! Anybody else. Same on the field. Great skills horrid judgement.

  49. Patrickbucs Says:

    Sean Payton quit the Saints coaching job. His QB, oh yeah JW.

  50. Fred Says:

    He’s always out there doing his self promoting dance, but he just isn’t that guy. I was glad when he left the Bucs. He doesn’t dance as well as he thinks he does and it’s tiring.

  51. toopanca Says:

    Aren’t we all inclined to hope for the best of what we might have been?

    Another year with Arians should reasonably have led to improvement. But, there is no Gronk without Brady, and I don’t think that Arians would have gone after AB, so, probably no Super Bowl. But, any kind of a run game would have helped, and the man has a boatload of talent. I enjoyed watching him play.

    I do wonder what kind of career he might have had if someone like Arians or Payton or even Chucky had been the coach who drafted him. Jameis seems to have so much try happening all of the time in his head that it gets in the way of the do. He needed someone who could help him find the ground so that he could put his feet on it once in a while.

    And, that seems to have been true with regards to his personal behavior. Hearing yes almost all the time can leave you disbelieving a no when you hear a no. Not really a problem that I can relate to much from personal experience. I learned about no in ancient times when they still were not sparing any rods . But, having raised kids and grandkids, I have seen that some seem to get the idea of no pretty easy; others seem to need a full time enforcer in their pocket for ages before they ever start to believe that the word really means anything. I think that in his glory days, he needed someone whispering in his ear, or maybe shouting, this to will pass.

  52. garro Says:

    Why are you torturing us Joe. That reminds me why do they keep handing this NFL bust a microphone!

    Jamiss son …They are laughing at you not with you. Go away and eat some letters.

    Go Bucs!

  53. itzok Says:

    I recall all QB’s throwing alot of picks in their 1st year with BA,Not 30 but many, and that in year 2 they all went down significantly. Jameis would have been better next year in the system with the Bucs.

    Meanwhile behind door number two was Phillip Rivers who was on verge of retirement or Teddy Bridgewater who was getting love as a decent backup ready to take back over as a starter. I wouldn’t have wanted either of those guys over Jameis. That left Brady who was 40 and came off a poor year by his standards. Pats wanted to move on from Brady and brady threw his own pick 6 to end the Pats season.

    Getting rid of Jameis for a 40 year old wasn’t that clear cut of a decision as people make it out to be.

    Glad they did it obviously, Brady brought credibility to the Bucs that attracted all the key talent that showed up and won the Superbowl. Brady also struggled a little in BA’s system until he managed to get his offense merged into BA’s and the whole thing took off.

    There should already be a statue of Brady for what he did here and be in the Ring of Honor. What he did was amazing.

    Still feel like they would have won back to back if AB didn’t go crazy or Godwin wouldn’t have gotten hurt.

  54. heyjude Says:

    stpetebucsfan, well said as always. Jameis seems to have that inner child in him as well as trying to play solid football. Maybe the gig as a NFL correspondent is on the horizon for him. He is making it a lot of fun watching him. We all thought at one time it was his vision when here. He seemed to look down the field like a deer in headlights. He got the laser surgery before the Saints. He has had some good games since.

    toopanca and itzok, agreed. So glad we got Tom and Gronk too. True, maybe the Bucs were not the right team at that time for Jameis. I think he had three different OC while here. Koetter, Leftwich, and Monken. Not all Jameis’ fault.

    Firethecannons – Unsure if you are kidding, but if Trask were to leave who would we get for another backup QB? We need an edge rusher first. Probably could get Jameis on a deal too. Could happen, but don’t know if Licht would be on board.

  55. stpetebucsfan Says:


    As always great post and I admire your writing. You can turn a phrase.

    “He needed someone who could help him find the ground so that he could put his feet on it once in a while.”

    You said in a sentence what took me two or three paragraphs to chase!


    “Jameis seems to have that inner child in him as well as trying to play solid football.”

    YES! And like all children they can be both endearing and exasperating. For me personally the exasperation finally won out.

  56. heyjude Says:

    stpetebucsfan – Yes, endearing and exasperating all at the same time. And we could say that for some others too. AB for one. He was a great player but his antics took a toll.

  57. Zoocomics Says:

    @D-Rome… 100% correct. Without Brady we don’t land the big (3).

    Jameis would have been better in year 2 in Arians offense, that appears to be trend in learning his scheme, which I haven’t enough offensive scheme knowledge to understand why that is the case, never looked too incredibly complicated, but what usually takes QBs an entire year to learn, took Brady 8 games. Carson Palmer was never considered a dumb QB, and he had an epic year of INTs in his first year with Arians, 22 INTs.

    What I’m thrilled about is that long term, that decision didn’t comeback to haunt us. Cleveland gave him a perfect opportunity to reset things, they were starved for someone to lead them, he flashed, was the darling of the NFL for a week and then old Jameis showed back up. Jameis takes care of the ball and his life in Cleveland is a bit different.

  58. JP Says:

    Just go the f*** away already. You had a shot and you crapped the bed. He’s got the mentality of a 6 year old and just can’t comprehend that no GM wants a dope who is more interested in honing his knock knock joke skills than playing smart football.

    Teams know the juice isn’t worth the squeeze here. It’s why he’s out there acting like a side show clown for the cameras. He’s closer to being the next Bozo the Clown than he is an NFL QB.

  59. RustyRhinos Says:

    “not the brightest bulb in the chandelier.”

    LOL!!!! Thanks stpetebucsfan I will reuse this one.

    Agree, it is Good to see you back Oneilbuc. How well did you like our three-back attack in 2024? Do you think it will be productive in 2025? How will it help Baker this season do you think?

    We had Winston as our QB#1 for FIVE seasons… Any division championships? Any Playoff games? I am glad Winston has continued his NFL career, I do enjoy watching his TV segments, he is an entertaining guy. I could see him as an NFL host or reporter. I hope he gets a play-by-play announcing job. I want to hear what he sees when another NFL QB throws a pic-6, and how he describes the play, the who, what, and why of those plays. Now that would to me be Prime Time Entertainment.

    Glad Licht, Ariens, and the Glazers(?) decided it was time to do some of their version of a Marooning of Winston, Other NFL teams did find him, maybe he will be found as an NFL commentator..
    Good luck Mr. Winston.


  60. Pittbucfan Says:

    Steelers next QB. Hey, maybe I’ll pull more for the home team here. Lol