Money Drove Liam Coen, Not Jags Leadership

January 24th, 2025

“Bake, man, it’s all about the bag. I’m not about to be underpaid like you are.”

So which national “insider” will you trust when it comes to the Liam Coen mess?

Is it a name you like that can be bought and sold easily, or is it Prickly Pete Prisco of CBS, who is on the ground in Jacksonville regularly?

Prisco has roots in Jacksonville and has made a career out of being candid.

At a recent NFL Scouting Combine, Joe was listening to a loud Prisco conversation with a famous colleague, who closed the chat and said goodbye to Prisco with the following salutation, “Stay angry, Pete.”

And man, Prisco has been angry with fans on social media over the past 12 hours, slightly more than he usually is.

Prisco has rejected what’s been sprayed around the country by other national insiders that claim Coen reunited with the Jaguars (after promsing the Bucs he’d stay in Tampa) because Jacksonville fired its general manager, Trent Baalke.

Prisco over and over noted that money drove the action, not who was in the Jags front office.

“The Jaguars are willing to pay Coen in a big way, which is the reason for his change of heart. Not Baalke leaving,” Prisco said in one of his gentler comments on X.

He did note that Coen behaved like an unprofessional snake, the kind that breaks up with his girlfriend via text.

“Coen didn’t handle telling the Bucs about his interest after agreeing to stay,” Prisco said. “Just say you were opening it back up again, rather than hiding from it.”

Joe knows it’s nearly always about the money, regardless. And considering Coen seems to have attended the Antonio Brown school of professionalism, it’s surely a safe bet Coen was all about the money.

A Bucs-fan cynic might say if Coen was that money hungry, then Team Glazer dropped the ball on retaining Coen by not offering him more cash to stay in Tampa weeks ago: a giant one-time payout to not take any head coach interview.

66 Responses to “Money Drove Liam Coen, Not Jags Leadership”

  1. Darin Says:

    So overpay a snake? Those are the ones you send packing once you learn they’re a snake. Everything happens for a reason move on. Find someone to stop the forward pass too.
    It sure seems like the Bucs didn’t know he was a snake until this week. It might never have been revealed if he was locked in much earlier and differently. Maybe the Bucs had doubts long ago. Nobody will ever know.–Joe

  2. Mondy Says:

    Nope he’s a snake stay the hell away from it.

  3. Hodad Says:

    Can’t blame the guy for taking probably around 10 mill a year, maybe 50 mill gauranteed, over 4 mill a year for 2 years. Money talks, BS walks. Get real folks, you’d do the same.

  4. Bojim Says:

    He was lured back to Jacksonville by the promise of big bucks. A head coaching job. Picks his own GM. And a constant stroking of the ego. Let’s see if he can handle it all. He’s dead to me.

  5. Ted Says:

    So Liam is a snake for taking 13 million a year , ok got it. The Bucs were adamant that there was ” no Head Coaching job promised” in Coen’s new deal as OC a few days ago, so Jacksonville regrouped and got the guy they wanted. Not mad at Liam at all, Bucs brass showed no interest in locking him up after the Bowles era ends so Coen took care of his own future.

  6. FortMyersDave Says:

    $50 million is a lot of coin. I do not fault Coen for taking the coin, but man, he certainly showed zero class by going behind the Bucs’ back and not being straight. The sick kid excuse was over the top and while I am not the biggest Todd Bowles’ fan, lying to the guy who gave you the big break is kind of down there with Bobby Petrino as far as classless and disrespectful. Undoubtedly he will spin it a different way when he gives his first presses as Jag HC.

    Anyhow, I am guessing he can poach one of his buddies like Carbury as his OC and he might go after others like the RB coach and who knows who else. Stroud said that Coen could even take a run at Greenberg as “his” GM but then again Rick might be just pushing his reader’s/podcast listener’s buttons to get a response. Surely Greenberg has enough sense to avoid Kahn?!?!

  7. Falconrap Says:

    Screw ’em.

  8. Lightningvinny Says:

    Being a head coach a few years before he gets fired will give him great experience and perspective for his next OC job where he could be one of the highest paid in the league hahah,,, he wasn’t a true buc but we thank him for his one year service !! Lastly , his first real move in FA should be to sign a really good back up QB cause Trevor is going to take a beating in this offense ,,, as great a year as Baker had , he had to be warrior tough to finish out 5 or 6 games that I can remember !

  9. Bojim Says:

    Not to mention still no state tax.

  10. garro Says:

    Bidding war with a billionaire who is ….

    Not a good precedent to set at any level in the NFL. See the crazy QB contracts! Glazers are rich, not stupid.

    Go Bucs!

  11. Hail2dabucs Says:

    This just goes to show you what I said about the jags . A BS organization that I’d imagine will never get it right . If Coen what’s to go there let him . The problem for him is that it looks like he burned bridges on his way out so In 2/3 years when he’s shown the door , he may have a hard time getting work . With the talent the bucs have on offense we should be just fine on that side of the ball . Come on bucs , get the players on defense that can match the offense! With better balance , the bucs can compete for a championship

  12. Permanently Moderated Says:

    Who knew Tampa Bay would be the new launching point for NFL head coaches? Bizarro World or what?

  13. Diesel Says:

    I get fans being mad at LC for backing out at the eleventh hour, and maybe even Bowles for sticking around. But blaming Licht is asinine. Licht may hire/fire coaches but that’s only after being greenlit by the Glazers. Know where to place your anger and vitriol. That said, what I think some of you are forgetting is that the Rooney Rule prohibits the organization from putting together a contract that makes LC the HCIW. Patriots were able to do it simply because they had a minority HCIW. We even got away with it few a years back because the head coaching position was passed on to Bowles. That said, we’ll probably never know what handshake/verbal agreement was set in place if there was one. What’s done is done at this point. Hopefully Bowles can build a better staff now that Rodgers(and Foote possibly) are out the door. Personally I think Edwards, Ross and Rapone are the coaches that need to be gone on the defensive side but that’s just me. We’re about to find out what Bowles is made of

  14. The Buc'n Waterboy Says:

    Taking the gig is one thing. Lying and agreeing to a contract with one team while still negotiating for a contract with another is shady as hell. My momma always said “Greed is a bottomless pit which exhausts the person in an endless effort to satisfy the need without ever reaching satisfaction”. Or maybe that was Erich Fromm. Sure seems to be the route that Coen has been taking his whole career. Enjoy the stench that is Jacksonville!

  15. AllmanbrosBucs Says:

    Good riddance… true colors always show out…They’re are plenty of capable OC’s out there….Licht/Bowles will find one… They’ll be plenty of people wanting this position with this offense..Coen’s a douche

  16. 4-5straight Ls Says:

    Karma is a bit** Liam

  17. Jeffs grandpa Says:

    Baker the King maker

  18. Beejezus-belt Says:

    Enjoy the money, good luck in Jacksonville where careers go to die. Enjoy your slow painful coaching death. I mean think about it, Khan man is letting a 1st year play calling offensive coordinator restructure that organization. No chance.

  19. John Donovan Says:

    I mean how much money could they have possibly offered. We were literally going to make Coen the highest paid offensive coordinator in NFL history.

  20. CmonMan Says:

    It’s a business man, I’ve never heard so many grown arse men complain like little school girls. He’s not a snake, the Bucs front office and The Glazer’s screwed the pooch on this one – Khan just flat out beat them and gave Coen an opportunity the Bucs were unwilling to provide. This failure falls solely on the Bucs and trying to place the blame on Coen is one of the more emotionally immature arguments I’ve heard in a while.

  21. KABucs Says:

    Hey, at least Liam is not in the NFC South… or even the NFC at all.
    Dan Campbell has to face his old OC twice a year now… against a team building up talent with THE 2024 #1 draft pick QB. That NFC North is no joke.
    If you feel bad for the Bucs and our constant getting coaches poached, look to the Lions and feel better about ourselves.

  22. gofortheface30 Says:

    Some of you in here are missing the whole point. No one with a brain is against anyone advancing their career to a higher ranking position. No one. You GD idiots. Coen handled the situation like a spineless weasle, period. Not very manly to ghost, lie, operate under false pretenses. Bowles may be many things, but he’s a good man and he has surely been gracious with Coen. Coen could have atleast been forthright like a man

  23. Orange Republic Says:

    Let’s assume Coen intended to honor the hand shake deal. Do you think his wife would care about that when Kahn came back with all that money and complete control of an NFL franchise? She probably told him to get on the plane to Jacksonville or find some other place to live.

  24. Oddball Says:

    “ And considering Coen seems to have attended the Antonio Brown school of professionalism,”

    LOL! But true. Do you really want this guy running your team. I wouldn’t.

    I think soon it will become apparent why Canales and Coen excelled here in Tampa.

  25. BucfanDMV Says:

    Well the man took a promotion the bucs were unwilling to give. He knows just like all of us the defense will not be fixed and the team is 1 and done if they make the playoffs. He took the job in Jax just like Dave left also but Bowles continues to stay here and he hasn’t fix the defense yet.

  26. ManzielMadness Says:

    Nobody is mad that Coen took the deal. Just be a man and answer the phone when the Bucs call and tell them you’re still interested in the HC job. He tried sneaking to Jacksonville and taking the interview under the radar and got caught…

  27. Lee Says:

    I love all the righteous comments on here. “You already agreed to X why would you be a snake and leave.”

    I can tell you right now 90% of yall would leave a job for way less a difference than we’re talking. You think you’d skip on a 200% pay increase just because you like your current boss or told him you’d stay? You are delusional if you think that. We work for our families and careers. Liam becoming a HC is the next step. Anyone would do the same…


  28. Shane247 Says:

    The NFL is loaded with liars & manipulators, yet so many are quick to accept any narrative as the truth. We have no idea what was said and/or what was promised, it’s pure speculation. OH…the way he went about it…blah, blah, blah! Maybe his kid was sick. Maybe he never said his kid was sick, who knows. Maybe the Bucs made a deal & he said give me some time to think about it & a better offer was put on the table. In my opinion, it’s easier to vilify Coen then to highlight your own ineptitude.

  29. PSL Bob Says:

    Joe, it wasn’t so much about the amount of money the Bucs offered Coen, it was the timing. Had they made him the highest paid OC weeks ago, as you and others had urged, he may have never even taken that first interview with the Jags, and all the events (e.g., firing of Balke) that transpired thereafter never would have happened.

  30. RustyRhinos Says:

    Can the NFL make a rule that a first year OC / DC, can not be talked to about a HC position, until after year # 2 is completed??? We are again searching for another OC. Not a good thing for us or any other NFL team. Not upset with Coen, sure it could have been handled better. But at the end of the day, Coen could not and would not miss out on guaranteed money of being a HC, just like Canales. We have a full offseason and another extra camp due to losing our OC. We have to keep what we want as Offensive coaches from Coen’s former staff. We have a few good options available, in house and out side the building. I mean with “all the talent” of OC/DC here on JBF posters, we should just hire one of them. Roll on down the road..

    Sad that we will not see year two of Coen as our OC. Happy Coen did not take the Saints job.


  31. NiceTry Says:

    Can you blame him? The Glazers were the ones who chose Bowles over him. Why is anyone surprised here? Seriously?

  32. Bobby M. Says:

    its a business and Coen capitalized…..cant blame the dude, he’ll be making roughly $10 million more per year. Reality is this……Jacksonville was aggressive and bold in their decision making, they fired their GM to get the guy they wanted. Bucs played it safe…..much like Bowles did all year and we know the results of playing it safe. Jags win Coen, Bucs lose with Bowles.

    The narrative that this is a super attractive OC position is a bit misleading. Bowles is on the hot seat, his own assistants are bailing to secure extensions to their careers. An experienced OC understands that dynamic to signing with the Bucs. It might very well be a one and done for whomever they sign at OC. You’re likely going to see another round of assistants looking to be promoted to OC…..those will be unproven products.

  33. stpetebucsfan Says:

    “Coen handled the situation like a spineless weasle, period. Not very manly to ghost, lie, operate under false pretenses.”

    My major problem with this post and the many others it represents is a BIG question. How do we really know the details of how this all went down?

    E.G. I heard the version of LC agreeing verbally to stay but not really signing anything official yet. That recalls Richard Marx 80’s hit…”It Don’t Mean Nothing Till You Got It on the Dotted Line”

    And again many of you were/are hoping the Bucs would do far worse to Todd Bowles. Is that not hypocrisy.

    I’m with Rod (that says something eh) and CmonMan. It’s just “Bizness”.

    Nobody is irreplaceable! Let the real fun begin!! Whose next? Baker could do it if he had enough time, he’s had a new OC virtually every season, somebody pointed out to me one season he had continuity.

    Baker came to the Bucs at the bottom of the franchise post SB period. The GOAT had just left after a horrid drama laden soap opera of a final season.

    Half the guys here wanted Trask not Baker. Baker is a SURVIVOR and I can guarantee you the Bucs have already been getting bombed by agents pitching their guys for what now has to be the most inviting opportunity in the entire NFL! Todd and Jason are sitting at a banquet table full of potential candidates.
    So what is it steak or lobster? One thing it won’t be is chopped liver!

  34. Jeff Says:

    Snake? Lol! Like we tell our employers when we are looking for new jobs. Money talks, and the Glazers once again cheaped-out on the Bucs. If the Bucs offered top OC pay he would have stayed. The glazers did it again. Loser owners.

  35. Buddha Says:

    He is so in over his head. In 3 years he will be back in college football. He has a good scheme but he proved he is not a good play caller. I’ve been saying for weeks and he was getting more love than he deserved. Obviously he’s not a high character man. Who is going to want to play for this guy.#overrated.

  36. gotbbucs Says:

    Coen struck while the iron was hot. His offense was top 5 in the league, while Bowles defense was bottom 5. It’s been said a million times, there are only 32 NFL head coaching jobs available in the world. He had a chance to get one, so he took it.

  37. Greg Says:

    He was going to go regardless. However, he’s a snake for the manner in which he did it. Also, the league should have perked up and become aware of how Shad Khan does business.

  38. PewterStiffArm Says:

    If money drove him, he could have camped out for another year here to see if Bowles would retire. You don’t leave a Super bowl contending team for a royal mess right up the coast. Unless he thinks he can produce a winner with that culture and Quarterback. With a renovated stadium and atmosphere he might be thinking of only positive outcomes around the corner. The issue will always be how he did it, crappy communication on his part, most definitely. Instead of trying to find the next shinny object, try to be consistent with continuity. Two names already floating from within the walls of One-Buc Place are Josh Grizzard or John Van Dam. Already employed and fresh offensive knowledge from last years amazing output. First, secure what you have by not allowing your offensive coaches to bolt to Jacksonville. Tell Liam to pound salt, no coaches can be poached. The issue with good offensive coordinators is the directing of the defense that is in front of you at the time, and calling an offensive play that anticipates what the defense is going to do. There are plenty of good offensive minds out there, the right ones prosper by finding defensive weakness that will take advantage and gain hard to find yards.

  39. ghost Says:

    its the way he did it, you dolts. no one is mad at canales for leaving because he want a sneak and liar about it

  40. DollarBill Says:

    Does anyone think this is also an indictment on Bowles? Coaches not wanting to stay the course with the current coaching structure. Perhaps Canales and Coen both knew that the weak link on the team was the poor clock manager, bad time out taker, crap defensive scheme making, Bowles. Bowles’ defenses are terrible and spare me the injuries excuse. Every coach deals with injuries. Canales and Coen both probably thought they are better game managers than Bowles. Both probably thought they could get a better d-coordinator with a better defensive system. Ill say this until the cows come home, Bowles is a good coach not a great one. He’ll get you an average to slightly above avg team but he doesn’t have the chops to make a team great.we are in the worst division in football and Bowles gets far too much credit for winning the nfc south as it currently stands.

  41. Mark Says:

    It’s possible for both things to be true. 1) The opportunity to gain complete control of a franchise and be paid generational wealth was too good to pass up. 2) Coen behaved like a spineless weasel.

    This could have been resolved with a simple phone call yesterday morning. “Jason, Liam here. I am sorry I haven’t signed the OC agreement, but I got a call from Shad Khan with an extraordinary offer. In good conscience, I have to follow up and go to Jacksonville to see if this is real. Please convey my thanks to the Glazers and to Todd for working so hard to keep me around.” Licht: “Liam, thanks for letting me know. We are disappointed, but rooting for you. If things don’t work out with Mr. Khan, just give me a call. I am sure we can figure something out.”

    Easy. Face saved, honor preserved.

  42. DungyDance Says:

    One comment about the idea that we didn’t know Coen could be a snake – have you looked at his resume? He dumped Kentucky, went back, then dumped them again. Par for the course with us, not sure where the surprise is coming from. He’s an opportunist. Fine, whatever. In my line of work, when I see a resume with someone changing jobs every 12-24 months, I already know that I’m the next “pit stop.” If the person is good, maybe you hire them anyway but you know all this going in. But that scorched earth resume will eventually bite you.

  43. Pewter Power Says:

    Preseason game against the jags will be explosive this summer

  44. Fred McNeil Says:

    I think Shaheead Sh*thhead?) Kahn is the true snake here. I don’t know the details of the deal, but I was watching i think Fox News early this morning and they mentioned something about this being a big money contract. I wasn’t paying much attention at the time, but I think it puts Coen near the top of the heap money wise. As far as the GM, I think he got fired simply for not signing Coen. I don’t think it was because Coen wanted him gone.

  45. Fred McNeil Says:

    Good luck Liam. You’ll need it

  46. TheBigSombreo Says:

    If top OC money is X…. yet the Jags were floating 2x or 3x at him to be a HC… hard to blame anyone. That’s how talented Coen is.

  47. Particular set of skills Says:

    So, as I understand it:
    LC changing his mind. Fine
    LC leaving for the $ (power). Totally fine
    Ghosting & doing a no show to sign deal…..
    Using the sick kid as justification…….

    Lets just say spineless, weasal,etc are a bit kind. As a grown az$ man Im all for taking care of my family 1st. Without hesitation. He’s got 10+ million reasons…. Yet, why sneak away and not call or at least text someone telling them you are not coming to work today due to your “sick” child?

    Idk. Im thinking 80% on here would at least call into their job to say something about not coming in to sign the extension. This isnt bagging groceries at the piggly wiggly. This is a career that we harp on 20 year olds to conduct themselves as professionals and men.

    1 simple phone call in the a.m. and not between 5-6p.m. doesn’t seem unreasonable. Being offline and unreachable to your billionaire bosses seems odd. Unless the kid was on life support, a quick call clears all of this up.

    If what I have come to understand is accuarate, LC was not a professional & sure as hell a man. Maybe the last part is harsh but it really is that simple. Be a man. Tell me. Im a man. I can handle anything. I understand why. I get it. Just tell me. It’s a business. I totally get it.
    Just don’t be a bi@txh………..

  48. Marky mark Says:

    The Glazers have to run their two Football teams the way a business should be run. Most owners made their money in something else and could care less if their NFL team loses money. Not so with tHe Glazers. They have to run Tampa Bay and Manchester United on operational revenue. The fact that Man U was a hostile take over using junk bonds means they are probably taking money from the Bucs which they own free and clear to pay the interest on Man U. Glazers did sell an interest to some royalty or something. Man U fans hate the Glazers and are livid their cross town rivals city keep winning finals. Worse little Nottingham forest is doing better. Ironically Khan is the owner of the Jacksonville Jaguars of the National Football League (NFL) and Fulham F.C. of the Premier League, and co-owner of the American professional wrestling promotion All Elite Wrestling (AEW), along with his son, Tony Khan. But he has 3 sports and no debt load.

  49. heyjude Says:

    Coen knew the money would be more for a HC position vs OC coordinator. So why allow the Glazers to think he would stay when he was actually thinking HC money. Sounds slimy and not what professionals do. The Jags also were the only team that wanted him. A lot to be said about that. They deserve each other.

  50. Marky mark Says:

    No, the Glazers have not paid off Manchester United’s debt. The Glazers have been the owners of Manchester United for over 20 years, and the club has been in debt for most of that time.
    The Glazers used a leveraged buyout to purchase Manchester United, which means they used borrowed money instead of their own assets.
    The Glazers have paid dividends to the family while also servicing the club’s debt.
    The Glazers have not been eager to pay down the club’s debt as long as the club can make interest payments.
    In 2023, the Glazers chose not to take a dividend for the first time to use the funds for new signings.
    In March 2024, United paid off £120 million of debt on their revolving credit facility.
    In March 2024, Sir Jim Ratcliffe made a minority investment in Manchester United, which included assuming control of the club’s soccer operations.

  51. BakerFan Says:

    Lets see if the stick Lawrence can run the offense like Mayfield did. I don’t think he will be able too, then everyone will be dogging on Coen in Jacksonville.

  52. First Name Greatest Says:

    Coen flexing on Bowles by making $5 Million more than his former boss

    Glazers dropped the ball by not keeping the guy who ran the better unit will haunt them next season

    17 games left of Todd Blows awful defense

  53. orlbucfan Says:

    Well, snake and flake rhyme. I’ll take flake. New OC: Please consider continuity. These players deserve it. Man, I would love to be a fly on the wall listening to the players’ hot line. 🙂

  54. larrd Says:

    Coen’s big red flag last year was the way he couldn’t decide if he wanted to coach for the Rams or the University of Kentucky. He’s a little unstable that way, I guess.

    I thought he coached to impress rather than to win in the Bucs loss to Washington. The infamous and idiotic jet sweep was the most obvious example.

  55. Todd Bowls Says:

    The difference in money offered was $50-$52 Million er 4 years by the Jags vs $12 Million by the Bucs! That’s generational wealth and 4 times as much with complete control to pick his toys in the draft along with top draft picks.

    Let me phrase it like this. If Pat MacAfee , Dan Patrick or Joe Rogan offered Ira or either of the Joes that type of money would they stay on the Joe Bucs Fan podcast or be gone? I’d leave too. It’s late fe changing money – not 50 cents an hour!

  56. heyjude Says:

    larrd – Agreed. Those cutesy plays and also the Commanders game. In the end he only got one HC interview, the Jags. Since 2010 he has been a coach for approximately six or seven teams. Something to that too.

  57. Eckwood Says:

    Bottom Line Is : Licht and the Glazers should’ve handled this in the middle of the season . Licht does a Great Job with a lot of things but getting deals done early isn’t one of them . You had the best offensive coordinator in the history of the Bucs, by far , and it’s not even close. Licht and the Glazers Simply, we’re not smart enough, experienced enough and savvy enough to retain such a coach……….. You can twist it however you want they weren’t smart enough, Experienced enough nor savvy enough ,plain and simple . It’s their fault , it’s on them………. I bet their next contract has at least a soft clause for the first year for some of these types of things or compensation………. Again, sadly, enough Licht and the Glazers are now more Experienced , will look to be a little more Savvy and will be a little bit Smarter because again this is 100% on THEM and nobody else……….. The dumb jock strikes again and the fans suffer. It’s kinda like government but different………. Like the Gov employees that are now gonna boycott local small businesses (now ) because they have to go back to work , lazy entitled minds which is what happened here ….. Never Ever put your team through 3 playbooks in three years , Ever !! I mean being an NFL owner for 20 years plus being a GM for 10 years having over 20 years experience and you can’t figure out you got the best offensive of coordinator you’ve ever had by far and let it get to the end !!!!! Well Bozos Not only did you lose your coordinator, but now your team has its Third OC in Three Years !! Bozos of the Year coming to a Billion Dollar Buisness/ Team Near You !!

  58. StickinUp4Centers Says:

    The funniest part to me is the Jaguars clown show aspect of this. “We’re not firing Baalke. We’re not trying to blow up the organization” They lose out on their preferred coach, Johnson and then decide to blow up their organization and send big bucks to Coen, a dude who had middling results at Kentucky and with the Rams but finally flourished when he had the offensive talent of the Bucs. Essentially a one-year wonder.

    And let’s not act like he is the offensive Messiah. Did we forget about how against the Lions he poorly adjusted to Skule being left on an island with Hutchinson? How about the Denver turd burger. The Ravens game where the offense only had 10 points in the 4th before scoring 21 more in garbage time against backups? Two 3 and out drives against the 49ers in the 4th Q while having a 4-point lead?

    3 of the last 4 games of the season (Cowboys, Saints, Commanders) the offense was sluggish. The only game that wasn’t was against the historically bad Carolina. Is the league already adjusting to him?

    I liked that he was imaginative with play calls and adjusted to players instead of sticking to a scheme. No doubt it would be better if he stayed but the biggest factor, talent, is still on the Bucs offense.

  59. stpetebucsfan Says:

    “Does anyone think this is also an indictment on Bowles? Coaches not wanting to stay the course with the current coaching structure.”

    NO Bill absolutely not. People accept promotions all the time and it’s not a reflection on their former job or bosses.

    In fact a strong case could be made that Bowles was the ONLY reason LC waffled to begin with. According to reports seen right here Todd did his best to keep him and LC serioiusly considered it. I take that serious consideration as an indication of the RESPECT for Todd among professionals and those who know him and how NEGATIVE some humans here are.

    Again though Social Science shows that 80% of most human’s thoughts are negative and 90% of our thoughts are simply reruns of a fairly limited amount of topic over and over and over again…kinda like Fire Bowles…Fire Bowles…..

  60. Simeon4HOF Says:

    The Jacksonville Rat Bast@#$%

  61. ModHairKen Says:

    Hodad: “Get real folks, you’d do the same.”

    Spot on. Spot on.

  62. GoneGator Says:

    Forget the a$$hole.
    If he was confident he could build on 1st year success he wouldn’t have switched jobs every year. Grab the cash before people figure out you ain’t that special

  63. Krewe Since Birth Says:

    Responding to Ted Says:
    January 24th, 2025 at 6:12 am
    So Liam is a snake for taking 13 million a year , ok got it. The Bucs were adamant that there was ” no Head Coaching job promised” in Coen’s new deal as OC a few days ago, so Jacksonville regrouped and got the guy they wanted. Not mad at Liam at all, Bucs brass showed no interest in locking him up after the Bowles era ends so Coen took care of his own future.

    The problem here is forgetting the Rooney Rule. The same NFL that slaps “End Racism” on the backs of helmets and onto the end line paint also allows minority candidates to be guaranteed to be the next head coach because they’re the “right” race while other candidates cannot be afforded the same deal because they’re the “wrong” race.

    In an NFL world where Aaron Glenn just got a 40-spot dropped on his defense and then gets the Jets coaching job anyway, I’m thinking the Rooney Rule needs to go. The best candidates are getting the jobs now. Even not-so-good ones are, for that matter.

  64. Lozo Says:

    They ENCOURAGED him to take the zoom interview. Because they care about his professional development. They knew taking the second interview would start a bidding war so they asked him not to take the second.

    Had the Glazers been fully selfish they could have paid him not to interview at all. But they chose not to do that. Instead they trusted that he would do what he agreed to. It was risky and of course didn’t pan out.

    I don’t think Coen was wrong to reconsider after getting offered more money and more power. All he had to do was say that. At that point him leaving would have been a forgone conclusion. And if for some reason Coen has still decided to stay, I doubt the Glazers would have gone back on their offer. There was no down side for him to be honest. Both organizations wanted him. He had two great offers. All he had to do was be transparent about the fact he was reconsidering and then make the best decision for he and his family.

  65. stpetebucsfan Says:


    “The same NFL that slaps “End Racism” on the backs of helmets and onto the end line paint also allows minority candidates to be guaranteed to be the next head coach because they’re the “right” race while other candidates cannot be afforded the same deal because they’re the “wrong” race.”

    That’s completely wrong! Nobody is “guaranteed” a job by the “Rooney Rule”.

    It simply states that minorities have to be given interviews NOT JOBS!!!

  66. Mike Johnson Says:

    I got news for all of you..Money drives the world. Believe all of those touchy-feely violin stories all you like. But its like my favorite rock band Rush use to say..BIG MONEY GOT NO SOUL. Yes, I would have done the same deeyham thing Coen did.
    Show me da Money honey.