Make The Call!

January 12th, 2025

Flash poll posted at 8:40 a.m. Poll closed at 10:21 a.m.

Will The Bucs Beat The Commanders TONIGHT? (Poll Closed)
Total Votes: 541

40 Responses to “Make The Call!”

  1. Warrenfb12 Says:

    The curse of primetime

  2. Casual Observer Says:

    If their D can just play both halves as if they were the second half, they will be unbeatable.

  3. stpetebucsfan Says:

    From an entertainment perspective this is a terrific matchup. I hope the game lives up to the pregame hype.

    Step outside this morning and take a deep breath! It’s just freaking awesome out there this morning. The view from the Weedon Island Tower of both St Pete and Tampa is amazing and reminds me, no matter what happens tonight we will still live in Paradise!!!

    I think many here mirror Pickgrin and myself who believe that yes the Bucs “can” absolutely(as ME13 says) win another SB but probably won’t make it. That’s OK. I love the effort of this team even if sometimes the kiddie corps looks like a drunken fire drill.

    I hope everybody has a healthy and safe day and hopefully we can refrain from throwing things at the TV IF things go south.

    I feel like this is not the Bucs year but at last fans can look to next season with genuine HOPE!

  4. Scotty in Fat Antonio Says:

    Hopefully Antoine will have a Vita Via (2020 Superbowl) type return as he has been out for half the year.

  5. Allbuccedup Says:

    34-20 Bucs

  6. Josh Says:

    Voted No because everytime i have voted yes this year they have lost so this is the way… GO BUCS!!!

  7. heyjude Says:


  8. BucsBeast Says:

    The offense will score on 90% of their drives. Defense will look sloppy
    As usual.

  9. Bucfan Says:

    “Defense wins championships” – It also loses playoff games. Will the Bowles lead defense show up & play the entire game? I sure hope it does!

  10. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    I think we make it to the superbowl.

  11. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    Defense will have a great game too.

  12. SB~LV Says:

    YES! I am confident about that.
    Afterwards not so much.

  13. adam from ny Says:

    coach takes it to the rookie…

    bucs win 31-25

  14. Cybetsecurity_intern Says:

    Guys, who do we root for in the other matches?

  15. Mike Johnson Says:

    The Key will be containing Daniels. Nobody can do that all game long. But our defense must rise to the occasion. If not? We will not win this game. And Yes, Our defense has me worried.

  16. Badbucs Says:

    Green Bay is our best next opponent. Home game too.

  17. John Sinclear Says:

    Hmm – Night game > RayJay stadium > Red jerseys? Good thing it’s football. Baseball, three strikes and yer out!

  18. Davenport Says:

    The one common traits of Todd Bowles’ leadership is that you never know which tean will show up. The uninspired one, or the focused one.

    I believe that we’ll see a hungry Washington team and the Bucs need to match that if they intend to pull out a win.

    If Bowles can’t get them ready for this, what’s the point of keeping him around?

  19. Go Bucs Says:

    I’m just hoping we limit our blitzes on First Down. Please don’t give JD a 1 on 1 situation or giving him open lanes to run down the field!

  20. Pewter Power Says:

    A first round exit to a team we beat in week 1 is not improvement Bowles. We have our starters including Kancey the guy people were calling a bust so no excuses for a poor performance from Bowles or Coen

  21. Albe Says:

    75% of the biased voters forgot that bucs are 0-6 in night games this year and 0-2 last year. In history they’ve lost 2 out of 3 games.

  22. stpetebucsfan Says:

    BOWLes will have seven kids starting tonight who are in their first or second year.

    Yep they’ve been inconsisent! But they’ve gotten a ton of experience along the way. Tonight we get the results from their FINAL EXAM…the PLAYOFFS!

    Hopefully they’ve absorbed their lessons well.

  23. MadMax Says:

    it will be close.
    we’re nothing until we keep proving we’re something

  24. PewterStiffArm Says:

    This team has one good game, the following, a stinker. Let’s see which one shows up tonight. Although I think they will win, I can tell within the first five minutes if their Mogo is cranking. Go Bucs! Don’t disappoint on the National stage.

  25. Tye Says:

    If the Commanders receivers constantly get as open as they do in college (like many of the Bucs games) the Bucs will be done for this season…

    Defense wins championships UNLESS they are not fecal matter!….

  26. BallHawk75 Says:

    It won’t matter if they lose.

    Bowles has the job locked up at this point.

    Racial politics in the NFL will not allow for him to be replaced.

    Especially by a white man.

    35 – 31 Redskins

  27. Aqualung Says:

    Well said above. Which team shows up?

    The key to a win is the Bucs OL. They played like soiled buttocks against the Saints, so many penalties. Clean it up and play like hungry rabid dogs tearing into a bag of raw meat. The whole game. Do that and we will outscore Washington no matter which defense arrives in the field.

  28. Simeon4HOF Says:

    Bucs 34 – Wash 24


  29. stpetebucsfan Says:


    “Racial politics in the NFL will not allow for him to be replaced.

    Especially by a white man.”

    WOW Ballhawk thanks for outing yourself as a racist!!! How many of your original teeth do you still have? Did you get past the 8th grade. Perhaps I should be more understanding.

    Your answer is an absolute embarrassment to your parents and anybody who participated in raising and educating you. I truly feel sorry for such ignorance!!

  30. MadMax Says:

    ^ GJ Stpete.

  31. Bucsfan951 Says:

    Who’s going to win tonight? First, we need to ask ourselves which Bucs team is going to show up tonight?

  32. GoneGator Says:

    Cmon Joe’s – wtf ? If you’re trying to get me to give up on posting support for the coach and team, or disagreeing with the haters, or even replying to people who reference me or my opinions then you’re doing a good job 👍🏼

  33. GoneGator Says:

    Figures…. You’d post this and not the 6-8 posts I made yesterday. Smh

  34. Buddha Says:

    All Washington beat writers are picking the Commanders. Reason: Mayfield will throw multiple interceptions.

  35. Joe Says:

    Figures…. You’d post this and not the 6-8 posts I made yesterday. Smh

    Trust Joe, every one of your comments that winds up in moderation — which is a major pain in the arse for Joe — Joe digs it out and clicks “publish.” If you typed something off color or used a naughty word, then your comment(s) goes to the nether regions by itself. That’s not on Joe.

    People act like all Joe does 20 hours a day is sit and stare at a computer screen like a drooling mental patient with his face six inches away waiting for someone to post a comment so he can screw with it.

  36. Mac Says:

    Bad Buc we can’t play GB next round. If they win we get winner of rams Vikings. No chance we play GB. Lions get lowest seed remaining

  37. BakerFan Says:

    In other news Coen will not be HC for Patriots.

  38. GoneGator Says:

    I, like many many others I’d suspect, was still sleeping when the poll was taken but heres my prediction and it’s a lock 🔐

    Win, lose, or draw…. No matter how great or pitifully we play, the same people will be saying the same things.

    And if/when we win there will be many conflicted fans whos egos won’t allow them to fully enjoy it. Feel sorry for you, a little 😞

    Tender Muffins club🧁!

  39. orlbucfan Says:

    Here, we go again with the glitches. Maybe I’m smarter and faster than this app. No surprise.

  40. orlbucfan Says:

    Whoever executes their gameplan better and luck (refs, etc.) will determine the winner of this one. Go Bucs!!