Liam Coen Is A Snake, Open Thread

January 24th, 2025

Most Bucs fans are enraged this morning after former Bucs offensive coordinator Liam Coen slithered his way out of town to be head coach of the Jaguars.

Various unsourced reports (and fans should realize those have a high rating on the BS meter) claim Coen didn’t even have the decency to be professional/candid with the Bucs about his intentions — the team that just offered him a massive raise and always treated him right.

Comment below to share your rage with fellow fans. Indecent comments will be deleted.

135 Responses to “Liam Coen Is A Snake, Open Thread”

  1. Mondy Says:

    Bit** used his sick child as an excuse — (Joe will note that’s an unsourced allegation). –Joe — that’s the definition of a scu*bag. Good riddance enjoy Jacksonville. You’ll be fired in three years cause newsflash a**hole you don’t have anywhere close to the talen on Jacksonville that you had here.

  2. Ali Says:

    There will be blood.

  3. Bucnation Says:

    What a jagoff!

  4. M Core Says:

    Need to lock up Godwin today

  5. MRWright88 Says:

    Coen a Bobby Petrino vibe about him…good coach, low integrity.

    Can’t trust Gingers.

  6. Darin Says:

    Change your panties every once in a have no idea what really happened. Good luck up there Liam.

  7. Drunkinybor Says:

    He is a snake. No grown man who commands accountability would lie about a sick child. Thats disgusting. Glad he’s gone. Baker made 2 O.C. head coaches. He ain’t taking our o line with him. We will be fine. Just wait and see.

  8. heyjude Says:

    Disappointed but looking forward to a better change. Bowles makes good choices with his coaching staff.

    In the end, Coen showed his true character by what he did and how he did it. Seemed to have done the lemon dance his entire career. Now I am wondering if the cutesy plays toward the end were not for his own intentions in getting more teams to look at him as a HC. Might be why the Jags are the only ones that took the bite.

  9. Kalind Says:

    This is why hiring DCs to be head coaches is ALWAYS stupid. The culture piece is so adorable, but now we’re on our 4th!!!!! OC in 4 years. Anyone who talks about continuity needs to sit down and shut up. We now will have a massive “?” On offense and still have dog poop for a defense. How exciting!
    I know it was unpopular, I know people wouldn’t have liked it initially, but canning Bowles for Coen was the right move (rectifying the mistake —not Bowles fault—- of hiring him as HC in the first place). In today’s NFL there’s no excuse for hiring a defensive minded HC. Cause this happens…you Chase OCs or you the having of a bad OC gets your DC/HC fired.

  10. Vanessa Anne Says:

    I’m totally disillusioned with Liam, and the way he (reportedly) did this.

    This will hurt him down the road.

    At some point, he’ll want to move on from the Jags and that’s when this will crop up to bite him in the backside.

  11. Leopold Stotch Says:

    I would have been fine with him leaving if he hadn’t already said, he’d be back. It’s just scummy. I understand it’s a good opportunity for him, the way he handled this was terrible.

  12. Steven #55 Says:

    He agreed to be OC with the Bucs – his word obviously meant nothing.

    Zero Integrity & Classless

    At least Canles was upfront about going

  13. heyjude Says:

    Exactly right Steven #55. Canales showed integrity and respect when he left.

  14. Bojim Says:

    Gonna be pissed for a while. Couldn’t wait a year. There would’ve been HC jobs available next year.

  15. Bucben1961 Says:

    Ridiculous…the endless stream of dribble here based on unsourced uncollaborated unsubstantiated reporting. The bucs get what they deserve. Todd should have been kicked upstairs following the teams playoff exit and the keys handed to Liam. Instead we are treated to endless articles suggesting the offense was to blame for our early playoff exit and poor Todd was masterful with his depleted defense. Comical. No way should Liam been able to even get the 1st jag interview the bucs as usual screwed the pooch. Thank God we still have the one and only Todd Bowles and his culture

  16. Hawk Says:

    He’s gone and we probably won’t know the whole story for a few more days (or ever). If the ‘early’ stories are true, he will have trouble getting players and coaches to trust him.
    Maybe what the NFL needs is a system for coaches like they have for players. Teams can designate a coach (or two) as ‘franchise’ coaches, making it next to impossible for another team to hire them, regardless of whether or not it’s a promotion.

  17. Falconrap Says:

    What a sh*t way to leave a team. We should say no to any request from him to talk to any of our coaches due to the mitigating circumstances. This does, however, make one think about the fact that we have now had two OC’s in a row bolt this place at first opportunity, including after one was offered to be paid in the top tier of OC’s. Should tell the Glazers something.

  18. Bucs4ever Says:

    This is just life in the nfl.

    People claiming no backsies are chilidish.

    Jags actually fired their GM to get the guy they wanted.

    Fans are mad bc the Glazers tried to keep both bowles and coen.

    It didn’t work. Shame on them for not firing Todd.

    Having a DC head coach in today’s NFL is stupid.

    This is Licht and Glazers at their best.

  19. RBUC Says:

    Most of the commenter’s here feel USED and DISRESPECTED and would STILL take Coen in a heartbeat!! Guess what ALL of you deserve everything that happened yesterday!!!!

  20. John J Barse Says:

    money grab plain and simple….

  21. FortMyersDave Says:

    Can not fault Coen leaving for the coin but he did it in bad way by going dark and ghosting the Bucs for 2 straight days until he allegedly calls Bowles from Jacksonville with some lame excuse of caring for a sick child. I am guessing he was trying to keep things under wraps in case he did not get the job.

    Anyhow, now it makes more sense about why Coen has bounced around so much. Rams to Kentucky and then back to the Rams before he went back to UK and then finally here. Guy never spent more than 1 year in any spot. Karma has a way of evening things out, perhaps Coen will find that he does not have the talent in Jax to run his O and he will be distracted from his O by having to do all the duties of a HC as well as apparently having a say in personnel decisions (heard that on the Stroud podcast). Doubt if he can call his former pal Todd Bowles and ask for advice.

    The way this went down is just ugly, it was not this bad when Dave Canales took the Carolina job but then again, while Dave C may not have been able to put together a good run game, the guy is high character and has scruples. Looks like Coen only cares about Coen….

  22. Ayaz Khan Says:

    I trust Todd Bowles, he is the one who hired Canales & then Coen.
    Good luck 👍🏼

  23. RBUC Says:

    The Glazer’s were NOT gonna pay Coen what Jacksonville ended up paying him so at the end of the day Coen played the Billionaires to get what he wanted now he has more control than Todd Bowles will ever have and makes 3 times as much as Todd Bowles will ever get as a Head Coach!! ITS LIFE

  24. Tom Chase Says:

    Would you want this guy back? Not me. Enough drama. He doesn’t care about being fired in 3 years. He’s going to climb the ladder and take the cash. He doesn’t care about the Jags. It will be on to the next team.

    I”m angry that Coach Bowles, JL, Glazers were disrespected. Forget about the fans…..

    BUCS are mad and they are going to take this and get the best damn OC we can. .

  25. mg Says:

    tis the reason Coach Bill seldom would name a coordinator.

  26. Viktor Vaughn Says:

    I saw enough after that dumb jet sweep play call, we will be fine. Good riddance

  27. NYbucsfan Says:

    I blame Todd, he sucks. You can’t even at a guy a truck load of money to stay. What side of the ball hurt us this year? And I don’t want the hear this crap they don’t have any talent on the defense. We have a lot of high draft picks on the defense that he was involved in drafting I am sure.

  28. Farmer Says:

    People talking about “integrity” when generational wealth was on the line.

    The Bucs offered him a reported $4.5m 3yr deal, the Jags have offered him a reported $13m deal which will likely be 4yrs. I don’t care who you are, when you’re offered a deal which ends up paying around $38m more than the one you’re currently on then you’re going to take it.

    He did this in a shady way and has gone back on his word but every single person here would have taken that same deal and if you say you wouldn’t you’re either a liar or stupid.

  29. Walter Says:

    I would say see you in 3 years to Mr. Coen, as that’s our next scheduled regular season game against the Jagoffs, but I honestly don’t expect him to last 3 years in Jacksonville. 🤷🏻‍♂️

  30. Shane247 Says:

    This happens all the time in the NFL. Is it any worse than the Bucs firing Dungy or Gruden? I don’t think so! There’s always a sense of betrayal. The reality is, Coen stated “being a head coach was his dream”. Everyone in Tampa Bay knew he was going to be a hot commodity by seasons end. Tampa rolled the dice & lost. They, instead of doing the right thing, which was offer him the head coaching job here or promise him the coaching job next year decided a nice raise was the correct course of action. 4.5mil vs 13mil. Seems like a no trainer to me.

  31. BuccaDAWG Says:

    Don’t even get worked up over this sc** bag, I’m betting he doesn’t really care about our opinion of him.

  32. KABucs Says:

    Farmer… You didn’t even mention the fact that he gets a say in who he GM will be supposedly. If that’s true, more icing on the cake. Jacksonville still has no state tax, is a little cooler than Tampa but definitely a bit cheaper to live there. And, I’m kind of impartial to the mountains, so it’s 1/2 the drive to get to Appalachia. And it also looks like Trevor Lawrence was not a detractor to the deal, he may have been part of the attraction. Lawrence has all the tools for gifted QB… dude is 6′ 6″, athletic with a strong arm. That’s a prototype QB+. if he works with Cohen and a decent QB coach, who knows how good he can get. There are some side benefits, but man that’s a lot of money!

  33. First Last Says:

    I hope we blow out the Jags every time we play them. The Jags are up there with my hatred for the Saints/Falcons now

  34. dbbcpa Says:

    Farmer, agree with you to a point. It’s not that he took the job for a lot more money. It is the way he did it. It is just slimy. All he had to do was say, hey the Jags are coming back to me and I need to do this interview. The problem is that made his new contract null and void. It was a gamble he took and it paid off monetarily for him.

  35. Shane247 Says:

    Call him a snake if you want. Maybe he’s just better at economics than you! Maybe you should be using the rational side of your brain vs the emotional side. Either way, we all knew this possibility was real & the Bucs chose a .443% winning coach over historic offensive output.

  36. lambchop Says:


    Almost everyone is pissed about how he handled it. Nobody cares about the fact that he left for money. Good for him. Nobody is going to fault him for going for the bag, but he didn’t have to be a tool on his way out.

  37. KiddG_87 Says:

    Joe can you clear one thing up for us fans, why are we so worried about losing an offensive coordinator a second year in a row? Last year was Dave canales and this year liam Cohen, me personally as a fan have confidence that just like he did the previous two seasons he’ll do it again for a third and that’s Todd Bowles selecting a great offensive coordinator. I feel Todd Bowles is under appreciated as a head coach by this fan base and we have taken for granted that for his entire tenure as head coach he has took us to the playoffs and 1 hour division. Sure there’s been lousy calls like any head coach has but if we were to fire him he would not last a day on the streets.

  38. lambchop Says:


    When we had a good thing, who wants to start over? That’s the annoying thing. And there’s no guarantee that a defensive coach will find gold three times. And the credit definitely shouldn’t go entirely to Todd for the last two OC finds.

    And Baker Mayfield, yet another OC. Seriously. How many careers does he have to make before he gets some continuity for himself? If I were him, pull a Peyton Manning and demand control of the offense.

  39. ShortyBuc Says:

    This is good, this level of dishonesty would have eventually hurt the Bucs if he took Bowles spot. Bye Felicia

  40. jimmy Says:

    Coen was smart to leave.

    Better to move on than to sit and have the HC point fingers at the offense and not own at least his part of the wild card debacle.

    Coen lead some great improvements for players and the offense as a group this past season. Bowles didnt believe in him and the offense when it came time and kicked the FG instead of going for it on that 4th and 3.

    Why stay if you are Coen?

    What happened to Glazers opened the checkbook macho man style yada yada?
    What happened to Todd deserves all the credit for Coen staying?
    Does Bowles shoulder any blame for him leaving?

  41. Austin Cline Says:

    A lot of people up here in Kentucky are saying he did this to them before. Said he wanted to stay and then bolted out for another job.

  42. original.flipster Says:

    I’m just sad, we don’t play the Jags until ’27… and until then, he will be fired already…

  43. Fred McNeil Says:

    You can’t hate him for it, I suppose. I think he hitched his wagon to a lost cause ship. Thanks for getting our hopes up before you finally left.
    I suppose all I can do is wish ya luck. You’ll need it. Tell Trevor to get a haircut. He looks like Bruce Jenner.

  44. Shane247 Says:

    .443 % winning coach. “We’re in good hands with TB!”. People on this board are delusional!

    The NFL is loaded with liars & manipulators, yet so many are quick to accept any narrative as the truth. We have no idea what was said and/or what was promised, it’s pure speculation. OH…the way he went about it…blah, blah, blah! Maybe his kid was sick. Maybe he never said his kid was sick, who knows. Maybe the Bucs made a deal & he said give me some time to think about it & a better offer was put on the table. In my opinion, it’s easier to vilify Coen then to highlight your own ineptitude.

  45. Fred McNeil Says:

    Original.flipster, you are probably right. The jags are a fish that stinks from the head down. Nobody coaches there for long. Heck, I think the whole reason Shaheed, or is it shiitehead, Khan fired his GM is because he failed to land Coen. Soon enough Coen will fail to do one little thing and Khan will fire him on a whim too.

  46. capnhowdy Says:

    I understand the Godfather similarities of being made an offer you can’t refuse, but once you accept an offer from your current employer that’s when you STOP listening to or entertaining other offers. Karma is a very real thing so enjoy that dumpster fire aka Jacksonville.

  47. PSL Bob Says:

    I put the blame squarely on Licht and the Glazers. Hasn’t Joe been advocating for weeks that the Glazers lock up Coen with a new juicy contract? Had that occurred, Coen may have never even accepted the first interview with the Jags. Licht is culpable to the extent he advised for or against the Glazers extending a hefty contract to Coen.

  48. HC Grover Says:

    Well either HC of his own team or Bowles OC???? EZ choice.

  49. ATrain Says:

    Well professional or not I’m not sure

    But stay here under Bowles or be a HC

    He knows the inside of the locker room

    He knows what Bowles will do

    He knows this team will be an average at best team going no where

  50. Alvin Scissors Harper Says:

    My entire opinion of Mr. Coen changed in a matter of 12 hours. As I said in an earlier thread, we all have one reputation. Mr. Coen completely sullied his. He had every right to pursue the Jacksonville job, but don’t give the Glazers your word you are going to stay and then go radio silent, tell a lie and go back on your word. He is a snake!

  51. Mr Lucky Says:

    So much hate here….75% of you (Commenters) would have done the exact same thing!

    Coen gets to pick a GM he can work with, HC position and MILLIONS!

    Would I have like to see him stay? ABSOLUTELY!

    What good does bashing him/calling him names…etc., accomplish?

    What is the definition of REVENGE: Becoming the exact opposite of the person who wronged you. Show some class people

    You were pissed last year when the OC left and we got an upgrade – who’s to say it can’t happen again?

    Good luck to Coen, congratulations and stay away from our other coaches!

  52. Ultra ClodHopper Says:

    He looks like Pee Wee Herman anyways.

  53. Nate Says:

    Business is business. Was it shady? Yup. Did he lead us on? Yup. Was it done unprofessionally? Yup. Will this affect his future with negotiations if he loses his job? Yup. Can you blame him for nearly tripling his dollars for him and his eventual ex wife? Nope. Does this remind me of my ex wife running off with a midget? Yup. Good luck Liam.

  54. Davenport Says:

    He handled it poorly – definitely on the advice of his agent – BUT look at it like this:

    – his marketability is as high as it’s ever been based on last season. There’s no guarantee that he’ll repeat that in 2025

    – if 2025 doesn’t go well, Bowles is finally fired and Coen star isn’t as shiny.

    – the Jags were desperate for him and were pushed to clear out their GM and raise the salary to a crazy level

    – the Glazers had every opportunity to cut Bowles loose and give Coen the job. They didn’t.

    Coen goes to work like most everyone on here. We’ve all went behind an employers back to get another gig. If in a position to play two employers off against each other, the vast majority of us would.

    As an employee is, is your right to do whatever it takes to create the best situation for yourself. This wasn’t pretty but it got Coen exactly what he wanted.

  55. Cybetsecurity_intern Says:

    He is not a snake. The Jags won a fan today, F Todd Bowles.

  56. Lord Cornelius Says:

    I don’t like rooting for failure but screw this guy man. Screw the Jags. At least Dave didn’t do us dirty like this and I don’t hate that guy for leaving when he did.

    It’s just another chip on the shoulder for Baker Mayfield to prove we can roll without this clown. We have a pretty attractive situation for any potential OC’s.


  57. Lord Cornelius Says:

    I don’t buy comparing the Coen situation to a regular job. This is a very public job with public repercussions for how you handle things like this. Everyone in the league knows this guy now snaked his way to the job. If it goes badly people will remember that in the future when considering hiring him for anything. His word doesn’t mean anything.

  58. ChiBuc Says:

    Dude is a real life Nate the Great from Ted Lasso. May his conscience weigh just as heavy

  59. ChiBuc Says:

    From McVey jockstrap holder to OC, then craps on the org that got him recognized

  60. Bucs4ever Says:

    Generational wealth>some butthurt fans

  61. CotneyLynch33 Says:

    Coen wanted to be a head coach and now he is, its always about the money and always will be. Money causes people to lose sight of right from wrong, I’m embarrassed for him and he would make an excellent politician! Go get it big boy!!!

  62. BucsFanNC Says:

    This is the type of guy most of you wanted to get rid of Todd Bowles for though. Reap what you sow 😂

  63. mrd Says:

    Uh…maybe his child really was sick… All of you would take the huge pay raise and the prestigious position. All of you!!.. As far as the Bowles mantra “At least Bowles is an honest straight shooter.” How straight forward has he been in post game loss interviews? Rather shifty, rather frequently deflecting blame from himself.

  64. Tampa2ATL Says:

    Perhaps it’s the players on our team on the offense that is the biggest factor? Trend is two rookie offensive coordinators IN A ROW look so good that downtrodden teams throw generational wealth (good point above) to hire each of them as a head coach. Mayhaps the common denominator is our QB, offensive line, and Bucky Irving (shoutout, rookie!). Any quality offensive mind worth his salt or looking for best chance to prove himself would count One Buc Place as The Promised Land.

    We don’t chase ‘em….we replace ‘em.

  65. NLV Says:

    You got to give it to Coen. He was disguising his offense until the very end. Unlike our favorite HC who committed to running the same vanilla defense even when it’s clearly not working, and refuses to make personnel changes.

  66. nick houllis Says:

    come on Klind and anyone else (don’t hire a dc as coach), your only looking at it from our POV. we got lucky when we had Monte Kiffin, who did not WANT a head coaching job, or who knows how often we would have been getting DCs. Jets just hired the DC from a team who let the commanders score 20 more points on his team that ours.

    Coen was good. the guy before him was good… get someone fast so we can get free agents that fit the new guys plan.

  67. Lol Says:

    Definitely not a true leader. Have seen a lot of people like this dude and we seem to be governed by them nowadays

  68. Usedtocould Says:


  69. #1bucsfan Says:

    This is wild. Yesterday morning read a few articles that coen was back with us and now this morning he’s a head coach for the jags. Woooooooow. 🤯. Welp this truly sucks but honestly I thought the same thing last year with canales and then corn came in but man changing the offense every year just sucks. Honestly can we believe next season our offense will do better than last season like come on we had a dam good year last year

  70. Ugo Says:

    I absolutely cannot blame Coen for leaving, that’s a lot of money for that HC contract. If the reports about how he left are true then that’s unfortunate and show a poor character.

    That being said, we should have our pick of available coordinators because at this point Baker and Bowles are starting to look like King makers. Stop in TB for a year or two, excel as OC and get an HC offer. I trust Bowles and Baker to find a suitable OC for next year.

  71. Calogero Says:

    It seems that the reason Canales and Coen both had success was because of the Bucs players not because of them. No matter who they choose for OC, he will be successful in Tampa and then leave to be the head coach for a losing team. A smart OC will remain in Tampa until he wins a SB and then consider being a head coach.

  72. BakerFan Says:

    What do you expect from a guy that admitted he could not change a flat tire and his wife did more of the manly duties than he does. Does not surprise me him doing the manly thing when interviewing for a job.

  73. Coburn Says:

    Taking more money is fine, but don’t be a dick about it. His job requires being very media aware. He made a media circus about it. There is zero chance he didn’t have the jags job at the back of his mind, told Glazers and everyone he was coming back and then woke up the next morning and did a 180. Hr had his price and should have been honest about it or at least told the Bucs he needed a couple days. People really acting like he had no intention of taking the job, was surprised by the baalke firing and surprised they upper the ante. That he stumbled into all of this..that’s a very naiive take.

  74. orlbucfan Says:

    Coen really sounds like a flake. He sure seems to feel he’s god’s gift to an Offense. I beg to differ. In several games at the end of the season, he started that baloney of calling run-up-the-middle on first down. The whole stadium plus Bucs Radio knew it. Man, did I get POed. He never totally opened the Offense up even with Big Mike’s hammy healing. Offense deserved better. Now, new OC, could you kindly realize that this Offense is capable of trick and more creative plays????????

  75. FairMinded Says:

    It’s the Chinese year of the Snake! 🐍

  76. gp Says:

    You have a ticker for how many comments there are on the thread.
    I’m curious about how many (if any) have had to be deleted.
    Perhaps a second ticker for that?

  77. Phred Says:

    Liam Coen’s karmic punishment will be that he is HC of the Jaguars. He’ll go 7-10 next season, if he’s lucky.

  78. Jeff Says:

    Coen isn’t a snake. This is how business works. When you interview for a new job outside your company do you tell your current employer? Survey says! No. Congrats to Coen. He’s going to be VERY successful. Glazers missed the chance to be BOLD and fire Clueless Todd and promote Coen to HC. The penny pinching Glazers failed us here.

  79. Brian in St Pete Says:

    The headline says it all. Nobody begrudges him for taking a HC job or even for changing his mind. His problem was how he did it. Ignoring calls all day and using his kid as an excuse (lie) after he made an agreement as a man with our decision makers is inexcusable. Frankly if Jax hadn’t hired him I wouldn’t have wanted him back anyway.

  80. Benedict Coen Says:


  81. BigMacAttack Says:

    I’m bummed he left because he did a good job. BUT he choked big time with a few of those late calls in the Washington game. Wrong play call at the wrong time. He’s not ready to be a head coach, just like Canales wasn’t ready.

    My feelings truly are that he has “0” No CLASS if he truly left this way. I mean damn son. be a man, and have the balls to tell your employer your intentions. If this is true, he’s a little b_+ch and we’re lucky he left. If a guy came to me that I wanted to hire and told me that he didn’t tell his previous employer or lied to them about leaving, I would rescind my offer and tell him he needs a lesson on integrity and GTFO!!

  82. BakerFan Says:

    Just goes to show, counter offers hardly ever work out.

  83. larrd Says:

    Maybe he just likes beautiful hair on his quarterback.

  84. HomerSimpsonRocks Says:

    PSL Bob Says:
    January 24th, 2025 at 7:45 am
    I put the blame squarely on Licht and the Glazers. Hasn’t Joe been advocating for weeks that the Glazers lock up Coen with a new juicy contract? Had that occurred, Coen may have never even accepted the first interview with the Jags. Licht is culpable to the extent he advised for or against the Glazers extending a hefty contract to Coen
    Agree with you Bob. Glazers were trying to be cheap when they could have extended a contract offer before the Jags called him. If he bolts, contract voided.

  85. ToesOnTheLine!!! Says:

    I’m likely in the minority, but I don’t really blame Cohen for taking a HC job over staying in Tampa. You only get so many chances at a HC job in the NFL, and he will have a talented offensive roster to build on. If he fails then he’ll get fired early and likely get another OC gig with one of the other 30 teams not named Buccaneers or Jaguars where he can rebuild his reputation and possibly get another HC shot in the future. Yes, if the allegations of him ghosting the Bucs are true it is a crappy move, but he has only been with the organization for a little over a year…not like there’s a long standing relationship. I still give kudos to the Glazers for trying to use the power of their purse to keep him in Tampa, but at the end of the day we all have goals and ambitions. No sense harping on what’s done, it’s time to thank Cohen for the job he did here and use the next few weeks to hopefully find a quality coaching staff to replace him.

  86. Panhandle Buc Says:

    Apparently this is his MO…

    Good luck in LERP….snake!!

  87. Drunk Bucs Fan Says:

    The one joyful thought I have about this is since he burned the bridge back to the Bucs, I can’t help but think his leverage in Jacksonville is considerably less than it was 24 hours ago

  88. Bucsfan1988 Says:

    Nooooo, Coen IS a scum-bag snake!!

    You don’t screw over the team that put you in the map. Plain & simple…

    He will now always be a giant jackass in my eyes…

    It’s not about him taking the HC job, it’s HOW he did it…

    Peace out!

  89. ModHairKen Says:

    Can you blame the guy for taking a job paying somewhere near 8 figures and gets to pick his own GM?

    They knew what they were getting. The guy changed jobs almost every year on his own accord.

    Be glad he came here and helped.

    Be Nice to Everyone Always. It works.

  90. Guinness8 Says:

    I am not surprised he left. Look at his resume, he is always on the move.

  91. MJ Says:

    have fun being 2-15 in Jax

  92. unbelievable Says:

    Snake indeed.

    2025 really sucks so far.

  93. stpetebucsfan Says:

    Wonder if Todd is kinda smiling now. All of the sudden the vitriol and unabated hate is directed at Coen giving Todd a break from being the brunt of fan dissatisfaction.

    AGAIN…the apt metaphor

    Two years ago in this same search for an OC Todd was the sweaty, fat guy trying to get lucky on a Friday night. The Bucs were at rock bottom! No QB Trask or Baker controversy, mediocre at best, one ALL PRO OL with a mediocre RB stable and two great WR’s.

    Baker comes and makes Canales look like a boy wonder and bingo he lands the HC gig.

    Then last year Coen arrives along with Bucky and Barton and JMac and the growth of Otton, Mauch, and the rest of the OL and bingo.

    This time the Bucs out on a Friday night is Matthew McConnaghy walking into the bar and going “alright, alright, alright”. The Bucs WILL get lucky!

  94. Uhhmm Says:

    People in here saying this is how business works are also snakes themselves. Wish I knew where you did business so I could avoid you too.

  95. bucnjim Says:

    Baker Mayfield & Co. handing out lottery tickets to offensive coordinators. Let’s see how they do without him and the rest of the offense.

  96. ChattBucsFan Says:

    Glazers offer was not good enough. But they chose to keep a .500 HC. Awful

  97. johnnymoon Says:

    Coen did not even get Interview with another team so not sure if so great why other Teams did not interview.

  98. faspro Says:

    I believe otherwise; Good Luck Liam!!

  99. LOUBUCSFAN Says:

    Why am I NOT surprised… He is an ex Kentucky coach, need i say more…! Smh!!!

  100. IABUCSFAN Says:

    Dirty, but that’s what the Jags are good at…poor judgement in coaches. Sure glad the Bucs found out his true character before it was too late!

  101. Durango 95 Says:

    Welcome to the world of business. He no doubt thinks he’s making the best choice for himself. My concern is about the Bucs. What is the next step moving forward. Feel like the team made the wrong choice but that news is lining the bird cage. Time for the Glazers/JL and Bowles to get going.

  102. Tampabay97 Says:

    65mil vs 15mil, spin it any way you want, the Bucs knew this was a possibility. Whatever change of heart or reconsideration Liam had, he simply can’t be blamed for taking the interview/then job. Maybe he should have called Jason earlier in the day to let him know he was going up there, but according to Albert Breer, the Jags asked him to keep it quiet. 11am vs 5pm really doesn’t change a lot so I don’t even really have a negative feeling about this. He did what he had to do and secured generational wealth.

    Now I do hope we pound the Jags the next time we play them. And in my opinion the Bucs needed to fire Bowles and promote Liam to get ahead of all this, but that’s just my opinion. That or pay him $10mil to be a coordinator.

  103. Couch Fan Says:

    Verbal agreement or not, The Bucs knew he wanted to be a HC. If they wanted to keep him that badly they would of offered him the HC job instead of sticking with Super Todd who clearly isn’t very good. 2 OC’s choose to leave after 1 season with Super Todd. Perhaps Super Todd is not liked as much as he is made out to be?

  104. Pmike Says:

    Well one thing is for sure.

    Doubtful our organization will conduct any trades with the Jags in the near future. Kinda dumb to burn a bridge like that (talking to you Shaka Kahn).

  105. Rod Munch Says:

    If I’m Coen, I’m taking the money 100% of the time.

    So is everyone else here who is feigning outrage today.

    Bunch of hypocrites.

  106. matthew a veal Says:

    i agree with rod munch.

    we can make peace if we need to someday. i will remember him as a good coach, maybe a beneficiary of a trend, time will tell

  107. Bucs4ever Says:

    Coen did a 180 bc he didn’t want to work with Baalke…the jags fired him so they could hire Coen.

    The dynamics changed.

    Stop crying.

  108. Rod Munch Says:

    Yesterday, while all you ham-and-eggers were clapping like trained seals over Liam Coen ‘coming back,’ I was the only one with the guts and the brains to say, ‘This isn’t over.’ And what happened? Coen left for Jacksonville, just like I predicted—because I always predict it.

    You’re probably sitting there right now, slack-jawed and confused, wondering how I figured it out. Let me spell it out for you—I’m smarter than you. That’s it. That’s the secret. While you were staring blankly into the void, I was connecting dots, reading between the lines, and showing why I’m operating on a level your tiny little minds can’t even comprehend.

    So sit back and bask in the glory of my genius. I’m not just a step ahead of you—I’m a whole stadium ahead, running victory laps while you’re still tying your shoes. Remember this moment, jabronis, because it’s just another day where I once again proved that I’m the smartest man in the room, and you’re all just lucky I let you watch the show!

    God bless.

  109. faspro Says:

    We all knew, including Joe, that the only way to keep Coen would be to fire Todd Bowles and promote Liam to HC. We all knew that would NOT happen.

    Good luck on your promotion, Liam!

  110. BucsFEver Says:

    Rod Munch

    Wow, these blogs invite some real losers.

  111. Dr Says:

    Coen hadn’t formally signed the new contract, and he’s free to pursue employment opportunities despite his stated intention to stay with the Bucs. This happens with employees everyday, but most aren’t asked publicly to state their allegiance—it’s their private business. Sorry, but it seems to me like the Bucs needed to step with the guaranteeing him coach-in-waiting status to compete with Khan and the Jags. Bowles is truly uninspiring as a coach and public figure, but he’s the Glazers’ choice. So, like it or not, we’re stuck with him, unless you choose to change your allegiance! Vote with your pocketbook—buy tickets or don’t. I, for one, won’t be at any games, and I’m a lifelong Bucs’ fan.

  112. UKBuccaneer Says:

    Rod, you’re so smart you’re on record as saying Jameis Winston was superior to Baker Mayfield.

  113. Bucben1961 Says:

    Ashley Coen
    I hate that I even have to say this, but when people are negative about my kids, I will not be silent. Our son is sick, we were at the hospital yesterday seeing a specialist for his autoimmune disease. Please don’t spread misinformation and assume because you heard one side.

  114. uhmmmm Says:

    Rod munch. Is a rod muncher. Nobody cares about you nostsradickish

  115. Lol Says:

    People who think what Coen did is ok probably dont have many friends or family members they still talk too…

  116. Guillermo Flores Says:

    Screw that guy hope he looses all games even pre season

  117. BallHawk75 Says:

    Go woke, go broke!

    The Glazers F-d around and found out.

    Now they’re stuck with a creature of their own making.

    “Just gotta do it better”


  118. Bucamania Says:

    It’s not that he took the job or dynamics changed. It’s how we avoided calls, lied all day, and snuck away to Jacksonville. Snake is right. Good luck making Trevor Lawrence serviceable.

  119. Barbosa Says:

    Hoping one of the local reporters has the guts to share the inside knowledge of this backstabbing liar.

  120. Rod Munch Says:

    Of course, the peanut gallery has something to say. Look, I get it – it’s hard being outclassed. While you’re flailing around trying to insult me, just remember: I was right. That’s what really bothers you, isn’t it? Must burn you up watching someone with an actual brain operate while you’re trying to figure out which end of a pencil erases.

  121. Obvious Says:

    Bad mechanics by Coen. Certainly not a good look. But down the road what will matter is if he’s successful or not. No one will look back and bitch about how it went down if he’s the next McVay. If he sucks no one will remember either. Can’t fault him for taking the shot.

    Credit Khan – he understands that offense and aggressiveness is the way to manage your franchise in today’s NFL and did everything he did to get his guy. We’ll see if it pans out.

    For us – more than likely we’ll be sitting here in the fall during a 3-5 game losing streak wondering why we didn’t do what we needed to to keep him.

    I hope I’m wrong.

  122. tgoodwin Says:

    Being from Texas and then n now Oklahoma-a VERY similar thing happened to OKC Thunder-Kevin Durant-when we were woried he might leave- HE ASSURED US HE WANTED AND WOULD STAY ANOTHER YEAR AND EVEN BOUGHT A LARGER HOME 2 KIND OF allay the worries of OKC Team and Fans-then-NEXT DAY HE IS IN CALIFORNIA AND ANNOUNCING ON AIR HE IS A GOLDEN WARRIOR!!!!



  123. BucsFEver Says:

    We did try.

  124. Mike Johnson Says:

    Snake? You kiddin me? Who cares? The man got paid. Hell, I left tampa 20 yrs ago to take a job paying 60 grand more a yr. Never looked back. To hell with what others think. They will get over it. This is 2024 people. Everybody Lies and is a snake. If you don’t believe this, Just look at our state and national politics. Every man for himself. Coen was smart. And I ain’t mad at him..period!

  125. Bud Tugly Says:

    @Rod Munch – some good chuckles among those comments. You, sir, are truly a legend in your own mind! LOL

    @heyjude – nice, thoughtful takes, as always!

  126. GoneGator Says:

    Just because the world doesn’t seem to value integrity anymore, and people love to say that business and integrity don’t mix, doesn’t mean integrity no longer matters.

    It does, to some people, mainly the people who still have some. 😳

  127. GoneGator Says:

    Rod Munch said:
    While you’re flailing around trying to insult me, just remember: I was right

    About what Rod ? Just curious what you’ve been right about ✌🏼

    And to anybody who tries to excuse the (alleged) dishonesty, sneakiness, etc as par for the course… Or understandable under the circumstances, or whatever other excuse you can come up with, I’m sorry for whatever happened to you that’s causing you to defend dishonesty etc.

    And please don’t tell me to grow up and accept the way the world is. Every man makes a choice/s whether to live by values or join the dog eat dog – ends justify the means bull poop.

    The more I learn about him the more I’m glad he’s gone.

  128. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    If he fails as HC and is available again in 2 years, would anyone here not want him back as OC.

    Anyone who says no is lying.

  129. FrontFour Says:

    Coen burned the bridge…. Burned the boats…..
    There’s no encore.

  130. GhostofTomBrady Says:

    Honestly, I would have done the same thing. That’s life changing money guaranteed. And getting rid of that useless GM opens up possibilities of lasting more than 1 year as a HC. That a boy Liam – way to game the system like you game defenses.

  131. Rod Munch Says:

    GoneGator Says:
    January 24th, 2025 at 4:31 pm
    Rod Munch said:
    While you’re flailing around trying to insult me, just remember: I was right

    About what Rod ? Just curious what you’ve been right about ✌🏼


    Rod Munch Says:
    January 22nd, 2025 at 3:28 pm
    The Jags just fired their GM, who seemed to be a big roadblock with head coaching choices.

    Is the deal that Coen signed binding? I hope we don’t suddenly hear that Coen is interested again now that the GM is out of the way.


    Note the date and time. Literally people were upset with me bringing it up, saying no, it’s a done deal with the Bucs, he’s not going to Jacksonville, and I was point out there’s literally nothing the Bucs can do to block the move.

    While everyone else was living in denial, I using logic and brain power to foresee the future.

  132. BucsFEver Says:

    Just saw a podcast that the Bucs saw some “attributes” in him during the year that would give them “pause” to hire him as a HC.


    I also read a long thread from Kentucky after he left that program, and bounced around, Looks like these comments. No different.

  133. GoneGator Says:

    Cool, proud of you Rod. You stated something obvious (legally) and made it a prediction.

    “While everyone else was living in denial, I using logic and brain power to foresee the future.”

    Glad to see you’re not in any kind of denial, you be using logic and brain power. Is this the same logic and brainpower you be using to make your previous predictions? 🤣

    Appreciate your response just the same…. Free of insults and all 👍🏼

  134. FortMyersDave Says:

    BucsFEver, I heard the same podcast, I widh SR would elaborate on his intel. Perhaps something out of KY?

  135. Obvious Says:

    After the coen situation there is no contract extension for Todd, no public statement from the glazers.

    Maybe it will be signed later.