Josh Grizzard Comes Ryan Fitzpatrick Approved

January 31st, 2025

Bucs Lost Decade quarterback Ryan Fitzpatrick likes Tampa Bay’s brand new offensive coordinator hire, Josh Grizzard.

Fitzpatrick spent the 2019 and 2020 seasons with the Dolphins under during their Brian Flores. Grizzard was on the Miami staff as an assistant, dating back to his sentence there during the Adam Gase regime.

Fitzpatrick liked what he saw from the young coach, who led Dolphins receivers in 2020.

A Harvard man, Fitzpatrick forgave Grizzard for attending Yale, the Alma mater of Dolphins head coach Mike McDaniel, who kept Grizzard on staff after Flores was fired.

“I was with Grizz in Miami for two years and knew he would get this chance at some point in the near future, ” Fitzpatrick shared on X today. “… Despite his questionable decision making when selecting a college, I am really happy and excited for him and the Bucs.”

The Fitzpatrick endorsement doesn’t mean much, but it does mean he might have unique insight when the Bucs play games broadcast on Amazon, where Fitz is a Thursday Night Football analyst.

Todd Bowles: Nobody Beats The Grizz

19 Responses to “Josh Grizzard Comes Ryan Fitzpatrick Approved”

  1. DungyDance Says:

    Joe, you should always use Fitz’s picture from when he wore DeSean Jackson’s outfit during that post game presser. Solid gold.

  2. Watch Daddy Sling It Says:

    Burn the pages with the cutesy stuff inside the red zone(s).

  3. Marky mark Says:


  4. Leighroy Says:

    If Josh is King Grizzard then I guess that makes Baker the Lizard Wizard, right?


  5. Hodad Says:

    It means a lot. Talk about a guy who’s had a number of OCs, and HCs Fitz knows a thing, or two. Surprised the magic man himself never got into coaching. Think he’d be a natural.

  6. OR Buc Says:


    I like how you think!

  7. Cassie Says:

    With our dogspit record in prime time these last few years, can we avoid that amazon game?? please god….

  8. Pahpahmike Says:

    OC check now DL 😊

  9. #1bucsfan Says:

    Cassie. For real. No more night games lol

  10. stpetebucsfan Says:

    I love the Harvard – Yale shade tossing.

  11. Funderstruck Says:


    With all those kids, Fitzy needs a steady job, not a boom or bust coaching gig! 😂🤣

  12. adam from ny Says:

    i was gonna say…

    yeah with all those kids, fitz is coaching every dam day

  13. Aqualung Says:

    Funderstruck — right in!

  14. Aqualung Says:


  15. garro Says:

    Players who talk out of school about team mates they did not hold a candle to should just !@#$

    Too Bad I really used to like the guy.


  16. heyjude Says:

    Will never forget the fun memories we had with Fitzmagic!

    Leighroy – Right on. Thank you for the lizard laugh.

  17. BootyLover Says:

    @ Leighroy

    Liam Cohen was the second drummer.

  18. unbelievable Says:

    @leighroy- 💯

  19. Mveal2006 Says:

    I’m a little tired if the status play among ivy leagues in the nfl.

    Ivy boys have done poorly everywhere in everything they touched. Otherwise the guy isn’t bad. But football wise and also in most of life. It’s a division 3 background.

    To grizz credit it opened a door for him that closed for someone else. But at least he didn’t blow the slot given unlike most of tgeir brethren. that’s way more important than some status signal.