It Was Personal For Shad Khan

January 27th, 2025

Jaguars owner Shad Khan.

So the guy ahead of the curve on all the Liam Coen reporting was Jaguars radio play-by-play man Frank Frangie.

Joe shared plenty of his public reports here before the Coen drama exploded.

Frangie works for the team and cleary is in touch with the high levels of the organization. He also is the longtime afternoon drive radio host on Jacksonville sports radio.

On Friday, Frangie emphasized that Jaguars owner Shad Khan took over pursuit over the former Buccaneers offensive coordinator and made it personal.

Khan was hungry for his new head coach. There were no handlers in between, per Frangie. It was Khan talking to the Coen team and sending him a plane to fly to Jacksonville on Thursday.

Frangie added that Coen so incredibly “crushed” the first 45 minutes of his 3 1/2-hour second interview with the Jaguars, it drove Khan to drive up by millions how much he would pay Coen.

“Shad wasn’t going to let him leave [Jacksonville] without being the next head coach,” Frangie said on 92.5 FM.

“I can tell you it was Shad that got him to get on that plane. It was Shad that sent the plane. It was Shad that ran the interview. It was Shad that looked him in the eye.”

Per Frangie, Coen doesn’t deserve the hate he’s getting from Bucs fans because it was the Bucs that drove Coen into acting secretly and hiding his intent to keep pursuing the Jaguars job..

Frangie said Coen’s pending but unsigned new Bucs contract said he couldn’t take a second interview with the Jaguars, so Coen was put in an impossible position: in one corner was Khan seemingly eager to hand him a tens of millions of dollars guaranteed and a dream job, and in the other corner was the Bucs’ offering him a deal contingent on not talking to Khan.

The last-minute nature of everything threw tremendous stress into the situation, per Frangie, after Coen told Jacksonville he was finished with them very early on Wednesday.

Joe’s just presenting the other side here. Joe sees zero reason why Coen couldn’t have acted more professionally with the Bucs — as they did with him.

He still chose the wrong way to slither out of town.

74 Responses to “It Was Personal For Shad Khan”

  1. Bucsfan Says:

    Shame we do not play El Serpiente next year.

  2. BuccaDAWG Says:

    Don’t let the door know hit you where the Good Lord split you, you spineless , low class pice of crap. GO coach a franchise as low & slimely as you handled sneaking away from the BUCS!!

  3. SB~LV Says:

    Until the ink it dry , is one old saying
    Don’t cry over spilled milk, is the other
    Both apply
    Gawd !
    I hope this is the last
    Darek Sharp Stick in the Eye 👁️

  4. BuccaDAWG #1 Says:

    Don’t let the door know hit you where the Good Lord split you, you spineless , low class pice of crap. GO coach a franchise as low & slimely as you handled sneaking away from the BUCS!!

  5. Jeff Says:

    Money talks loudly. Respect matters, too. Coen can’t work for a clown like Bowles.

  6. BucfaninMi Says:

    The offense executed the plays, not Liam. They’ll be fine.

  7. Xristos Says:

    I blame Baalke. If he could only keep his job a little more lol.
    When Jags fired Baalke one hour after the news Coen is staying in Tampa i knew that they will come after Coen again.
    Anyway it is what it is.
    I wanted the Bucs to keep Coen and see this system progressing even more but he s gone. At some point we need to turn the page.
    Change sometimes is good sometimes is bad. But we do have a change so move on.
    Keep talking about it does not help at all.
    Go Bucs

  8. geno711 Says:

    Made me LOL suggesting that Coen couldn’t work for Bowles.

    What a weak troll comment. You can do better Jeff.

    Ai can help you.

  9. Durango 95 Says:

    Not everyday someone offers you a contract that would secure you and your family finacial security for the rest of your life. He could have handled it better. But that wasn’t the objective. The objective was to not let this life changing opportunity slip through your fingers, even if it does mean that some dudes on the internet will be angry with you. Khan was not going to take “no” for an answer. Pity the Glazers didn’t take the same approach. Oh well. Time to move on, pick up the pieces and clean up the mess.

  10. Ultra ClodHopper Says:

    The beta didn’t feel strong armed by that but he did the Bucs.

  11. OrlandoBucsFan Says:

    I hope Coen hires 53 Randy Gregory’s for the jags roster

  12. sepefrio Says:

    Of course I wanted Liam to stay, but it’s a business. Just like we forgot about Canales last year, hopefully we forget about Liam next year.

  13. dbbuc711 Says:

    It is what it is. On to the next OC.

  14. MF Bucs Says:

    We get it, he left us. Let’s move on already! I’m sick of these stories saying the same damn crap every day, F Coen and F the Jags. LFB Bucs

  15. Jecir Says:

    Last time I checked the person signing the new contract can ask to remove things they don’t like. Why didn’t Liam ask to remove that? Communication is key. I’m ok with him getting the HC gig, just be honest.

  16. Stanglassman Says:

    Bowles is the clown that hired him as the Bucs OC. He’d be coaching Kentucky’s offense right now and you wouldn’t even know his name. The Dunning-Kruger effect strikes again.

  17. Zoocomics Says:

    I figured it had to be a scenario like what was explained by Frangie. Its the only thing that makes sense…Coe simply saying, “look I said I wouldn’t take the second interview, but these guys are bringing heat that it’s hard to look past, I have to do this for my family and myself”…just would have been too easy for Coen to say if the Buc didn’t press with ultimatums. Bucs knew after they offered Coen the contract to stay in Tampa, that anything following would have been too good to pass up.

    The Bucs would have looked like the ultimate villain thoughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh if Coen would have played this right, informed them up front, even after he struck a deal with the Bucs

  18. Zoocomics Says:

    Sorry keyboard mishap, no way to edit.

  19. CobbtownBucFan Says:

    As much as I hate this, my wife reminded that unsigned contracts are just that and how would the Glazers, or most people, act if they were presented a business deal that would more than double their wealth, verbal agreement not withstanding. If the Bucs did not offer Coen a clear path to their head coaching job I would say there is enough blame to go around. We literally asked Coen to stick with the Bucs to win enough games to keep TB head coach. I believe even Joe would be tempted to slither out of town under those conditions.

  20. Beejezus-belt Says:

    Well on the flip side he was the worst coordinator to play the Reds… err Commanders. Teams on average scored 40 points the last two games. Coen could only muster up 20 pfff hack. Good riddance. I kid, I liked Coen but he is going to run the Jaguars clown show now.

  21. Pewter Power Says:

    Even if he signed the contract he could have took the head coach job. I’m just glad it’s over and everyone is finally moving on. With all that outrage and anger it made me laugh. slimy people like that are too common for all this hate when you all know the anger is because he was so loved in Tampa.

  22. Bosch Says:

    Dude looks like Chechen Marin without the receding hairline.

  23. Bosch Says:

    Dude looks like Chech Marin without the receding hairline.

  24. Mark Says:

    Given that they were bidding against Mr. Khan’s desperation, there is no way the Bucs could have won. Even had they decided to dump Bowles, doubtful that they would have been willing to go as far as Khan in terms of pay and power granted to Coen.

    Recent history has not shown the Khans to be particularly astute judges of character (looking at you, Urban Meyer). Hiring a coach and giving them a say in their GM hire makes more sense with a veteran who has some idea of how to assemble a functioning football operation. Perhaps Khan stared into Liam Coen’s eyes and sensed a budding genius, but only time will tell.

    The Bucs have an easier job, frankly: finding the right offensive mind to come in and deploy a proven roster with intelligence and flexibility.

  25. Bosch Says:

    *Cheech Marin

  26. Doughboy Says:

    His play calling on first down was awful.

  27. Mondy Says:

    Shad Khan is one of the worst owners in sports up there with Woody Johnson, he married the cheating whore expecting that the whore isn’t gonna cheat on him. He’s sorely mistaken, within 3 years he’ll be firing Coen.

    Anyways this just sounds like Coen trying to play the victim and to the fact he says the Bucs strongholded him is complete BS. By making him the highest payed coordinator in NFL history off of one season of playcalling, GTFOH you snake.

  28. Panhandle Buc Says:

    It was the alleged ghosting that got me! Communication FAIL and appeared to be extremely dishonest! His track record of job hoping in short periods doesn’t help…

  29. Henry Says:

    Enough with the Coen nonsense. The man got his bag.

  30. orlbucfan Says:

    They say third time is the charm. Well, this will be the 3rd OC hired in 3 years. In Licht/Bowles, I trust. Go Bucs!!

  31. 1sparkybuc Says:

    The Glazers and Licht look for players and coaches who can perform, but they also pace a high value on character, dedication, and loyalty. Just one look at Coen’s job history should have been a clue. The Bucs dodged a bullet imo. Coen hit the lottery on talent on this offense, but lacked the character, dedication, and loyalty to take it to even higher levels with one more season. The Bucs will be fine with whoever replaces him. I favor in house promotions and like Lewis for a smooth transition. Character matters, along with dedication and loyalty. Coen lacked those qualities. I look forward to whoever replaces him, free agency, and the draft.

  32. StormyInFL Says:

    “Jeff Says:
    January 27th, 2025 at 7:56 am
    Money talks loudly. Respect matters, too. Coen can’t work for a clown like Bowles.”

    I’m no Bowles fan, but the one thing you can’t question is the guy’s integrity. On the other hand, Coen (and Khan) have none.

    Hopefully, Licht and the Glazers block any attempts by these two clowns from poaching anyone from this staff. I wouldn’t cooperate with them at all – maybe not answer the phone…..

    I sincerely hope Coen falls flat on his face and dooms them top 5 picks for the foreseeable future.

  33. StormyInFL Says:

    Side note – does anyone else think Khan looks like Ron Jeremy?

  34. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    Frangie is right.

  35. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    Jeff Says
    “Money talks loudly. Respect matters, too. Coen can’t work for a clown like Bowles.”

    Bowles is no clown. A clown doesn’t maintain the respect of the players. He’s not exciting…maybe no as high-drama as someone like, say, Jon Gruden…but he is solid. Players don’t just say they respect him…they show it on the field.”

    StormyInFL Says
    “I’m no Bowles fan, but the one thing you can’t question is the guy’s integrity.”

    Sure we can. He lied to use about the quarterback competition. At no point did Trask have a chance at the job. Bowles knew who his guy was the moment Baker was signed. So he lied. He was right about Baker, but he still lied.”

  36. Deez Says:

    Jaguars are so bad because of bad leadership, Coen a 1st year NFL OC. That by numbers was only.better than the previous OC by 700 yards because of the rushing yards not much by passing. If you watched our games against good teams his playcalling was very iffy and situational play calling was down right terrible. There’s tape of his offense now they are going to suck worse than Canales.

  37. Bojim Says:

    How is it the Bucs fault. They had a contract drawn up to make him the highest paid OC. Just don’t go back to Jacksonville. And he said “Duhhh. Okay”. And told folks he was staying. He snuck back anyway. That’s history. On to bigger and better things.

  38. BucsFan81 Says:

    I don’t think we play the Jags again until 2027 but revenge is coming.

  39. Jack Burton Mercer Says:

    Good Lord people, let it go.

  40. Day 1-76 Says:

    The fault lies with the Bucs believing Bowles could possibly improve on last year’s record. We will now have to be happy with just missing out on a wildcard birth until Bowles decides he’s done.

  41. Old Sombrero Says:

    Khan has a history of making poor decisions. Only time will tell if this is another one.

  42. Aqualung Says:

    At least Coen has to look at that dotchbag loping around his practice field now. LOL. What a clown.

  43. Mike Johnson Says:

    My son had me LMAO last night. He did that scene from the Star Trek movie where Capt. Kirk is mad as hell yelling with his clinched fist..Khan, khan…KHAN!!!

  44. Mike Johnson Says:

    Its like my favorite Rock Band of all time RUSH says, BIg money got no Soul.

  45. Colonel Angus Says:

    Coen didn’t have to sneak around, he was always in control. I don’t blame him for taking the money, but he didn’t exactly handle the situation like you’d expect a leader of men to do.

  46. BucsFansArePhu KingCryBabies Says:

    Go cry about it some more lololololololololololol

  47. Davenport Says:

    Anyone in sales knows that the deal is not done until it is signed. Bucs didn’t close Coen and it cost them.

  48. White Tiger Says:

    This was not on Coen, the guy got a a couple of bags and a lot of control.

    Bucs could have ended this with a “promotion”!of the current head coach, and hiring the new head coach – as soon as it was clear Jax was trying to get him.

    Time will tell if everyone got the right guy.

    So, I only need to know: A) are we keeping Carberry B) will the new OC be Josh Grizzard or Nate Scheelhaase?

    Can’t get on to offensive talent acquisition until we get an OC -hope it doesn’t take too long to get the answer.

  49. Dirk Disco Says:

    I’m not butthurt at Coen I ticked at the Bucs. We need an offensive coach if we ever want to reach the Super Bowl again with these players. We should have fired Bowles and promoted Coen.

  50. Mike Johnson Says:

    Davenport, You hit the Nail straight on its head brother.

  51. StormyInFL Says:

    “Sure we can. He lied to use about the quarterback competition. At no point did Trask have a chance at the job. Bowles knew who his guy was the moment Baker was signed. So he lied. He was right about Baker, but he still lied.”

    This again? At no time did Trask outplay Baker. Never happened. At best, anecdotal 3rd hand accounts of Trask having some better days at practice. That’s it. No one knows what happened off the field – film study, preparation, etc. There’s more to it that you, I and everyone outside of One Buc have ZERO visibility to.

    Also – everyone knew that Trask was going to have to play exceptionally better than Mayfield. He did not. At best, even, and that’s just going of what we (as fans) could see. Again, there’s so much I suspect none of could see.

    Regardless, they made the right call, as evidenced by two years of high level play from Mayfield.

  52. StormyInFL Says:

    “BucsFan81 Says:
    January 27th, 2025 at 10:24 am
    I don’t think we play the Jags again until 2027 but revenge is coming.”

    Good chance Coen won’t even be coaching them by then…

  53. gp Says:

    I don’t know because I don’t follow the Jags at all, But has there ever been a situation where Khan was interviewing HC candidates, offered a second interview, and was told “no”?
    He doesn’t strike me as a person who likes being told “no”.

    Could it be…….. That Kahn has been played?

    Maybe by Coen.

    Maybe by the Glazers (And Coen was just a pawn)

    Just having a little fun with C….. T….. possibilities.
    More fun than the soap opera we’re being fed.
    He’s gone, let him go.

  54. Cruzandog Says:

    Good riddance Baker and company will make another OC look good and we will back her next year.

  55. Cruzandog Says:

    PS Joe NFL Prohibits Teams Blocking Coaches for interviewing for promotions so that part of the contract never would hold. So that sounds someone on Coen side making up excuses.

  56. HC Grover Says:

    Eedeek! Acccck! OH NOOOO!

  57. jb™ Says:

    How could ANYONE consider the head coach position of the Jaguars their DREAM JOB?

  58. bucfan34 Says:

    I think that might be Ron Jeremy?! What the…

  59. #1bucsfan Says:

    Yea deff gotta move forward. I didn’t want to lose canales a few seasons ago and then coen came and in and made us forget about canales. Hopefully the next OC can to and honestly with the fire power we have on offense I’m not to concerned. Defense needs to be the biggest priority

  60. LongSeason Says:

    As we see it was Snake Coen who was using Bucs as leverage. Then, after being hired as Jags head coach he said Bucs were unfairly pressuring him. What liar, bad mouthing the Bucs after ghosting them all day.
    This is not low character. This is no character.
    I refuse to give him credit for the offensive success.
    Had he informed the Bucs of Khan’s call and been up front then I could congratulate him.

  61. UKBuccaneer Says:

    Look, I get taking the higher paid job, but let’s not pretend the Bucs weren’t offering ‘life changing money’ – he would never have to work another day in his life whichever contract he chose .

  62. Ex-Browns02 Says:

    Can’t blame Coen for seizing a lifetime opportunity. If there’s any blame in losing him, it rests firmly on the Bucs organization. They kept Bowles and lost Coen.

    Interested in seeing the outcome here!

  63. MerryPlankster777 Says:

    Hedgehog defense

  64. adam from ny Says:

    ron jeremy with the 70s stashe

  65. BradyGronk fan Says:

    Don’t blame Coen. It was wishful thinking that no other team would offer him a head coaching job. It’s the Glazers you should be pointing the finger at. They chose Bowles and his safe .500 football record over taking the chance to go for the SB. Swinging for Brady was a No risk it no biscuit move. Why didn’t they swing for the fences for Coen too?

  66. Bucs4Ever Says:

    We still have Todd!

    His overall record is a shining example of excrement!

  67. Aqualung Says:

    You meant excitement!

  68. stpetebucsfan Says:


    Since the Bucs had the two great seasons from Baker you’ve come around.

    But I’ve always wondered why you get bent out of shape about Bowles “supposedly” lying about a QB competition. Do you not believe the best player obviously won out? Do you really expect Bowles to announce to all the fans that the franchise has lost faith in Trask and so they have “replaced” him?

    None of that makes any sense. What was Bowles motivation to LIE? Are you really sure the Bucs thought Trask sucked so much they simply brought in another QB to replace him? Just curious.

  69. Mveal2006 Says:

    Coen took the money. He’ll be needing another job soon. What a mess

  70. BUC4L Says:

    What a joke that owner is. I’m sure he swung and missed again. History tends to repeat itself just ask the Bills. Oh well go Bucs!

  71. Aqualung Says:

    Triggerfish gonna get triggered. Gonna use 3451 words to say something shoulda taken 38 words to say. Carey on , trigger.

  72. Marky mark Says:

    Too bad Ricardo Montabalm passed away. He could play this evil Kahn in a made for streaming service docudrama. William Shatner still alive could play one of the Glazers.

  73. Mr. Editor Says:

    In his introductory press conference, Coach Coen messed up the “DU-VAL!” cheer. It could go downhill from here. The Jaguars are a dysfunctional organization.

  74. Itzok Says:

    if anyone understands a ” Coen” chasing the money its a ” Glazer”