Have Your Say!

January 23rd, 2025

Flash poll posted at 10:35 p.m. Poll closed at 4:12 a.m.

44 Responses to “Have Your Say!”

  1. adam from ny Says:



  2. adam from ny Says:

    let’s just be done with this guy

  3. Dubcity Says:

    Too much hate in the world.. just be happy Liam, hope it works out for everyone involved

  4. Nicholas Carlson Says:

    Bucs will be fine. What these players are good at is on tape. The code has been cracked. Don’t need to be a genius to rinse and repeat.

  5. firethecannons Says:

    We need to move forward soon, I do not think this will work out well for Coen, he was better off with the Bucs. The Bucs are actually a good team and have many very good players.

  6. Mac Says:

    Liam but also the Joe’s for constantly promoting this guy’s bahaha. You can’t make this stuff up. We about to lose everyone but the 1 guy the majority of our fan base wants gone…Toilet Bowles. This is clearly the beginning of the end of a good run in Tampa. Bout to lose our entire offensive staff and defensive too. Likely both assistant Gms too. Leaving us only with Licht and a Toilet. Sad sad times in Tampa!

  7. Mac Says:

    Throw in Godwin too as he likely goes with Coen as well. Very depressing!

  8. Ultra ClodHopper Says:

    The Jaguars. If they weren’t a dumpster fire this would have went down without any drama and possibly hired someone else before today.

  9. Josh Says:

    Anyone blaming anyone other than Coen needs to seriously reconsider there posisition. He is a grown man who makes his own decisions. He could have communicated with anyone, and the truth is, he has the freedom to do whatever he chooses. The blame for what happened today rests solely with him. He has a cell phone, and there is absolutely no excuse for this situation. Don’t blame him for getting paid but the drama is 100% on him…

  10. DRob Says:

    My take: he could stay in Tampa for head coach money, then become head coach eventually post bowles.

    Until he had the chance to pick a General Manager.

    Clearly he preferred picking his own GM over working with light into the future.

    Did light have a bad relationship with coen?

  11. I Remember 21 Says:

    Glazers the most for not doing what needs to be done & firing bowles. Licht second most for not making it clear to the Glazers that we have reached our ceiling with bowles. Coen behaved slimily and dishonorably, but he only had that opportunity because Bucs ownership got c0cky and thought they could have their cake and eat it too. Give bowles a farewell season and keep a much better, younger prospect under their thumb. So arrogant. Every NFL owner has money, he was gonna get money anywhere. To think that was gonna anchor him here was foolhardy, clearly.

  12. Rod Munch Says:

    Yeah, I blame the guy for taking a, likely, one in a lifetime job securing generational wealth for himself and his children…

    Man, the estrogen, spurned boyfriend outrage on here is just embarrassing for anyone who calls themselves a man.

  13. Chris l Says:

    Is this serious? Guy seems like a snake and why would we want him here?

  14. DBS Says:

    Not hard to guess who is blaming Bowles. One constantly says Fire Bowles!

  15. westernbuc Says:

    If you need to blame anyone, it’s Licht for not having him sign yesterday.

    Bucs fans need to wake up. The NFL is a business. A ruthless corporation. Teams cut players and fire coaches with years left on their contract. And they do this all the time.

    Coen went into his coaching career for this exact moment. He’s going into a great situation. The reality is that he’d be crazy to pass up the opportunity.

    Everyone needs to chill. It’s not like we’re playing a game on Sunday. Licht and Bowles will find a good replacement. They’ve proven capable of that.

    And who cares if Coen ghosted them for a day? Why are grown crying about this?

  16. CallTheSaltTruck Says:

    It’s impossible to be mad at anyone on the Bucs side, they did what they needed to do.

    I wouldn’t even be mad at Coen if he’d just… not lied outright to the team. Like, I get it, you want to do the second interview with the Jags. So… just tell the team the situation changed. Don’t tell them your kid is sick and sneak around while ghosting them.

    It leaves a bad taste, which is a shame, because Coen seemed to have it together. He was a better playcaller than Canales, full stop.

    Now, that doesn’t mean the Bucs can’t get another high-end playcaller. They have reams of data now on what kind of offense fits Baker best. Get another guy who knows what he’s doing on that front, and knows how to do gap runs since we’re pretty sure we’re better at that. We’ll be okay.

    I don’t see a bunch of the lower offensive coaches leaving after how Coen acted, but we’ll see.

    Bottom line, it’s disappointing (and REALLY disappointing in terms of how Coen handled this) but not the end of the world.

  17. MelvinJunior Says:

    It’s maybe a DI** move but it’s not Cohen’s fault. It just is what it is. That’s the way these things usually work nowadays, & it was exactly what I was afraid of (just did not seem right to me). The Bucs KNEW his reputation of having NO loyalty. It’s all on the Ownership & FO for not having the balls to ‘pull the trigger’ and be BOLD, by making the ‘right’ move. It was the ONLY move to make and they didn’t do it. They chose to stick with a barely ‘average’ 62 YEAR OLD (‘defensive-minded’) HC with just a year or two left on his contract (at a cheap price/‘buyout’ too).

  18. Paratrooper Buc Says:

    Liam handled this poorly. If he had been honest there would have been no controversy. It’s human nature to want more money with more responsibility and power as HC. However, he could have been honest with his intentions and his uncertainty about just being Bucs OC with more pay. He tried to get a deal done behind the Bucs and reportedly lied about his kid being sick to do it. Thats what pisses fans off. Not that he did it but HOW. I don’t blame him for trying to be a HC with way more pay and guaranteed years but I can blame him for making an unnecessary mess. He did this to himself, the players, the Bucs organization and the fans.

  19. Rod Munch Says:

    Here’s what I think happened…

    The Bucs get wind that he’s likely getting the Jags job. They offer to make him the highest paid OC in the NFL, and he’s like, “yeah sure that sounds great, let me thin… hello?? hello? I think they hung up”, as the Bucs quickly hang up the phone and rush to tell the media Coen is coming back to Tampa and rejected the Jags.

    Meanwhile the Jags hear that Coen has rejected him, and they call him and say, “we pay double what they pay, and we fire GM, you take job, no?”

    Coen, meanwhile, doesn’t know what happened but just doubled his income.

    The Glazers then hear that the “deal” from yesterday wasn’t done after all, and they call Coen directly and pitch him all day on becoming the Bucs new head coach as they’ll fire Bowles – which they don’t want leaking to the press, so they’re doing it directly themselves.

    Meanwhile, people in the Bucs front office don’t know the Glazers are talking to Coen, and they want to know what is going on but can’t get through to him as the Glazers told him not to speak to anyone on the team because they want to tell Bowles he’s being fired if Coen takes the Bucs offer.

    What a messy, complicated timeline of events, and just as credible as the ‘reporters’ out there just speculating on what happened.

  20. Tbbucs3 Says:

    Say what you want about Todd Bowles, but he would never pull a stunt like that….

    Because he’s a leader of men,

    The Coen experiment will fail miserably in Jacksonville. Guaranteed. He may be decent with X’s and O’s, but he is no culture builder, and those players in Jacksonville will realize that pretty quickly.

    Good luck to that sad organization in that crappy town

  21. BucYou Says:

    100% on Coen. It’s a Bush League move, regardless if he takes the Jags job or ends up back in Tampa. He just showed a blueprint of how to build your stock up and be loved by an entire franchise and fan base, to being completely untrustworthy and unrespectable in just 24 hours. In 3 years or less, probably less if he’s the Jags HC, he’ll be out of the NFL, and possibly out of football all together. Who would trust this guy to remain loyal after what he’s just done here, and at Kentucky now twice?

    I trust our FO to find another talented OC. I don’t trust Coen to ever live up to his word.

    Speaking of OC, I wouldn’t mind seeing Bruce come out of retirement, if he felt he was up for it.

  22. Paratrooper Buc Says:

    Liam handled this poorly. If he had been honest there would have been no controversy. It’s human nature to want more money with more responsibility and power as HC. However, he could have been honest with his intentions and his uncertainty about just being Bucs OC with more pay. He tried to get a deal done behind the Bucs and reportedly lied about his kid being sick to do it. Thats what pisses fans off. Not that he did it but HOW. I don’t blame him for trying to be a HC with way more pay and guaranteed years but I can blame him for making an unnecessary mess. He did this to himself, the players, the Bucs organization and the fans. With that said, I’m not petty and do not need to resent him. I understand the why and I’m grateful for what he did this past season.

  23. Rod Munch Says:

    westernbuc Says:
    January 23rd, 2025 at 10:49 pm
    If you need to blame anyone, it’s Licht for not having him sign yesterday.


    But it literally doesn’t matter if he did sign a deal yesterday, you can not block a promotion, he could have signed the deal, and still taken the Jags job 5 minutes later.

    There is no blame. It sounds like Coen rejected the Jags original offer – part of that being the GM they had in place, and decided to come back to Tampa. Then, after hearing about that, the Jags fired their GM and upper their offer. Coen would be stupid not to take it because he said he’d return to Tampa based on conditions that were no longer true.

    There is no bad guy here. It’s not like Coen said he was coming back and then in 3 weeks changed his mind, screwing the Bucs out of getting the best replacement available.

    It’s literally just a few hours of not knowing what is happening. And, we don’t even know if anything being reported is true, which is something everyone should keep in mind.

  24. SB~LV Says:

    Gotta be the GM
    No if an or but
    Miss read the whole situation
    Liam would have signed the other day if not the the Jags having to jump through the Rooney Rule

  25. DBS Says:

    Exactly . They fired the GM then he threw his hat back in the ring..

  26. Rod Munch Says:

    SB~LV – But how can it be the GM at fault? There’s literally nothing the Bucs could have done to block the move – not matter what deal was signed, if Coen was the OC, the Bucs could not do anything to keep him from going to the Jags. Even if the Bucs offered Coen the HC job in Tampa, unless he accepted the job, there’s nothing the Bucs could do to stop him from leaving.

    People are way too worked up over this.

  27. D-Mac Says:

    Once again no compensatory pick since he didn’t stay 2 years. What a crap rule. Bucs always get the short end of the stick.

  28. DRob Says:

    Obviously there is the thought by coen that long term he would rather pick his own GM than work with licht long term post-bowles.

    There is clearly some “blame” on licht. Coen imagined someone other than licht he would rather work with.

    Clearly coen prefers licht over baalke but someone else over licht.

  29. Rod Munch Says:

    D-Mac Says:
    January 23rd, 2025 at 11:12 pm
    Once again no compensatory pick since he didn’t stay 2 years.


    You don’t get a comp pick for whitey.

  30. Pewter Power Says:

    The man wants to be a head coach not a coordinator there’s no need to be salty. You wanted a defensive head coach. Liam isn’t going to be the last to bolt on us if he has a good offense. Pat him head coach money hahaha ok people say dumb ish here.

    The Bucs were a dumpster fire before Bruce Arians got here. Jags had a few nice players and All it takes is the right coach that’s how you go from having the worst ranked rushing attack to one of the best

  31. SB~LV Says:

    Rod… by the time it got to Liam talking to other teams about a HC gig , it was too late.
    Watch this will be Todd Bowles last year, for what?
    Coen was on the fast track for a HC job, that’s where his head was at.
    He understands that there is only one head coach and the Bucs have said they have one.
    Even this board was saying let TB go and promote Coen, for all the obvious reasons.
    It’s water under the bridge now.

  32. SB~LV Says:

    I am sure his contract will be bigger than Todd’s

  33. Bucs4Ever Says:

    Learned long ago in business…when a better opportunity comes along…support and wish that employee the best. Hopefully, you helped with their growth.

    Good luck Liam.

  34. Rod Munch Says:

    SB~LV Says:
    January 23rd, 2025 at 11:18 pm
    Rod… by the time it got to Liam talking to other teams about a HC gig , it was too late.


    But would Coen have even taken the Bucs HC gig, knowing he’d basically be stabbing Bowles in the back and taking his job?

    Believe me, that’s what I wanted, and I absolutely would have offered him the gig, but we have no idea if he’d have even taken it, not when he could cleanly just skip town to the Jags and get to build the team however he wanted.

    Coen has no allegiance to Licht, we don’t even know if they liked each other. Also, I’m pretty sure the Glazers would have had to sign off on firing Bowles – and the stupid Rooney rule comes into play, in that they’d have to fire Bowles and go through the ceremony of interviewing people and hoping Coen didn’t get bid up by someone else.

    I really don’t think there’s anyone at fault here. Coen did an awesome job, someone else wanted him because of that.

    Hopefully Bowles can hit another homerun at OC.

  35. Simeon4HOF Says:

    Blame his kid right lol

  36. Todd Bowls Says:

    The blame is on JTS because he’s been blamed for nearly everything since he’s been here

  37. Davyboy🏴‍☠️ Says:

    I blame Baker, he was SO BAD this year!!! Helping your coach to improve his standing and getting a head coaching gig is just unthinkable!!!

  38. heyjude Says:

    Let Coen go.The Bucs gave him a chance and I am happy that he may have his dream job. Unfortunately, the optics he showed leaving isn’t a good way to go. Sadly, show’s someone’s true character.

  39. stpetebucsfan Says:


    Wow we actually agree! “Yeah, I blame the guy for taking a, likely, one in a lifetime job securing generational wealth for himself and his children…”

    After that not so much. View from the “old folks home” after all these years is…
    NOBODY IS IRREPLACEABLE! Coen was a terrific OC but I would have liked to see another year. While I consider the Commanders game a true team loss the offense and Coen’s playcalling in that game as well as the N.O. game was not really that good. I concede everybody has good days and bad and Coen certainly had both. I also concede he had far more good days than bad.

  40. stpetebucsfan Says:


    Agree with the first part. I too am happy he has reached his DREAM! Good for a fellow Irishman!

    As for the “optics” I also agree. Yesterday at this time I would have agreed about the “character” as well but I’ve mellowed overnight for two reasons.

    First our last Presidential election revealed that “character” no longer matters in this country! Why should Liam be expected to be “exceptional”?

    Second none of us really know how this went down. Hopefully the “truth” will finally come out. If Liam played one side against the other to increase his leverage…that sadly for me, perhaps not others…is now the American Way and has been so since at least the 80’s when we learned that “greed is good”.

  41. KABucs Says:

    Of the seven options of who to blame above, you forgot to put in there “the media”. Sounds like Shafter got it wrong regarding who was talking to whom. He said one thing, and then not much later said something completely the opposite. Is he just making stuff up or are his many connections, whichever ones are supposably linked to the Bucs, giving him bad info? Still falls on him if he reported anything wrong. It’s the off-season for the Bucs, if Liam is talking to Bowles, neither one would be including additional buck staff in the conversation other than maybe Licht and none of them are going to be talking to any of these supposed insiders or other team staff members who have no business knowing anything and is way above their pay grade. Just could have been a bunch of misreporting for all we know.

  42. KABucs Says:

    You can’t believe everything you hear or read in the media. Joe refers to them as BSPN after all. The sports reporters that work for NFL, Fox, CBS and NBC or all the same… Looking for that big scoop to get the clicks. They sometimes swing and miss and sometimes don’t exactly dabble in the truth. Are you guys not paying attention to this past year, there was a presidential election if nobody noticed and the BS was everywhere. Learn your lesson folks.

  43. orlbucfan Says:

    To the moron who wrote that CG14 would follow Coen: Get a brain! Chris Godwin doesn’t deserve to be insulted. Coen was beginning to blow it with his game planning. The loss to the Cs in the playoffs was an example. He was too scared to open the play book. Either that or he didn’t fully get the Offensive talent developing/jelling. 4 OCs in 4 seasons. Bucs will get through this okay. I stand by my feeling that they will be very, very good this season.

  44. heyjude Says:

    stpetebucsfan – Sadly you are right about character traits and some not having any. I am still fighting the good fight in Tampa Bay.

    If Coen wasn’t upfront with the Glazers and underhandedly played the other coin to the Jags, he is in the bad bin. On another post, orlbucfan mentioned about the players also being deceived too. Sadly true.