Dan Orlovsky Promotes Mike Greenberg To Follow Liam Coen To Jacksonville

January 25th, 2025

“Greeny, you’re going to be chewing on more than a Gatorade bottle if you go work for Shad Khan.”

So Joe spent time to figure out what allegations were and were not true afer all the accusations thrown out in the past 48 hours about what Jags coach and former Bucs offensive coordinator Liam Coen did or didn’t do — as he went from a $4 million a year coordinator with the Bucs to allegedly a $13 Million Dollar Man (per year) head coach.

There were very ugly allegations, including Coen allegedly using his sick child as a shield to dodge the Bucs. Whenever someone’s child is involved in finger-pointing, that’s low and Joe has no idea if the story is true. (This is why Joe has used the word “allegedly”).

Joe brings this up because  Dan Orlovsky took to TikTok and noted the biggest winner in the Coen drama is Jags quarterback Trevor Lawrence. The former Bucs quarterback also noted that he would not be one bit surprised if Coen, who now has power to influence Shad Con Khan on hiring a general manager, might bring Bucs assistant general manager Mike Greenberg to Jacksonville.

Orlovsky said that would be a really good marriage. He spoke highly of Greenberg and it made Joe wonder if Greenberg, hired by former Bucs rock star general manager Mark Dominik in 2010, was involved with signing Orlovsky in 2012.

However, the new rancor that now exists between the Jags and the Bucs over the recruiting of Coen makes Orlovsky wonder if Greenberg would even want to go to Jacksonville.

For Joe, a Greenberg move or non-move could be telling as it relates to what really happened this week.

If it is learned Greenberg turns down the Jags after Coen tries to coax him across the state, that might be a dead giveaway something bad happened between Coen and the Bucs and Greenberg wants to keep his distance.

After all, it’s no secret Greenberg wants a general manager job, too.

68 Responses to “Dan Orlovsky Promotes Mike Greenberg To Follow Liam Coen To Jacksonville”

  1. Josh Says:

    I would be very surprised if any long-time Buccaneers staff members left to join him. I would also 100% agree that it would be very telling, not only for this situation but for the state of the Buccaneers as an organization as a whole, if he were to leave amid all the drama surrounding this event.”

  2. Couch Fan Says:

    Millin dollar man use to say everybody has a price. I believe that is true. Throw enough money at him and he will be gone. Thats life.

  3. OHBucFan Says:

    Lots of ifs here but should Greenberg be even considered for the opportunity and turns it flat down then that will tell us something. Not everything but something. Still not certain that I would want anything to do with Khan. Appreciate the money grab for Coen but I don’t believe GMs get that level of compensation.

  4. Bucsfan Says:

    Glazers need to nip this blatant poaching in the bud by sitting down Greenberg and receiving assurances that Mike will stay if we pay. Greenberg is the money guy and when Licht says I want to do A,B, or C, Greenberg makes it work financially and is one of the main cogs in our front office machine. KEEP GREENBERG.

  5. StormyInFl Says:

    Greenberg is smarter than that. Why work for a complete idiot – one of the worst owners in the NFL – like Khan?

  6. Bojim Says:

    Glazers were going to pay Coen too. How’d that work out?

  7. It's Corn Says:

    Going in as the minion of the head coach is not a desirable GM job. It is basically an assistant GM job.

  8. Brian in St Pete Says:

    From what I gather, Greenberg was heavily involved in the search mission for Coen on Wednesday. He is also a man of high character and integrity. If what we have heard over the last 3 days is even remotely true he won’t be anywhere near Coen again. No way could they have a working relationship.

  9. Beejezus-belt Says:

    If they are chasing the money it is a great move, if they are chasing a dream Jacksonville is where those dreams go to die. I wonder where Coen will be OC next when Khan man runs him two years. And after Greenberg has seen in the past and present how Shaka khan does business he would be foolish as well. But hey cha-ching take the money and retire in a couple years with your toes in the sand.

  10. ReeeBarrr Says:

    Here to support Bowles.

    He’s a good coach, good leader, has a unified team and always does.

    It’s easy to Respect Bowles as a coach and man.

  11. Permanently Moderated Says:

    There is no stability in Jacksonville as long as Kahn owns the team, but money talks. Good luck to him if he goes. He’ll have a real trustworthy head coach to work with.

  12. Bring back the lawn chairs Says:

    As they says; money talks and 💩 walks.

  13. CottlevilleBuc Says:

    Don’t be surprised if Licht is given title of VP football operations and Greenbreg promoted to GM! Stranger things have happened.

  14. Zoocomics Says:

    Lmao, out of spite, the Glazers will ensure Greenburg doesn’t go anywhere. The guy is lined up to be the next GM of Tampa, that is probably why we aren’t hearing more about interviews with him. Licht has been GM going on 10 years now, right? This is his 11th season, something tells me there’s a deal on the table, especially after losing Spytek, that Greenburg is the next man up.

  15. Anyhony Says:

    I hope Greenberg stays and Trevor Lawrence leaves in free agency.

  16. HC Grover Says:

    El Collapso at One Buc.

  17. PSL Bob Says:

    CottlevilleBuc, I like that scenario.

  18. HC Grover Says:

    He had millions and millions of reasons.

  19. stpetebucsfan Says:


    “Here to support Bowles.”

    Welcome to the minority! I’ve simply been trying to get a litte R E S P E C T from them not expecting actual support and even that wears on many.

  20. orlbucfan Says:

    Greenberg has been Licht’s right hand guy for several years. He’s got the experience to be a good GM. The problem is the ownership. It is starting to sound like what happened to the Panthers. Solid crew owned them then they were sold to some group that a lot of Panthers fans strongly dislike. It sounds like something similar is going on or might go down with Khah. Time will tell.

  21. Defense Rules Says:

    ReeeBarrr & St Pete … Don’t waste your time trying to convince the anti-Bowles crowd that he’s a good coach, good leader, good man. If Bucs win the Super Bowl this year, the anti crowd would be on him for not winning it last year or the year before.

  22. Simeon4HOF Says:

    Just saw the Liam as Antonio Brown waving goodbye meme, needed a laugh

  23. Simeon4HOF Says:

    Clown said Bucs strong armed him lol

  24. Pahpahmike Says:

    If you want the Coen messy story from inside the Bucs and Jags insiders, go to pewter plank and read what J Laine and M Dirocco wrote

  25. Ra'Shad Says:

    He would be bold as hell.

  26. Hodad Says:

    More he said, she said, blah, blah, who cares anymore. What really went down ooh can’t wait to find out! Jags offered Coen a boat load of money to leave, that’s what happened. If the Jags offer Greeny a boat load of money to be their GM guess what, he’s leaving too. End of the mystrey, money talks, BS walks. Everyone has a price, simple as that.

  27. Watch Daddy Sling It Says:

    Any success Coen has in Jacksonville will be in spite of the desperate, proven loser owner.

  28. SB~LV Says:

    Not a critical loss if he leaves , managing the cap is a calculated priority formula that well understood.

  29. Simeon4HOF Says:

    Rat bas@#$% said he’s be there Wed at 1 then no show no call. Then no show no call Thurs at 10. Then all day more quiet lyin coen.
    He a slimeball. Doubt Greenberg follows him unless

  30. Simeon4HOF Says:

    Just when thought Bucs could focus on an Edge rusher .. this mess

    Next Podcast will be lit

  31. Watch Daddy Sling It Says:

    ESPN piece sounds more like that time I told the Mrs I never even heard of tinder.

  32. Simeon4HOF Says:

    Lyam should get a only few assistants from Our O if he lucky
    F boi on his own now. No ties

    Hope JL can keep Thad and Cranberry etc and stand his ground.

    And hope Licht helps take sting outta this by extending Godwin asap.

    Bump lil coey

  33. Simeon4HOF Says:

    Carberry mb

  34. Mobucs Says:

    ReeeBarrr, St.Pete, and Defense. I don’t expect to change the minds, such as they are, on this blog about Bowles, just to testify that, contrary to what some say, their irrational dislike of Coach Bowles is not shared by everyone. I despise the argument that something must be true because “Everyone I know believes it and I ignore everyone who doesn’t.”

  35. Bucsfan Says:

    Bucs have Jags on 2027 schedule and I sincerely hope Liam Coen has his head on a swivel , IF he is still coaching Jax, because he might be an accidental recipient of a shot to his knees-sideline is a dangerous place.

  36. Watch Daddy Sling It Says:

    @mobucs As long as there are banners going up and at least one home playoff game, the Glazers are going to be fiercely loyal. Now, if we do the 8-9 and 9-8 dance and don’t make the tournament – if Bowles goes all Jeff Fisher – they’ll grow impatient.

    Today, the odds of Coach going out on his own terms are exponentially greater than Coen doing same in Duval.

  37. Confido75 Says:

    Bucs need to step up and hire a DC and OC for next season. Bowles needs to perform as a HC only. No more double duty for the coaches covering both the offense and defense as well. Tired of the Bucs pretending their 300 Chrysler is a Rolls-Royce.

  38. HC Grover Says:

    Bowles is the fly in the ointment.

  39. Saskbucs Says:

    Yeah I’m sure he wants to go work with a guy who wouldn’t take his calls. Especially when the power structure in Jax is anything but clear. Khan showed loyalty to Baalke at the expense of other working relationships, until he just didn’t and now the power that flowed through Baalke … flows through Coen?

  40. Couch Fan Says:

    Its cute to listen to the cheerleaders tell each other fluff stories about the “haters” so they can pat themselves on the backs and pretend what great fans they are for supporting the Super Todd.

  41. Matt Says:

    Money talks and bullsh*t walks. They will follow the $

  42. Pewter Power Says:

    You would have to have all the faith in the worlds in the head coach and owner to uproot your stable life to take that job and I don’t think that describes Jacksonville at all

  43. MelvinJunior Says:

    My thoughts on this all along was that it has all been ‘planned-out’ (prob first initiated thru Cohen’s agent) of the good possibility of bringing BOTH Cohen & Greenberg together, with the FIRING of Baalke. THEN, Cohen can bring-on his BEST ‘closest’ friend from Seattle, as new Jags OC. And, there ya go… There’s your brand new STRONG (and most important) NUCLEUS. GM. HC. OC. Kahn was willing to PAY for it, so GAME. SET. MATCH. Great chance for a very quick rebuild, if not IMMEDIATE.

  44. JA Says:

    In 1997 Bill Belichick had a prior agreement to coach the Jets after Parcels resigned or was fired.
    When Parcells resigned in 2000, Belichick, who had signed the agreement, promptly resigned on a cocktail napkin after being Jets HC for a day.
    Let me get this right … According to the fools who think Coen should be crucified for doing nothing wrong, you must hate Belichick even more for breaking a signed agreement.
    Yeah,I bet that keeps him up at night worrying about Jets fan broken hearts, especially after six Super Bowls as a head coach.
    Bottom line: Coen is gone and he broke no laws.
    So get over it, grow up, and move on!

  45. Watch Daddy Sling It Says:

    It’s a franchise that could be contracted tomorrow and no one would even notice. With an owner who honestly is in the dregs of the fraternity. I can kinda understand Coen just being in a bad spot and fumbling the pr stuff.

    He’s a football coach and wants a gig. So, you back out respectfully and all the sudden have this crazy owner coming at you directly with $50 million and full control?

    Can hardly say “no”. But, his agent should have been doing the: “Liam, baby, why not wait out until the next cycle and go with Arch at #1 overall and the Giants?”

  46. Davenport Says:

    @ReeBarr … sure, Bowles is a good man, a respectable man, but this is the NFL. They don’t hand out awards or trophies to the most respectable coach. If you do not win, no one cares.

    Imagine if Dungy – who got run with a better record than TB – didn’t have Manning to bring him a Super Bowl? He would be nowhere to be found now.

  47. Davenport Says:

    @WatchDaddy … Bowles is nowhere near Jeff Fisher. Fisher took his team to 18″ from a Super Bowl win. As a HC, the closest Bowles gets to a SB is a ticket to watch it.

  48. MelvinJunior Says:

    I honestly, do not get all the bad talk about Kahn as an Owner!? I have never heard even the FIRST ‘negative’ word about HIM. Not from a single person. He’s only owned the team since around 2010 maybe, & has made a couple of ‘bad luck’ hires, as a brand new owner. I mean, he even TRIED an ‘outside of the box’ college hire, in Urban Meyer… (though, I’ve NEVER liked the guy) Only one of THE BEST Head Coaches in HISTORY. Hell, it seems to ME that HE is trying HIS ace off, willing to do ANYTHING to build a ‘winner’ there. And, if he can land Greenberg to go along with Cohen & his buddy, then he’s finally, probably well on his way! Another thing… People talking about HIS “business sense,” & etc. I mean, REALLY!? Are YOU Being SERIOUS!? A ‘self-made’ BILLIONAIRE, MULTI-BILLIONAIRE, who BUILT ‘HIS’ COMPANY from nothing literally, over DECADES… THEN, Accumulates Enough WEALTH To Purchase HIS OWN NFL FRANCHISE!!!! Now, Come-On… Be REAL. Have you seen HIS brand new boat!?

  49. Henry Says:

    Get over it already. For that kind of guaranteed money and control most on here would tell the Bucs to go pound rocks, I know I would. As far as waiting until next year for a better gig, anything can happen in a year. All it would take is for Mayfield to get seriously injured. The offense would regress to unwatchable and the Bucs would lose a ton, there goes your good graces with it.

  50. Watch Daddy Sling It Says:

    @davenport That’s true right now. But, it’s also possible (in theory) that if Bowles somehow rips off two or three 13-4s and gets his winning pct in order and also somehow does win a SB as HC —- he’s in Canton with rings as a player, DC and HC.

    Now, do I think he will? Maybe, if time outs aren’t involved, or if you don’t get in a situation where the greatest QB in league history might throw a pick ..

    But, like the rudderless Titans since running Fisher just because he couldn’t get over the hump at the time, jettisoning a guy who’s bringing you home playoff games is not usually the way owners analyze risk and reward.

  51. MelvinJunior Says:

    @Anthony – well, that’d be a pretty tough thing for him to do, Anthony! Considering that JAX just ‘extended’ him to the tune of 5-years, & OVER $250MIL+!!!! It’s gonna be AWHILE, before Trevor Lawrence hits “Free Agency” again.

  52. Kieran Says:

    I sure hope Greenberg stays at One Buc Place, he is our secret (not so secret anymore)weapon and a genius with salary cap.

    Jax and that owner is a sh*t soup simmering ran organization and no where near the talent that the Bucs have.

    I can see the Glazers and JL pull a Rich McKay move into an executive roll and promote Greenberg to GM, have to keep great, smart people within the organization.

  53. Anon Says:

    Agree with Joe about the implications of this about the bridge burning.

    But I’ve never seen people get so hot and bothered for promoting an accountant. Dude has to have elite media connections.

  54. David Says:

    I do not blame the guy for taking the head coaching position and a lot more money but the way he handled it was horrible.

    As for Greenberg, he’s the one who really did the finances and got the Buccaneers through cap hell the last few years. That could prove to be a big loss.

  55. FortMyersDave Says:

    Well, if Kahn did make a run at Greenberg, he had better have his 2 token Rooney Rule interviews out of the way first. I doubt if Orlovsky knows the actual culture Licht has created as Greenberg is tight with the organization, he is not just a fly by night operator like Coen. It would take a lot of Benjamins to hire away Greenberg IMHO.

    Henry you do have a point look how Houston launched Slowik one year after he got the spot light for CJ Stroud.

  56. adam from ny Says:

    if coen comes circling back like a shark to eat, you just send big vita and tristan to jacksonville to pay the man a friendly house call 🙂


  57. CleanHouse Says:

    How can anyone even be mad- 4 million to 13 million- what a joke this team is- he shouldn’t have not picked up the phone he should have sent a pic of both middle fingers-

    Who here wouldn’t take that pay raise?

    Give me a break

  58. CleanHouse Says:

    He can buy a new bridge and burn that one too with 13 M

  59. Bucs4Ever Says:

    Let’s get something straight…just because I want Todd fired does not mean I do not think he is a good man. Good dude,bad coach. Is totally MHO.

  60. HC Grover Says:

    9million bottles of rum on the wall
    9million bottles of rum
    YoHoHo an see ya later.

  61. Woodman Says:

    Now I know what the HC stands for Grover Head Case. Lol

  62. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    Greenberg has been in the same role for a long time. He has earned his shot.

    He’s certainly not going to get Licht’s job…so if he actually wants a promotion, going elsewhere is the only way to get it.

    Could be worse. The Jets could have tried to get him.

    As to Coen, on’t

  63. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    As to Coen, I wish him the best. All this talk about him being out of touch for a few hours means nothing at all. Just fans being petty.

    The only reason anyone is freaking out is because no one wanted to lose him. Personally, I trust Jason Licht to find another new guy. He’s done it twice now. No need to freak out.

    What we need is a quality guy who doesn’t want to be a head coach….like when we had Monty at DC years ago. Or a guy who has burned his chances of being offered a HC gig.

    Joch McDaniels is a good example. He’ll probably never get offered a HC position again. Maybe not hire him specifically, but someone in the same situation.

  64. Jmarkbuc Says:

    Orlovsky was a third rate QB who loves to hear himself talk. He’s annoying AF.

  65. heyjude Says:

    Coen won’t make a difference with Trevor and Mac. He didn’t have anything to do with Baker. Baker was good on his own except for the times Coen had those cutesy plays which flopped big time.

    Orlovsky says a lot of things that are wrong and some things that are right. I like him, however Greenberg would make a huge error in judgement if he followed the guy that allegedly played dirty to the team that was good to him and gave him a chance when his chances were pretty much over. And only one team, the Jags, reached out to Coen. That says so much too.

  66. Todd Says:

    — Brian

    “ From what I gather, Greenberg was heavily involved in the search mission for Coen on Wednesday. He is also a man of high character and integrity. If what we have heard over the last 3 days is even remotely true he won’t be anywhere near Coen again. No way could they have a working relationship.”

    Needed reposted.

  67. Aqualung Says:

    Man, the strong aroma of dead snook is once again permeating the nostrils. That along with apparent escape of Shamu from Sea World, and one asks, is there a marine animal crisis? The Miami Dolphins suck. Could be.

  68. Football Nerd Says:

    I dont understand why anyone is upset over whay Coen did or didnt do. There are only 32 head coaching jobs available in the league and if you have the opportunity to take one then you cant get mad at him. Look at Bobby Slowik, he went from hot coaching candidate to looking for a job in 1 season. Everyone needs to get over it and find the next great OC.