Chucky And Todd Bowles

January 24th, 2025

“Todd, I freaking love Baker Mayfield. And this Bucky Irving, wow! Jiminy Christmas I could get Mike Evans the rock! Love ya’ man!”

Could Todd Bowles call on a guy who saved the Bucs in 2002 and wants back into the NFL so badly he’d drink a six-pack of warm Stag beer just to return?

The guy has an office just down the road from The Licht House. That would be Chucky, the original Bucs Super Bowl-winning head coach.

Joe would not hire Chucky. He didn’t do all that well in his last return to the NFL in Las Vegas/Oakland. Only after he left/was forced out/fired did the Raiders play their best football of the 2021 season and make it to the playoffs.

And if you watch his Barstool Sports videos, it’s clear Chucky does not like modern offenses, RPOs and quarterbacks clapping from shotgun. He doesn’t like it at all.

But also clear in these videos is that Chucky likes to run the ball. And so does Bowles. And boy, do the Bucs have running backs.

Players have changed since Chucky took over the Bucs in 2002. Even 20 years ago, players bristled under his boot and to this day a lot of his former players have nothing to do with him, though many still adore him.

One of his biggest problems was relating to players. Some Vegas players admitted they grew burned out from all the Chucky yelling and hollering. They wanted coaching.

And as Bum Phillips once famously said, “Hollerin’ ain’t coachin.'”

Joe knows Chucky likes Todd Bowles (recent photo above). Hell, Chucky was in the Team Glazer suite earlier this year taking in a Bucs game. It was rumored that the appearance was part of Chucky’s pathway back into the good graces of the NFL.

Let’s just say Joe would not be shocked if Chucky was hired by Bowles. (Chucky happens to have the same agent as Bucs AC/DC-loving Jason Licht, FYI.)

And who wouldn’t love a coach who names plays after hot women?

75 Responses to “Chucky And Todd Bowles”

  1. Couch Fan Says:

    I love Chucky but I agree. His time has come and gone in Tampa. Thank you for the SB.

  2. Mr Lucky Says:

    Sorry but it’s NOT Back to the Future time for the Bucs….

    Chucky – PASS

    Next thing you know Joe will be wishing Bellicheat will quit college to coach the Bucs! Geez

  3. Baker Bowl Says:

    Watching his videos it’s clear he still wants to be a coach. Dude loves ball, let him in the front office, not sure on the sidelines but I think one of the 50 worlds hottest man would be an asset to the organization.

    Also, Liam Coen, what a dirtbag. Good riddance if the rumors are true, talk about a locker room cancer.

  4. Tom Chase Says:

    Lincoln Riley

  5. First Name Greatest Says:

    His offenses in Vegas were not that great…

    Keep the past in the past

  6. Proudbucsfan Says:

    Isn’t one of Gruden’s son’s a coach ?

  7. KnoxvilleBuc Says:

    No player personnel control, weapons all over the place, a steady leader in Bowels, and a vendetta to prove his good at his job. I wouldn’t be opposed to him coming back. A little fire may be what we need. The man loves the Bucs and wants revenge. I would definitely talk to him but the previous article with Lincoln Reilly has me intrigued. Most importantly “Splash” is what the Glazers will want after this mess and I do to.

  8. Lt. Dan Says:

    Pretty sure the game has passed ol’ Chucky by.

  9. Marky mark Says:

    Naaah. Get a younger guy who can relate to the players

  10. zzbucs Says:

    @Mr Lucky

    You nailed Bro…..hard pass….

  11. Dick LeBeau Jr. Says:

    Yeah, no thanks. Just because he comes to games and has been semi-welcomed back in, you may forgive but you don’t forget. His time has passed, and we already have in-house coaches who can keep things rolling.

  12. Buc4evr Says:

    i would take Chucky back in a NY minute. The guy schemes defenses better than anyone.

  13. Pahpahmike Says:

    Someone mentioned Gruden a day or so ago and they listed his offenses ranking they weren’t good at all so I am sure the Bucs want go back there. I am just surprised that Bowles doesn’t have someone on staff who can step right in and keep the flow going

  14. RBUC Says:

    1 word NOOOOO!!!!!!

  15. AK Says:

    Big Gruden fan here…but, no. I’d rather promote from within (Grizzard, Van Daan (sp?) , so we can keep the same offensive principles/philosophies so it isn’t a completely new offense again.

  16. Proudbucsfan Says:

    I just read Gruden’s eldest son Deuce is a strength and conditioning coach

  17. PSL Bob Says:

    No! No! No! What did we love about the prospect of Coen staying on as OC? Continuity. Gruden would be the farthest thing we have from continuity. I like Joe’s first possibility. Elevate the current assistant coach and bring in someone like Arians to mentor him as OC. That would be continuity.

  18. David Says:

    Love Gruden but NO

  19. First Last Says:

    Inb4 we end up just running the ball all game and Todd Bowles names himself OC

  20. Jeff Says:

    No way. Terrible idea. Jon’s a football dinosaur.

  21. Reedo Says:

    Getting the band back together never works.

  22. Watch Daddy Sling It Says:

    Probably be some interviews, but Thad would seem to have inside track. He’s been the one in Baker’s ear the most the past two seasons.

  23. JK Says:

    Mayfield has earned back-to-back OCs HCing jobs

    Mayfield earned Milquetoastfanski NFL coach of the year

    Put respect on that name at all times

  24. Tye Says:

    People always talking about this or that team SB window closing…

    Sadly today we can only talk about the Bucs NFCS window is slamming shut….
    Consecutive division winners due to 3 horrific teams now growing better and the Bucs strength being offensive side of the ball from quality OCs that have left, 2025 is likely becoming a throw away year just to get a public reason to move on from Bowels…

    Only upside is hopeful the Glazers will use this entire year to find the Bucs an amazing Offensive minded HC for 2026 and beyond!

  25. Weston Says:

    Love Chucky, but not as our football coach.

  26. Cybetsecurity_intern Says:

    Yeah we will remove your name from the ring of honor but come work for us. Seriously now Joe get it together, you are losing it.

  27. SB~LV Says:

    Love that Super Bowl year with Gruden BUT !
    You can NEVER go back!
    His chemistry is not healthy for the big picture.
    The game has changed SO MUCH in just a few years including the players mentality coming in from college.
    Find a OC that will come into a lame duck head coaching environment will be a monumental obstacle to fit into the equation
    If we were jilted by Coen not make the mistake of rekindling a relationship with a old girl friend that ended in a divorce.
    Ain’t human nature fascinating, as long as you can watch from a safe distance and not tangled up in it yourself

  28. WilieG Says:

    Chucky is another snake, IMO. Remember how he treated #40? Remember how he treated many other Bucs? (It seemed he had issues with the very popular offensive players.) Remember his revolving door at QB? Remember how he got McKay fired?

  29. OHBucFan Says:

    I would like to think that the Bucs can build on what they have. I doubt that everyone on the offensive coaching side feels good about how Coen handled things. Hopefully the Bucs can keep their OL coach and QB coach. Again, hopefully one of them is prepared to get their shot as the OC.
    I DO want Gruden back in the NFL. All these “experts” saying that the game has passed him by are simply victims of copycat syndrome. The players get faster and faster but that happens on both sides of the ball. Short of someone devoting themselves to the wishbone, planning to your players strengths is the best way to coach. Drafting and developing players to your preferred style of play is important too. Gruden’s offense would work in the NFL. Correction: It does work in the NFL. Just look around.

  30. MelvinJunior Says:

    Cannot post again… Same as on that Logan Hall article from a couple of days ago?

  31. MelvinJunior Says:

    Of course, that one just did. Makes zero sense.

  32. Oviedo Jim Says:

    Gruden would be a nail in the coffin. Put him back in the ring of honor but leave him out of the film room

  33. dmbucs Says:

    Nobody can complain about Coen leaving. The whole league knew he would be offered a couple of head coaching opportunities. The question was always, by everybody, if it was time for Bowles to step aside to make room for the new younger OC coach?
    The Glazers decided to stick with Bowles, he stated he was not ready to retire anytime soon when asked.
    So, the Glazers made a choice and Coen got offered the HC opportunity everyone knew he would get and probably got paid what the other new top coaches are getting. Smart move by him. He could have called but the if the Bucs were that worried about a second interview clause and of losing him then why not just make the change from Bowles.
    The Glazers like Bowles so we will get what we get. There hasnt been an article written in three years stating that Bowles was even in the top 20 coaches.
    Very disappointing.

  34. larrd Says:

    Love Gruden but he should hire a set designer and/or producer/director and professionalize his podcast/youtube stuff. It’s what he’s best at now and it’s where the future of sports commentary lies.

  35. Todd Says:

    Whoever it is, we need a pre-nup … any hire must contractually commit to a minimum of TWO years before even thinking about interviewing with another team.

    But then again, Liam “my son is sick” liar earned his way around any commitment associated with integrity.

  36. Mort Says:

    So swap one piece of $h¡t for another? Nah. Just promote our passing game coordinator / 3rd down guru Grizzard to OC and keep everything else in place.

  37. Todd Bowls Says:

    Interesting premise Joe.

    One thing I remember about John Gruden is that his passing offense was very complicated lots of motions and many formations and as a result it took new players (other than running back where Cadillic Williams jumped right in) at least season or two to learn.

    This is one of the biggest criticisms of Todd Bowles defense, that it takes so long for new players to pick
    up. I like that Chucky has some juice and passion for the game but maybe designing plays in today’s NFL is not his forte.

  38. HC Grover Says:

    Bring him on.

  39. HC Grover Says:

    Yes he could help Bowles with the defense too.

  40. SteveK Says:

    Bring Jon and Jay Gruden to Tampa. Perfect personality to balance Coach Bowles. Let’s do some wild sh!t and I’m all for this. Hahahahaha

  41. SteveK Says:

    Jon still consumes film and understands how offenses, defenses, and the game has evolved. He’d be a genius and well balanced personality to Bowles. I’d contend to make Jay Gruden QB coach and let them combine forces with Baler and the O.

  42. ReeeBarrr Says:

    I love Gruden in his own way. That said, I don’t want him anywhere close to my football team ever again.

  43. orlbucfan Says:

    Nope, Nope, nope, a thousand times nope! JJoe, you heard any recent news about Jay, his younger brother? Bucs Offense is at a critical point in their jelling. They have to have some kind of continuity. Bowles and Licht are two super busy bees right now.

  44. Licht4President Says:

    No thank you. Next…

  45. jimmy Says:

    Is Bryan Glazer this desperate? I dont think so.

  46. JohnJohn007 Says:

    I would hire him as a offensive consultant.
    This team would need his yelling in some games like when they lost to Dallas or when they started slow.
    He would be yen Yang balance ♎ to Mother Bowles.

  47. crasey Says:

    How soon we forget. Give the Bucs braintrust a day or so to move on their “what if” plan. The GM and owners knew there’d be a run at Coen this year and must have a plan for what if we lose him. It’s just prudent planning and not that different from what if our round one draft target isn’t available when your on the clock. Well, now the Bucs are on the clock…

  48. SlyPirate Says:


    He’s a megalomaniac. OMG! LOL!!!! You don’t know Chucky.

  49. Jbeachbuc Says:

    I’m sorry I must be missing something here, how many points did the Skins hang on Detroit ? How many points did we hang on the skins?

  50. stpetebucsfan Says:


    Lovie Smith 8-24 .250 Todd Bowles 27-24 .529

    The Bucs – 13 coaches, lets give John McKay a pass though. 9 years with no help from the league when they were added as an expansion team and the curse of Hugh Culverhouse as an owner. So let’s eliminate the LEGITIMATE excuse of the Bucs sucking. 9 years is enough though.

    SO 12 coaches, only 4 of those 12 had winning records! BA, Tony,Chucky and now add Todd Bowles to a pretty exclusive group.

  51. gotbbucs Says:

    Hard pass

  52. SB~LV Says:

    Check out the bio of in house Josh Grizzard as the next OC

  53. BUC CHEEKS Says:

    Lincoln Riley – 1 year rental unless Bowels steps down next year. He’ll be a head coach in the NFL after 1 year with us, that’s the trend!

  54. BallHawk75 Says:

    Just when you think things couldn’t get worse.

    Chucky will forever be the godfather of our first title.

    But that time has long since past.

    1. Fire Bowles now.

    2. Hire a proven winner for the HC. McCarhty and Pederson are out there.

    3. Hire a young DC that has a fresh take on scheming against the modern NFL.

    4. Get proven veterans in free agency to fill defensive holes.

    5. Draft the best player on the board according to need for depth.

  55. StormyInFl Says:

    Hell no to Chucky… he’s entertaining but his offenses weren’t special. He’s also toxic with young players

  56. David Says:


    McCarthy is on your short list? No thank you, keep Bowles over him

  57. BucsFan81 Says:

    I would take Chucky back as OC dude loves the game and would put in the work. Maybe he would do better this time around if he only had to focus on offense.

  58. Panhandle Buc Says:

    No, the game has past him by! The NFL has evolved since his last stint and he wasn’t even that good then. He should go back in the ROH but that’s another argument for another post.

  59. stpetebucsfan Says:

    No to Chucky. He’s become a great “football entertainer” but his history and personality just do not fit!

    I’m with Tom Chase…Lincoln Riley or the young guy BA pushed who has worked extensively with Baker or Carberry who did a great job molding a young OL.

    I trust Todd and Jason and the fact that the Bucs have become a very attractive job opportunity! Talent at every position and a CLASS stable organization.

  60. Bojim Says:

    No please.

  61. ModHairKen Says:

    No, the game has not passed him by. Yes, he has changed in the years since he last coached, and he can dial it back.

    For him, though, coming back as OC here would not be his best move. His personality is too large and he would overshadow Bowles.

    I really hope he gets back to coaching. Those emails were intended to be private, and we all say things in private that we would not want revealed.

    He’s paid a heavy price. He deserves a pardon.

  62. Bobby M. Says:

    Gruden’s tree of coaching is hard to ignore….McVay, Shanahan, and his brother Jay. As an offensive mind, i think he would do a great job…..but will he play nice in the sandbox? That’s the tough call. If you like Coen because of McVay….both tie back to Gruden. Gruden’s Raiders were the #1 offense in football when he left….people often say Gruden won with Dungy’s team but Gruden’s Raiders were in the SB vs the Bucs. The guy can coach… for the Raiders, what exactly has Carr done anywhere? Saints were mediocre much like the Raiders.

  63. FortMyersDave Says:

    Chuckie got the job done in 2002 but after that it got very hostile at OBP, Gruden run GM McKay and did not win another playoff game. Plus Chuckie is not 38 anymore he is 61 or so. The Bucs need younger coaching not older.

  64. Hearty Dikerson Says:

    Yeah just what we need, another stubborn, conservative, coach that runs an outdated, ineffective scheme. He’d pair up perfectly with Bowles.

  65. lambchop Says:

    I can guarantee you Chucky would get rid of Vita Vea as his first move. There’s no way he would want a part-time player. He’s too dumb to realize how Vita changes the game and is constantly double/triple teamed.

    Stick a fork in Gruden and move the F on already.

  66. BucsFEver Says:

    NOOOOOO Chucky!

  67. BucNCrazy Says:

    I don’t think I want to see Gruden run the wheels off Bucky. He would do it too.

  68. stpetebucsfan Says:


    Excellent point!

  69. Bucscoott Says:

    Remember how he killed Mike Alstott

  70. Bobby Says:

    Love it, Go Get Jon Gruden as OC

  71. GoneGator Says:

    Jesus Christ. Anybody who would even remotely consider that screaming munchkin as a solution to any TB problem has lost their little minds 🙄

  72. GoneGator Says:

    Mike McCarthy
    Dallas . 583
    Doug Peterson
    Jax . 431

    But yea, I recommend we follow ballhawk75’s advice on everything.

    Now, in all fairness regular season w/l % means squat in my opinion. Nobody remembers Superbowl winners regular season records. But YOU keep posting Bowles record like its a big deal so…. I’ll keep posting info about your info, since you never do.

    All that matters is getting to “the dance”. Only 1 team wins the SB but Todd has us in the playoffs EVERY YEAR no matter if we’re DEEP in debt, dealing with injuries, coaching turnovers, etc etc etc

    Keep on cursing Todd all you want, he’s not going anywhere anytime soon 🙈

  73. Bobby Says:

    Gruden would be a great hire by Bowles as offensive coordinator!! If Bucs went all the way and won a Super Bowl next season. After having Brady here. I’ve raised my expectations as a fan. SBs rings are all that matters. Jon Gruden with Baker, Evans, Godwin, Bucky, Otton is now a force by the way, Wirfs, Goedeke is also a prime tackle as well now, and add Barton and Jalen. Gruden would be a good fit for us in 2025. It’s all about rings, LFG!!!

  74. Joe Says:

    JJoe, you heard any recent news about Jay, his younger brother?

    He pops off here or there on twitter about NFL news of the day but other than that, no.

  75. Darren caputo Says:

    Pleaae being ba k gruden as oc coach