CBS: Liam Coen’s Agreement With Bucs Meant Nothing

January 23rd, 2025

Contract detail.

Very good point made by the top dog of NFL news for CBS.

Jonathan Jones took to Twitter a short while ago and, with Bucs fans (and apparently the Bucs, too) outraged that (former ?) Bucs offensive coordinator Liam Coen apparently reneged on a deal to return to Tampa to be one of the game’s highest offensive coordinators, Jones put this issue in proper perspective.

The agreement doesn’t mean jack.

@jjones9: Coen’s deal with Tampa is unsigned but even if it were signed, it’s my understanding that still wouldn’t prevent him from entertaining the Jaguars and ultimately taking a deal to be their head coach.

Joe made that point earlier. Coordinator contracts can’t prevent a guy from leaving for a promotion. Now the contract could have been written that included substantial penalties if the contract were broken, or broken early. But that doesn’t prevent the owner of a new club from cutting the new coach a signing bonus to pay the penaties.

So in the big picture, Coen’s contract is just a talking point, a distraction.

It’s pretty clear to Joe that this “agreement” was used by Coen as leverage to get the general manager he wanted in Jacksonville.

89 Responses to “CBS: Liam Coen’s Agreement With Bucs Meant Nothing”

  1. ReenYeing Says:

    Don’t care that he did it, just care how he did it.

    Plz Bowles have one more in you.

  2. Kazanmazz Says:

    Good for Coen, that’s how you leverage your position and get a better job. Just like anyone else would do.

  3. PNW Buc Says:


  4. Tbbucs3 Says:

    Its a dirty business…

  5. BucfaninMi Says:

    I wish failure on the Jaguars on every level possible.

  6. FlumundaCheese Says:

    This is what the organization deserves for sticking with Bowles.

  7. Leopold Stotch Says:

    I would have rather he not agree at all and moved on than pull this. That’s the issue I think we all have.

  8. LEWI Says:


  9. Tbbucs3 Says:

    Credit to Dave Canales for doing it the right way….

    This should tell you everything about Coen character….he’s a complete dirt bag.

    He wont build a culture like Todd Bowles can.

  10. Tucker Says:

    What a terrible way to go about it yeah nothing prevents him but what terrible character that guy has wild.

  11. Durango 95 Says:

    JL and the Glazers totally blew it. I would wager the house that JL led them into a false sense of security. They backed the wrong horse. Pure and simple.

  12. Scott Says:

    He took out run game to a new level. That guy needs to be a head coach. Too bad it won’t be with us.

  13. IrishTony Says:

    Ok let’s have some perspective here people you honestly believe that this offense with one of the best lines in the NFL, staff, coaches, etc don’t know what it take to be successful? Coen was a nobody as was Canales and whoever else takes this position. You’re set up for success with this personnel, this system, this scheme. Someone will come in and keep things intact. 10-7 with a first round loss ain’t nothing to write home about.😃

  14. Tye Says:

    The Bucs deserve this for backing the lesser between Coen and Bowels!

  15. Ultra ClodHopper Says:

    Can’t blame Coen. It’s a cutthroat business. If the Billionaires can do things like this so can the millionaires. It’s a huge punch in the gut after letting our guards down but it is what it is and good for him.

  16. cmurda Says:

    The OC deal does mean nothing. The ghosting of the organization means everything and leaves no doubt that he’s gone. Even if the deal falls apart in Jacksonville, I don’t want him back. Buh-bye

  17. Durango 95 Says:

    Tbbucs3 Says:
    January 23rd, 2025 at 6:54 pm

    Its a dirty business…

    Nope, just business and they blew it. Backed the wrong horse

  18. cmurda Says:

    The OC deal does mean nothing. The ghosting of the organization means everything and leaves no doubt that he’s gone. Even if the deal falls apart in Jacksonville, I don’t want him back. Peace Out

  19. BucfaninMi Says:

    Money has ruined this sport. I seriously do not wish him any luck at all, flip flopping punk! It’s to the point I’m sick of football period. Refs the Chiefs, Goodell, and all the coach poaching that goes on. Not fun anymore

  20. Lightningvinny Says:

    Karma is a total bitch ,,,, he will fail and so he should in Jax ,,, if he runs the same plays he ran here ,, Trever will get sacked 40 times ,,, Screw this guy ,,, lets move on

  21. AirCasted-BoneBruise Says:

    He’s a POS for this. Grateful for what he did for our team, but that’s a scum move to our fans, players and ownership.

  22. Jw94buc Says:

    Watch Liam make the playoffs next year. And we’ll probably be blowing up the coaching staff mid way through the season… From the Licht house to the Out house… it’s a Bucs life. Ughhh I will try and remain positive, it might take a few shots of whiskey though.

  23. adam from ny Says:

    quickly turning from our guy…to a sleazy dude,,,

    he’s probably lampin’ at shahid khan’s mansion out on the gaza strip right about now

  24. Chad Says:

    It’s not that he took the job it’s the shady and disrespectful way he did it

  25. FlumundaCheese Says:

    Our organization chose a “defensive guru” head coach who can’t manage a game and couldn’t field a defense that could get off the field or force a turnover all season over the best offensive coordinator in franchise history. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. Next we can trade Bucky Irving for some magic beans.

  26. Tbbucs3 Says:

    LEWI Says:
    January 23rd, 2025 at 6:56 pm

    YES!!! Get behind OUR head coach. (Like the players already are)

    F COEN!!!

  27. WanderingWallflower Says:

    So much hand wringing and sour grape griping. Many of us already expect 2025 to be a bust. Even myself, who has resigned myself to Bowles deserved his final shot. I wouldn’t have given it but I accepted I was not being asked. I know I’d now be offering Coen the head job in Tampa right now. The Glazers aren’t going to find a better option later.

  28. Watch Daddy Sling It Says:

    Every coordinator aspires to get the big job. That’s understandable and fine, there are only 32 jobs, and you can always go back to being an OC. Not sure about *that* job (or Carolina, for that matter). Bad owners chasing the next McVay, odds aren’t in favor of ending well.

  29. cmurda Says:

    Apparently, I’ve been cutoff from posting. Nice. Ok, time to go.

  30. ReenYeing Says:

    Durango, if Coen ends up being mid to bad as a HC you’ve gotta end each post with “I do t know ball”

  31. BallHawk75 Says:

    McCarthy is still out there. He’s a proven winner.

    Go get him and fire Bowles.

    Then get a competent DC.

    This doesn’t have to be a complete disaster.

  32. Tbbucs3 Says:

    “Nope, just business and they blew it. Backed the wrong horse”

    Theres a way to do it, and this is not it…especially not returning the Bucs phone calls and lying about being in Jacksonville

    Dave Canales did it the right now…Liam Coen is a scumbag.

  33. ReenYeing Says:

    Do t care that he left, I care how he left.

  34. Durango 95 Says:

    Not here to be know it all. But You get the guy in the building and don’t let him out when this is going on.” Contract in principle”…Ha. The amount of times I’ve heard that line. They freakin’ blew it! JL is going to have to answer some questions. At the end of the day it falls on the Glazers they had to be more proactive. Drop Bowles, hire Coen. Bowles has hit his ceiling you want big results you have to make bold decisions.

  35. MF Bucs Says:

    Think he’s taking the jet sweep with him?

  36. Aqualung Says:

    I haven’t seen an announcement yet that he’s accepted the Baguars’ job. I’ll refrain from reacting until it’s done.

  37. Tbbucs3 Says:

    We got fans now clamoring for Mike McCarthy…you cant make this level of stupidity up.

  38. IrishTony Says:

    Boy it’s amazing what I’m reading. The only O coordinator we’ve had that I believed was a “genius” was Monken. Monken had crap to work with particularly the human turnover machine and a guy by the name of Peyton Barber.

  39. Zzbucs Says:

    All the Coen lovers….. there you have your Guy who most of you loved dearly after only 1 season….

    He show real class…..

    Pathetic human being….

    Get out of town….. your word means nothing

  40. Tbbucs3 Says:

    “I haven’t seen an announcement yet that he’s accepted the Baguars’ job. I’ll refrain from reacting until it’s done.”

    The releationship is already fractured after this….

    You think the Bucs players are gonna wanna listen to a guy who would rather not be there? Its over.

    The next OC search should be underway.

  41. adam from ny Says:

    now i’m hearing spytek just quit the raiders, and was seen walking swiftly thru the jacksonville airport…

    lol…i’m only kidding people

  42. Pewter Power Says:

    Salty arse Bucs fans some of you sound pathetic and scared. Just yesterday it was reported he wasn’t promised to be the successor right? Todd Bowles defense is pure trash and Liam knows he can do his job. He thinks jags have potential, if Bowles defense fails again which it will and he gets fired with no comparable job offer then what. I would look out for myself also he has no allegiance to Bucs after one year. The Glazers made are football stupid.

  43. Tucker Says:

    Guess Thad lewis is up to bat.

  44. WanderingWallflower Says:

    Hey, Joe, describe where it hurts you most lol

  45. ManzielMadness Says:

    Not mad that he took the HC job, just a sleazy way to go about it… enjoy working with an inept owner. Bucs should have their pick of the top OC candidates, who wouldn’t want to come here knowing the last 2 OCs were offered HC jobs?

  46. adam from ny Says:

    what if liam banged his head real bad after getting out if the shower, after scrubbing his nutts…fell down and is bleeding out on the bathroom floor…?

    wellness check anyone…?

  47. Durango 95 Says:

    ReenYeing Says:
    January 23rd, 2025 at 7:06 pm

    Durango, if Coen ends up being mid to bad as a HC you’ve gotta end each post with “I do t know ball”

    Hey Coen is no guarantee. I’ll grant you that, bro.
    But Bowles has hit his ceiling. It was time to roll the dice. And aim for the stars. Players are not getting any younger.

  48. Aqualung Says:

    And now we see hate by certain extreme zealots for the fans who praised the guy who led the best offense the team has ever seen, the best run game the team has ever seen when it was last for 2 straight years before that.

    This is really ridiculous. It’s ok to have a contrary opinion. It’s why there is a forum. All of the triggered brigade needs to calm the eff down and eat some Indica gummies .

  49. FlumundaCheese Says:

    Could care less about the character arguments – Parcells jilted the Bucs multiple times and was still a winner. Dungy was a saint who squandered a lot of years of prime Brooks/Sapp/Lynch. I’ll take the winner every time.

  50. Tucker Says:

    Maybe Chip Kelly

  51. Bucsfan1988 Says:

    ZZBUCS, exactly!!!

    Coen is a POS human being….

    I’ll take Bowles all day over trash like Coen.
    You know Bowles is a decent human being.

  52. GoneGator Says:

    So is he staying or going?
    This shlt is concerning but also hilarious in a way.

  53. El HEFE Says:

    Coen said his only regret was not sticking around to help the rams make a come back also he is a loyal guy that wants to stick around this was in one of the first videos he was in with his wired suits I guess that didn’t mean in Tampa

  54. Watch Daddy Sling It Says:

    Irish Tony: I’m with you. While I agree the overall body of work in 2024 is obviously statistically fantastic, the roster has a lot to do with that. I think being situationally cute to mask “tendencies in the red zone” cost us a few games – just as many as poor clock management, etc.

  55. XRISTOS Says:

    That is a disaster anyway you look at it.
    Ouch. Not good
    Go Bics

  56. El HEFE Says:

    Smh Coen said his only regret was not sticking around to help the rams make a come back also he is a loyal guy that wants to stick around this was in one of the first videos he was in with his wired suits I guess that didn’t mean in Tampa

  57. Zzbucs Says:

    @ pewter power

    That Puré trash defense gave us and you a súper bowl……be carefull and show some respect…

  58. BUC CHEEKS Says:

    This is some bulls#it.

  59. Josh Says:

    Just give Thaddeus Lewis his shot. Was the wrs coach for 2 years been Bakers QB coach the last 2 years definitely knows the system and Baker + Bowles I’m sure would both be comfortable with him. If Bowles is gone after next year chances are his cordinators are as well and it’s bring in another new guy anyways. If not we’ll know Bowles promoted a coach from within and he turned into a great offensive cordinator or he fixed the defense either way who cares because it means playoffs again and potentially a Super Bowl because if Bowles doesn’t win at least 1 playoff game next year he’s should be gone and in my opinion it needs to be 2….

  60. Josh Says:

    Seriously though who would even want him back after this like he has tainted his name here FOREVER!!

  61. Tbbucs3 Says:

    It is quite refreshing to see the Liam Coen “love fest” that went on all season come to a screeching hault…..

    Ever care to think that maybe the reason the offense was so good was because of Mike Evans, a Franchise QB, Elite rookie running back and a great O-line?

  62. Pewter Power Says:

    Damn why y’all worried hadn’t Bowles been the one winning you the division the last three years? All these ignorant comments it’s hate now but a couple days ago it was let him walk we’ll just find another guy to give us 30 points a game. You got your wish and you got Bowles. Bowles job was up in the air this year why should he wait around to be fired next year when a good opportunity is right there. Comments make you look real petty and butt hurt. Bowles is a dumpster fire and I would leave too just like his best friend rogers did

  63. Tbbucs3 Says:

    “Just give Thaddeus Lewis his shot”

    I think this will likely happen, I dont think the Bucs are gonna want to go through another outside hire….you have to provide your franchise QB with SOME level continuity for once.


  64. BUC CHEEKS Says:

    @Joe – Or anybody else… Can we get a list of candidates to replace this clown? I’m so pissed off by this, I’m ready to move on.

  65. Lokog Says:

    I hope we can get a good offensive coordinator

  66. Dave B Says:

    Not Thad

  67. StormyInFl Says:

    “Tbbucs3 Says:
    January 23rd, 2025 at 7:22 pm
    “Just give Thaddeus Lewis his shot”

    I think this will likely happen, I dont think the Bucs are gonna want to go through another outside hire….you have to provide your franchise QB with SOME level continuity for once.


    They need someone with experience calling plays – he has none. Don’t need another Byron Leftwich OJT situation right now.

    Frank Reich
    Doug Pederson

  68. dumboldguy Says:

    Lokog Says:
    January 23rd, 2025 at 7:24 pm
    I hope we can get a good offensive coordinator


    I hope we can get a good defensive coordinator.

  69. StormyInFl Says:

    If you want continuity, Nick Caley (rams) was also on staff when Mayfield was there.

  70. SB~LV Says:

    General Patton slap !
    This is just speculation hyped up by a desperate J’Ville sports hack!
    Cool your jets!

  71. Durango 95 Says:

    This is really ridiculous. It’s ok to have a contrary opinion. It’s why there is a forum. All of the triggered brigade needs to calm the eff down and eat some Indica gummies —-

    haha. We are all feeling the pain, right now. Forum was really off the rails last couple of days. Some people thought I kicked their dog. 😉

  72. FairMinded Says:

    Dear Liam Coen. You’re trash. You’re going to be hated by Bucs fans until you die. Just like Bill Parcells. Except you’re going to fail because you have no character. TRASH

  73. dumboldguy Says:

    Tbbucs3 Says:
    January 23rd, 2025 at 7:22 pm
    “Just give Thaddeus Lewis his shot”

    Is Thaddeus a minority? If so and the offense carries us again to a 9 win season while boat anchor Bowles looks stoic on the sidelines maybe the Bucs will keep Bowles for another year and we will at least get compensation when Taddeus leaves.

  74. snookman9 Says:

    Coen is doing whats best for himeself………..using leverage….blah blah blah.

    Whatever im not buthurt over it……….but if he did this………..I wish him complete failure. Why would i want him to succeed?

    Anyways move on………maybe Pete Carroll as an OC? Maybe Mike Mcarthy taking over for bowles………..I feel for Baker……….the guy cannot get consistancy.

    This is why you have to have your head coach as an offensive genius……..Look at the last superbowls

    2023 Reid Mahommes
    2022 Reid Mahommes
    2021 Mcveigh Stafford
    2020 Arians Brady
    2019 Reid Mahomms
    2018 Brady
    2017 Petersen Foles
    2016 Brady
    2015 Manning Kubiak
    2014 Brady
    2013 Carrol Wilson

  75. Durango 95 Says:

    Wishing Coen bad luck is not going to help the Bucs. The good guys have some serious work in front of them. They got at least a couple of Defensive coaches out there interviewing. Coaching staff is in full meltdown mode right now.

  76. StormyInFl Says:

    “This is why you have to have your head coach as an offensive genius……..Look at the last superbowls”

    Ding ding ding!!!

    Stop hiring defensive head coaches! Defensive coordinators are easier to replace (if/when poached). Offensive guys leaving and you get this crap. As soon as your offense takes off, they get poached and you start over.

    And calling for Thad Lewis? You all are nuts. They guy, as far as anyone knows, has never called plays. Ever. That’s a bad bet. Perhaps if he’d been in Coen’s system longer than one year.

    Better off getting an experienced OC like Frank Reich or Doug Pederson.

  77. Durango 95 Says:

    Jason Licht is going to have some serious explaining to do. But at the end of the day the Glazers were caught flatfooted. Thanks to JL. Bet on it.

  78. StormyInFl Says:

    “Durango 95 Says:
    January 23rd, 2025 at 7:35 pm
    Jason Licht is going to have some serious explaining to do. But at the end of the day the Glazers were caught flatfooted. Thanks to JL. Bet on it.”

    How the hell do you blame this on Licht? Coen could have signed the contract, had a party celebrating it and STILL bolted for Jax, and there isn’t a damn thing Licht or the Glazers could do to stop it.

  79. GoneGator Says:

    BallHawk75 Says:
    January 23rd, 2025 at 7:06 pm
    McCarthy is still out there. He’s a proven winner.

    .583 w/l with dallas

    And cmon. Is somebody really crying about hate being directed at them because they supported Liam? It is only because some of us have been listening to you guys berate 1 man, not because you supported somebody, that anybody would take pleasure in your dream boy moving on and the accompanied freak out from some of the commenters here.

    Awwww, poor thing. Is him getting twiggered. Have another shot of liquor troll 🤣

    I supported Liam too. So do the other posters you attempt to bicker with constantly.

    Somebody posted just recently something to the effect of …. I love watching the squalid wallow in their misery….. Not a direct quote but I can find it if you won’t to argue about it.

    Careful, “you reap what you sow”.

  80. Hearty Dikerson Says:

    At least we have Todd Bowles’ culture to lean on.

    – consistently coming out flat and unprepared
    – only won one game all season when opponents scored first
    – annual 4 game losing streaks
    – defensive assistants that he’s known for years leaving for lateral positions
    – one of the softest tackling defenses in the league
    – constant communication errors
    – zero development in pass rushers
    – OCs that clearly have no loyalty
    – zero wins in prime time games this year
    – so test TC in the league, and rewards team with extra days off after losing

    Man he’s built a strong culture

  81. LakelandSteve Says:

    I guess Bowles better pull another rabbit out of his hat to land another offensive coordinator that knows what he is doing. Not sure if he can do it again for a third time but hope he does. We have a talented offense and even though it would take awhile to learn another new offensive system we could still have a very potent offense even with an average OC. This is a punch right in the crotch.

  82. orlbucfan Says:

    You can bet the players are burning up the horns. Baker, ME13 and krewe including CG14 are like what the h3ll?? Even if untrue, Coen’s credibility with this team is taking a MAJOR hit. He’s an idiot, too. I don’t give a rat’s butt if it’s biznizz or not. This didn’t even go down during Culverhouse.

  83. Rod Munch Says:

    Of course the deal with the Bucs means nothing. I pointed this out all yesterday – there is no deal you can sign that keeps someone from taking a promotion to head coach. It’s why I was pointing out how concerning it was that the Jags fired their GM right after news came out that Coen was returning to Tampa – that they can just make anything run at him.

  84. John Says:

    He goes to JAX, his stock will fall so far and he will be right back as as an underling, Lawrence is toast Meyer ruined him and there’s no return JAX is holding him because it’s all they have. If Coen wants to go from winning to losing let him be

  85. heyjude Says:

    True that, orlbucfan. Coen not only double-crossed the owners, he double-crossed the players that thought he was staying. Not good optics for Coen going forward.

  86. Dirk Disco Says:

    Let’s promote in-house. I am more concerned how we lost 4 games last season (including the playoff game) with a last second field goal.

  87. Osk Says:

    Honestly I would have left the bucs if I were him too. Bucs disrespected him by not making him head coach after the season ended. Basically told him “we like you, but not enough to make you head coach. But hey you can come back and work under the man who’s job you saved.” He did it the wrong way, but I can’t blame him for leaving.

  88. Cruzandog Says:

    Seriously look out GM built a good team and Bowles has his flaws but honestly Coen was a better play caller but the talent on field executes the plays if we didn’t have the talent we wouldn’t have done what we did this season we still get more pieces to continue to grow and Defense has to many needs to worry about when Caneles left everyone is we are toast. Well GM and coach went out and found there guy and I have faith they will do it again. I would like Bowles to go out get a new OC and a Real DC and let them run the D


    Todd, they say the third time is a charm so use your magic on the new OC and go win a Superbowl!!!