Bucs Thought They Had An Agreement With Liam Coen

January 23rd, 2025

Reneged on Bucs?

This is pretty wild.

Someone with the Bucs is talking. And he or she is reaching out to the national guys. And whoever is doing the talking is clearly p!ssed.

It seems, by way of Diana Russini of The Athletic, the Bucs thought they had Coen back with the team in the fold. Per Russini’s contact, the Bucs thought they had an agreement with Coen to return as offensive coordinator. Instead, Coen headed to Jacksonville and is in the process of negotiating a contract to be the Jags’ next coach.

@DMRussini: The Tampa Bay Bucs have been operating as if Coen was returning as the offensive coordinator after offering him a hefty deal. The contract was never signed and the Bucs were not informed he spent the day in Jacksonville meeting to become to next head coach, per source.

So it appears Coen played both sides of the fence. Hey, he likely came out the winner, so Joe guesses props to him. But that’s kind of shady to say, yeah, I will come back and then just use the Bucs as a fallback plan if he couldn’t get the Jags job.

Guess the next time, you better get a pen on paper before the guy walks away (for good). And, of course, pen on paper doesn’t mean much in the NFL coaching world.

77 Responses to “Bucs Thought They Had An Agreement With Liam Coen”

  1. Steven #55 Says:


  2. Brian Says:

    Can’t wait to see him get fired after 2-3 years. I hope he never wins a game

  3. Paratrooper Buc Says:

    So Bucs organization didn’t have a signed contract and Jags didn’t have an HC signed?
    A SIGNED contract would have meant NOTHING. He stil could leave for a head coach gig. If there was a fine for bailing, then the Jags would pay it for him. –Joe
    Well that’s on the Bucs leadership. They should have had him under contract and that’s their massive failure. Now Coen will have leverage for millions more with the Jags with the Bucs unsigned offer.

  4. Tbbucs3 Says:

    Overrated Loser.

    Plain and simple.

  5. Panhandle Buc Says:

    Played both sides…karma had a way of working things out! Hope LERP regresses or stays the same!

  6. Dave B Says:

    He won’t get far.

  7. Denny Gay Says:

    Screw this clown. He’s going to fail miserably in Jax.

  8. Panhandle Buc Says:

    *has a way

  9. Weebs10 Says:


  10. Tye Says:

    The chances of lightning striking 3 times on a high power OC is slim to none….
    Even the coaches on the Bucs know success is greater somewhere that Bowels isn’t!

  11. IrishTony Says:

    Amazingly scummy move. That’s why I always say these a holes come and go but us fans are always here!

  12. Paratrooper Buc Says:

    I guess my other comment got kicked. Bucs leadership failed and Coen used them to get more from Khan and the Jags. NFL is a business and he will get a guaranteed contract worth way more now.

  13. RagingBrisket Says:

    GM has some explaining to do

  14. fire bowles Says:

    well 2 things 1. we know todd bowles can find good offensive cordinatores
    2. screw liam Coen

  15. Brian in St Pete Says:

    If this is how he does business, f him. I’d rather have Leftwich back than deal with that crap.

  16. Bucs since 76 Says:

    I guess Liam Coen word means nothing.

  17. Durango 95 Says:

    JL and the Glazers blew it. Lackadaisical

  18. RagingBrisket Says:

    But I don’t expect local media to hold Licht’s feet to the fire

  19. Bobby M. Says:

    Can’t blame him….HC likely getting paid more with at least 2-3 yrs of stability in one spot. Everyone is bailing on Bowles for job security, they see he’s on the hot seat. Bucs should have been bold and went for the win. Instead they played it safe….we’ve seen how that works out.

  20. Chad Says:

    Had an opportunity to make him a head coach here and chose Todd, Liam acting behind the scenes the way he was is shady and disrespectful though

  21. Durango 95 Says:

    No No this lands squarely on the head of JL/Glazers.

  22. IrishTony Says:

    I’m telling you it’s the personnel more than coaching on the offensive side. You don’t think there’s another coach off one of these trees that can’t come in and make it work? We’ll be better next year. Just get the freakin d together!

  23. WanderingWallflower Says:

    The next time? How does any outfit claim to be professional that is this amateurish? The Glazers are watching aa Rome burns. Their commitment to mediocrity is rewarded justly.

  24. J.J.swat Says:

    Ohhhh nooo. We suck again!

  25. Durango 95 Says:

    They had their chance to make him HC and they blew it.

  26. Again Says:

    Terrible Leadership in the front office.



    Why is all the talented coaches and front office personnel leaving year after year

    Something stinks at One Buc Place

  27. Pahpahmike Says:

    Well Bucs fans if you didn’t read his resume when the Bucs first hired him, that was one of his traits. He did something similar with the Rams and Kentucky.

  28. Denny Gay Says:

    He has to go. He can’t come back here. Don’t want him back.

  29. Richard Dickson Says:

    Dude played us.

  30. Watch Daddy Sling It Says:

    I was at the old One Buc when Leeman Bennett got his surprise from Mr c. This is equally classless.

  31. Bnasty25 Says:

    And our organization does us proud yet again and stability on the defense is moving and another OC gone. Can’t wait to be . 500 again next year with a quick exit…. Something fishy is going on and it’s that awful playoff loss I bet. Bet no one is happy after this year…

  32. Tucker Says:

    You can’t make this up wow it’s a bucs life wild

  33. Dom Says:

    Guys there is no one in the Bucs organization to blame here. Liam Coen just played them. Time to move on. I didn’t want him to leave either but I also don’t want a two-faced snake leading my team either. A lot of good candidates for OC will be interested in this job

  34. Tbbucs3 Says:

    “Ohhhh nooo. We suck again!”

    Top 10 roster in the NFL on offense. That Kentucky WIldcats 1 year wonder is nothing special.

  35. Again Says:

    [Well, hell yeah Joe doesn’t want to lose his credentials. He runs an f’ing business. Duh. Second, the easiest way for Joe to lose his credentials is to lie about sh!t. If Joe had one person in any amount of authority at One Bucs tell him Bowles was in danger of getting fired, he would have written it. You preferred lies. Nothing Joe heard in and around One Buc Palace suggested Bowles was getting canned after winning 10 games. And that’s exactly what Joe wrote. And that’s exactly what happened. So go ahead, slurp the others who conned you and lied to you and disrespected you that Bowles’ job was hanging by a thread. That was full-blown, Grade-A horsesh!t. — Joe]

  36. Pahpahmike Says:

    What Bowles and Licht got to do with it?

  37. BradentuckeyBuc Says:

    Bakers OC History

    2018: Todd Haley, Freddie Kitchens
    2019: Todd Monken
    2020-21: Alex Van Pelt
    2022: Ben McAdoo (Panthers), Liam Coen (Rams)
    2023: Dave Canales
    2024: Liam Coen
    2025: ???

    Dude cant catch a break!

  38. DoooshLaRue Says:

    Everybody hates Todd.

  39. BUC CHEEKS Says:

    I guess we’re not getting any coffee?!

  40. Simeon4HOF Says:

    This is crazy. Hate the Jags now. Good luck ruining ur coaching career with a qb that ain’t it and a garbage franchise ya traitor.
    Coen think more of himself than he is.
    Jags still gonna suck lol

  41. Durango 95 Says:

    Maybe after this the Glazers will fire JL. Then he gets hired in JXville

  42. Paratrooper Buc Says:

    Fair or not. If Canales and Coen take their teams further than Bowles with the Bucs then that will be a bitter taste. Fans will bring that up for a long time.

  43. Scott Says:

    Been saying he won’t be back. He is about to get paid by a desperate owner. Their o line needs work but they got BTJ And some other good pieces.

  44. Mr. Editor Says:

    I hope our Assistant GM isn’t next. Shad Kahn would be raiding the Bucs.

  45. Simeon4HOF Says:

    Well all but lost our entire coaching staff today.

    Left with Bowles.

    It’s a Buc’s life

    Least we got Tom Moore

  46. Tbbucs3 Says:

    Remember in football…..its the Jimmies and the Joes > the X’s and O’s.

    Last time I checked the Bucs still have a great Oline, a Franchise quarterback, and stud RB and Hall of Fame WR.

    Coen is NOT going to turn the Jaguars around, guaranteed.

  47. Tee in NC Says:

    I love how everyone is ignoring the obvious troll on the comments. Good job.

  48. Tee in NC Says:


  49. Again Says:

    The underperforming Bucs for the last three years continue to purge great coaching and front office talent.

    “Todd has won four divisions” LOL

    Like that is an accomplishment in the crappy NFC South. Lehman Bennett, Richard Williamson, and Greg Schaino could have done better.

  50. Kazanmazz Says:

    Coen don’t owe us or the bucs anything. Take the money and opportunity.

  51. Simeon4HOF Says:

    Wonder what’s next

  52. Jeffs grandpa Says:

    Hopefully his nfl head coaching career ends up like Bobby Petrino

  53. Durango 95 Says:

    Looks like worst possible case scenario achieved. Left themselves wide-open.
    They were warned.

  54. Tbbucs3 Says:

    Let me get this straight based on some of the comments….

    When Coen “stayed”= Credit goes to Glazers/Licht
    Ceon leaves= Blame Bowles.

    #BlameBowles #BlameJameis

  55. Chris Says:

    He used us as a negotiating tactic. Plain and simple. Kinda like when all these MLB teams like the Giants and White Sox pretended they were going to relocate to St Pete, just to get stadium deals with their home city.

  56. BradentuckeyBuc Says:

    Again Says:
    January 23rd, 2025 at 6:44 pm
    Terrible Leadership in the front office.



    Why is all the talented coaches and front office personnel leaving year after year

    Dude, it’s called choosing GOOD coaches and personnel that other teams WANT!

  57. Pelsbuc61 Says:

    So much for “ my word is my bond”. This weasel (and his agent) played both sides to get Jax to offer more $$ and longer term. On to the next OC which the Glazers should make sure he stays for more than one year unless fired. No loyalty in the NFL except fans.

  58. Durango 95 Says:

    They clearly blew it. No sugar coating this. Catastrophic.

  59. StormyInFl Says:

    Hopefully they’re on the phone with either Frank Reich or Doug Pederson. If Coen jets, they need an experienced OC. No one on the staff is worth promoting.

  60. Bucsfan1988 Says:

    Coen is a SCUMBAG POS for treating the Bucs this way. He can go suck a bag of Johnsons for all I care.

    Jackass of the year award…

    Time to find the next OC.
    Licht, make sure the next one is high character….

  61. Funderstruck Says:

    I’ve seen girlfriends less fiery after being spurned. I get it—we thought we were happy. It may not work out. Nobody is more frustrated than Baker, who thought he finally had continuity. But be assured, Baker is less p!asked off than you ladies. Just like Coen, he believes in himself, and will add this to the list of chips on his shoulder.

    But consider the objectivity, and Liam’s position; Tuesday night, he made $X. By Wed. night, he was making $2-3X. If he ultimately makes the Jags pony-up for ridiculous money, he will make $6-8X, at the minimum. And if he believes in himself, he would love to be the one who not only out-reclaimed Canales’ Baker, but became the only one who could turn The Prince into something more. And in that division?! It’s the mirror of the NFC South.

    Think about being his family—even if he fails, he will ultimately get paid more in 3 seasons as a HC (the Jags are very patient), using his current body of work, than he would make in 12 seasons as an OC…plus, he’d have to continually deliver to even reach that. Remember how long the Glazers were paying Lovie and Koetter??

  62. Bucsfan1988 Says:

    People acting like the Bucs blew it..

    Even if this jackass would have actually signed the contract, he still technically could have gone and interviewed for a head coaching job on another team.

    The bottom line is you found out exactly the type of person Coen is….

    He’s a giant TURD 💩…

  63. Aqualung Says:

    Baker helped with the Coen selection. Who else you got, Bake?

  64. Bucsfan1988 Says:

    This reminds me of the part in Jerry McGuire movie….

    The NFL football player that wouldn’t sign the contract with Jerry Maguire for his representation.

    “My word is my bond “…Remember that???

    Bucs got played by a POS coach…
    Good riddance!!!! Hope it all blows up in Coen’s face.
    Had something special going on in Tampa Bay..

  65. Pewter Power Says:

    Y’all pathetic lol he’s not your head coach you wanted Bowles. Hmm let’s see head coach or offensive coordinator this choice is so hard. Pray for the man downfall not realizing the Bucs are the ones in trouble and that’s why there’s so much hate for Coen right now.

  66. Badbucs Says:

    None of us has a clue how the negotiations ended. Coen could have easily told them he was still talking to the jags. He had no reason to show all his cards to the Bucs. Bucs may have assumed too much too. Was there an official announcement? I don’t think so. It’s still early in the coaching market. Surely there is some OC talent out there that would love to take over the Bucs.

  67. Deuceswild78 Says:

    At least he’ll get paid right… that is the only reason you play this card. No other team interviewed him….. f him

  68. Aceofaerospace Says:

    If you were a good coordinator, would you want to work for a proven loser head coach who may get you all fired or take a head coaching job and have at least some control over your future? The Bucs gambled on the loser head coach and we list. Mediocrity, here we stay, if we’re lucky.

  69. Vico Says:

    Chip Kelly 2.0 = loser.

  70. BucsFan81 Says:

    Well damn this team is really screwed now. We all saw this coming though. Now we’re stuck with loser Bowles. 4 wins coming next year 6 if we’re lucky.

  71. Faspro Says:

    Good luck, Liam!!

  72. Vico Says:

    I’m sure Licht has someone promising in mind though, it’s been a rumor for a while now.

  73. orlbucfan Says:

    Joe, seriously, what is going on? I normally skip the blogs cos I know nothing about college players so I have nothing to add until the actual Draft goes down. I do know the players are hitting their grapevine if true. If Coen wanted to smear himself, this is a great way to do it. This didn’t even go down back in the dreary days of Culverhouse.

  74. Pittbucfan Says:

    A man’s word is gold. You can lose everything you have in this world, but if you lose your word then you don’t have sh!t, and Liam now don’t have sh!t. Let him go. You’ve ruined your cred imo. Good luck with that horrible ownership.

  75. Pittbucfan Says:

    Hired in Jville or not. He’s tainted imo.

  76. Pittbucfan Says:

    Reminds me of when Culverhouse had a deal agreed to with Bill Parcells to coach the team and Parcells backed out at the last minute. D!ck move.

  77. John Says:

    You had better succeed in year one you dirtbag otherwise you’re done in the NFL. You’re probably dying college also. You betrayed the team, you betrayed the fans, you have no honor. Dirtbag!