Albert Breer: Liam Coen Already Violated Term Of Proposed Contract

January 23rd, 2025

Wild detail of proposed pact.

With the news that Mr. Clean, Robert Saleh, is now in Jacksonville to interview with the Jags, one way or the other, Liam Coen’s days with the Bucs may be over.

That’s the word from Albert Breer of

Few if any reporters are more plugged-in than Breer in NFL circles. And Breer Twittered out Thursday night that there was one major stipulation in the proposal by the Bucs to make Coen the highest-paid offensive coordinator in the NFL.

If Coen had a second interview with the Jags, the contract offer was null and void and pulled off the table.

Of course, one could conclude that means his previous Bucs contract is in effect.

It almost sounds like someone in Jacksonville leaked this intel to Pearl Harbor Coen’s chances of returning to the Bucs, making it virtually a done deal that Coen would stay in Jacksonville.

96 Responses to “Albert Breer: Liam Coen Already Violated Term Of Proposed Contract”

  1. Richard Dickson Says:

    Did he honestly think the Bucs wouldn’t find out about the second interview if he didn’t get the job and came back to Tampa??

  2. Simeon4HOF Says:

    Jacksonville wanna go to war or what

  3. StormyInFl Says:

    Frank Reich or Doug Pederson on line 1….

  4. Simeon4HOF Says:

    Somethings fishy goin on

  5. Simeon4HOF Says:

    NFL should step in and blow up the whole deal at this point.
    Why other teams messing with the Bucs 2day,
    It’s 42° here we frozen

  6. Dewey Selmon Says:

    Do we get comp picks? The Lions got 2 3rds for losing A-Aron Glenn to the Jets

  7. Dick LeBeau Jr. Says:

    We also need to talk about the Jags and their role in this. I understand that you want a coach and all, but he’s doing this in a classless way also. I’m sure he’d be pissed if a coach was doing this to his organization. I hope they go with someone else and dirtbag Coen is left jobless. This is no way to treat a team and a fanbase that supported you.

  8. Josh Says:

    He comes across as arrogant and somewhat shortsighted after making this move. He had to know that Tampa would find out—he’s simply too high-profile a name at this point. There are only 32 teams in the NFL, and it’s not some random college football team. If you’re a head coach, offensive/defensive coordinator, player, GM, or owner, your fan base knows who you are. Every team has fans everywhere. He better hope he has an exceptional career in Jacksonville, because I would bet he burned a lot of bridges today.

  9. Watch Daddy Sling It Says:

    At this point, I have faith in our roster on the offensive side of the ball. They’ve gotten two guys jobs in back to back seasons… probably plug in Freddie Kitchens d not skip a beat.

  10. BucVoyager Says:

    This is Hugh Culverhouse vibe for Khan. No way it wasn’t leaked without him knowing it.

  11. Sue Moore Says:

    This guy is NUTS.

  12. Lightningvinny Says:

    Let it play out ,,,, there are other fish in the sea ,,,, he was good but Baker got him out of a lot of sacks ,,,, that would be hysterical if Jags hire Salah and Bucs say we will take you back for half of what we offered you ,,, play some hard ball

  13. Durango 95 Says:

    Okay Aqualung pass me those damn gummies!

  14. Simeon4HOF Says:

    Jax just now announcing it. After news broke. Seems like Jags should be in some kinda Violation with all this mess today. And mf Jville and all ur fans btw

  15. Lokog Says:

    His word mean nothing a real man keeps his word no matter what I honestly don’t want him around no mores just cuz of that how can you trust someone like that?

  16. OHBucFan Says:

    This is rich and so similar to the Rams/UK deal. May Jacksonville replace the Jets as the most inept franchise in the league.

  17. StormyInFl Says:

    If he bolts, he gets zero permission to take anyone with him.

  18. Gipper Says:

    Big deal. Don’t remember Coen throwing any TD passes, running for any first downs, or making any great catches.

    We are not talking about Quantum Mechanics. It’s football and everyone just copies each other. Mayfield will just roll with it like he always does.

  19. Simeon4HOF Says:


  20. Zzbucs Says:

    @sue Moore.

    Trust me, if there is something he is not is nuts….he is a cold calculated snake, who knew everything he was doing…..

    Glad he is out of town, somebody put Frank Reich name…I would love that

  21. Tucker Says:

    Lmao what a clown

  22. BUC CHEEKS Says:

    FUHHHHHHHHHH-Q COEN! You would’ve probably won a Super Bowl here and been a King of Tampa for years. SMH. This is some bulls#it. You suck dude.

  23. ReenYeing Says:

    Durango95 still tryina clean this guys boots clean or..?

  24. Matt Says:

    Shady all around

    The Bucs shouldn’t do anything to restrict interviewing

    Coen shouldn’t lie

  25. Shane247 Says:

    Way to screw up the easiest decision in franchise history! Keep a young & rising coach who just orchestrated the greatest offensive seasons in franchise history or keep an aging, mediocre, .500 coach who will be gone next season. This team is about to go 5 & 12!

  26. AlabamaBucsFan Says:

    Coen has lost all respect from me. I would have been happy for him to get a head coaching gig but to stoop this low is just lame.

  27. SB~LV Says:

    Bucs had their chance
    Coen wants a head coach gig
    Liam didn’t feel the love from One Buc
    One Buc KNEW he was a hot name in the head coach market
    How can anyone possibly blame Liam Coen not doing what is best for himself and his family.
    One Buc has Bowles and Egg on their face
    Laughing Stock again

  28. Durango 95 Says:

    Durango95 still tryina clean this guys boots clean or..?

    Blow me.

  29. Coburn Says:

    I think thad Lewis was a name thrown around last time. Hopefully he gets strong consideration again. Was awesome he stuck around after losing out. We should be an attractive spot even if some candidates gone. Bring in a bunch but would love to see an anti Coen type move, a culture move. I remember hearing player loved the guy. Or someone else internally that would fit the bill

  30. Josh Says:

    If Bowles really went to bat for this guy and he treated him like this, I’ve never wanted a man to succeed more in my life simply based on his character. Please hire someone to manage the clock, Bowles—you’re clearly a great guy, and men will go to battle for you because of it! Let talent truly be the reason behind running this ineffective zone defense, as well as the issues with the middle of the field. I hope and pray it works out, not just as a Bucs fan but as someone who believes in sticking to their word. The worst part is, I don’t blame him for leaving for what is likely a boatload of cash; it’s how he left that bothers me. Just be honest about your intentions—it’s a classless, dirty move.

  31. Chris Says:

    He goes to the jags and it will kill his career it would be 3 steps backwards mark my words I live in Jax the place is a dump and is so far behind with nothing to do plus the owner is not committed like he should going to Jax is a career killer

  32. Simeon4HOF Says:

    So any other teams taking our DC and Dean today too or nah

  33. Lightningvinny Says:

    Reach a compromise ,,, take home back w a 30% pay cut from what was offered and pay a good DC with it lol

  34. Shane247 Says:


  35. BucsFan81 Says:

    Good luck Coen with that loser franchise and Trevor Lawrence lol. You’re going to need it. Can’t wait to play them again so we can whoop them like we did last time we played them.

  36. SB~LV Says:

    Baker Mayfield will join him in Jacksonville in 2027

  37. Durango 95 Says:

    He done. Not a good look. Guy was lying to the front office today.

  38. GoneGator Says:

    The players would benefit from another Mcvay guy so the players don’t have to learn a new language. And I loved the guys approach, in that he gave the players the why as well as the how, and apparently the players really appreciated that too.

    Those are 2 things I would consider prerequisites.

    After that ?

  39. Tbbucs3 Says:

    This was yalls hero all season 🤣🤣

    I knew there was something sketchy about this guy.

  40. BallHawk75 Says:

    Time to show the NFL we want to win.

    Fire Bowles and get a real HC.

    We can get a young DC elsewhere.


  41. gp Says:

    Some can’t see the forest for the trees.
    He could have had an historical legacy here but he’s sold it for some quick, up front cash. Some call that ‘cashing in’. It may prove to be short sighted, it may not. Predicting the future is a very iffy thing.

  42. Day 1-76 Says:

    Hey Coburn, we had an anti-Conen guy named Byron Leftwich. Is that what you want?

  43. FortMyersDave Says:

    Dewey Selmon, I think the rule is that a team only gets compensatory picks if a minority coordinator bolts to be an HC or GM or if the HC goes to become a GM. The coordinator has to be there for more than one year which is why the Bucs got nada for Canales. Lions got nothing for Ben Johnson but the 3rd for Aaron Glenn. So Tampa would get nada for Coen.

  44. Hearty Dikerson Says:

    At least we have Todd Bowles’ culture to lean on.

    – consistently coming out flat and unprepared
    – only won one game all season when opponents scored first
    – annual 4 game losing streaks
    – defensive assistants that he’s known for years leaving for lateral positions
    – one of the softest tackling defenses in the league
    – constant communication errors
    – zero development in pass rushers
    – OCs that clearly have no loyalty
    – zero wins in prime time games this year
    – softest TC in the league, and rewards team with extra days off after losing

    Man he’s built a strong

  45. Durango 95 Says:

    All the great Bowles fans coming out of the woodwork .No worries its over for Coen . After lying to the front office there is no recovering from that. Back to Crown and Becks.

  46. SB~LV Says:

    The Bucs were offering a assistant coach position and assistant coach money
    Jacksonville offered him a Head coach position with BIG HEAD COACHING MONEY!
    It’s a no brainer !!
    and speaking of no brainer
    One Buc Place is No Brains
    This is SO Tampa Bay Buccaneers
    Parcels twice
    Doug Williams low ball
    Culverhouse and Bo Jackson
    Hey Hey we’re the Buccaneers

  47. OBP Says:

    “To be clear, the Liam Coen contacted head coach Todd Bowles around 5 p. m. Thursday. He said he had been with one of his kids, who had taken ill, at a doctors office. He mentioned the Jaguars situation only briefly, saying he wanted to look back into it.” – Rick Stroud

    Anyone who has to lie about their child being sick so they can try to nickel and dime for another job is disgusting. Now I don’t even want him even if somehow the Jags job falls through, what a snake.

  48. Watch Daddy Sling It Says:

    Character does matter. What we all thought at the very least was a no brainer as “coach in waiting” turns out to be not such a no brainer, after all. I can’t even remotely see Mike or Lavonte or Baker or Brady or Arians or Bowles saying “yes, I’m in” on Wednesday and “my kid was sick” on Thursday. He had a great season bolstered by a solid offensive roster, but has proven he doesn’t fit. The offensive roster is still here and the OL, in particular, is several years from it’s peak. Next man up.

  49. Todd Bowls Says:

    OK guys,

    Here is the scoop, Liam Coen went to Jacksonville to buy a pizza. He hadn’t signed a new contract with Tampa yet but he let the terms leak so Jacksonville might up their offer. Their owner Ghenghis Kahn got out his checkbook and beat the Bucs offer.

    So then he called the Glazers and told them (and I quote), “Up yours”

    Leastways that’s how I heard it. Not too different from the way Jason Lite signed Tom Brady if I recall. All’s fair in love and war.

  50. Hodad Says:

    If J Ville doesn’t work out, I’m sure Spytek would be interested. The reason this is getting messy is because the Jags don’t currently have a GM. So he must be talking straight to the owner, which all seems rather bush league. Don’t care if Coen stays, or goes at this point. Not sure I want a coach who’s acting like a high school girl who can’t decide who to go to the prom with.

  51. GoneGator Says:

    If he REALLY is taking the Jax job I predict Carolina will have more wins than the Jags next year and we’ll win the division again. No sweat

  52. Pahpahmike Says:

    Whatever the deal is the Bucs will move on and find their next OC. Coen is gone and there’s no need to look back. Mayfield can’t get a break. He has not had a OC more than 2 years if that many in his NFL career

  53. M Core Says:

    Being reported Salah has accepted the DC job in SF.

  54. Buckybucs Says:

    He has never stayed at a place more than 2 years. He constantly looking for other jobs, he went back and forth with Rams and Kentucky. This is why I didn’t understand people clamoring to move him to HC. He has no proof he can build a culture by always leaving, maybe a great oc but no clue he can actually lead a group for a long stretch and bad times. He will probably leave if a college offered massive money as they pay more than NFL hc

  55. Simeon4HOF Says:

    Scrub lied said he was with his kids today, all kinds of weird stuff coming out

  56. Bucs Fan Since ‘76 Says:

    Welcome to the real world Bucs Fans. This kind of stuff happens in business all the time. If Coen is really gone then so be it, such is life. The Bucs fired Leftwich when they realized he was in over his head, and subsequently found two consecutive HC quality OC’s. Time to make it 3 straight.

    Prediction: Doug Pederson, a Super Bowl winning HC and former protege of Andy Reid, will be visiting One Buc shortly.

  57. SB~LV Says:

    Think of it as a car buying experience going back and forth between two dealers.
    It’s business!
    Coen and no real ties to the organization other than his one successful year and that was last year
    Coen is looking for next year and his future in the NFL
    Strike while the iron is HOT
    I could care less about the doctor, kids story excuses
    Obviously One Buc was not reading the room!

  58. Murph Says:

    What a loser. He will be a massive failure. We dodged a bullet. Glad he is gone. No I in team.

  59. Srqbuc Says:

    I hope this is all hear say and not true but where there is smoke there is fire. I wanted to replace Todd with Liam. To lead a group effectively you need trust and respect. I don’t care if it was a contract or a hand shake, if he told Todd and glazers he was staying and then pulled this… not a great leader. Takes more than creative play calling to be a successful head coach. I believe in baker, third times a charm. Gonna be MVP next year. I’d give him a pass if he told the Glazers he would still take the jags job if they fired their GM. Too early to fully jump to conclusions.

  60. Josh Says:

    Wouldn’t it be ironic if Coen didn’t get the Jags job, and Tampa decided to move on from him, leading to him never coaching again because of his track record with the Rams, Kentucky, and now the Buccaneers? It seems unlikely, but I’m just saying—being a man of character and sticking to your word should matter more than it does. All that seems to matter these days is money.

  61. Dewey Selmon Says:

    Thanks Dave, forgot about the DEI aspect.

  62. IrishTony Says:

    SB-LV you’re obviously a Jville troll

  63. Faspro Says:

    Good luck, Liam!!

  64. Tbbucs3 Says:

    Looks like the Coen fan boys are fleeing ship…

    I tried to warm yall….

  65. SB~LV Says:

    Iris Tony
    I have been a Buc fan since walking into the first preseason game EVER
    I have seen 250+ Buc games live $$$$

  66. RagingBrisket Says:

    Serious question for the media to be inquiring about. How does this underhanded play sit with the rest of the owners around the league? Glazers should be livid with Ghengis and should call his bush league aas out publicly.

  67. Lightningvinny Says:

    Jax is a terrible job,,, crap owner ,, home games in Europe ,,, Houston isn’t going anywhere and Colts are a QB away from being a good team ,,,, if this is how he operates , he is not a HC ,,, say what you want about Bowles but he created a culture (which would have been great for Coen to take over in a year or two) ,, Bowles may not be everything we want all the time but he is a leader of men!

  68. Durango 95 Says:

    Anyone who has to lie about their child being sick so they can try to nickel and dime for another job is disgusting.
    Totally agree. Heard similar story. Great way to ruin his reputation. Low class.

  69. IrishTony Says:

    Again I liked him but didn’t agree with local media that he was a genius or something. To me he did what was needed to be done scheme wise with the offensive line. What’s going to change next year? Nothing, we’ll keep a similar blocking scheme in tact, the line will be stellar, Bucky will get 1200 yards, Evans and Godwin(if he’s healthy and stays) over 1000 yds receiving,l and Jalen M, Cade Otton 600 yds plus. How the hell fo we take a step back, I’m not spending any more time/ energy on this wank Coen.

  70. Todd Bowls Says:

    Question for any Legal eagles/NFL rules mavens here

    (1) If Coen actually signed the contract (and we don’t know that he did) can he cancel it since it was less than 72 hours?
    (2) If Coen signed a contract can the Bucs use that to get a #1 or #2 pick from the Jags?

    If Coen didn’t sign the new contract then he would be working under hs old contract and free to accept a promotion.

  71. gp Says:

    SB~LV was the first to wear a brown paper bag over his head!

  72. firethecannons Says:

    How incredibly unfortunate. Do we get a draft pick out of this?

  73. Durango 95 Says:

    Can’t believe someone would do something like that. Never saw that coming. It is a Bucs Life. I will give you this. Bowles would NEVER do something like that. Straight up.

  74. DBS Says:

    Of course everyone jumping at what the media has to say. NOBODY has heard a word directly from the man himself yet.Nobody has seen any contact signed for either team. But by all means listen strictly to the media and not the people involved.

  75. IrishTony Says:

    SB-LV well I’ve been a fan since I got my first Bucs cup from McDonald’s in Polk County c 1976 and I’ve not once been cynical (been critical) of this team even during the dry years of 83-97, 07-19. Coen’s absence isn’t gonna suddenly sink the ship. This team has one of the most talented offensive rosters in the NFL and any “young” competent IC can get 11 plus wins out of this team

  76. JustVisiting Says:

    The first thing I look for when I’m hiring is someone who really wants +my+ opening in +my+ organization. That’s the person who’s going to give me their best work, and keep on doing it. Coen doesn’t really want the OC job at TB? Then he’s not the right man to fill it.

  77. SB~LV Says:

    Well we still have Tom Moore …

  78. orlbucfan Says:

    IrishTony Says:
    January 23rd, 2025 at 8:43 pm
    SB-LV well I’ve been a fan since I got my first Bucs cup from McDonald’s in Polk County c 1976 and I’ve not once been cynical (been critical) of this team even during the dry years of 83-97, 07-19. Coen’s absence isn’t gonna suddenly sink the ship. This team has one of the most talented offensive rosters in the NFL and any “young” competent IC can get 11 plus wins out of this team
    I hear ya, Irish Tony. Nothing like this has happened to the Bucs and I’ve been steadfastly following them since ’79. Even if untrue, this kind of nonsense is SUPER DAMAGING to someone’s rep. Like I’ve been saying, the players would be burning up the wires over it IF true. There are plenty of talented OCs out there. Nuts, pure nuts.

  79. Rod Munch Says:

    If this is true, there’s nothing sneaking going on here.

    He was told he had a new deal – the Jags read that, and counter offered by firing the GM and likely giving him more money and/or term.

    If you didn’t sign the deal, you didn’t violate anything.

    Also there is no contract that keeps OC’s from taking HC jobs if offered. The way the NFL works is if you’re offered a promotion to HC, the current team can not block that move, regardless of any contract, signed or not.

  80. Scott Says:

    Don’t matter anyway mahommes and refs kc Champs every year

  81. Scott Says:

    Season tix holder, nfl losing there luster Goodell fix problems,cohen dirt bag

  82. lewl Says:

    I doubt it was really a second interview. Coen was burning a bridge by even going there, he had to know the job was his before making the trip – it was just figuring out the contracts/details.

  83. Old Sombrero Says:

    I too live in Jax; transplant from Tampa. The Jags are a terrible organization. They remind me of the Culverhouse Bucs era. The stadium sucks. There are belligerent thugs in the stands. Overall it’s an apathetic fan base that continues to accept poor play while clinging onto the past when Fred Taylor and Brunnell were here. Their record under the Khan ownership speaks for volumes.

  84. Kieran Says:

    Get BA back in the OC seat snd turbo charge our BUCS,

  85. Crickett Baker Says:

    Losing Spytek, Coen, possibly Foote and some other def. people, sure makes Bowles’ job hell yet again. I wonder if he can sleep tonight.

  86. Les opyd Says:

    The glazers really don’t want a winner ! This proves a lot. They let jags poch there coach !! The will settle for Mediocre. Shades of culver house. NJ

  87. Jags fan 904 Says:

    Ahhhhahahaha y’all kill’n me 😂😂😂😂😂 I thought we had some off the wall fans! 😂 #GoJags

  88. Bucs4EverMore Says:


  89. WeekiJerry Says:

    This is the way of the NFL. Bad teams fire their head coach. Successful coordinators from other teams get the opportunity to be a HC. Most of the time they struggle because being the HC is much more than being a coordinator and you have a bad team. The fan base is excited but many times short lived. I.E. Welcome Back Lovie Smith. Then after 2 maybe 3 seasons the new HC is the former head coach and he goes back to doing what he was doing before and the cycle continues. I think with the age difference between Coen and Bowles there would have been a better opportunity down the road. But if the money was life changing, that would be his call. Still a Bucs fan

  90. New Baby MoJo Says:

    We getting free picks outta this deal?

  91. CantordeDios Says:

    This guy is way too smart! Does anybody think he truly happy with their defense? Knowing he had such an explosive offense and no being able to close games because of untimely mistakes? Removing an inept head coach wasn’t his job, and this was most likely the part he didn’t like.

  92. John Dixon Says:

    First. Breer is not as connected as you make it seem. More old rep and BS. Beside the fact that everyone knows he would take the job if they let Trent go. That is why they did it. Which means in reality the whole no 2nd interview clause was ridiculous anyway. Can’t blame the man for taking a once in a lifetime job, picking his own GM for the most part and getting paid 3 times what he would have gotten here at that 5 million number. Jags are supposedly paying him Ben Johnson level.

  93. John Dixon Says:

    They should just dump Bowles now and start fresh with a new coaching staff. Bowles was the worst of the whole staff.

  94. CleanHouse Says:

    I don’t like Bowles to take us anywhere, but I will say if anyone could handle such staff turnover and turmoil, it’s him- he’s shown his consistency and resolve. It’s impressive.

    I’m rooting for him. He’s who we have. I’d be highly impressed if he takes us to the playoffs again in site of this.

  95. CleanHouse Says:

    *in spite of this

  96. Lynn Says:

    I hope the door hit him in the ass on the way out!!!!