Kay Adams: Bucs Are “A Complete AF Team.”
December 19th, 2024
Stunned by Bucs’ dominance.
Hey, Joe can’t sit here and wag a finger at Kay Adams. Joe’s reaction watching the Bucs’ seal-clubbing of the Chargers in person was pretty much the same.
Joe sure didn’t see that coming, a 40-17 physical blowout. And if anyone claims they did foresee such a slaughter, Joe wants to see a copy of their sportsbook ticket documenting such a prediction.
Adams, the former NFL Network it-girl who now hosts her own weekday show on FanDuelTV, “Up and Adams,” said as a result of the Bucs kicking the snot out of the Chargers, that way too many people have been sleeping on Tampa Bay.
And, Adams pointed out, that must end.
“We egregiously, sadly, in disappointing fashion, keep overlooking the Bucs,” Adams began. “What they did to the Chargers Sunday, c’mon.
“Tampa got no love for — and I’m going to call it — the most complete performance of the year by any team. They go into L.A. and go against the No. 1 scoring ‘D,’ OK? And they ripped them apart.”
As a result, Adams seems to think the Bucs are damn dangerous team.
“Let me put this into perspective for you,” Adams said. “The Chargers allowed just 20 points three times. The No. 1 scoring defense, great defense. The Bucs dropped 27 in the second half alone.
“They dropped 40 — they dropped 40 on them!”
“[The Chargers] gave up 400 yards once all year, just once. Tampa says, ‘Uh, OK, we will just casually put up over 500 yards.”
So what is the difference between the Bucs now and the Bucs when they were mired in a four-game losing streak leading to the bye? Adams thinks it is as simple as not having a healthy Mike Evans.
“The Bucs are 8-3 with Mike Evans,” Adams said. “You want to know what they are without him? Oh-fer. 0-for-3.”
After watching the Bucs manhandle the Chargers, Adams came to this conclusion:
The Bucs, Adams added, are “a complete AF team.”
Seems to be a catchy phrase, no?
“They are catching fire at the right time,” Adams said. “Stop sleeping on them!”
You know what the alley-beating of the Chargers reminds Joe of? Almost exactly a year to the date, the Bucs also went on the road but this time it was to dreary, gray, cold and rainy Green Bay instead of sunny Los Angeles.
There, the Bucs pounded the Packers, opened up the offense and it wasn’t long before the Packers cried for mercy. The Bucs went on to win the NFC South and came within a cat’s whisker of the NFC title game.
Could the final month of the season mirror last year’s?
December 19th, 2024 at 12:07 am
BUCS vs bills Superbowl. Called it. Go BUCS!
December 19th, 2024 at 12:14 am
Don’t listen to her, Bucs! Keep grindin and getting better. Beat the Cowboys and get friggin healthy!
December 19th, 2024 at 12:29 am
I like listening to Kay. She could speak in ancient gibberish and I would enjoy it.
December 19th, 2024 at 12:39 am
She’s HOT AF….
December 19th, 2024 at 1:13 am
I don’t care about the “they don’t get the respect they deserve” thing. They still haven’t even made the playoffs yet. Either they’ll win the SB or they won’t. We’ll see.
December 19th, 2024 at 1:21 am
CBS Sports has this up…
‘After analyzing every game in Week 16, the AI PickBot says the Cowboys cover comfortably as 4-point home underdogs against the Buccaneers on Sunday Night Football in a game with an over-under of 48.5 …. AI PickBot rates a Cowboys cover as an A+ pick and also predicts a 35-29 outright win on average for Dallas.’
After reading that, I was interested in what their AI bot’s history is since they don’t tell you – and they only give one game per week for free. So I checked the previous 4 weeks, and it was 0-4 as far as straight-up picks go. Might want to work on that algorithm CBS – or just pay for ChatGPT like everyone else.
December 19th, 2024 at 1:35 am
Well Joe, I called it…
I proclaim that “IT WILL BE A BLOW OUT!”….
I spoke that from the mountain top on December 13th in your article ” The Bucs WILL get a chance to Score”
Yeah I’m patting myself on the back and normally wouldn’t Crow, But….. you said you’d like to see….
I also thought there would be a plus but the Chargers QB wasn’t as hurt as estimated. Though, That Was A “Plus” and not what I based my prediction on…
But yeah, I’ll take on your challenge.
December 19th, 2024 at 1:38 am
I also called out a few Lip Stick Wearing ladies that doubted it while I was at it!
December 19th, 2024 at 1:48 am
Email Joe a copy of your sportsbook ticket you’re going to cash for calling that game. 🙂
December 19th, 2024 at 3:37 am
Didn’t have the money to play this time around with Christmas at the door step and it really isn’t the point. I would have thought you’d be gracious enough to give credit where it’s due… I certainly would have given you the same if you called it.
In fact I based some of my prediction on a Joe’s article shortly before that, and agreed with your point of view concerning the Chargers likely looking past us.
Look, you said you wanted to see if someone called it and I did. I have a sense that you’re butt hurt though I’m not sure why. 🙂
December 19th, 2024 at 4:50 am
Hope the Buc players themselves aren’t reading articles like this! Seems whenever these articles start being put out there, they go out and lay an egg on the field their next game. Hopefully they go out play like they they did in LA! Go Bucs!
December 19th, 2024 at 5:52 am
One game at a time,,, Beat the Cowboys period! Question for the board…. Who is hotter right now , The Bucs or Kay? My answer would be there is always room for both! (no disrespect to Jamie who is just meh,,, there was a large number of us football loving guys that would get up early , turn on the TV and watch GMFB because of Kay, those days are gone!)
December 19th, 2024 at 6:11 am
I’m wondering what value the addition of “AF” to her statement adds? I’m old school, so I guess I’m out of touch.
December 19th, 2024 at 6:13 am
Complimentary football…cliche, yes, but we have struggled to capitalize when one side of the ball is performing, and the other side doesn’t. Specifically, our defense, we know it’s not the strength of this team, it’s the most injured unit, and yet when it holds its own, it’s the offense that doesn’t seem to capitalize on it.
It’s been agonizing to see our defense make the stops it needs to make, especially against good teams, since in most cases, there is zero room for error with this football team. And yet more times than not our offense doesn’t capitalize on it. And at times, it’s the offense turning the ball over that puts our defense defending a short field. This defense needs every advantage it can get. The biggest advantage? Bucs offense scoring points or at the very least punting the ball and pinning deep the opposing offense.
December 19th, 2024 at 6:16 am
Well Obvious, Joe literally said if you called it, present your ticket as proof. It was part of the initial terms of the deal—he didn’t change argument horses midstream!
You didn’t put your money where your mouth currently is. In fact, you’re making Joe’s point: if it was such a slam-dunk blowout, why do you hate your family so much that you didn’t take advantage of it and take the lock-of-the-year bet and make this a Holly, jolly, Holidays?!
Joe put his money (or at least his name) on his prognostication before the game. One of the popular sports books out there has a slogan—never waste a hunch—so why should you get props here when you wasted yours?
December 19th, 2024 at 6:24 am
The Bucs have been a good play for making money lately whether it’s Bake and passing yards , Mike w rec yards, Bucky or White have been hitting over on yards,,, now that is all tinker toys ,,, the good stuff is still to come , Make playoffs 2-1,,, win division 4-1 and god willing Super Bowl 90-1,,,, Start with beating the cowboys
December 19th, 2024 at 6:58 am
Can we take a second and share a little love for Chase?
How nice is it to see him line up and know 3 are going on the board?
December 19th, 2024 at 7:05 am
I dunno.
Whenever the Bucs get hyped, they come crashing back to earth.
I still remember a Brady team getting ripped by the ” inferior” Cowboys in Arlington in the first round ’22-’23 playoffs.
I’m not yet a believer in this defense.
Throttle the ‘Boys and maybe I will.
December 19th, 2024 at 7:48 am
I bet on my Bucs twice and cashed both parlays! Thank you very much!
December 19th, 2024 at 8:26 am
Dallas can certainly put up a good fight and I think they will in the first half.
We wear down their defense in the 3rd and run for over 75yds in the 4th quarter alone.
Final Score 34-17
December 19th, 2024 at 8:27 am
This team is a juggernaut right know and they know it!!
December 19th, 2024 at 9:05 am
According to Joe, if you don’t bet on sports your takes on wins or losses don’t count?
Jeez, this world just keeps getting more and more screwed up!
December 19th, 2024 at 9:07 am
Difference between a month ago and now is more than just Evans, obviously. For starters, the defense didn’t have to worry about a scrambling QB last week, so that allowed them to scheme differently. This week they’ll face Cooper Rush, not really a scrambling threat. Next week will be Bryce Young, much more so. And if Spencer Rattler is who we face in the final game, that would be similar to Rush. So the defensive “difference” may not be there next week. But first we need to take care of business this week.
December 19th, 2024 at 9:29 am
Cobraboy- spot on. Irrational exuberance from casuals is cute and all, but that horrible atrocity against the JerryCows for Brady’s last game grinds at me like a bad case of ‘rrhoids. And that game was in Tampa – not Arlington, lending extra pain to the memory.
Make Cooper Rush look like himself and not Joe Burrow. Let’s see that.
December 19th, 2024 at 10:09 am
One game at a time! Dallas in Dallas will not be an easy game. TB needs to be aggressive again on D, like they were in LA! If they sit back in soft zone, the flight home could be a sad one!
December 19th, 2024 at 10:19 am
I stayed away from this one, lost on my other picks tho so it wouldn’t have mattered. But even before we re signed Baker, i put 100 on us winning the nfc south and 20 on us winning the sb. 400 and 700. And i can emial pics of the tix. I knew we would bring him back and just knew the draft would go well.
December 19th, 2024 at 10:54 am
Hopefully it’s much better. We need to win all 3 games left, not limp through the Panthers and lose to the Cowboys or Saints.
December 19th, 2024 at 11:26 am
Last year we played to consecutive games that looked like top tier. One was the Puckers in GB, then we followed that with a domination of the Jagoffs.
Then we went limp.
First things first – beat the JerryCows in Jonesworld, then we have two consecutive respectable wins.
Then avoid going limp at home.
But, first things first. Give Cooper Rush the one legged Justin Herbert treatment, and prepare for the screens and dump offs that will ensue.
Cowboy chili on Sunday night. Let’s go.
December 19th, 2024 at 1:06 pm
Wow someone else who knows football more than Joe.
December 19th, 2024 at 3:53 pm
She looks like she snorted some coke in that pic. Next!
December 20th, 2024 at 3:41 pm
#Go bucs! Go M1K3! Hoping you increase your yards and tuddies! The offense is on fire this year. Baker for MVP. Prayers for Chris.