Second-Half Offense Went Into Hiding

October 3rd, 2024

Awful second half offense.

Joe will never forget how the Bucs offense choked the game away when they were in field goal range after a Lavonte David pick.

Instead, the Bucs went three-and-out and punted.

That was a terrible final possession. Just one first down and the game is over. Nope. Bucs went full turtle. Three terrible calls that gave the offense no chance to get a first down.

As horrible as that was, the Bucs offense set the team up to lose before the final possession.

The Bucs had to know they couldn’t stop Kirk Cousins unless they sacked him. Yet what did the offense do, an offense led by Bucs offensive coordinator Liam Coen who (outside of the second half tonight) had done a wonderful job?

The Bucs scored six points, two field goals in the second half. The offense set this team up to lose.

Coen has previously spoken strongly how the team needs touchdowns and not field goals. That was never more obvious than tonight when Todd Bowles’ defense was no better than Mike Smith or Greg Schiano or Lovie Smith.

Six friggin’ points.

The Bucs offense, maybe more so than the defense, screwed the pooch tonight.

509 Yards

38 Responses to “Second-Half Offense Went Into Hiding”

  1. Buc original Says:

    Blame toilet bowl. Mediocre coach who will never be great

  2. TheBucsAnthem Says:

    TENNESSEE READY!!!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

  3. Rod Munch Says:

    It’s an easy game when the refs are determining the outcome.

  4. Rod Munch Says:

    Can’t wait for more fluff pieces about how Bucky should get every carry. That worked out great.

  5. Chris l Says:

    The fumble was brutal. We likely pick up another first down but probably would have given up a last second touchdown to lose by. 1 point. How am I going to sleep tonight? Nightmares incoming

  6. Oxycondomns Says:

    at least brady isnt here to stress anyone out

  7. Chad Says:

    Baker just took the blame for this loss, said it’s on him? That’s a leader when you know your defense was absolutely garbage

  8. Jack Sparrow Says:

    YOU LIKE THAT !!!! YOU LIKE THAT!!!! is haunting the bucs community again .

  9. Miller5252 Says:

    With Jeff Fisher as the coach this team will never be a real contender.

  10. Dewey Selmon Says:

    The offense set this team up to lose? Our defense gave up 509 yards passing. How many points do we need to win?

  11. Chad Says:

    No Joe, this loss isn’t on the offense, they scored 30 points that’s enough to win the game, the defense gave up 509 yards to Kirk, this loss belongs to the defense

  12. Leslie Opyd Says:

    God damn officials screwed us again . They suck .plain as day a face mask . And bowles defence .did not do crap . After a great interception they go conservative . 3 runs really bowles you loser !! You suck . Play your hearts out to have your coach screw you . Awful just awful play calling in the end .you had the game won bowles . Keep your foot on the gas !! Dumb ass !

  13. kgh4life Says:

    They tried to “establish the run”, that was their downfall.

  14. Hodad Says:

    Maybe if the defense could get a stop, the offense would’ve had more opportunities? Yeah the offense needed TDs, because the defense kept giving up TDs. Double edged sword. Sad truth we were out coached, and out played.

  15. FrankPillow Says:

    7 fumbles and there went the kill shot.

  16. dumboldguy Says:

    I guarantee 100% Bowles took the playbook out of Cohens hands with about 5 minutes to go in the game. He’s stuck in 1980’s football where it’s hard to drive 50 yards for a FG.

  17. WiscoJoe Says:

    Todd Bowles is far from a respectable head coach.

  18. Rod Munch Says:

    dumboldguy Says:
    October 4th, 2024 at 12:07 am
    I guarantee 100% Bowles took the playbook out of Cohens hands with about 5 minutes to go in the game. He’s stuck in 1980’s football where it’s hard to drive 50 yards for a FG.


    I’m normally for bashing Bowles for getting conservative, but the Bucs were moving the ball at will with 5 minutes left, went right down the field until Bucky fumbled it.

    Then the defense held.

    Then the refs screwed the Bucs with a BS non-existent hold while not calling a blatant facemask.

    This loss is on one thing. The refs. The game was OVER.

  19. unbelievable Says:

    2 weeks in a row we’ve done this.

    Playing not to lose. Bowles is back to his regular stripes.

  20. Bucschamp Says:

    The first half gunslinging bucs reminded me of Superbowl bucs. The 2nd half reminded me of bowles

  21. Miller5252 Says:

    A new confidence poll should be put up for Todd Bowles. This was like watching the Texans game last year. The D couldn’t get off the field and our guru D coach got railed without Vaseline! I think Cousins made sure to slam it home dry with sand and gravel mixed in.

  22. unbelievable Says:

    @Hodad – the offense had 5 possessions in the 2nd half and scored 6 points.

    That’s pathetic.

  23. Oneilbuc Says:

    Bucky is a rookie and he did fumble but he is still a better runningback than Rashard White out of the back field. This lost is on the coaches especially after David got the pick in great field position. But the Cohen got to conservative with the play call that’s why we lost.

  24. dumboldguy Says:

    Oneilbuc Says:
    October 4th, 2024 at 12:20 am
    Bucky is a rookie and he did fumble but he is still a better runningback than Rashard White out of the back field. This lost is on the coaches especially after David got the pick in great field position. But the Cohen got to conservative with the play call that’s why we lost.

    Do you really think Cohen had control at that point? I would wager a paycheck Bowles had his thumbs on the playbook for that drive.

  25. Captain Vic Says:

    Bucs players record: 3-1. Coach Bowles and new OC Record: :0-1 I was going to say we got out coached, but it wasn’t that, just really really BAD coaching by our OC and DC. Talk about playing not to lose! Mayfield was amazingly efficient, and they literally took the ball out of his hands when it counted. Lavante David, probably my all-time favorite Buc, certainly on defense, had the game sealing Victory pic, but noooooo. Shameful. All the Bucs needed was one first down. Tried to run out the clock by plain vanilla run up the middle running plays, went away from everything that worked the whole game to get the lead.

  26. nick houllis Says:

    ok ok, lets look at the positive. The NFC South is no longer a joke division. This was a game of the month kind of game and we had many chances to win on the road. so were 3-2 tied with Atlanta, and get to play them at home, WITH winfield, hopefully with Clancy and full compliment.
    we have a franchise QB. We have a MONEY kicker. for last 20 years we have not had that (except quick stint with Brady) as ngruden once said, futures so bright…

    im disgusted too. lets get healthy with next ten days and beat the aints.

  27. Mike Johnson Says:

    If our Offense was hiding then our Defense must have been hibernating. They were non-existent.

  28. Bucs Guy Says:

    Lots of questions. Why didn’t Godwin get the ball in the 2nd half? Why were the Bucs D hurrying to the line instead of taking their time to kill clock — especially on the last play of regulation? Why did Barton make a critical penalty to push the Bucs out of FG range? How did the refs miss the obvious face mask? Why did Bucky have his second hand holding Evans’s belt instead of on the ball when he fumbled?

  29. Bucfan1988 Says:

    Just wondering why these NFL refs can’t seem to see OBVIOUS facemask penalties to Bucky??

    This same crap happened in the Denver game 2 weeks ago and was never called…

    These officials need to be fined for missing this crap.

    And tonite you call a hold by Bucs Offense and split second later the fade mask occurs and you miss it in the SAME play??


    Bucs would have STILL been in FG range with a replay of 3rd & 2….

    Despite how bad our D was shredded, this call was a total SCREWJOB…

  30. MomBucsFan Says:

    Bowles coached his defense to embarrass the chiefs in SB 55. They were healthy! We are missing a lot of stars and good players. We are a very young team now. Bucky made a mistake. Also We have not had high draft picks I the last few years. And our GM is a cheapskate! Thus the new players we have are not top tier. That does make a difference. It is just one game. But if we do not soon get our best players healthy this season will not make us fans very happy as we will be losing the division title!

  31. Bartow Buc Says:

    Bucs tried to establish the run in the first possession of the second half. That was a bit too soon, we still needed to be aggressive on offense and score points. Bucs failed as a team tonight. Can we overcome this loss ??? Absolutely!! We need to get our defense healthy and Beat the Saints !!

    L G !!! Go Bucs !!

  32. Bartow Buc Says:

    Bucs tried to establish the run in the first possession of the second half. That was a bit too soon, we still needed to be aggressive on offense and score points. Bucs failed as a team tonight. Can we overcome this loss ??? Absolutely!! We need to get our defense healthy and Beat the Saints !!

    Go Bucs !!!

  33. MomBucsFan Says:

    Thanks for your comments nick Mullins and bucsguy! Your comments are valid. I would like to be positive but it gets you down when our good players are missing in action! Winfield, ksacey, Bledsoe could have turned this game into a win!

  34. MomBucsFan Says:

    Sorry I meant goedeke not bledsoe.

  35. Mac Says:

    No one around the league fears Bowles. He is a joke of a head coach that’s why when everyone was saying Bucs are legit I was not one of them knowing who is leading this team. That dude is NEVER winning a championship with his piss poor decision making as shown tonight. He doesn’t have it mentally. Plus his stupid soft zone which gives up first down after first down after first down. I can’t stand watching it.

  36. stpetebucfan Says:


    You had me until you blamed any of it on Licht being a cheapskate.

    There is no longer such a thing in the NFL because of the salary cap. EVERY team spends all the money they are permitted.

    Now if you’re saying he’s bad at managing the cap, we could have that debate but again I would have to disagree.

    But I agree 100% with the first part of your take.

    “Bowles coached his defense to embarrass the chiefs in SB 55. They were healthy! We are missing a lot of stars and good players. We are a very young team now. Bucky made a mistake. Also We have not had high draft picks”

    That’s reasonable. Reason is not something however normally connected to sports fans as you can read this morning. LOL

  37. Bucben1961 Says:

    No ifs ands or buts Todd Bowles needs to go…the players had the game in the bag and the coaching staff gave it away….Again !!!!

  38. Matt Says:

    Bowles is just a bad coach

    It’s one thing to go against data. Anti data is a losing move in my opinion. But usually those people cite “feel for the game” and “experience”. Fair enough

    But this game it was CLEAR we could not stop them. So any sort of feel for the game would say we needed to maximize our odds at moving the ball at the expense of increased risk.

    So that makes Bowles the worst of all worlds. He goes opposite of the data irrespective of game situation.


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