Richard Sherman: Baker Mayfield “Spoke Facts” About Tom Brady Stress At Bucs Headquarters

October 1st, 2024

Richard Sherman

Joe wags a finger of shame at most media for getting the story all twisted regarding what Baker Mayfield said about Tom Brady on a recently published episode of the Casa De Klub podcast recorded before Week 1.

Not surprising, Joe transcribed the comments days before others. Here is what Mayfield actually said.

“The building was a little bit different with Tom in there,” Mayfield said of Bucs headquarters. “Obviously, playing-wise, Tom is different. He had everybody dialed in, high-strung environment, so I think everybody was pretty stressed out.

“So for me, and everybody was expecting the Bucs to not be good last year, they wanted me to come in, be myself, bring the joy back to football a little bit for guys that weren’t having as much fun, and just continue to raise the competition level. They just asked me to be myself. As a player, you really can’t ask for much more than that.”

The broader context is that Mayfield essentially was saying that Bucs officials told him the Brady way had weighed on some players and deflated their joy for the game. So the team told Mayfield to just be his high-energy self and enjoy the ride.

Joe suspects what Mayfield described also was a small reason Todd Bowles wanted to hire high-octane, love-filled Dave Canales as offensive coordinator after Brady retired.

Regardless, many media wrongly positioned the take as Mayfield taking a shot at Brady.

During the FOX broadcast yesterday, Brady (in what obviously was a rehearsed response) was given a chance to respond to the Mayfield comments and referenced how losing football games is “stressful” and he’d go to Disneyland with his kids if he wanted to have fun.

Former Bucs cornerback Richard Sherman (2021) addressed the chatter on The Richard Sherman Podcast today.

The candor was refreshing.

“Both of them spoke facts,” Sherman said.

“You know, it’s perspective. Everything’s perspective. … Tom Brady is a really fun guy. He’s not some dictator in the locker room, but he is a guy that holds everybody to a high standard — his receivers, his offensive line, his coaches, his offensive coordinators, his training staff, everybody in the building. Sure, that’s going to be stressful. But he gives you that kind of performance, that kind of effort, where you got to deal with a little bit of stressful.”

Sherman went on to give his take on how much Baker brought an immature Bucs roster in 2020.

“But he’s not wrong,” Sherman said of Baker. “Like Baker, if you walked into the building and everybody was stressed, but they got rings on their fingers, maybe the stress is what they need. Maybe that’s the kick in the butt they need because that pushed them to where they needed to go. Because the difference between a Super Bowl championship team and just a good team is inches. It’s details. It’s attention to detail. And Tom was incredible about those things. He made sure.”

Joe appreciated Sherman’s perspective, including sharing how Brady was militant preparing for the next opponent immediately following games.

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39 Responses to “Richard Sherman: Baker Mayfield “Spoke Facts” About Tom Brady Stress At Bucs Headquarters”

  1. GJ Says:

    Baker was asked a question in an interview and gave TMI about what others in the organization had said. When I first saw it I wished he had avoided the topic. Ironic that Brady was in town soon after and the media chose to make of it more than it was. I am sure Baker wishes he he not gotten into the details of it but he’s a straight up guy that likes to be accessible and verbose. It’s just 2 different perspectives and not near as big a deal as is being made of it.

  2. OHBucFan Says:

    Tom is cold and calculated. Baker comes across as far more spontaneous. So like 10+ years from now, when Baker is providing color commentary and somebody says something questionable regarding his career, Bake won’t need to rehearse his response with his play by play partner.
    I loved the story line though. Finally got TB talking about TB.
    Bring on Thursday!

  3. Saskbucs Says:

    This is the world in a nutshell. Both sides can be right, both sides can be wrong (both sides can have a bunch of morons spreading ignorance). Neither side is particularly aggrieved by this until the media makes it a battleground with out of context clips and just general pot stirring for ratings and money.

    Both these QBs were good for this team, love them both, until Mayfield produces a SB though I wouldn’t put anymore quotes out there about the previous regime.

  4. Matt_PcAfee Says:


  5. Baking with Coen Says:


  6. It’s Exciting!!!! Says:


  7. CleanHouse Says:

    Wonder what Jameis would say about all of this.

  8. HC Grover Says:

    Less joy for millions. More Super Bowls I never really had JOY when I worked and did not make million of dollars.

  9. Bring back the lawn chairs Says:

    Evidently some people get really stressed out when the must pay attention to detail. I believe it. Hey it’s a cruel world.

  10. UGotRobbed Says:

    Brady said that “not winning super bowls would be more stressful ” . I thought that was a brilliant response!

  11. heyjude Says:

    I really like and respect Baker and Brady. And they are two different guys as well as the age gap.

    Brady’s mindset has always been all about football. He is the Goat. It also sounds like he grinds it in research for his announcing gig too. That is him. It’s in his blood for many years. I like what he said too. Nothing wrong with it. It’s not Disneyland and a daycare. It’s the NFL.

    Just like anything else, we move forward and look ahead positively. Now Baker is our future and he is giving it his all. Go Bucs!

  12. James Mattz Says:

    If you question Brady’s tactics, don’t celebrate the results period. Baker said what he said. Who’s right Who’s wrong, it doesn’t matter, winning does. Brady’s in Sports heaven, Baker is still climbing the mountain. Until he gets the Bucs to a Superbowl win, his opinions mean nothing.

  13. Win in the Trenches Says:

    TB12 is the GOAT………..enough said

  14. Gofortheface30 Says:

    GJ – intelligent take. Agree. Further, Baker may be right but he can’t win this. Brady might be the most contrived person on earth and his response was 100% rehearsed, but he’s going to have many more supporters in the media and with fans who will pounce with any SEMBLANCE of a perceived shot at Botox boy and to be sure, Brady has earned the right. 100%. But now instead of people talking about 30-47 with no turnovers, 347 yards, (which is the quintessential Brady Buc game), they’re talking about the gd stupid interview that I don’t care about. Talk about the dominance of the Bucs, not Brady’s contrived little “clap back.”

  15. MJ Says:

    blame it all on Giselle, when Tom went thru a divorce the team did too

  16. Bring back the lawn chairs Says:

    So extrapolating a little bit here, Brady paying attention to all that time consuming football related detail, could have cost him a marriage. I believe it.

  17. heyjude Says:

    Agreed, Brady is consumed with football. However, people do not get divorced out of the blue. I don’t blame anyone. There were probably other factors going on before. On top of it; moving is stressful, there was the crypto issue, AB moving in with them had to be hard, and probably so much more we really don’t know. At the end he is still the Goat. And he helped us get a SB. Sounds and looks like he still loves many on our team too. Fully respect him.

  18. Beeej Says:

    If you expect dinner on the table when you come home from work, don’t marry a model

  19. LakelandBuc Says:

    Tom Brady, Michael Jordan, Kobe Bryant are cut from the same cloth. They are devoted, dedicated, highly committed to their craft. And they expect the same from their teammates. The loafers will moan and complain. The ambitious ones will listen, learn, observe and follow their lead!!

  20. Drunk Bucs Fan Says:

    Hopefully this whole thing dies out this week, but it seems to me people slamming Baker think he got here right after the boat parade docked. We do remember Brady’s last year, right:

    Marpet retires
    BA “chooses” to step down
    Jensen lost forever
    10 day training camp vacation (hello media distractions)
    Goes to the Robert Kraft birthday party instead of traveling with the team. That’s ok, the Steelers stink. We lost.
    National TV game Brady announces his divorce
    The offense sucks all year
    Embarrassed by Dallas in the playoffs

    But hey, after all that at least we know he really wanted to be a Buccaneer that year. Oh wait, he wanted to play in Miami.

    Damn right it was stressful

  21. MF Bucs Says:

    This may be a stupid question, but do you think the Bucs are gonna retire Bradys number/Ring of Honor?

  22. Mike Says:

    Drunk buc fan EXACTLY!! that last year was stressful and their was so much drama and Bs going on and that’s what I think baker was talking about it was completely taken out of context.

  23. PortlandBucsFan Says:

    Brady is no easy act to follow even if his last year in TB was a stinker.
    As a Bucs fan I am grateful to have seen Brady and his game in a Bucs uni.
    I wish Mayfield luck and hope that he has truly resurrected his career long-term. It makes for good football and a fun offense to watch!

    BTW, if it were Trask, I would be rooting for his success as well if he was leading my favorite team.

    Go Bucs!

  24. Scoobe Says:

    Different types of leadership can get results. General Patton was arguably one of the greatest leaders of WW2. So was Eisenhower. Their two leadership styles couldn’t be more different. The narrative that only one leadership style will get results is silly. Brady is the undeniable goat but that doesn’t mean you have to carbon copy his approach to get similar results.

  25. LakelandBuc Says:

    Every professional sports teams goes through adversity. The Kansas City Chiefs has been through more than any sports team, Players arrests, Coaches arrests, suspensions, losing top players every year etc……yet they’re always in the mix in February.

    They are a thick skinned team

    And that what it takes to be an successful franchise

  26. 1sparkybuc Says:

    Tom Brady was not focused on football with the Bucs in 2022. He bought a home In Miami and was going through a divorce. I believe he wanted to finish his career playing for the Dolphins. He wanted to be close to his family. Nobody can blame him for that. 2022 was stressful for him in his personal life. That had to have had an effect on his ability to play at a typical level. He’s only human.

  27. Brandon Says:

    Bring back the lawn chairs Says:
    October 1st, 2024 at 4:01 am
    Evidently some people get really stressed out when the must pay attention to detail. I believe it. Hey it’s a cruel world.


    Does the letter Y stress you out and if so, why?

  28. JK Says:

    WAS TB the consummate professional in his final season, going through a very public divorce?
    I believe he took an in-season vacation?
    Left his teammates to answer for him??

  29. Chip offllll the bucs Says:

    I’ve been a bus fan since 1983, 2 years after moving here. Bore through the horrible years, happy with Dungy time, though unhappy with coach that reChucky’s time here he did take us to our 1st SUPER Bowl. This whole thing about part of what BAKER Mayfield said was pure media twist and hype. It’s typical for larger media companies wanting to spike ratings for more $$$!!!
    I LOVED Having the GOAT TOM BRADY to help get another ring. Baker can also get us there with his stle, but players need to keep some of what T.B. TAUGHT THEM ABOUT PREP, and leaving all on the field. LFG BUCS WITH BAKER LEADING OUR OFFENSE WE CAN DO IT AGAIN!!!

  30. BakerBucs says duh Says:

    Retired Brady’s # he competed 3 years here or really 2 years,the Patriots retired his # what a stupid question

  31. orlbucfan Says:

    Seriously, this is turning into recycled old repetition. Are the Joes done with it? I want to read about the game Thursday night.

  32. Hodad Says:

    His last year the stress level had to be high, because Tom’s stress in life off the field was high. Baker is 29 years old, I’m sure 29 year old Brady wasn’t stressing out his N.E. teammates at that time in his life. Those teams had defensive vets that made the locker room more accountable then a young Brady could. They had Belichick at the top of game applying more stress then Tom ever could. You can’t compare 29 year old Baker, with 46 year old Brady. Compare yourself between those two ages. This is all just silly chatter click bait.

  33. John Says:

    i think everyone knows baker was referring to year 3. 8-9, we sucked and tom was mentally not capable. We all seen it. with the divirce and spotlight dueing the season it just was too much. thats what baker was referring too.

  34. Greg Says:


  35. Fan of the South Says:

    Bucs were a lot closer to being one play from an NFC Championship Game in Brady’s second season than Joe can sell that Mayfield was against the Lions. How Winfield ever let the Rams best receiver get so wide open with seconds remaining is beyond comprehension.

    Brady’s 3rd season the 8-9 record is on Bowles for his decision to keep the starters out.

    Sometimes after a Bye teams come out flat and they sure were against Dallas.

    Sure have some fun. Should be something more than making $100,000’s if not Millions to play one game. How fun was that Broncos game?

    Perhaps instead of chit chatting about how things were when Brady was with the team how about paying more attention to details while you are Lil B?

  36. Allen Lofton Says:

    The media is always stirring drama on comments coming from players, coaches, the front office and owners.

    They like to keep you in suspense, what if and yada, yada, yada.

    More often than not, the media makes fools of themselves. They would be a little better off with a little less drama.

  37. Cosimo De Medicinal Says:

    @Fan of the South

    There’s a difference between working hard and having to worry about your coworker’s wife’s pool boy destroying your fiscal year as your coworker’s working with your competition behind your back.

  38. Sooner & Bucs fan Says:

    I wish Baker never went there. He is my favorite football player and will continue you to be. Brady had a lot time for this to simmer and craft his response. It was a good response though still jaded. Tom is the GOAT and he got his superbowls based on his style of leadership. Notice though he never denied throwing the ball at players feet because he didn’t like a play at Tampa. He stated everything was true that Mayfield said but that is how you win Super Bowls. What Tom did was success at everyone’s expense. His wife wanted him home, to retire as I recall and then he lost more than a Super Bowl, he lost his wife. I am simplifying it and making inferences but they are based on experience. You put the job before family and you forget what you are playing for. Tom is great, and I like him but what mayfield was talking about is leadership. You can stress out a team and when the results don’t come you have exhausted the good will of your team. You won’t be successful long term if everyone is stressed out. You fight harder to win with loyalty than you do for whips and lashes. I have several businesses and my motto is People First, Business Second because if you don’t take care of people you can get a short term gain but lose the long game. Sounds like Brady lost the long game and Tampa needed a change. If Brady’s formula always works why is there not 2 Super Bowls this decade in Tampa.
    Mayfield should have never said it but Tom should have responded differently and help a young man understand why he did what he did.

  39. Pierce Says:

    Hey Fellas, is there any way to make that one pop up that takes over the whole page smaller? No worries if not. I want you guys to make the most money you can for all the amazing work you all do. I just find that pop up super annoying and I constantly have to back out of the page and then go back in. Anyways, just wanted to ask. I’ll still come to your site regardless. Go Bucs!


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