Referees Indirectly Admit No Goal Line Camera View Cost Bucs A Touchdown

October 28th, 2024

Lach Murdoch, sultan of FOX Corp, oversees all FOX TV properties, is worth some $3.3 billion, but his outfit can’t afford working pylon cams at NFL games?

This is a very bitter pill to swallow since the Bucs lost by five points yesterday to the Dixie Chicks on Creamsicle Sunday.

Why the NFL doesn’t require all stadiums to have a camera angle on each goal line and on each sideline operating on every play is beyond Joe’s comprehension.

For goodness sakes, just because the Bucs were celebrating the 1979 NFC Central champs doesn’t mean the NFL, short of a Super Bowl or a game involving one of its favored-nation teams (Cowboys, Steelers, Packers, Eagles), should be using 1979 technology — as if Brent Musburger was still hollering with wonder and amazement on NFL Today that he could see a stadium from across the country an hour before kickoff, “You’re looking live… !”

Joe already wrote this irresponsible decision of not having four operating cameras to help out the zebras cost the Bucs a highly important win yesterday.

The game was broadcast on FOX. The Murdoch clan coughs up $2.2 billion (that’s with a “B”) annually for the rights to broadcast (mostly) NFC games and an occasional Super Bowl.

And no one had enough spare change to be able to afford working mini-cameras or pylon cams to help out the referees? You can buy half-dollar-sized cameras on Amazon for $30 each. What’s that, two lukewarm Miller Lites at The Licht House?

So after the game yesterday, Todd Bowles was asked what the zebras told him when it sure looked like Antoine Winfield knocked the ball out of Kyle Pitts’ mitts before he crossed the goal line.

Per Bowles, the refs admitted they only had bad angles for replay review. Thus, it was inconclusive.

“They said they didn’t have a clear side view of it,” Bowles said.

When asked if Bowles thought the touchdown should have stood, not wanting to get heavily fined, Bowles smartly said, “I’m not a referee.”

So yeah, if FOX/the NFL/the Bucs had working pylon cams, that play likely would have been overturned and the Bucs would have had a critical win.

Instead, the Bucs are now trailing the Dixie Chicks by technically two games in the race for the division title (Atlanta has the tiebreaker over the Bucs so to avoid that, the Bucs must at least be a full game ahead of Atlanta at the regular season’s end).

Joe feels like donating one of those $30 cameras to the Bucs. Pretty sure Joe can find other fans who would pitch in a few nickels to pay for the three others.

You know what, if someone told FOX/the NFL/the Bucs that a camera on the goal lines and sidelines might prevent a concussion (ha!), the NFL would have the friggin’ Hubble Telescope out there on each boundary.

Just an embarrassing shame all around.

34 Responses to “Referees Indirectly Admit No Goal Line Camera View Cost Bucs A Touchdown”

  1. Leopold Stotch Says:

    What a kick to the groin

  2. adam from ny Says:

    yeah winfield looked like he did it again at the goal line…it’s his specialty…he’s got the move down pat, and if you’re the guy on the other team easing up, even the slightest bit at the end, duke will get you!

    also on another note:

    just studied up on the falcons remaining 9 scheduled games…

    i came up with 7 of the 9 as being “not gimmes”…

    the 2 i penciled in as cake walks are the giants at christmas, and the panthers to fin out the season…by then the giants and panthers most likely will have mailed it in…

    however, they’ve got a bunch of tough opponents in the 9 games, and even a desperate saints team in 2 weeks – where carr just might be back…

    the cowgirls are desperate next weekend too…desperados are always dangerous…

    and tough opponents scheduled who don’t lay down, like denver, minnesota, chargers and commanders…

    so their work is def cut out for them…

    yeah they play well vs. us, but they often flounder against other mid teams – like the seahawks last week…

    they could lose another 4-5 games…

    my guess is 4-5 more wins leaving them at 9-8 or 10-7…

    if we can take our ballz out of our azz, we just might still have this…

    just a thought

  3. John J Barse Says:

    should have never come down to that

  4. rrsrqnc Says:

    I’m saying if a ref can see a players knee or shin go down when attempting to score a TD or get a first down, because they usually get those right, they couldn’t or is it they wouldn’t see that ball come out, even without a goal line camera, you could see on replay pretty easily. Unfortunately for the. Ups that is possibly two win swiped from the booty

  5. PSL Bob Says:

    Two points. First, I’m not so sure the nose of the ball didn’t touch the goal line before it came out. You need a shot down the goal line to be certain. Point two, why was Pitts so wide-arse open? Even if the call had been overturned, you don’t know how the game would have gone. Unless it’s the last play of the game, you can’t say how a game might have ended in the absence of a bad call. Look, we got beat again by Cousins and the Falcons and the defense was the major culprit.

  6. RVATom Says:

    And ask if I believe the Falcons were going to choke away a goal line opportunity or if I believe the Bucs would gag away a goal line stand?

    I feel bad for Win, he earned the stop

    I would be willing to bet the TD was an eventuality.

  7. gp Says:

    There was a call(or non call) in the first few minutes of the game that gave definitive evidence of how the zebras were going to call the rest of the game.
    Whether it was just a biased approach or something worse, I don’t know, but it was obvious that we were playing against two teams yesterday. The dirty birds, AND the zebras.

  8. gp Says:

    The fumbled ball rolled through and out of the endzone which is a touch back, giving us the ball on the twenty. That is how the call should have gone.

  9. Lefty Says:

    RVATom ball went thru the end zone so it would’ve been a touchback and Bucs take possession at the 20 yd line.

  10. Bojim Says:

    Always thought we had them so yesterday I kept waiting for that shot.

  11. Jiminy Christmas Says:

    Broadcast media is not responsible for goal line cameras. ESPN initially deployed pylon cameras for select games in 2015 and the nfl started using the technology for nfl replay. We share our camera angles with nfl replay and they have their own. You have nfl films guys on sideline in turquoise colored shirts that give the nfl replay guys in maroon shirts the camera feeds. Yesterday nfl replay used the wireless chain gang markers and they didn’t use the wireless pylon cams. All this tech the nfl has to scan our faces to work in the stadium and they failed with having replay angles. From my position at the north end zone bucs sideline it was another Winfield forced fumble. About a foot away before the goal line.

  12. Ke Says:

    If it would have been an other team they would have saw it. BUCS LIFE. SMH

  13. Usfbuc Says:

    Even the replays we did have clearly showed the ball hadn’t crossed the line. His hand was trailing his leg and his leg was outside the endzone still.

  14. Henry Says:

    Just another of many ways to control the outcome of games. Welcome to Vegas suckers.

  15. Big Wally Says:

    All you guys are a bunch of “WHAT IFS” whiners including Joe. There are so many plays and calls in a game that go each way.

    If Atlanta was trailing on their last drive do you really think they would have played it that way. Get over it – the defense played horribly and the Bucs didn’t deserve a Win.

  16. BuckyBuc Says:

    Vegas call

  17. BA’s Red Pen Says:

    Maybe if Fox wasn’t constantly having to pay court ordered settlements for spreading blatant lies they would have enough money for cameras…..

  18. Will Says:

    Who knows how the game turns out that was early. However seems to me and maybe I’m wrong BUT shouldn’t the team that owns the stadium be required to have pylon cameras? I remember hearing Brady say that the team didn’t have shade on the sidelines until he arrived and asked for it. That’s piss poor pitiful.

  19. Dom Says:

    The Bucs got screwed on two major calls vs the Falcons. The TNF game with the missed face mask on Bucky Irving at the end of the game and now this. Not looking like our year especially with all the injuries. The positives are the O-Line looks great and the Bucs actually have a running game. Got to find a way to keep Coen long term. He’s the future, not Todd Bowles

  20. Citrus County Says:

    Jiminy Christmas Says:
    October 28th, 2024 at 7:36 All this tech the nfl has to scan our faces to work in the stadium and they failed with having replay angles.
    I didn’t watch or listen to the game. I no longer care about the game (hard for me to say). As part of my “12 step program” for weaning off the Bucs, I came here this AM to see the results. What I found was a perfect example of why I am disgusted with pro sports (NASCAR included).

    It is an NFL team with NFL players playing an NFL game with NFL referees under NFL rules. The NFL should have the cameras placed at critical points for rule enforcement uniformly around the league.


    NOT having a goal line camera provided a perfect opportunity for the NFL to affect the results of a game.

  21. Deadwood South Dakota Says:

    500 coaching what should we expect. This will be Todd’s last year

  22. Citrus County Says:

    After the Denver loss, Joe had a piece with the title ” Todd Bowles said, I had nothing to do with that.”

    That piece offered me the opportunity to express my views on gambling and corruption in the NFL. Within minutes the entire article and comment section vanished.

    The NFL and it’s entirety should be viewed with a great deal of skepticism.

  23. Citrus County Says:

    I want to thank the NFL for making easier the process of turning my back.

  24. Josh Says:

    What Citrus County and many others said. Anywhere i call out gambling and Vegas for these “weird” missed or made up calls. The lack of an angle to get things right they just vanish. A few Refs and Vegas are gonna be found to be in cahoots I swear…

  25. Citrus County Says:

    Think about it folks. Which do you think is more important to the NFL ?

    1) A team (franchise) in Atlanta Georgia owned by a co-founder of Home Depot with a brand new “world class” facility having Mercedes Benz owning the naming rights that is located in the capitol city of a State that is at the center of an election controversy.

    2)A team with an outdated 30 year old stadium located in Tampa, Florida. Draw your own conclusions.

  26. BootyLover Says:

    There is a BroBible article out that has other video showing it was a fumble.

  27. Crickett Baker Says:

    Maybe teams should start fining the NFL for bad ref calls.

  28. Bartow Buc Says:

    It was obvious to me that the ball had not crossed the plane of the goal line before Pitts lost possession. Why wasn’t it obvious to the referee(s) and why didn’t they make the call initially. Game Changer !!

  29. Joseph C Simmons Says:

    I feel like the ball was fumbled before it crossed the goal line, but that’s because I–and everyone here–looks at life through creamsicle-colored glasses. We really don’t know, because there was no good camera angle.

    That said, to paraphrase Bill Parcells, you are what your record says you are. No excuses. I still think we have the horses to win this division.

  30. unbelievable Says:

    Again- the NFL doesn’t care.

    They don’t want to get it right. They want to be able to decide these things, regardless of controversy or outrage.

    This why the officiating gets worse and worse every season, despite having more technology than ever, and they do nothing to fix it.

  31. Fred Says:

    We’ll see them fools in the playoffs in their stadium and we will handle them just like we did the Saints!

  32. Biggun Says:

    I was screaming at the tv “SHOW THE PYLON CAM ANGLE” WTF no pylon cam?!?!?! NFL=Not Friggin Logical, why do they not have pylon cams is it solely up to the networks discretion? Multi Billion Dollar organization and no friggin pylon cams!!!!!! NFL get your sh1t together too much ridding on these games especially when the NFL is now partners with betting organizations!!!!

  33. Citrus County Says:

    Think about this one. All that is required for a touchdown is for the tip of the ball to break the plane of the goal line. ONLY a camera could make that determination. In horse racing the first nose to touch the line is the winning horse. Oh, but wait, there is no photo finish in the NFL. The massive amounts of money wagered on horse races make certain that photo finish cameras are installed. The actions of the NFL are a self-indictment. Was it just an oversight that no cameras were installed for the TPA/ATL game ? Joe wants to blame this on FOX. I think not.

  34. Christina Bucsbabe Says:

    Were always getting Flucked by the refs…..unreal


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