Noted Baker Mayfield Critic, His Ex-Coach, Sees A Different Quarterback

October 5th, 2024

So there’s an interesting voice who was Baker Mayfield’s offensive coordinator in Cleveland and a coaching colleague of Todd Bowles in Dallas under Bill Parcells.

That’s Todd Haley. The former Chiefs head coach was rookie Mayfield’s playcaller with the Browns and is now an analyst on SiriusXM NFL Radio.

After watching Mayfield against the Falcons in the Bucs’ brutal 36-30 loss Thursday, Haley sounded like he’s seen the light on his former protégé.

“I thought Baker played excellent. You know, I’m one of the ones that I always believe he’s a little too streaky for me at times,” Haley said, adding that Mayfield has racked up several quality games this season and looks like a different player.

“Right there at the top of the league as far as quarterback play,” he said.

Joe agrees. Mayfield is completing 72 percent of his passes and he played very well Thursday.

Mayfield is on pace for 37 touchdowns, 6 interceptions and 3,957 yards passing, which would represent a career year passing. He’s also had 107 yards rushing this season through five games. That puts Mayfield on pace to double his career high in rushing yards.

Simply put, Mayfield had been doing it all, including bailing out his offensive line with excellent escapability.

If Mayfield can continue his stellar season, the Bucs will have a good year, even if the defense remains wildly inconsistent.

Jason Licht Upbeat About Return Of Calijah Kancey And Antoine Winfield, Jr.

43 Responses to “Noted Baker Mayfield Critic, His Ex-Coach, Sees A Different Quarterback”

  1. stpetebucfan Says:

    My son the Browns fan gave me hope when the Bucs signed Baker. In his opinion Baker suffered from horrid coaching, some whiny teammates, playing through an injury and ownership that competes with David Tepper of Carolina as the WORST in the league.

    So I had hopes. Last year the constant barrage of negativy did create some doubt. His play has totally eradicated that result.

    Is he the GOAT? NO! Is he perfect? NO! Is he good enough to lead the right team to a Lombardi Trophy? YES!!!

    Are the Bucs that right team? Verdict still out. Luck and health will have a significant effect as always but perhaps more so this year because while I believe the Bucs have the talent to win the SB I’m not sure they have the depth.

  2. Dave Pear Says:

    Good for Todd. Way to totally blinder a sure victory by gift wrapping the game to the Falcs, thinking his defense could stop a gentle breeze. What a pathetic sham.

  3. Buddha Says:

    Baker is a gamer. He will only get better. Perhaps I am more forgiving than most. Injuries MATTER. When you have perhaps the best safety in the league out for four games and one of the quickest and most promising defensive tackles, you are seriously depleted. We played our best game against Philadelphia, but their two top wide receivers were out. This is the NFL. You can coverup weaknesses for a game or two but not for three or four. Sometimes you luck out. If Mooney doesn’t drop that pass when he was wide open, Falcons likely win anyway. When we dominated KC in the Super Bowl, their offensive line was a total makeshift. Results: No contest. If the Buccaneers get healthy, they can beat any team in the NFL. If they don’t, they will likely win 8 or nine games. As for consistency, Baker has had four good games, and one bad game. I’ll take that. Sam Darnold is the only quarterback with a higher QB rating this year.

  4. Crickett Baker Says:

    He has been excellent. No one should complain about 30 points a game. It is the defense and 4th qtr. schemes that are horrible.

  5. GoneGator Says:

    Baker is playing lights out for the most part… It’s obvious he, and the offense are not the issue at the moment.

  6. LakelandBuc Says:

    The offense is just as streaky as the defense, neither is consistent. Baker come out smoking against the Falcons, 3 tds passing in the first half. And he ends up with 180 yards passing, 3 tds. The Bucs are a 500 team and playing like a 500 team. They have to play Complete Games, 4 quarters of football…..if not they will remain a 500 team.

  7. D-Rome Says:

    Statistically speaking he’s having a better year than Patrick Mahomes.

  8. LakelandBuc Says:

    But Patrick Mahomes delivers the knockout punch when they need it. That’s what make him better than these others QBs. He do whatever it takes to win the game .

    Like Rah says,
    Stats are for Losers

  9. Beeej Says:

    We had five drives in the second half. Three of them were thwarted by a sack, a fumble, and a holding penalty. Combine that with conservative play calling, and there you are

  10. Dave Pear Says:

    The game was in the bag twice. Todd abused the dog on National TV in front of millions. Everyone knows who Todd is and what he is now.

  11. Gipper Says:

    Funny how all these guys want to now get on a winning horse. In Cleveland with Haley, Baker was a ROOKIE and he was good enough to set the rookie record for TD passes which he achieved in only 13 games. Baker was drafted to a Browns team that was 1-31 in the two years before his arrival. He provided instant excitement. Baker’s big mistake in CLE was playing the entire 2021 season with a serious shoulder injury. The Browns threw him out the door and gave away the franchise including 3 first round draft picks for Demassage Watson. How has that one worked out for the always inept Browns?
    Mahomes is surrounded by a far better supporting cast, including coaching, in KC. In a college shootout with Mahomes, Baker threw 7TD’s and won the game.

  12. kgh4life Says:

    Bucs paid Baker $100 million, they should put more trust in him to close out games

  13. Dave Pear Says:

    Dump Todd. The defense would improve. Addition by subtraction.

  14. Dave Pear Says:

    *I meant as DC. But let Liam manage the game when the O is on the field, and let Carberry manage the game when on defense.

  15. BakerBucs says duh Says:

    Lakeland buc say I say go blank u r self u r a dirtbag Lakeland sucks because of dirtbag like u

  16. BakerBucs says duh Says:

    I did not know that he had a shootout in college with Mahomes what a nice tidbit u gave us

  17. BakerBucs says duh Says:

    Beej says good point short & to the point

  18. BakerBucs says duh Says:

    He didn’t deliver in that college game now did he big mouth

  19. Rod Munch Says:

    “I thought Baker played excellent. You know, I’m one of the ones that I always believe he’s a little too streaky for me at times,” Haley said,


    I’d agree with that completely, but Baker has played mostly great this year. The Broncos game was a disaster, but I’ll take 4 excellent games vs 1 bad game, if that’s the streakiness we’re going to get, then count me in. And the Detroit game, I think was excellent, considering the offensive line play and how Baker had zero time to throw the ball.

    Not taking anything away from Baker by saying this, but a HUGE assist goes to Coen. His game planning these last two weeks have been fantastic. Sucke is terrible, and blew up the game plan vs the Lions and Broncos – but Coen wasn’t a typical NFL coach that just says we’re going to stick with the same gameplan, and instead really made significant changes to what they were doing to get the ball out quickly and make it more of a rhythm offense. Vs the Falcons, he switched it up again a bit working in more of the run and some deeper shots and really kept Atlanta off-balance.

    The downside of Coen doing a great job is that Bowles is going to lose another OC to becoming a HC if Coppertop keeps this up. Who’d have ever thunk that Bowles’ greatest coaching trait might be picking OC’s? I guess in theory it makes sense, if you’re a defensive guy and have to go against various offenses, you learn which guys are smart and adjust, and which ones don’t. Too bad Bowles can’t do that on defense.

    But Baker, if you top shi—talking Brady, claiming he was tanking plays and was too worried about winning to have fun – if Baker just doesn’t say stupid stuff like that, he’s going to convert even people like myself.

  20. Gipper Says:


    Too late. We have all of your history on this blog which is mainly a never ending tirade against Baker. You know the usual middling, midget and so on. Anyone who challenged your insufferable know it all attitude about Mayfield was sarcastically labeled a “Baker Boi.” The best part of Baker performing at a high level is to expose you as a fraud posing as some kind of football guru.

  21. Drunk Bucs Fan Says:

    Now that the sting of Thursday night is starting to ease, I thought for a minute and realized wait a minute. We have scored over 30 points in 3 of our first 5 games.

    That’s actually good, right? I mean, I know a lot of what we do here is vent but damn, it feels good to know we can actually score some points. Especially with what we’ve been dealing with the last two years

  22. Kenton Smith Says:

    Rod Munch – you meant to say – “ if Baker just doesn’t say stuff like that, he’s going to convert even stupid people like myself”.

  23. Erik w/ Says:

    The truth is: Baker played great in the 1st half and not so good in the 2nd half of the Falcons game.

    I think Baker is a great QB, though, and a great leader.

    But we need him to be great the entire game, not just half of it.

  24. Beeej Says:

    BakerBucs says duh Says:
    October 5th, 2024 at 5:01 pm
    Beej says good point short & to the point


    Wife always saying that too!

  25. Beeej Says:

    Baker’s performance in that Denver game was coach’s fault—they neglected training him to throw from a sitting position

  26. orlbucfan Says:

    Hey Joe, you watching the weather? Bucs will be able to play the next game in NOLA (they’ll win), but after that?

  27. stpetebucfan Says:

    Buddha FTW! Thanks again for a very balanced reasonable post minus the hysteria.

    Dave Pear…luv ya dude and always read your posts which is why I’m mildly surprised that you get so hysterical and hyperbolic when it comes to Bowles!

    “What a pathetic sham” You realize you’re indicting a LOT more people than just Bowles? He’s been in the league for a LONG time which means according to you many folks from BA to Licht are morons for hiring and retaining a “pathetic sham”. What do you suppose is wrong with them Dave. Why didn’t the players quit on Bowles last year like you have. Could the league and players possibly know something you don’t?

    So here is my choice…believe a fan who I respect but…who seems to have had Bowles pisssed in his Wheaties…or…the freaking players? Sorry but reality just doesn’t match your frustration.

    Muncher – again we have one of those moments where we agree. I do not think you detract from Baker by pointing out Coen has a LOT to do with his season!!!

    But if you’re fair you’d also mention that OC’s have had an equal amount of blame ruining Baker’s rep over the years. I think Baker survived and thrived DESPITE Canales instead of because of Canales.

    Bottom line for me is that a major reason for Baker’s struggles is this is the first stop he’s had with a decent franchise and decent coaching. We can disagree and only time will tell.

  28. stpetebucfan Says:


    I meant to compliment one of your earlier posts but didn’t get it in time. I always read your stuff.

    As for the storm…”but after that”? So I get that we’re lucky Saints are on the road, and I guess they can always skip a day’s practice Wednesday, they need to heal.

    But am I reading more into the “but after that”? If you’re speculating perhaps Milton comes in and actually sends a 10-15 foot storm surge right up Tampa Bay that the entire area with be too wrecked to recover in time….I don’t disagree but that’s a truly scary thought.

    IF the WORST happens yeah football will be a minor consideration amidst the horrible damage.

    Those of us on the Bay have always lived under the shadow of a direct hit of storm surge right up an enclosed bay it would be a MAJOR DISASTER.

    Everybody say your prayers, cross your fingers..whatever!!!

  29. 727BUC Says:

    Anyone who puts this loss on baker (or anyone on offense) is an idiot. 30 points should win you the game i don’t care when they were scored. Yes 2nd half was dismal compared to the first BUT the defense… or rather lack there of…. is what gave the game away. We have injuries but who cares! Every team does. Inept defensive play calling and execution by the play(makers) is what inevitably lost us the game. That 45 yard dagger up the gut was reminiscent of letting Cooper kupp kill us in the playoffs against the rams. The bucky fumble didn’t help and neither did our coaching. I still believe (when healthy) we have the roster to go toe to toe with any team in the NFL. GO BUCS!!

  30. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    Baker is starting to remind me of Drew Brees. That’s saying a lot coming from me.

  31. unbelievable Says:

    The offense has been great and so has Baker, outside of the Denver game.

    The problem is they keep going turtle in the 2nd half after having a 1 or maybe 2 score lead.

    Unless you’re up by more than 17 points, you simply CAN NOT keep doing this every week. Teams in the NFL are too good.

    No brakes, all gas, etc. LFG. I hope the team is P!SSED after that ATL loss.

  32. Let em Bake Says:

    Brees comparison is fair, albeit a bit premature. Bake is reaping the fruit of a good oc, and weapons around him. Just think, Baker, Donald, CMC, and dj Moore were all on the Panthers together…all flourishing now. Rich Gannon, Jim Plunkett all blossomed when they found the right team/fit. With cap hell ending soon , I see the Bucs peaking next season. Licht will have $ to spend on the missing pieces. If Bake continues this years trajectory, an extention/bonus that is team friendly would be wise.

  33. Pewter Power Says:

    If it wasn’t for his head coach he’d get a lot more shine from that prime time game but Todd Bowles got embarrassed by a one legged Kirk cousin and a rookie play caller lol what trash.

  34. LakelandBuc Says:

    How can the defense possibly be responsible for this loss? Bucky fumbled the ball, and gave the Falcons a new life. The defense came out and held the Falcons for 4 downs

    The Bucs offense got the ball at the Falcons 28 yard line with 1:52 left in the game. The defense gave them excellent field position, already in FG to force the Falcons to score a TD with no timeouts

    But they did the Bucs offense do? They went backwards, all the way back to the Falcons 42, then punted the ball into the End Zone.

    The Bucs defense should never have been on the field for overtime
    Even if Mayfield just took a knee for 3 plays

    But instead they choked up and went backwards

    The mark of a LOSER

    Don’t know how to WIN

  35. Hodad Says:

    Baker wasn’t the best QB on the field Thursday, Cousins was. That’s disappointing.

  36. LakelandBuc Says:

    Don’t nobody care about how many points you score in the first half. There’s two halfs of football, it’s obvious the Falcons understood this, but the Bucs decided to sit on a one score lead.

    If you have a opponent beaten and in trouble
    Don’t give them second life, knock them the F out

    Because if you don’t, they gonna knock you the F out

  37. BucU Says:

    It was a total organizational failure. So many things had to go wrong to lose this game and I’ll be damned if that’s not exactly what happened. This defense is schizophrenic. One week they impress. The next they can’t get out of their own way. This one hurt bad.

  38. Capt.Tim Says:

    “ How can the defense possibly responsible for the loss?”
    Uh- over 500 yards passing. Including letting Kirk stroll down the field at the end.
    Thank you, Lakelandbuc! I now have a new
    “Stupidest question imaginable that a human being could ask” in the trophy case.

    Sorry Rod, I thought you were a lock to win the title.

    Baker Mayfield is a top 3 Qb. Stats back up what your eyes see.
    If we had a running game, and pass blocking- We Would be be a Lombardi favorite.

    Jason Licht should have got us a couple starting caliber guards.
    What the *&$# is Jason Doing? Isn’t he watching us finish last in rushing 3 years, counting this year?
    Get to work JL!!

  39. Captain Vic Says:

    It’s hard for Baker to deliver the knockout punch, when the oc, or bowls, somebody is literally taking the ball out of his hands in crunch time! That was the worst “play not to lose” play calling after Lavante David’s interception ! Baker didn’t even get a chance, nor did our skilled Playmakers. Then, unfortunately due to the overtime rules Baker never got a chance to do anything! That loss is on the head coach (defensive coordinator), the offensive coordinator, and injuries!

  40. Oneilbuc Says:

    This lost is not Baker Mayfield fault!! This is lost is on Bowles and Cohen!!

  41. LakelandBuc Says:


    I have heard it all here

  42. LakelandBuc Says:


    The defense gives the offense the ball back on the opposing team 28 yard line with 1:52 left to play

    The offense goes backwards and have to punt the ball
    Into the End Zone

    But it’s the defense fault they loss the game

    You really have to laugh at this JOKE, cause it’s funny as hell


  43. stpetebucfan Says:


    Do you suppose the game was decided by that one play? If we’re going the one play route how about the toss of the coin which as TBBF was the only thing Baker lost all night.

    So the offense played great for 75% of the game and grabbed the lead despite HORRIBLE defense! The D plays well for 5% at admittedly the right time…well except for OT obviously but at the end of the game I was impressed they still were fighting but they had SUCKED all night!!!

    So since the offense was unable to cash in on one or two opportunities makes them the villains even thought the D choked play after play after play?


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