Luke Goedeke Will Miss His Fourth Straight Game

October 2nd, 2024

Still out.

UPDATED: It isn’t often Joe hears of a guy who has missed his fourth consecutive game with a concussion, but that’s what will happen tomorrow night with right tackle Luke Goedeke.

Bucs’ Super Bowl left guard Ali Marpet missed three consecutive games with a concussion during the 2020 season. He retired at 28 years old after the following season, in part because of those concussions.

In his final media availability today before the Bucs kick off against the Dixie Chicks in Atlanta tomorrow, head coach Todd Bowles announced the players (as of Wednesday) who won’t be on the active roster.

Goekeke is out. He has yet to clear concussion protocol. Others include Calijah Kancey (calf), Antoine Winfield (foot), Trey Palmer (concussion) and Jalen McMillan (hamstring).

So it looks like Sterling Shepard will be your Bucs’ No. 3 receiver Thursday night.

Baker Mayfield's Week 4 Passing Chart

76 Responses to “Luke Goedeke Will Miss His Fourth Straight Game”

  1. Chad Says:

    How is it possible for one concussion to knock a guy out of playing for a month

  2. Permanently Moderated Says:

    Who rang Geodeke’s bell? It must have been one heck of a hit.

  3. Dan the Bucs fan Says:

    Tough we don’t get anybody back for Thursday night. Falcons are basically healthy outside of the mlb. We are going have to play really well tomorrow night. Media crowned Atlanta in preseason I’d think we will be super focused

  4. SB Says:

    As a man who has incurred several concussions I don’t think this looks good.

  5. Richard Dickson Says:

    Even if they were ready, I don’t know if I’d want to rush them back on a short week.

  6. SC Bucs Fan Says:

    When I see people questioning why a guy who gets hit in the head every game needs more time to rebound from a concussion I laugh and think those posters have never had a concussion.

  7. Leopold Stotch Says:

    I’m praying they’re just being overly cautious. It is a short week. I was hopeful he’d be back, but I’m not too surprised. Now if he misses week 5, then yeah. Not good.

  8. Cybetsecurity_intern Says:

    Its the Tua effect

  9. Bucfan1 Says:

    makes sense to hold out everyone on a short week without practice, come back in 10 days fully healthy for New Orleans and the toughest stretch of the schedule

  10. zzbucs Says:

    This is a Joke…..
    Rules with concussions are not clear at all….

  11. A Bucs Fan Says:

    Concussions are complex and can be life altering for some individuals. Generally speaking there is a more than fair chance Luke will be able to heal and return to the field this season. However, if symptoms persist beyond six weeks and he can’t pass protocol I would shut him down for the year regardless of the consequences for the team.

  12. JReel Buc Says:

    High school I Sat out 3 weeks the most with concussion … maybe MRI shows swelling still but I’m thinking there may be some psychological effects foggy feeling possibly this long in concussion protocol doesn’t make sense

  13. Erik w/ Says:

    I wish my intuition was wrong about this one, but I’ve felt since the beginning of this that Goedeke’s career may be over due to this obviously severe brain injury.

    I too wonder when the heck did this happen exactly?!??

    We have a history of losing potentially dominant trench warriors to freak brain injuries here, unfortunately.

  14. Erik w/ Says:

    On the flip side, WW3 might end this season abruptly at some point anyway. So, it might not matter who we have on our roster and who we don’t.

  15. Bucsfan81 Says:

    Starting to wonder if Luke is done for the year. It seems like we may be seeing a lot of Skule which means we’re going to have to get the ball out fast cause that guy is never going to hold up in protection.

  16. adam from ny Says:

    i didn’t really expect to see the bulk of these guys back tomorrow night…

    but if big luke isn’t back for the new orleans game, with another 10 days of rest on top, then there’s definitely big trouble in little china

  17. stpetebucfan Says:

    A Bucs fan

    Thanks for bringing some fact based medical posts! I can’t believe how many Neurologists posted here!!!

    But I’m like you ABC and J Reel. I value science over opinions. Is science always right? Of course not but science in most cases trumps “opinions”!

    And so I’ll just add a little tidbit of info to ABC and JReel’s helpful info.

    Concussion severity and differences in individual recovery times are the primary medical determinants of time-off after a concussion (Casson et al., 2011a). While reported concussions cause most athletes to miss at least 1 week of play, severe cases can keep athletes out for over 3 weeks (Casson et al., 2011a)

    And for some it’s the end of their careers. Can you say Tua? He may play again and it’s HIS decision, well his and the NFL attorneys and medical pros who will certainly limit their own liability.

    While the Skeptic in me believes the NFL does all of this to protect their pocketbooks, I’m still such an innocent guy I believe there are a significant number of NFL people who actually care about the health of the players as much as the contributions to the bottom line. Yeah call me a pollyanna but not EVERYBODY is corrupt and lacking in humanity and intelligence. I do not deny however sadly, MANY are!

    One of the most “touching”…touching? There’s no feelings in football!!!
    Sorry to violate the unspoken badarse policy but I was genuinely moved after what everybody realized was a tragedy when Tua went down with the awful spastic arm and clearly out of it and his coach Mike McDaniel obviously aware of the tragic nature of the injury and Tua’s career hanging by a thread, leaned in and kissed him on the noggin. Was he faking it or is it possible McDaniel had a genuinely HUMAN moment and just spontaneously kissed Tua’s busted noggin.

  18. BucNasty Says:

    Everyone on the OL should have the Gazoo helmet on. The amount of contact each play makes concussions a perpetual risk. Even if it lowers the chance by a few percent, it’s worth it. I get the skill positions as it might slow you down, but the Hog Mollies need it

  19. Bojim Says:

    It’s not unusual for people to take months to get over a bad concussion. Hope he’s ok.

  20. JustVisiting Says:

    I hope Goedeke’s still able to play but, more than that, I hope he doesn’t have any lasting cognitive impairment.

  21. Boge Says:

    I get worried when guys miss more than two weeks. Luke has turned into a really good player but we’re also missing his toughness and leadership. It’s a huge loss.

    I just hope he’s ok, such a young guy… hope he can get back to his normal self.

  22. Mike Johnson Says:

    He must have has a real nasty one. And they can happen. I had one playing college ball. Was out for 2 games. Amd they do come back to haunt you. Hope he recovers. It is possible, he may not return for another couple of games or so. You guys have no idea……

  23. JustVisiting Says:

    Definitely agree with BucNasty about the guardian caps. It’s one thing to risk serious injury to play an amazing game at the highest level and be well-paid for your efforts. It’s a whole other thing to do substantially increase that risk for a pretty helmet.

  24. Saskbucs Says:

    Would love to know how this happened and what it looked like. Concussions are all different and some very severe so I’m nervous for Luke but it’s up to the individual after a while if they think they can do it or not.

    Tua is gonna be back in 2-3 weeks I would bet and as far as I know Goedeke hasn’t had the head issues Tua does. Again, impossible to compare people with this but if you are going off the hits taken and Tua laying there in a spasm … one certainly seems worse and it’s not Luke’s.

    He will come back for Saints and those dirty buggers will be looking for chances.

  25. heyjude Says:

    I am worried about Luke, for the long term of his own livelihood. He is only 25 years old. Thinking of Ali too, making the decision to retire after his concussion.

    Agree with others too, the guardian caps. The NFL could probably make them a lot better too. The OL would all have to wear them to make a difference in the percentages.

    Sterling did well on Sunday. I am rooting for him.

  26. Wayne perez Says:

    These guys are a bunch of whimps they are letting the team down if they get a hang nail they miss time

  27. BucVoyager Says:

    Love the Great Gazoo reference but yeah the helmets should be required.

  28. LakelandBuc Says:

    Me personally, l don’t think Justin Skule is playing that bad. I know he has his doubters, but I’m not one of them. I think he will be a very good Right Tackle by mid season.

    He’s really a better LT than RT

    But I’m all in with Jason Skule
    And I’m still convinced the weakness of our O-LINE isn’t the Tackles. The Interior of our O-Line has been our biggest weakness. That includes Barton, Mauch, Bredeson….Barton gets a pass, he’s a rookie making the switch to Center. And our Guards need to pick it up a notch or two.

  29. Scott Says:

    Poor Luke hope the guy gets well

  30. Nicholas Carlson Says:

    Scary and sad news. IMHO NFL players should all wear the guardian caps, all the time. Yes, they look dorky. Who cares? We’d get used to it.

  31. StormyInFl Says:

    Wayne perez Says:
    October 2nd, 2024 at 12:50 pm
    These guys are a bunch of whimps…..”

    You are a Dumbass.

    I guess you missed the stories about ex NFL players quality of life going into the toilet because of TBIs.

    Brett Favre is now dealing with Parkinsons, thanks to it.

    McMahon is a recluse.

    Guys have literally unalived themselves because of it.

    Torn, strainer muscles and broken bones are one thing. Having your brain damaged is quite another.

    I hope Licht is scouring the waiver wires for help, because this is beginning to sound like it may be the end for him. Skule ain’t it.

  32. Bobby Says:

    Big Bucs football fan here. This is very very concerning. First off football is a game and players like Luke and there well is most important. This concussion sounds really serious. I hope Luke is ok.

  33. Outrigger Says:

    I would expect (hope) Kancey, Winfield, Palmer, McMillen and Goedeke to all return for the Saints game after the mini bye. If we can sneak by the Falcons with our skeleton crew tomorrow it would be huge before getting some guys back.

  34. BucU Says:

    “”How is it possible for one concussion to knock a guy out of playing for a month””

    Only on our team can a concussion and a soft tissue calf injury have players out for a month and counting. Unbelievable man.

  35. Cobraboy Says:

    When did this happen,?

  36. Gofortheface30 Says:

    Really miss Ndomukong Suh. Need someone like him. An ANCHOR. A MAN, that never got hurt. Now THAT is a man that can anchor the middle for a decade, someone you don’t have to worry about, and an absolute brick f’ing wall. God damnit would be so nice to have a 28yr old Suh. Kancey = the exact opposite. Kancey is starting to f’ing drive me up a f’ing wall

  37. ocala Says:

    I am starting to wonder if this is career ending.

  38. Josh Says:

    Again why wasn’t the IR used here… that’s poor coaching and planning like not using timeouts during games these things are why I don’t find Todd Bowles as an elite coach he’s a great defensive coordinator and an AMAZING DB’S coach though no doubt… agree with the Tua questions how can he be ok in a few weeks knocked out cold on the field but you didn’t even see Godeke get concussed? And he’s gonna sit for just as long?? I question the medical staff at this point either Bucs or Miamis but somthing doesn’t add up.. it’s fishy dolphinny almost lol…

  39. FeddyBucsFan Says:

    I think Tua’s most recent concussion has forced the leagues hand. And not saying it’s a bad thing, but I think the league as a whole is taking concussiona a lot more serious.

  40. BillyBucco Says:

    Come on Josh you don’t pit a guy with a concussion on IR. The median time is 9 days. Nobody knew it would take this long. I posted on another thread that this has happened before in the NFL. Its. NOT uncommon. Another player was out 5 weeks and then came back and has played 5-7 years and still plays. He has had 2 more concussions since.
    Some people just need more time and it’s better to be safe with their actual LIVES on the line. We just watch football, but Im sure his parents would rather he get better.
    Good God fans are selfish.

  41. 813BUCBOI Says:


    i agree regarding the o-line

    barton gets a pass but he’s been playing well imo….

    my issue is mauch…he’s playing exactly how luke was playing at RG…scrappy but getting pulled around entirely too much….and just like luke, mauch is better suited for Tackle….

    opeta going down really hurt us imo…

    GO BUCS!!!!

  42. 813BUCBOI Says:

    if he cant play week6, i say shut him down….and next year he’s required to wear the guardian cap thru out TC and the regular season

    GO BUCS!!!!!

  43. Tucker Says:

    Some of you guys are terrible humans, geez, hope you get better soon luke. Go bucs!!!

  44. Buc4evr Says:

    Kid across the street was a college O lineman. Got a concussion and was really screwed up for a year. Literally had to quit college due to the brain fog and neurological issues. It took him two years before he was back to somewhat normal. Sounds like Luke is really in trouble and may need to be placed on IR? Hope he recovers. If he does come back, hope he wears the new protective helmet.

  45. Alexandre Nascimento Says:

    Hey Joe
    I was listening to this week’s episode of Salty Dogs and they explained how to clear concussion protocol and it was clear to me that Goedeke did not had a chance to play this week, since one of the tests depends on how the player responds to physical trainning.
    Go Bucs

  46. geno711 Says:

    Bucs coaching has been good.

    People take swipes at not placing a guy on IR as bad coaching really.

    I guess Tomlin is a bad coach because he did not put Russell Wilson on IR and McVay is a bad coach for not putting Kupp on IR. Maybe Belichick was a bad coach for not putting guys on IR as well.

    My gosh, I have seen Belichick more than once miss a timeout call.

    I honestly think that the Bucs clock management has been better than most teams this season. Let’s see, Detroit or Tampa’s clock management in that 2nd game.

  47. BigBucFan90 Says:

    They are injured on the OLINE as well so as long as we can get pressure on cousins we should be fine

  48. Crickett Baker Says:

    One slightly good news is that Kancy got on the plane to Atlanta.

  49. SB~LV Says:

    Serious injury

  50. unbelievable Says:

    I said this before the game last week, but I think his career might be over.

    Damn shame if so.

  51. SlyPirate Says:

    Prayers Up. I hope he pulls through.

  52. adam from ny Says:

    a concussion is when your brain gets tossed around in your head like a suitcase at the airport…wham bam thank you ma’am…

    and like when you puncture a sunnyside up egg at the diner and yellow oozes all over the place…that’s fluid leakage

  53. Irishmist Says:

    As any fighter can attest, you can get a concussion from a shot to the jaw as well. And that’s what I saw happening repeatedly in the Washington game. The DE kept head-butting him, using their helmet to repeatedly smack him in the jaw. So wearing the Gazoo helmet wouldn’t even have protected him in this case. But the league should take a look at this. If defensive ends are using this technique now in place of the banned head slap, then there’s going to be a lot more concussions with offensive lineman. It just reinforces my thinking that all linemen on both sides should be forced to wear the Gazoo helmet. That would make headbutting much less effective.

  54. Ed Says:

    I just hope they are resting him for the 10 day break to be ok for NO. If he is still out then he probably has to go on IR and the Bucs need to find another tackle.

  55. Buc2Blame Says:

    Major concern Jason needs to be drafting a RT next draft

  56. Hodad Says:

    Add RT along with ILB to the draft list next year. Doesn’t sound like Luke will have much of a future in the NFL. When, or if he comes back, boy better wear the outside padded helmet.

  57. Jeffs grandpa Says:

    Hang it up kid you got your whole life ahead of you start fishing charters and enjoy it

  58. Capt.Tim Says:

    Goedeke is an outstanding Right tackle, and still improving.
    This is of course concerning on many levels.
    The good news is, Justin Skule played Much better against the eagles.
    He’ll be ok. He’s no Goedeke, but he’ll be ok.
    Mauch is still struggling badly. He was a bigger liability Sunday.

    Like everyone here-I’m worried about Goedeke health and long term future.

  59. Please Try A Different Handle, Thanks. Says:

    I need more insight on this concussion. I mean this crazy.

  60. Larrd Says:

    I think they banned the head slap about 40 years ago? I doubt a team other than one coached by Sean Payton would develop a new blocking technique that attacks the head, with the head. I thought he may have been hurt in practice, anyway.

    In any case, if I were a football player with a concussion these days I would carefully consider retiring on the spot. I might have to think about it for a month.

    Skule did better this week, along with better playcalling.

  61. Jake been there since the beginning Says:

    Man this seems really weird, I remember when I younger and have the scar on my head to prove it. My buddy ran into a truck, we did three endos I had eight stitches in my head and a concussion as well, like Friday night, I went to work Monday doing landscaping. If there’s still issues you have to protect him right. Get better brother and don’t do anything but what the doctors say. Let’s Go Bucs!!!!

  62. Bucschamp Says:

    Damn. Right now just get better and forget football.

  63. EnoughAlready Says:

    [Don’t be ridiculous. Kancey played in 14 games last. People act like he’s SirVocea Dennis or Justin Evans. — Joe]

  64. Josh Says:

    I have concerns about time management and the decision-making regarding injuries, which I see as a coaching issue. It’s frustrating not to have clear information on players like Kancey, who is listed as week-to-week. If the team is taking a cautious approach, they should utilize the IR more effectively.

    During the recent game against the Iggles, it was evident to me sitting at home that the defense needed a timeout during that long drive. They played for six minutes + in extreme heat, 3rd down yet entered halftime with multiple timeouts unused at least 1. That seems counterproductive. If the timeouts aren’t used to score at the end of the half, they should at least be used to ensure players like Vea can take a breather on 3rd down maybe preventing a Touchdown.

    Comparatively, Sean McVay hasn’t utilized the IR for Kupp, opting to wait until the bye week for his return or he cant until after the next game after the bye. While I understand the decision, players like Godeke and Kancey have already missed 4 games. I can appreciate the situation with Godeke given his concussion, and I hope he recovers soon.

    However, Kancey’s situation appears to be managed with extreme caution, which is a wise long-term strategy I agree, but it would benefit the team to make more use of the IR to avoid jeopardizing players we might need down the line. We were lucky Sterling Sheppard was on our practice squad.

    Lastly, it seems that Russell Wilson’s performance has declined significantly, He apparently lost out to Justin Fields and he may not remain in the league much longer. Given the guaranteed money owed to him, it might be prudent to keep him as a backup for now. I have no knowledge of Belicheck and when he wouldn’t use IR would love the history lesson if you have it though.

  65. admin Says:

    However, Kancey’s situation appears to be managed with extreme caution, which is a wise long-term strategy I agree, but it would benefit the team to make more use of the IR to avoid jeopardizing players we might need down the line. We were lucky Sterling Sheppard was on our practice squad.

    Not sure what you are suggesting. Are you saying the Bucs should put more guys on the injured reserve list or less?

    Not sure you are aware that the NFL limits how many players can be placed on injured reserve and brought back. Don’t think the Bucs want to burn up all their options in the first month.

  66. Josh Says:

    I was more talking the situation with Kancey. Each season, teams can designate up to eight players for IR, with individuals eligible to return to and from twice. If the team makes the postseason—which I also believe is the goal—this could allow for a total of ten players(according to my super smart google search so could be wrong thanks for informing me of this I was unaware honestly). I’m unsure if that starts in the playoffs or when/if we clinch the division, or playoffs but having these players healthy at that time is crucial to me.

    Given the importance of each week, it’s wise to prioritize caution and ensure their safety. While we’re not in the playoffs yet, as demonstrated by the Broncos game, entering the postseason healthy and in good form should be a key focus.

    I believe bringing Grier up while Dennis is injured is a smart move; it gives us the opportunity to evaluate his potential. If he doesn’t turn out to be the right fit, we still have the trade deadline to consider other options, including a pass rusher if needed.

  67. No Mercy Says:

    Missing this many games means the concussions is obviously pretty severe. The thing that’s makes it worse is nobody knows when or how it happened. It’s a Bucs life is in full effect as of right now and it saddens me

  68. Cbell Says:

    Did this fning dude get hit by a car 4 games is nuts hopefully he comes back this season or ever something is seriously wrong. We need to draft a tackle this year hopefully one that played tackle and not a guard from Montana Tech Western who has long hair and no teeth.

  69. Capt.Tim Says:

    I’d bet money that Loafing Logan Hall injured Goedeke.
    So far, injuring Buccaneers seems to be his claim to fame!

    You don’t think the Saints would pay a guy to . . .

  70. Bucsgoham12 Says:

    It’s week 5 and they are 3-1 when basically no one expected them to be. They have no reason to rush guys back if they are winning. More important to be healthy in December-January time than Sept & Oct. That is why they won’t rush Kancey, Winfield, or Luke back. They are getting valuable reps for Skule if he has to step in again. It is concerning about Luke, maybe he wears the guardian cap or a new helmet if he wants to play.

  71. garro Says:

    I never have been nailed by an NFL D lineman but I have been hit by an Alabama LB and have had at least two concussions. Never got my bell rung like Luke did though. Wow! Get well Sir.

    Go Bucs!

  72. Badbucs Says:

    Hey @Lakeland
    Not sure what you see in Skule. Are you trying to teach us the difference between a turnstile and a cone? Yes, yes, one you go around, the other you go through. Skule, Mauch, Brederson, all are not ready for prime time. Maybe Skule or Mauch can improve. Not holding my breath.

  73. Sacker58 Says:

    I get why Goedeke is out but not one move has been made to possibly shore up the right tackle spot.Theres nobody on the market that’s better than Skule at right tackle??

  74. Deadwood South Dakota Says:

    Honestly I like to see him retire. 3 weeks this will be another ali and he made the right decision to retire.. I lov to have luke and I wish him health and happiness the rest of his life for him and his family. This won’t get better. Time for some jason magic..

  75. kokiefer Says:

    Aaron Sears. That name makes the team want to treat carefully as they should with his return. It’s his brain.

  76. D-dub bucs fan srq Says:

    I’ve never seen someone missing more than 4 weeks after a concussion
    I would have to say his career may be over because of this one
    I pray for him and his family


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