Kacy Rodgers: All Sacks Not Created Equal

October 11th, 2024

Spins dismal edge rush numbers.

Regular readers know how much Joe stresses sacks, specifically from an edge rusher. Sacks are absolute game-changers, drive-killers. The data on the importance of sacks is overwhelming.

The Bucs this season have been a lot like they have been since Chucky left since Chucky left, dismal getting sacks from the edge.

Yesterday, Bucs defensive line coach/run game coordinator Kacy Rodgers was asked about sacks. He noted that only in a vacuum are all sacks created equal.

He seemed to suggest how an offense plays will determine if a defense can put a quarterback on the ground.

“Some people just kind of look at the stats but I look at the big picture,” Rodgers said. “When [we] played Detroit, Detroit is one of the fastest teams getting the ball out so you’re probably not sacking them a lot.

“Then [we] played Denver, who had seven-man protection so you’re probably not going to get there rushing four against seven.

“Then the next week, [the Broncos] played the Jets, and the Jets got zero sacks, so they are protection oriented. Now you play a team that loosens up the protection and you win more one-on-ones.”

OK, so how about last week against Kirk Cousins? Dude rolled up 509 yards passing all from the pocket, which has never happened in the history of NextGen Stats and folks are supposed to be good with that?

Cousins dropped back 62 times — 62! — never throwing out of the pocket (you know, like a sitting duck?) and only once did a Bucs edge rusher put him on the ground! And that was backup Anthony Nelson.

Joe doesn’t give a damn what the Dixie Chicks offensive line was doing, that is beyond embarrassing.

Mr. Rodgers, you are spinning, sir.

Lurking Robert Hainsey

7 Responses to “Kacy Rodgers: All Sacks Not Created Equal”

  1. A Bucs Fan Says:

    The interesting thing for me is Yaya! He’s top 8 in pressures in the league with 24 but only has one sack. He’s getting there… just not in time to finish.

  2. Leopold Stotch Says:

    Yaya clearly needs help. Honestly, I’m with Joe at this point. Bowles cannot develop a pass rusher. He finds them in free agency or trades. I mean everyone and their mother knew we drafted JTS, and Braswell for a pass rush ala sacking the qb. We have them dropping in coverage instead. I mean it’s kinda nifty and may fool the qb, but I want sacks!

  3. Defense Rules Says:

    Leopold Stotch … ‘Bowles cannot develop a pass rusher. He finds them in free agency or trades.’

    What makes anyone think that Bowles ‘finds’ anyone in FA or via trades. Isn’t that the GM’s job?

    And as far as ‘developing’ pass rushers go, Braswell was the 6th Edge taken in the 2024 draft. Diaby was the 14th Edge taken. Good heavens, what do folks expect from players drafted that far down the line? It takes awhile for them to develop.

  4. El HEFE Rick Says:

    I think when CK94 gets back yaya will eat VV50 will eat

  5. JimBobBuc Says:

    Rodgers makes some good points but the sacks stats don’t lie. JTS and YaYa (so far) haven’t improved their games. Is edge area where Licht doesn’t draft well when he does so well at other positions? I think the sacks and play of JTS and YaYa is on Rodgers. Bowles needs to change the play of the DL and Rodgers is a good place to start.

  6. BucsfaninOregon Says:

    Game changing or not, sacks are essential for a good team. This Todd Bowles defense apparently needs the edge position to often drop back on defense. This means a blitzing defensive back has to get home or a middle lineman has to get through the line crush to the QB, OR…no sacks and an edge rusher covering a player the DB should have been covering. That’s doesn’t work if there are no sacks. No wonder our DBs play 10 yards back.

    That is the problem with this defense scheme. No sacks = poor defense. JTS is an example of this. No sacks and can’t cover worth spit. And JTS starts!!

  7. unbelievable Says:

    Agreed this is absolute nonsense from Rodgers.

    Getting Kancey back should help, but this team has struggled to create consistent pressure and sacks since JPP left.


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