“It’s A Coincidence”

October 23rd, 2024

So the Bucs allowed three drives totaling 225 yards and 17 points on Monday night against the Ravens — in the second quarter.

Against the Saints a week earlier, the Bucs allowed 27 points to Spencer Rattler and the slimy Saints — in the second quarter.

“I’m going to say right now it’s a coincidence,” Todd Bowles told the Buccaneers Radio Network yesterday. “But we got to be better in the second quarter.”

The “coincidence” word is always a hot button for Joe when it comes to NFL happenings. There are very few pure coincidences in football.

The Falcons, three weeks ago, posted eight first downs and 10 points on the Bucs defense in the second quarter of that Thursday night game.

Whatever is going on with the Bucs lately in the second quarter is alarming and worth monitoring.

Joe sure hopes Bowles’ current assessment is accurate.

42 Responses to ““It’s A Coincidence””

  1. Bucfan Says:

    I thought Bowles was a defensive genus?

  2. Watch More All-22 Before Commenting Says:

    The Bucs ran 10 straight first down in the 2nd to 3rd quarters. It stalled the offense. and made us predictable on 2nd down. We (should) have scored 3 TDs through the air – one dropped one reversed on spurious attempt to keep the game from being a blowout.

    Coen needs to learn to mix his play sequencing, even when running isn’t as abysmal as it was games 1-3.

    The offense stalling allowed BAL to get back in the game, because the defense is unable to stop them. Instead, we need to throw up points and hope we get occasional stops or hold them to field goals.

  3. chris l Says:

    has anyone asked if he is willing to give up play calling? the defense has been horrible.

  4. Buchen61 Says:

    Todd the toilet Bowles needs to be flushed….. Period

  5. Buchen61 Says:

    The amount of draft capital spent on the defensive side of the ball over the past few seasons and this is what we get… This defense couldn’t stop an 80 year old lady from crossing the road

  6. Morgus the Magnificent Says:

    Bowles is an idiot.

  7. PowerOfPewter Says:

    Nothing to be alarmed about. It’s not like the Bucs allowed another 17 unanswered points in the 3rd quarter… oh, wait.

  8. Richard Dickson Says:

    Easy — opposing coaches are seeing what we’re doing on defense in the 1st quarter and adjusting in the 2nd.

  9. SlyPirate Says:

    Bowles is coaching for his career. 2x losses to ATL practically seals the division title with ATL’s easy schedule.

  10. Upstate NY BUC Says:

    Ok now, Trade White, JTS and a 1st round pick for Myles Garrett please Mr. Licht!! We need some leadership on that defensive line and some pressure. Go Bucs

  11. LakelandBuc Says:

    The Bucs don’t have any talent on defense

    It don’t take a Rocket Scientist to figure this out

  12. LakelandBuc Says:

    The Ravens O-Line were creating holes big enough to drive a tractor trailer through. They purely dominated the Bucs Front 7, including Vita Vea. My Grandma would’ve ran for a BucFifty behind that O- Line.

  13. First Name Greatest Says:

    The defensive scheme is predictable, coordinators know where the holes are, in this league with smart QB’s you can only have success blitzing for so long. Todd Blows has got to adjust his coverages. You can’t have zero rush and 10 yard cushions, the book on how to beat Todd Blows scheme is out, his turn to adjust

    I doubt he does

  14. Bosch Says:

    Just more of Bowles denial of accountability.

  15. The Truth be Told Says:

    Our Pass defense has stunk it up now for several years. We never seem to get off the field on key 3rd downs and I can’t remember the last BIG play the D made to win a game. Going all the way back to the Rams all-out blitz debacle call the one common element is Bowles. He is Overrated as a Defensive Co. It seems like he gets a Free Pass though. Not sure why.

  16. Bosch Says:

    I wonder what Bruce Arians thinks of his prize protege now.

  17. PopeBoy Says:

    This site is full of fickle fans… Coach Bowles can only call the plays with the personal that he has. Britt was supposed to be sharing time with Dennis but since he is injured Britts weaknesses are being shown. Jordan is hurt and it shows.Vita is not 100%. Kancey is just getting his legs under him. Dean is not marrying up with the d line for whatever reason. This is all a product of keeping the guys we did in the off-season. By the time we brought them all back the quality of players left weren’t worth it. Look at the end of the day the offense can only be stopped by the offense. This is an offensive team now, we just need timely stops from the D. If you can’t tell this is an offensive team now look no further than the coin toss, we win the toss and take the ball. Jason will get the necessary pieces to compete for years to come he just couldn’t get it all done this off-season. We’re good. We’re still going to win double digit games and get to the dance and once we’re in Coach will have them ready. You guys kill me with the Monday quarterbacking. CHILL!!!!

  18. CChead Says:

    Todd’s D is going to get carved up again against Atl. Hope I’m wrong but don’t think so. Go Bucs.

  19. CChead Says:

    PFF ranked linebackers and Todd’s boy KJ Britt was ranked dead last, 83 out of 83 .

  20. Gipper Says:

    It’s not a coincindence that Bucs defensive personnel is mostly bad. Not many on that defensive starting unit would be first team for the Chiefs, 49’ers, etc. It is going to take a lot more than coaching to fix the defensive mess. Baseball teams, football teams, in fact most teams are built right up the middle. Need a compliment to Vita Vea, strong inside linebacking, and safeties who cheat to the middle. Winfield was underwhelming Monday night.

  21. Will Says:

    Give up all that so the genius that is our head coach will have Garrett dropping into pass coverage instead of doing what he’s great at.

    I honestly believe that’s the answer. He needs to give up play calling. Bend but don’t break doesn’t work BUT especially when you’re breaking. But for instance that 3rd and 26 and we give up 18yds. Back in the day the offense will punt there on 4th. Now days kickers can drill that FG and that’s exactly what happened. This defense got killed in the middle of the field and in the screen game Monday night.

  22. D Cone Says:

    When your QB throws an Interception and the opposing teams starts a drive at your own 10 yards line you can hardly pin any points scored on the Defense as in the Saints Game.

    Problem is guys like Evan, Wirfs, Winfield and Mayfield got the bag and guys playing on rookie deals end up holding it.

    Licht provided the players and Bowles is doing what he can based on that.
    Bowles Blitzes because Licht has provided him with some old dudes and some young one’s that just ain’t getting it done.

    Diaby got a sack because Bowles called a stunt that the Ravens didn’t pick up. Winfield and David got to Jackson untouched because Ravens didn’t pick it up.

    When the Ravens sniffed it out they made the Defense Pay. That’s how it Works.

    Bucs Defensive woes lay more with Jason Licht than Todd Bowles.

  23. Saskbucs Says:

    A bad coincidence. We will see what the D is made of this week. Are they average to good when they show up but just too inconsistent and been poor game plans? Or are they junk and really miss Dean, Hall, a competent edge and a competent LB next to LB?

    Those seem to be really big holes right now and to the people lamenting all the defensive draft picks… get ready for a bunch more. It is badly needed.

  24. rrsrq Says:

    The problem is look at the Bucs offensive drive, they are usually the entire field, 75-80 yards, when the defense cannot stop the other team from getting to at least mid field, the offense will continue to start deep in their own territory and one bad penalty such as holding or even a false start has them behind the sticks, 1st and 15 or 2nd and 20. How many punts has these team seen in the last 3 or 4 weeks per game.

  25. Bucsalltheway Says:

    Devin white is off the board he is now a Texan…might be a good fit for him.

  26. Pewter Power Says:

    No it’s not on the play caller at all. The defense only forgets how to tackle and cover in the 2nd and 4th quarters 😑. No Bowles it’s not your message or the way you’re teaching at all.

  27. SRQ Bucs Fan Says:

    Joe – I don’t have season tickets anymore and can’t watch specific players/schemes. On the tv broadcast it seems JTS and other edge rushers drop into coverage more than JPP and Shaq. It also appears that JPP and Shaq dropped maybe 5 yards and it looks like JTS drop is 10-15 yards. How often do we drop edge rushers into coverage vs rushing the passer? How do we compare to other 3-4 defenses?

    Thanks for all things Bucs!
    Go Bucs!

  28. GoneGator Says:

    In spite of a couple BIG plays our D actually did ok against the run.
    I can’t believe we let Lamar carve us up thru the air like that.

    CBs and safeties seemed dazed and confused most of the time. Whitehead should be ashamed of his half azzed effort on a few plays.

  29. Let em Bake Says:

    The middle of the field weakness ( Britt) dictates the rest of the scheme. Secondary is always covering with one eye on the middle of the field, knowing the vulnerability. Missing Dennis hurts.

  30. Let em Bake Says:

    D Cone…I also noticed how our edges continually over-pursued Lamar, instead of containing him in the pocket, Nelson especially. Granted, its Lamar. Its a tough ask.

  31. Defense Rules Says:

    D Cone … ‘Bucs Defensive woes lay more with Jason Licht than Todd Bowles.’

    Most JBFers don’t seem to get that. This defense cannot play smashmouth football with the big boys. It’s not that talented IMO, and it’s downright light (ie, Where’s the beef?).

    Todd Bowles scheme doesn’t seem to fit THIS set of personnel. When we had Vea & Suh & RNR to man the middle, we got some decent interior push. Not now. Back then that helped JPP & Shaq bring pressure from the outside; we don’t have that ‘help’ anymore.

    I look at guys like Hall (283 lbs), Kancey (280 lbs), Brewer (290 lbs), Greene (293 lbs), etc and wonder how anyone expects them to win consistently against quality OLinemen who go 20, 30, 40 lbs more than they do. These guys aren’t winning 1-on-1’s, and that’s critical. Then you put slow-footed Britt behind them to plug the holes and that’s a prescription for explosive plays.

    Ravens ran 30 times for 244 yards; 7 runs (10 yards or more) went for a total of 191 yards (27.3 YPC), meaning that the other 23 rushes only totaled 53 yards (2.3 YPC). Explosive runs killed us.

    Same thing though with the Ravens’ passing. Jackson passed 22 times, completing 17 for a total of 281 yards; 10 passes (10 yards or more) went for 232 yards (23.2 YPC), meaning that the other 7 passes went for 49 yards (7 YPC). Explosive passes also killed us. When 17 of your opponent’s 54 plays (almost one-third) go for 10 yards or more, your defense has serious problems. And the problems are structural as well as coaching.

  32. Rod Munch Says:

    How many 2nd quarter INTs has Baker thrown in the last 2 weeks?

  33. Pewter Power Says:

    Defense Rules

    Finally someone else is willing to say it. I was getting called out in preseason. Bucs depth chart is embarrassing go look it up the front 7 on paper.
    Vea is 29, Kancey is 280-290 and LVD and that’s who’s producing up front YaYa Diaby right now is just a cool name. I’ll hate if the excuse for this season and for keeping Bowles another season is injuries.

  34. MelvinJunior Says:

    What an embarrassing comment. That is just so laughable.

  35. JohnJohn007 Says:

    They need to change their Defense to match the talent of their players. Maybe going 4-2-5???

  36. Pink Says:

    “There are very few pure coincidences in football.”
    This week the Pats were up 10-0 before being outscored 32-6
    The dolphins were up 10-0 before being outscored 16-0
    The titans were up 10-0 before being outscored 34-0
    The vikings were up 10-0 before being outscored 31-19
    And we were up 10-0 before being outscored 41-21

  37. Sacker58 Says:

    Baker needs to learn to throw it away instead of forcing throws especially in the red zone.Baker can be bradyesque when he learns when to live to fight another day.
    Defense needs to find someone who can dominate the line of scrimmage and quit blitzing so much.Living bye the sword because of our front four or five can’t get to the qb is sticking us straight in the arse!

  38. JeffreyLane77 Says:

    This offense put up 31 points against the Ravens. I’m tired of people putting this loss on the offense. This defense just collapsed. They only played one quarter of solid defense. For a team with a defensive minded head coach. He should be livid. Not making nonsense excuses like “coincidence”.

  39. Will Says:

    @D Cone
    Do you seriously think the GM just picks who he wants and said to hell with what the coach wants?

  40. JeffreyLane77 Says:

    To those saying Baker held onto the ball too long trying to make big plays. That’s what happens when your QB has no confidence the defense will get a stop. Everytime Mayfield took the field it was a must score situation. This defense played so bad the QB felt the only way to win was he had to make big plays. Ravens scored 41 points. Ran all over this defense. Yet people are nit picking Baker.

  41. Dave Pear Says:

    Todd has been found out. Exposed. Let the slurpers bloviate all their excuses.

    Todd should be told be the Glazers and Jason – hire a full time DC now. Now. First as special consultant to the genius masturmind. Give Saleh an onboarding ramp to watch Todd’s horror show and then begin fixing it. While at it, there’s a fat guy washing dishes in this restaurant I’m in, he wouldn’t be any worse than Britt.

    Jemius Crushed.

  42. BUCS4EVER Says:

    after 6-11 Todd will be done


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