“It Sucks. There’s No Other Way To Put It”

October 21st, 2024

Baker Mayfield owned up to “dumb” throws tonight and lamented the loss of the Bucs’ star receivers after the 41-31 loss to the Ravens.

Speaking on the Buccaneers Radio Network, Mayfield was down about the significant injuries suffered by Mike Evans (hamstring) and Chris Godwin (ankle).

“Losing Mike and Chris, yeah, it sucks. There’s no other way to put it,” Mayfield said.

Mayfield noted the Bucs were down only one score at halftime but didn’t respond.

Despite the rough night on many levels, Mayfield was optimistic about what comes next this season. He called on young receivers to step up but to play within themselves.

“We’ll find a way, and I’m guessing it’ll be fun to see how this happens,” Mayfield said.

29 Responses to ““It Sucks. There’s No Other Way To Put It””

  1. Greg Says:

    not sure how fun it will be if and when the losses stack up.

  2. Rod Munch Says:

    “It Sucks. There’s No Other Way To Put It”

    Was he specifically talking about his play tonight with that statement? Those INT’s were dumb, they were literally two of the worst INTs you’ll ever see a pro-QB throw, and it lost the game for the Bucs.

    Now you lose Godwin, perhaps Evans.

    It more than sucks.

  3. SBucs Says:

    None of the younger receivers is ready for prime time.

  4. BucsFan81 Says:

    Haha yea we’re all looking forward to Baker forcing plays and throwing Interceptions because we have no WR and Bowles inept coaching. Should be fun to watch the train wreck that’s about to happen.

  5. DRob Says:

    I just read only 2 onside kicks allowed per game. Only 2 attempts.

    We couldn’t have even tried for an onside if we had scored.

    Fire bowls.

  6. Mike Johnson Says:

    Other teams have injuries also. Just means running backs, tight ends, and secondary receivers gotta step up bigtime. No excuses. Lose to the Falcons and we probably lose the division. Ruck up Bucs! Nobody feels sorry for us. This is the NFL Baby.

  7. Chris Says:

    Joe, is it true with the new rules a team can only attempt two onside kicks a game??? I believe that is the new rules and Bowles on his PC said they were trying to score and do another onside kick..

  8. Rod Munch Says:

    DRob Says:
    October 22nd, 2024 at 12:02 am
    I just read only 2 onside kicks allowed per game. Only 2 attempts.


    What a ridiculous and stupid rule.

    I’m not defender of Bowles, but to just randomly put that crap rule into the rulebook is just trash.

  9. Tbbucs3 Says:

    Its a violent game, cant handle it then go watch Dodgers Yankees

  10. Will Says:

    Not sure how it’ll work but maybe they should try Rachaad at the slot. Give the RB duties to Bucky and Tucker. Hopefully Evans can come back in a few weeks but the ATL game just became even more important. Can’t lose to them twice I don’t see anyone else in the division beating them.

  11. Hodad Says:

    Baker set the tone tonight in a bad way. Those two picks were more then we could recover from. Our defense is bad enough, but when you give the Ravens extra chances you don’t have a chance. Even without the turnovers from Baker we only stopped them once all night. After the first series we couldn’t stop them from doing whatever they wanted offensively. I never see receivers as wide open as I do except when they’re playing the Bucs. Todd’s defense has been figured out. Cousins was the league MVP two weeks ago when he lit us up, today it was MVP Lamar. Whatever he wanted, running, passing, blocking, Lamar, and his offense had fun against us. Well Buc fans, the fun is over for us.

  12. LakelandBuc Says:

    No one was saying ” Fire Bowles” .

    When Baker be in the game during garbage time, padding his stats

    I haven’t seen Trask all season
    I forgot what his jersey number is

  13. Bucsgoham12 Says:

    That rule is probably in place because no professional team should need 3 onsides to get back into a game.

  14. Rod Munch Says:

    Chris Says:
    October 22nd, 2024 at 12:07 am
    Joe, is it true with the new rules a team can only attempt two onside kicks a game???


    Yes, it’s real. More limp wristed trash from the NFL. They should just go ahead and put dresses on them.

  15. Tbbucs3 Says:

    This is also the fault of the NFL and them pretending to care about head injuries and targeting calls….now that players get penalized anytime they go near the helmet, more and more players are targeting knees and ankles.

    Happened to Ayuik yesterday

    I guarantee these WRs would much rather take a shot the the helmet than a potential career altering leg injury

  16. Mostly Peaceful Trask Fan Says:

    Look on the bright side everyone.

    Both Baker and Bowles will be gone after this season.

  17. Chris Says:

    I think if I’m a head coach in the NFL id know the rules. I guess Bowles is the exception this injury is on Bowles

  18. Davenport Says:

    4-3 and the next three are against serious teams. The

    Get ready for 4-6.

  19. BigBucFan90 Says:

    Trade for Kupp

  20. BigBucFan90 Says:

    Also maybe dean did make a big difference. The redzone int was everything though

  21. Bucsgoham12 Says:

    Kupp has a broken down body.

  22. Jason Anthony Sturgess Says:

    Here is some advice for Tampa Bay. Instead of tiring players out on Defense when the opposing team kicks for rhe pint after, don’t do anything at all except prepare to play defense if they fakre the kick & go for the 2 point conversion. In other words concede the one point conversion. It is not worth injuries & tiring out players energies.

  23. Thisisouryear!! Says:

    I think Otten is going to step up.

  24. Bucschamp Says:

    The first interception #10 was open, he was right in front. The second one theres no chance. This changed the momentum

  25. Rod Munch Says:

    BigBucFan90 Says:
    October 22nd, 2024 at 12:17 am
    Trade for Kupp


    That would be quite the turn around considering the Rams thought they had signed Evans in the offseason.


    BM is overrated…said this for years…the coach is so-so…the two B’s should be gone by the end of the season…we hall see.

  27. BigBucFan90 Says:

    Rod Muchi think that trading for Kupp would be bitter sweet because it would show Godwin he’s out next year but it will also show the fan base that we’re not giving up. I hate it because if we just take the players out and take the loss all of this is avoided and we could still be contenders. I just don’t see it anymore

  28. stpetebucfan Says:

    Wow! When the going gets tough, the tough…here at least whine and give up!!

    Now we have to put up with the return of Mostly Peaceful Assshole! I know the scroll wheel is my friend. Sadly this troll makes me hate Trask which of course is irrational. It’s not Trask’s fault that his biggest fanboi is an absolue assshole.

    He hides when the Bucs were rolling and then turns up to in his mind, hopefully be dancing on the Bucs graves. WHAT A FREAKING JERK!!!

  29. UKBuccaneer Says:

    I’m amazed at the lack of football nous and knowledge on JBF.


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