Hot Seat Chatter Arrives For Todd Bowles

October 27th, 2024

The Bucs are significantly underachieving.

The arrow is pointing down. And please don’t tell Joe it’s because Jamel Dean isn’t on the field.

Head coach Todd Bowles’ beloved defense is in freefall while its front-seven is healthy and the Bucs’ dynamic starting safeties are in the lineup.

That simply cannot happen.

And Bowles’ defense can’t blame a struggling offense.

The offense proved today in a 31-26 loss to the Falcons that it can adjust, adapt and overcome. The defense? It should be embarrassed, and it’s all controlled by Bowles.

Bowles tried to adjust by blitzing far less than usual today. It didn’t work.

Joe can’t emphasize enough that the Falcons offense is at best slightly above average. Go watch it last week against the Seahawks.

Kirk Cousins carved up the Bucs again. It wasn’t as bad as it was a few weeks ago, but that’s nothing to celebrate.

Cousins ended his Sunday with 4 TD passes (he had only 10 before today) and was 23-of-29 for 276 yards passing. That’s an 80 percent completion rate.

The failure of the Bucs defense is so inexcusable, it’s heated up fire-Todd-Bowles chatter on social media. The prevailing logic? If Bowles can’t fix his own defense, which is loaded with talent, then what’s the point?

That’s hard to argue against, Joe believes, though it’s a long season, a reality that surely leaves Bowles grateful.

When a team coached by a defensive guru has an upper-tier offense that has controlled time of possession in the past two games, it can’t be 0-2 in those games. But that’s where the Bucs (4-4) are as they head to Kansas City.

Joe doesn’t know at what point Team Glazer schedules a Zoom call to talk about the future. But if nothing changes, Joe suspects that conference will happen sooner than it did last year.

92 Responses to “Hot Seat Chatter Arrives For Todd Bowles”

  1. MadMax Says:

    All good, bye bye

  2. Erik w/ Says:

    Fire Todd Bowles.

    Promote Liam Coen to HC

  3. HC Grover Says:

    Bowles is right where he likes it…..500 It is his sweet spot. His blunders make it so.

  4. RVATom Says:

    Legitimately hard to understand how Tampas D can not just be average or above marginal. We have a really decent Offense. Even without Godwin and Evans (this week) we have a decent O. (Next week the 49ers will have film on Bake without Evans and Godwin so the results will be different) How can we NOT have a average Defense? F’n average is all we need with this Offense. Average.

  5. Damian Says:

    everyone is talking about coverage issues with all these passes going down the middle of the field, but they’re not getting to the quarterback. You can’t complete a pass if your QB is on the ground. Defense is pretty healthy, what’s the excuse? The front office isn’t doing anything and that’s negligence.

  6. QBKilla Says:

    He’s earning it. Worst D since Mike Smith.

  7. NY_Buc Says:

    Joe has no clue and is way to negative to be a fan website. The Bucs are not underachievers since they are in a total rebuild paying of the Brady years. The issue is they have done such a good job quietly rebuilding that Joes expectations are too high. Which actually speaks to how well the FO and coaching staff is doing.

  8. Kalind Says:

    Coen is coaching for a promotion right now

  9. Jason Anthony Sturgess Says:

    FIRE TODD BOWLES NOW! He is responsible for the Defense The Defense sucks. He also makes lousy decisions like going for 3 against a team you can’t stop & one of the worst fake punts ever. You can not win when you don’t try to outscore the other team!

  10. Nicholas Carlson Says:

    Would love to see Coen get the job. Would keep him and Baker together for 5 or so more years

  11. JohnJohn007 Says:

    No excuses for that defense 😉

  12. Tampabaybucfan Says:

    We have spent too many high draft picks to be this sorry on defense. Kancey, Braswell, Hall, JTS, Vita…..

  13. Statistically Insignificant Reader Says:

    Is Jason Light still collecting receipts? Should have been collecting edge rushers.

  14. McBucky Says:

    Bowles seems to guarantee mediocrity at best. He is not the one to get this team to the next level – injuries or not.

  15. Bosch Says:

    This D is worse than Mike Smith.

  16. Buddha Says:

    I’ve never seen a head coach fired in his offensive coordinator hired to be coach. That won’t happen. If bulls goes, Coen goes too. Overall a valiant effort. Just too many injuries. Baker throwing to a bunch of no names with whom he has worked very little. Atlanta is not a good team 400+ yards of offense. Geez!

  17. JohnJohn007 Says:

    I never wanted him HC in the first place. Just barely a functioning DC.

  18. Davenport Says:

    This guy should have never been hired as HC, especially after blowing the call at the end of the Rams playoff game in Brady’s second season.

    I know I post this all the time but as long as guys still vote “confident” it’ll keep coming

    2022: 8-9
    2023: 9-9
    2024: 4-4

    He’s a career loser – why do Licht and the Glazers tolerate this?

  19. Say what Says:

    The Bucs have high end talent on defense, but not in key places. No pressure of the edges, and I am not sure Britt is even a quality backup level player.

  20. Miller5252 Says:

    Not only has his D been horrible, he keeps Godwin in on a game that’s over and then today you try one of the worst fake punts I’ve ever seen. If you’re gonna go for it keep the O on the field. Dont do that trash play! Bowles got lucky last year they had a pretty cush schedule and this year will probably be the same. After the Texans game last year it should have been over for him. 4 straight losses incoming

  21. Josh Says:

    Super Bowl teams typically don’t fire their head coaches. However, this isn’t a Super Bowl team. I would fire Bowles and see what we have in Coen, if he is interested in the position. If he shows he can handle the role and the offense performs consistently, he might actually lead the team to the playoffs, which would be historic, as an interim coach has only done that twice in NFL history.

    If that happens, let him hire whoever he wants and move forward with the current roster, obviously addressing needs in next year’s draft. If Baker proves to be a problem by throwing costly interceptions next year, there should be an opportunity to move on since his guaranteed money will be gone. The team has a lot of young talent and can consider drafting a quarterback in 2026, perhaps even Archie Manning. If Baker truly is the issue, imagine what Coen could do with a competent quarterback. If Trask is outperforming Baker, he will play this year, as Coen is motivated to secure the job he has just been given.

  22. Jake been there since the beginning Says:

    If he’s on the hot seat Coen is in and we keep our offense, and get an all new defensive staff, Coen for HC

  23. Ed Says:

    One of the biggest issues on this defense is their failure to make plays when they need to. The first down run by Cousins didn’t lose the game for the Falcons but it caused the Falcons to run more plays and Tampa had to burn its timeouts.

    It is a criminal offense to allow Cousins a 12 yard scramble. That play was inexcusable. I remember being at RayJay a long time ago when the Bucs were playing the Titans in a similar situation only it was Steve McNair and he scrambled and ran for an 80 yard TD. Having McNair dagger you with his legs is one thing but having Cousins blow by all the defensive lineman is tragic.

    Todd Bowles defense always lets you down when you need a key stop.

  24. TheBucsAnthem Says:

    Season is over

    Missed playoffs

  25. MadMax Says:

    One step closer… two losses should seal it….bye bye soft zone coverage

  26. JohnJohn007 Says:

    He always lived and die by the blintz. He never understood the 3-4 defense.

  27. Daniel Z Says:

    Kirk Cousins has 14 TDs in 8 games this year.
    8 of them have come in two games against the Bucs.

  28. Will Says:

    It’s definitely time to fire him. 3yrs as head coach has drafted the guys he’s wanted and the defense has regressed. I was expecting the offense to look bad today. But they were WAY better than I anticipated. There’s a crack in Baker’s armor though. You can’t average 2picks a game and expect to win and you 100% can’t win with the Swiss cheese defense Bowels is running. Kirk Cousins has his longest run of the season, Pitts scores 2TDs and I believe he hadn’t scored since week1. Either fire Bowels or make him give up play calling to see if that’s the issue. Also TERRIBLE time to go for a fake punt.

  29. QBKilla Says:

    Hello Jason Licht, You can’t win in the NFL without a F’n pass rush!

  30. Bucnation Says:

    Hate to say it but Kirk Cousins owns the Bucs every time he plays them 🤦

  31. Again Says:

    It is tough to find a high quality offensive coach. It is easy to find a defensive coach that gives up 400 yards and 35 pts a game.

    Get rid of Bowles. Move Coen to HC and promote on of the young defensive coaches to DC. That will get us to the playoff.

    Oh and trade for a LB

  32. Jerseybuc Says:

    Time for radio to go. Gave him his flowers after last year pulled them out. He’s a 500 coach at best!! Team is too good to be 500. 4-6 going into the bye book it

  33. Rod Munch Says:

    I’m not a huge Bowles fans, but people are being ridiculous.

    Who are the Bucs corners, exactly?

    Remember all the morons who gleefully celebrated Davis being traded away, who wanted Dean cut? Had in Smith getting hurt, the early loss of Hall.

    You’re out there starting a #5 or #6 corner who is a UDFA rookie who got destroyed.

    You have a piece of garbage player like Britt who keeps going out week after week and proving he might not be good enough to make an Arena Football League roster.

    I sympathize with Bowles, if they sit back in zone they get thrown apart, if they come up and play man, they get easily beat.

    You can’t just throw a bunch of UDFA and 6th round slow LBs and expect everything to be OK.

    Get Smith back will be huge, but making no moves with Britt is just unbelievable. How many times do you watch him lose in one-on-one situations, be out of place, get ran over, get ran around, miss a tackle, until you make a move?

  34. MarkV Says:

    This team has underachieved every year under Todd Bowles and this year looks like it’ll be the same. Injuries or not, we throw away winnable games on a regular basis.

  35. D-Rome Says:

    Agreed QBKilla. No pass rush. Today’s loss starts with Jason Licht’s off season.

  36. QB6 Says:

    I don’t remember ever having such little confidence in a defense…ever.

    Pass defense is the worst I can ever remember seeing.

    It’s jaw dropping how little pressure is applied to the QB and how open the receivers are.

    The poor tackling is another major issue.

    I was excited to see Jordan Whitehead come back and team up with #31 but that combo has been ineffective as well.

    Such a gut punch as our talent level exceeds the ATL Falcons and both games were winnable.

  37. Will Says:

    Are you a new Bucs fan? Lovie Smith was fired and Dirk Koetter was promoted to head coach. That was Winston’s second year of I remember correctly.

  38. Usfbuc Says:

    Bowles biggest issue is his unwillingness to change anything. He sticks with players who are under performing. Doesn’t appear to make defensive changes during the game. Doesn’t seem to understand when to push and try to win and when to recognize the game is over. If he gets ahead he doesn’t have a killer instinct to put games away. Finally, his time management of the game is terrible.

  39. Mike Johnson Says:

    Time for Bowles to go. And Licht should be in that sweep also. Shameful display of a Defensive effort today by our Bucs. it was painful to watch. Every time the Falcons got the ball, we knew they were going to score. We just prayed they screwed up themselves. Pull the plug Glaziers.

  40. RuKa_44 Says:

    His D has been bad most of his time here! 5 and a half seasons and only was good in the second half of the SB year.
    The rest of the time? Putrid!
    How many times must we see uncontested catches?
    How many yards after catch we need to swallow from opposing receivers?
    How many nobody QBs we need to see patiently carving our “zone”?
    How many implosions and stretches of complete cluelessness?
    How many more excuses, “miscommunication” and crossed-harmed stares to the abyss we need to endure?

    Is really difficult to understand how Todd can continue to live off a “Defensive Guru” reputation that is simply not true, except on a very few games! I guess all that everyone remembers is that SB that we held Mahomes to zero TDs and made him run for his life… we usually forget that he was down 2 starting OT….

  41. Cchead Says:

    You did it joe. You used Bowles and guru in the same sentence. I was hoping I would never see that again. Brutal showing again from the 31st ranked team.

  42. SBucs Says:

    Do you mean Todd ‘Swiss Cheese’ Bowles?

  43. Pewter Power Says:

    Stop calling that man a defensive guru. He’s has a few masterful games not seasons a few games. Head coach 21-21 he’s useless but this is the Glazers fault for allowing BA to talk them into letting Bowles get this job because he’s not worthy.

    If he recovers like he did last year all we have to look forward to is an early exit from the playoff, a late first round draft pick and another mediocre season. Bowles is worse than lovie. Lovie’s scheme was trash but at least he had the excuse of licht being a rookie GM.

  44. Jeff Says:

    Fire this Turd!

  45. Kenny Says:

    You have to get your side of the ball right. You have pro bowlers on every level of the D. Youre a defensive HC whos been in place for several years and you have one of the worst Ds in the NFL.

    One gauge I like to use about HCs is…. If we fire Bowles today, is anyone lining up to hire him? If no one else wants him, why do we want him?

    He must be fired.

  46. NaplesBucsFan Says:

    We don’t control the destiny anymore…falcons have any tie breaker and the wild card teams are coming from the NFCN in all likelihood

  47. NaplesBucsFan Says:

    Bowles ain’t gonna be nowhere until the end of the season, IF then…u less the offense somehow catches fire and we wi games in spite of the D, there’s no hope!!

  48. Tony Says:

    Nice fake punt call. THAT’S WHAT THE ANALYTICS TOLD HIM TO DO INSTEAD OF PUNTING THE BALL. Idiot. Yep he sticks to that saying.


    So according to him everything is good.

  49. snookman9 Says:

    the lost decade #3 will begin.

    #1 1983-1996
    #2 2009-2020
    #3 2024-

  50. Jason Says:

    He sucks. His defense sucks. His game management sucks. The players like him because he is a former player and can relate but that only gets you so far. He has to go. Unless he pulls a miracle out of his ass and beats the chiefs or niners

  51. snookman9 Says:


    wins: 1 against Carolina, Giants, Raiders.

    Losses against Cowboys, Saints, Panthers(split), Chiefs, and Chargers.
    Season is over…………The worst case scenario is a defensive regression as it will set us back.

    Sucks but enjoy 2020 superbowl because this team will be garbage for ions

  52. Again Says:

    We fired Dungy because he couldn’t get us to a SB and we had 5 HoF defensive players and no offense. Do the Glazers actually think this idiot will get us there based on the last 40 games of .500 mediocrity? Serious Q. What the hell are the Bucs thinking?

  53. Ds Says:

    Where is the blitz?

  54. RBUC Says:

    How is the Bucs defense loaded with talent??? The Browns( having a QB or not) can play on the same field as the Ravens because they have big, girthy, physical football players on their defense while the Bucs have undersized undrafted guys filling in everywhere!!! The day Suh & JPP hung up their Bucs uniforms and Licht did nothing to replace the team with similar talent the Bucs were on a path to suck which we have been witnessing!! Licht gambled that his draft picks would fill in the void well he has officially lost that gamble and no good defense in the NFL has their safety as their best player on the team( or the highest paid) Bowles may not be able to fix it but Jason Licht is the REAL culprit who has neglected this team! Bowles has been a good team player and tried to make the most of what he has to work with and take the heat in his press conferences! People need to be honest about the short comings of drafting undersized guys like Kancey and tweeners like Logan Hall! They sell y’all quickness and people lose their minds

  55. RamblingRhino Says:

    We need better LB play all across the field. David has been a cornerstone since he arrived many seasons ago.

    He can not continue to be the only LB to have “juice” in this D. He needs another LB to balance what he does. My thoughts are we need to make a LB, MLB, SLB, WLB a primary priority.

    How about that useless TE #88 we have the one we need to get someone better to replace? 10 targets 9 catches, 90+ yards 2 TD’s. would be great interest see what he gets when Evans returns to the WR rotation. Liked the use of our 3 RB’s would have liked to see a bit more 44 later in the game, when the other teams D is a bit more winded. Rushing and Reciving.

    We turned the ball over 3 times, and we were in it to the end of the game. We do not give them the ball from the fumble, (they do happen, and the other team pays players to make them) at our 35 or 33 and we stop them there on 4th, and 6, not give up th3 TD. A different game.

    GET OVER THE FIRE BOWLES BS. Do that at the end of this season if it is a need. We do have a long list of IR players, rookies and 2nd year players. INSTANT GRATIFICATION from a mid season HC firing has produced what results to show that is what was needed, in terms of those actual things that matter. WINS!!!

    Do we really think that with all of the coaches in this system for as long as they have been Firing HC Bowels would result in a different Defense plan?

    Tip my hat to Coach Morris. He has been learning to be a better HC, then when he was here.

  56. Gipper Says:

    Belichick would reshape the whole defense mostly by getting guys who can tackle and cover. Bucs don’t have those kind of guys. If you think this problem can be fixed by a new scheme, you are wrong. Talent was lousy last year which led to some last second losses. Licht concentrated on O line and it seems to be working. Defense is a mess devoid of talent.

  57. Conte Piscatelli Says:

    The glazers will give him a pass because Godwin and Evans are out, but that defense is mostly heathy now and not looking any better week to week. I would allow the pass as the head coach because of the significance of Evans and Godwin, we should absolutely fire out defensive coordinator.

  58. BRING ON BILL Says:

    Y’all know you want Bill Belichick to be the coach next year.
    Bucs imploding is actually a good thing here.

  59. Alvin Scissors Harper Says:

    I vote “totally confident,” that the Bucs will NOT make the playoffs and will NOT finish with anything other than a losing record.

  60. dbbuc711 Says:

    Bye week = Bye Bowles

  61. rrsrqnc Says:

    In the last two games the offense has given the opponent 8 more opportunities with turnovers. That’s 8 more offensive drives, so even when the defense does step up, the high flying offense gives their opponents additional opportunities

  62. Confido75 Says:

    Bowles again proves he is incapable of making good decisions. What else is there to say at this point???

  63. Dan the Bucs Fan Says:

    Bowles will not lose his job he did one of the best jobs in football last year to get us into playoffs and win a game. The real expectation this year was we would be a wild card team probably lose in first round. With tie breakers over Eagles, Redskins, Lions, I think it’s still very likely we make the playoffs. I honestly believe we are still best team in the division. I would not be surprised if Atlanta blows it. We have to find a way to fix this defense though.

    Why wont the GM get us a pass rusher?

  64. Aceofaerospace Says:

    It was a huge mistake to not fire him last season after the surrender in Detroit.

  65. Darin Says:

    Lol 4 weeks ago you crowned him. You guys are more emotional than most women. Bowles is who he is. Nothings changed in four weeks. Each week is a different matchup..winning a few games early season means nothing. Welcome to the NFL Joe

  66. CleanHouse Says:

    Poor communication

  67. Anyhony Says:

    Will Says:
    October 27th, 2024 at 4:40 pm
    Are you a new Bucs fan? Lovie Smith was fired and Dirk Koetter was promoted to head coach. That was Winston’s second year of I remember correctly.
    Unfortunately Dirk K. was not ready to be a head coach. (careful what you/we wish for)

  68. Ms football love Says:

    Fire bowles. Hes terriable.. tired of his laughing and giggling on sidelines. He knows the glazers wont fire him. Nor does he care how bad they play. Hes collecting a paycheck.
    All the good players will leave. The bucs will be ruined and never make a come back.

  69. Tony Says:

    Bowles should’ve washed away with the floods during the hurricanes. Would’ve done everybody a favor.

  70. Again Says:

    I can’t believe people are defending Bowles. He is a mediocre .500 coach with a low ceiling. His lazy face and lazy mind is costing us Ws. We should be 7-1 not 4-4. That is undeniable. The only team to thump us was Baltimore.

    12-5 was possible with this schedule. 8-9 is now our best chance.

    And with the 16th pick in the draft, The Bowles Bucs select a Punter. Because Licht is a Genius.

  71. RBUC Says:

    @Dan the Bucs Fan
    Licht won’t get a pass rusher because it’s a BIG TICKET position!! The Bucs are rebuilding on the fly and most fans don’t look deep enough to see that! Licht ain’t serious about winning anything this season and he doesn’t want to help the young players on the roster cause he wants to see where they really are without experienced veteran help!! The trick is they pay big salaries to players young enough and part of the future THEN skimp at other areas of the roster so the big money they just paid levels out! Licht wants to get pass rush in the draft cause it’s cheaper that way and the fan base will settle to wait and see how they come along tempering expectation. They won recently so they feel they have time on their side

  72. Fred Says:

    Yall are so emotional when we lose one week yall praise Bowles the next week yall want him gone smdh when will you start holding the players on the field accountable Yaya has done nothing all yr and yall pumped him up all off-season JTS has done nothing Vita is playing on one leg our safeties can’t cover Braswell and Nelson are non factors Britt is the weakest link the front 7 stinks everyone except for David and Vita

  73. Tye Says:

    Bowels should NEVER have been the HC….
    His firing can’t come fast enough!!!

  74. IE Bucs Says:

    Fire Bowles. Hire Robert Saleh. Saleh would fix the defense and when you pair him with Coen, you have a winning team. Saleh failed with the Jets because the offense is the problem. With the Bucs, Saleh has a QB, OC, and offensive that is working.

  75. StormyInFl Says:

    Bowles didn’t even earn the job.

    He was gifted it.

    And this is what you get.

  76. richbucsfan Says:

    The problem is deeper than Bowles. The FO needs to be held accountable first
    1. Too much patience with Bowles
    2. Knowing your defensive personnel is deficient and doing nothing to improve
    3. Major mistakes in the draft: i.e. Camarda, Britt, Trask
    4. Using Hope as your strategy

  77. Dirk Disco Says:

    Bring in Robert Saleh (Fired Jets Coach) to be our D Coordinator at all costs.

  78. DBS Says:

    Time for the king doctors and excuse malers. Defense is all injured. When Kancey gets back. It’s the offense fault. We don’t have the horses so on yada yada.

  79. Doughboy Says:

    Believe it or not,with a soft defense we still could of won that game. The two interceptions,blown fake punt,poor special team play and inaccurate long passes were costly.

  80. go dawgs Says:

    We will get the standard “communication” excuse for the gutless play of the bucs defense.

  81. Doughboy Says:

    But yeah we need a dominant defense!!

  82. DBS Says:

    Jung. I hate auto correct.

  83. Bobby Says:

    Don’t fire a HC mid-season. Glazers don’t don it. Maybe after the season though. Regardless Baker has to stop throwing interceptions for us to win games again. Baker’s interceptions cost us the game today and significantly contributed to losing against the Ravens. Belichick is looking for a job and likes our key players on this team. A conversation for next month though this is.

  84. DBS Says:

    JBF. I hate auto correct. You need an edit.

  85. IE Bucs Says:

    We don’t have anybody on staff that can be interim HC. No HC experience from anybody on defense or offense. Maybe Old Tom Moore can be interim HC, but that’s about it. My radical idea would be to fire Bowles mid-season and bring in Saleh as HC midseason.

  86. Jeffs grandpa Says:

    Rod Munch is right for that once

  87. Truth be Told Says:

    I’m looking for the person that tells me that the Bucs got a good defense

  88. Bernie Says:

    There is no one to take over behind Bowles. There is no DC. A first year OC. I don’t know who else you call pull, but the cupboard is bare with someone to take over. Good coaches grow a staff as well as a team.

    That being said, he deserves to be fired after this season. It’s not just the defense. It’s not just the decision making. It’s also time management. Wtf was that drive at the end of the 2nd quarter? Rushed to the line just to leave time on the clock that led to a field goal. It’s also player health management. It’s the failure to develop a coaching staff. This team looked like a Super Bowl contender, and it will be turned into a team missing the playoffs under this guy.

  89. Mac Says:

    If Bill comes in Coen is gone. Not sure any of us want that!

  90. mg Says:

    tidy never should have been hired

  91. PowerOfPewter Says:

    A lot of resources have been put into the Defense; in several cases they haven’t performed ( Devin White, JT-S ). In White’s case, appears to be a draft bust, as he flamed out in Philly also. Remains to be seen if JT-S is successful elsewhere next season. But the Defense is the scheme Bowles wants, comprised of his players, with him calling the shots. It has not only underperformed, but has gotten worse over the years. At some point you just gotta point the finger at the guy in charge. If the ‘defensive guru’ HC can’t put a decent defense on the field, why are they still acting DC? And does Bowles bring anything to the HC role other than being DC? It’s not like he’s a tremendous game manager or rah-rah motivator.

  92. Capt.Tim Says:

    Coaches coach the team.
    GMs build the team.
    Who drafted The useless JTS? Who has refused to acquire a real pass rusher?
    Todd Bowles? Nooooo
    Jason Licht.
    Joe , along with myself and many others, complained since February that this team doesn’t have anyone who can rush the passer.
    We were told that JTS has finally seen the light. That our Rookies, YaYa and Kancey, would become develop into sack monsters
    We passed our defense on hope.
    And it didn’t happen.
    As we’ve seen, you give an NFL QB all day to throw- he’ll dice you to pieces.great safeties won’t matter, good CBs won’t matter.

    We actually have a very good offense- but it can’t keep up with the pinball scores allowed by our defense.
    And trying to keep up is causing turnovers.

    Most of us knew this would happen. Yet the team did nothing.
    That means they aren’t ready to go all in yet.
    And that’s on the GM, not the coach


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