“Half A Hundred On Their Ass”

October 21st, 2024

Joe feels a little uneasy about the Buccaneers.com staff publishing Baker Mayfield screaming what many would consider trash talk about the slimy Saints.

It’s fun, but is it smart?

The Bucs posted a “Battle Sound” feature yesterday and Mayfield is seen coming off the field last week in New Orleans screaming after Sean Tucker’s late touchdown. The visual is a close-up of animated Mayfield yelling, “Half a hundred on their ass! Half a hundred!

Would Mayfield bark that at a news conference or in front of reporters in the locker room? Joe doubts it. So why put it out there?

Perhaps Mayfield was mic’d up, but it didn’t seem like it. Hopefully, this was posted with Mayfield’s full approval.

Ultimately, it’s Mayfield who is ripe for a Week 18 cheap shot from a historically dirty Saints team that might play this clip over and over leading up to the game.

Joe is not anti-trash-talk and Joe certainly is not scared of the Saints, but Joe is against anything that potentially puts the Bucs’ Super Bowl dreams in jeopardy needlessly.

26 Responses to ““Half A Hundred On Their Ass””

  1. Jimmy Says:

    Jason Licht not getting a pass rusher is going to hurt the Bucs from reaching the Super Bowl much worse than Baker Mayfield quoting Barry Switzer.

  2. Jerseybuc Says:

    F the saints. There cooked! They need to go into rebuild mode. He should of directed at big mouth washed jordan

  3. LakelandBuc Says:

    Drop ” half of a hundred” on the Ravens. Then you get big time credibility. Dropping it on the Saints ain’t saying nothing .

  4. tgoodwin Says:

    well put Jimmy n so true, Merly quoting his old alma maters legendary coach Switzer lol

    Also, the media Hasnt picked up on this n made a big deal of it, soo, Why r u Limelighting it Joe, he was excited and quoting and STATING FACTS!

    Hope LakelandBuc is right in his drop half a hundred on Ravens credibility statement, really really hope Bucs DO that!!!!!!!!!

    Go Baker Go Bucs

  5. BillyBucco Says:

    Wow can we please stop talking about every little thing Baker says. You are right Joe why would media relations put that out there. Yes, it’s fun for the team and their fans and it was fun to watch, but everything you say and do comes back eventually.
    Even the Ravens could be thinking you aren’t dropping have a 💯 on us.

  6. JBBUCS_06 Says:

    Joe, I agree – they killed our season hurting CG14 in ’21. We keep that to ourselves not as locker room fuel. OL better be ready to protect Bake AND Bake needs to be smart about his scrambles.

    Ravens D also sees this and hears it as well and may be set to shut Bake’s mouth as well. Bad on media team.

  7. Ds Says:

    Who cares remember even the saints had a dance party at RayJay?

  8. HomerSimpsonRocks Says:


  9. Kenton Smith Says:

    Baker has done things like this and ticked off opponents at least since 2014 when he got to Oklahoma. He’s maturing that’s true. But he ain’t changing. And when the offended opponent gets hyper aggressive going after him he will use it against them. He may play some mind games. The good news is that his mind is his number one skill set.

  10. Buc4evr Says:

    Most players talk smack all game long. So what, it can’t be any worse than Cam Jordan’s garbage.

  11. Steven007 Says:

    Well, now people who didn’t see it on buccaneers.com, which many of us don’t frequent have now seen it here so there’s that. You’ve doubled the chance that it will filter over to N.O. if that’s your concern.

  12. BakerFan Says:

    That should be the goal of this offense, half a hundred every ball game.

  13. Bucsfan81 Says:

    Saints deserve whatever they get from us and our players after years of them doing dances in the locker room when they beat us. Screw the Saints.

  14. Esteban85 Says:

    BFD. Baker’s gonna bake that’s what he do. It’s not like the opponents need any more motivation and it’s not like the slimy saints didn’t come out trying to hurt us in game one of this matchup. Look at how they tried to take out Cade and then went for Yaya’s knees. Nothing new. Talking ish is all good

  15. unbelievable Says:

    I have a feeling Lattimore will be head hunting for him after he threw that block on the Irving run.

    Bucs just need to win out so they can rest starters in week 18 and not worry about the cheap dirty scumbag Saints.

    And it starts tonight! So the question is- can they show up and play hard after another big emotional win last week? Sure hope so.

  16. Dave Pear Says:

    Baker knows the offense needs to score that many to have a chance to win.

  17. Tim Says:

    It should be a rule that every season our last game is against the Saints.

  18. GoneGator Says:

    BakerFan Says:
    October 21st, 2024 at 12:25 pm
    That should be the goal of this offense, half a hundred every ball game.

    Exactly, if not 60 😎

  19. Baker’s bucker truckers Says:

    Aints dancing in the locker room yep I remember

  20. First Name Greatest Says:

    With Todd Blows in charge of the defense they might need Half a Hundred every week to win

  21. heyjude Says:

    Baker is fine. There are many other players that say and do much worse. And agree about the Saints dancing in the locker room and the whole W thing. Never forget.

  22. infomeplease Says:

    Look forward not back so much! The Bucs need to produce on both sides of the ball tonight! The coaches need to up their game too! The whole world is watching ecept those watching the Chargers/Cardinals game!

  23. Rod Munch Says:

    I got no issues with it.

    What I do have an issue with, however, is throwing 3 INTs while going 1 for 10 on passes over 10 yards. Got to clean that up. Sooner or later Coppertop won’t be able to scheme out of those types of games.

    Still, all is well for the moment.

  24. orlbucfan Says:

    Hey gang, you all are forgetting who the head coach was of the Aints when all that crap was going down. “Good” ole Mr. Cheating slime bag Sean Payton. Yeah, the same ahole who Denver is winning with. Hopefully, the Broncos are strangling his dirty play tendencies. So, Baker was excited and made a true statement. Big fat deal. Hey Baker, how about hanging 75 pts. on the Baltimore Carrion? NFL won’t know what hit them!😂 Go Bucs!!

  25. ATLBUC Says:

    Jimmy Says:
    October 21st, 2024 at 10:52 am
    Jason Licht not getting a pass rusher is going to hurt the Bucs from reaching the Super Bowl much worse than Baker Mayfield quoting Barry Switzer

    We don’t need DE pass rushers tonight. We need them to tackle Jackson when our interior rush flushes him. Keep Contain!! That’s the key. Run defense and contain Lamar. Make him pass the ball. If we come out scoring touchdowns like we have the last three games, we can take the run away from them

  26. GoneGator Says:

    Bucs have scored 30+ points in 4 of the 6 games this season. 1st time in franchise history.


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