Fundamentals, Vision Fuel Bucky Irving

October 16th, 2024

Running back Bucky Irving makes slimy Saints defenders whiff.

One of Joe’s biggest gripes with Rachaad White as a runner (Joe has zero gripes and only loud praise for him as a receiver) is that White either has awful vision or he just doesn’t read blocks correctly.

Or, perhaps he was never coached up how to read blocks — which Joe finds to be strange if true, since it is such a basic fundamental.

Joe went wild last year watching holes develop (sometimes) on instead of White running to daylight, he’d run right into a defender. Ugh.

Well, it seems Bucky Irving has no such issues. Asked about his big runs Sunday against the slimy Saints, Irving said he was just following coaching.

And, oh yeah, reading blocks.

“I would probably say it started with preparation – me and [Sean] Tucker being prepared going on that we had to play a big role in the game, but just being detailed on our runs and also just having the coaches trust because we are young guys that had to fill in a big role with Rachaad [White] out,” Irving said. “On that [zig-zagging] play that I did all that zig zagging, I mean, it was just a counter play.

“I was waiting for Cade [Otton] to come around and get the back block on that, but I just read it all out and then my instincts kicked in. [I’m] just out there trying to have fun.”

Well, Joe hopes Irving is having the time of his life and continues to have an absolute blast. Because if his running (and touchdowns) are simply the result of him having fun, then please do party, Bucky!

10 Responses to “Fundamentals, Vision Fuel Bucky Irving”

  1. OR Buc Says:

    Buck Wild Baby!

  2. ATLBUC Says:

    Let’s hope that Buck & Tuck rolls Monday. AND that JL gets Reddick.

  3. unbelievable Says:

    Party on Bucky

  4. Joe Mac Says:

    Warrick Dunn 2.0.

    Don’t let him return kickoffs!

    DJ Williams and Culp should return kickoffs.

    Keift shouldn’t be on the field. I’m sorry.

    He’s too slow to tackle anybody on special teams. He’s a liability.

    I get it. He’s good for the culture. And Licht loves him. But he’s wasting a roster spot.

    Keep him as a Buc. But keep him inactive.

    DJ Williams looked good on his kick off return. He’s a big boy!

    Irving, Tucker, DJ Williams. Nice.

    Trade Rashad White. He’s superfluous at this point.

    And Keift is a liability on special teams

  5. Bucswin! Says:

    He is very elusive. Guys just getting their fingertips on him then air. If they don’t have the right angle he is gone they don’t have a chance. Very exciting times seeing the proper use of our talent.. Keep him fresh, use all three, ride the hot hand, Coen will be our next head coach and they will pay him the money until it’s time for Todd to move up. It’s all so simple. Dynasty. The Mayfield Era. Has anybody asked Mayfield how long he wants to play? Untll he is 45? Go BUCS!

  6. Fred McNeil Says:

    I thought Sean Tucker looked much better than a white also. Maybe better than Irving.

  7. Leopold Stotch Says:

    I’m saying Tucker RB 1, just because of his size. Bucky RB 2, he’s like a Gibbs. We are looking at the same kind of dynamic Detroit has almost.

  8. A Bucs Fan Says:

    Bucs got a good one. Bucky is the real deal. His attitude and the way he approaches the game is phenomenal. Ideally he gets 15 touches a game minimum. Tucker had a great first game getting the ball. I’d like to see if he can repeat his success. Both those young RB’s are better runners than Rachaad right White who at this point is a slightly better version of Charles Sims.

  9. heyjude Says:

    We got so lucky with Bucky! Loved the video and the excitement he has. Tucker did very well too.

  10. Hodad Says:

    Make White the backup slot receiver. Then you could also run all three backs on the field for some plays. For sure want to see Buck, and Tuck in the backfield together.


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