Fundamentals And Winning In Crunch Time

October 11th, 2024

Stressing fundamentals.

Bucs offensive coordinator Liam Coen had a really interesting explanation of how an offense needs to handle itself when the pressure is on late in the game.

Frankly, it’s rather simple. Coen noted that when the game is on the line, players must lean heavily on their fundamentals.

“I think that when it comes down to times of crisis and the game is [hanging in the balance] – you’re tired, you’re fatigued, you’re maybe a little anxious, right? We have to stress and remind and go back to fundamentals and technique,” Coen said. “What is my footwork? What is my track? What is my read? What is my assignment?”

It seemed like Coen was talking about the Bucs in Atlanta.

Hopefully, a couple of other points are focused on by Bucs players: “Hold onto the ball at all costs.” And, “Remember not to hold.”

Rookies Bucky Irving (fumble) and Graham Barton (hold) had crushing mistakes in the fourth quarter with the Bucs driving to seal a win.

Coen then added something very intriguing to Joe. He said with an offense, one guy breaks down and the whole house of cards folds. On defense, more than one guy can have a crappy play but his teammates can cover for him.

“On offense, if all 11 [players] aren’t on the same page, a play is typically not successful,” Coen said. “Whereas on defense, six guys could do the wrong thing, and you can get off the grass with a stop.”

This is true. All it takes sometimes on defense is one player to make a play. Successful offense requires blocking, quarterback play, etc.

Coen also suggested the Bucs offense wasn’t sharp — or sharp enough — last week.

“So, if you look back at the last drive going back, we have it closed out and we have to be on the screws with the details, the footwork, the reads, the track and understand how everything is so important on every play to go close out a game,” Coen said.

Joe would like to know the players that screwed up on their fundamentals.

No, Joe isn’t going to kill a couple of rookies for making untimely mistakes. The Bucs had more than two plays to get a score on the final two drives.

Liam Coen Discusses Late-Game Meltdown

11 Responses to “Fundamentals And Winning In Crunch Time”

  1. Usedtocould Says:


  2. BillyBucco Says:

    SF didn’t have any issues closing out that game.
    Broke a 75+ yd run when the other team knew they were going to run.
    Im tired of the excuses.
    Are we a good team or not?
    We certainly aren’t ELITE.

  3. Drunk Bucs Fan Says:

    Nobody should be happy about a loss, but to not take them as an opportunity to learn is a waste on top of it.

    Take your licks, learn and move on better

  4. BucU Says:

    Maybe they should learn to do things right the first time. What did they learn from Denver?
    Absolutely nothing apparently.

  5. unbelievable Says:

    Maybe being obsessed with details was too stressful for them? Now they’re nice and relaxed, ya know?

  6. Let Em Bake Says:

    His answers couch the issue: Know your read. Know your gap. He’s not going to put a player on blast publicly. The longest walk in football is from the huddle to the line of scrimmage. How many times are critical plays botched because of blown assignment? Receivers and rbs in particular need a certain amount of mental ability. I watched Aaron rogers get frustrated a few times with Garret Wilson last week. Kid isn’t on rogers page yet. Hence, missed opportunity. What makes Godwin and Evans special? They are always where their supposed to be.
    This is why getting Winfield back will be huge. He will not only be where he’s supposed to be, but will make the the secondary is on point.

  7. Tiff, Okla,Bake, Bucs 4 life Says:

    I know offense wasnt perfect,BUT, they did best they could after code turtle was ordered, that aint the teams style!! N, mistakes kept coming

    Come on ciach, defense sucked whole game n special teams n offense was rolling til u n ur head coach froze em

    Sooo. Y cant u get message and kearn lesson frm denver anf falcons game? Oohh, because factor, ugh, bowles game rules ugh ugh ugh, step outa way bowles n let Coen n offense soar!!
    And, i know we will b our awesome selves on defense soon with players returning!
    Now, if only bowles wld get off his spiteful benching of our kicker, gee we might have all all the pieces again!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    In short, as u all have said, Coen, gve ball 2 ur playmakers!!!!!!!

  8. infomeplease Says:

    A big , important, game is being played on Sunday. The Bucs need to play good all 60 minutes! The coaches need to to their jobs. If the refs blow a call, let him know it!! Don’t just stand there. Let him know it. More often than not you may get an iffy call go your way later in the game. The young guys need to step up again, too! Twelve more games to be played! Take one at a time… Coach and play better than each opponent!

  9. adam from ny Says:

    someone needs to drop off a big box of nike pewter gear in his office

  10. JD Still Says:

    Yup , You will play the way you practice, if you practice like cup cakes you will play like cupcakes, especially when things get tough, it is true , hard times create hard men, soft times create soft men, (i.e., cup cakes).

  11. GoneGator Says:

    “code turtle” = code gossip and insinuation.

    Coen is right. Everybody does their job towards the end and we’re praising Coen, Todd, and the run game.

    I’m not nearly as worried about the offense as the defense. Offensively we’ll get better as the season goes on I’m sure. I’m not so sure we can cover up our deficiencies on D.


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