Excited By The Bucs Offense

October 4th, 2024

So the Joe typing here has no problem seeing a shining light coming from the turd the Bucs dropped on Atlanta’s home turf late in the loss last night.

Yes, the Bucs made coaching and playing errors with a few minutes remaining in regulation and the Tampa Bay defense was out of gas and answers in overtime.

However, fans are witnessing creativity and execution within the Bucs offense not seen in years.

For the second consecutive game, the Bucs scored a touchdown on their opening drive. Does anyone think that’s a coincidence after not doing it last year?

If fact, the Bucs scored on every offensive drive of the first half, 24 points, against a defensive coordinator intimately familiar with the Bucs offense from his days with the Rams.

Tampa Bay is getting spectacular quarterback play and there’s no reason that should subside. In fact, it should improve if right tackle Luke Goedeke can recover from his concussion and rookie center Graham Barton learns from getting eaten up at times last night.

Baker Mayfield is completing 72 percent of his passes.

The Bucs’ run game? Running backs Bucky Irving and Rachaad White have combined for 95 carries and 434 yards. Joe doesn’t need to be a math major to know that’s better than 4.5 yards per carry.

Overall, the offense has hit 30 points in three out of five games and is averaging a full touchdown better per game than when Tom Brady was on the field in 2022.

Liam Coen has proven he has the necessary skills to be a standout NFL playcaller in just his first year in that role.

Bucs fans will find out if Coen can learn from mistakes and steadily adjust, but without last night’s Bucky Irving fumble dislodged by Pro Bowl playmaker safety Jessie Bates, Coen is probably being talked about as a potential head coach candidate today in some circles.

It’s still a points-driven, quarterback-driven league, and the Bucs are showing they can light up a scoreboard and spread the ball around.

That bodes very well for the long haul of a season — even if the pain is unbearable right now.

Baker Mayfield On Pace For 37 Touchdowns, 6 Interceptions And 3,957 Yards Passing

62 Responses to “Excited By The Bucs Offense”

  1. Statistically Insignificant Reader Says:

    Jason, are you still collecting receipts?

  2. LVMYBUCS Says:

    They offense looked very good last night I dont know what happened in the second half but I assume Bowles played scare again I just cant get over Dean, Britt and Bowles being on this team they all suck. Bowels is wasting our talent.

  3. Pewter Power Says:

    This division has caught up to your “gm of the year” Your offense isn’t going to get you through this season if you couldn’t get past Atlanta secondary. Bro go get a pass rusher that was a pathetic predictable Todd Bowles game plan but your defense didn’t tighten up in the redzone today you suck. I don’t know why people keep trying to walk it back because you have a better roster

  4. Steven007 Says:

    Wow, so the other Joe finally wrote an article? After the Doom and gloom + overreaction dujour, it’s nice to hear something a little more measured. Yes, overall things look better offensively than they have lately. Much better. Plenty of mistakes to go around last night. On the offense in the second half and on the defense all game. Coaching decisions as well. Bad officiating as usual. But there’s still some glass half full stuff. Just doesn’t feel like it after a devastating loss.

  5. Drunk Bucs Fan Says:

    Thank you for this! I don’t want to be all sunshine and kittens, but it hit me this morning that wow, we have scored 30 points in three of our first five this year. We would have never dreamed of such a thing 12 – 18 months ago.

    This one will hurt for a bit, but I hope nobody lets it ruin their weekend. By noon I will let it go. Just not quite yet.

    Then bring on the sunshine, kittens and F*** the Saints talk!

  6. Kenton Smith Says:

    Very true LVMYBUCS – you said “ I don’t know what happened in the second half “. And since that statement is true you should have just left it at that.

  7. LVMYBUCS Says:

    I dont mind a loss if its a good loss but this staff doesn’t know what the hell they are doing you have a bruiser #44 but you run slow as White up the middle you have Dean that cant intercept a ball unless its placed in his handle gently you have slow as Britt you have a head coach who plays scared/safe when he gets a lead. Come on Glazers by the time you realize Bowles sucks we are going to lose all our star players please get rid of Bowles asap and find us a real head coach that doesn’t look lost on the sideline. THANK YOU THIS IS A RECORDING BEEP!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. Upstate NY BUC Says:

    Agree Joe!! Will someone please call the Jets!!! Reddick is a must.

  9. ChiBuc Says:

    I’m starting to think that Goedeke would have failed concussion protocol if he was checked BEFORE he was placed into the protocol. He may just be damaged goods.

    Also, what is the full extent of AWJ’s ankle injury. Tape that thing up and LFG already.

  10. BucsFan81 Says:

    Doesn’t matter if you have no defense.

  11. LVMYBUCS Says:

    I watched his press conference and its the same o crap over and over. This player confusion and miss-steps are a reflection of you and your coaching staff and guess what Mr. Bowles its not your first year as head coach you should have had all this fixed by now u f-ing dope

  12. Irish Laughter Says:

    Sometimes you have to take one step back to take 10 steps forward. Our Bucs are for real. Baker is legit and the team is built to run the marathon and not a sprint. They played their hearts out and the best if yet to come. Can’t wait. Joe, thanks for writing an article that didn’t include ranking out Tom Brady. It feels refreshing. Keeping it real in Ireland.

  13. Tbbucs3 Says:

    This looked very similar to Bowels defensive breakdown against the Texans last year….offense holds up their end, defense fails them….starting to become a pattern with Bowels.

  14. Pewter Power Says:

    Not sure what you’re talking about but the Bucs offense got shut down and I was bored to death and frustrated in the second half with them. That was embarrassing and obvious outcome by Mr prime time

  15. RustyRhinos Says:

    We all just seem to negate the fact that the other team’s players get paid to play as well. We had many moments in which to put this game on ICE yet we could not or did not.

    Great game in my opinion sad we lost yet I feel we will take our frustration out against the “Taints”. When we do get our second chance against the dirty birds in a few weeks, I look forward to another good game that we win.


  16. Gipper Says:

    Same stuff happened last year. Baker brought the team back late in a few games last season only to have defense allow winning field goals or touchdowns in last seconds . Every team the Bucs will play now sees how porous the middle of the field is. Might be too late to fix. Getting Winfield and Kancey back will help but defence is just bad.

  17. Buddha Says:

    Atlanta ran 77 plays;Tampa ran 50. You aren’t supposed to win games with that kind of differential. Overall this is a young but talented team. Eventually, the weakness at safety and linebacker was going to to show. Credit to Atlanta. They had a good game plan. They have transitioned from a running to a passing team. Yes, there were some major coaching errors but Atlanta deserved to win.

  18. LakelandBuc Says:

    Kirk Cousins 509 yards passing
    Baker Mayfield 180 yards passing

    And the Bucs has the Pro Bowl receivers
    The Falcons are playing young receivers

    Usually when your QB get outplayed by the opposing QB


  19. Booger Says:

    24-Passes. 3-FG’s. That’s what they do. They slowdown and settle for long FG’s. The further down the field they go… The SLOWER they get. Especially, inside the RedZone and in the 2nd-Half. Just SLOW and as ‘conservative’ AFFFFF.

  20. A Bucs Fan Says:

    @Buddha thank you for your reasonable comment in the midst of a large pool of overreaction and emotional drivel.

  21. Booger Says:

    By the way… Three team trade involving ATL, NYJ, & LV. ATL sending their 2nd to Vegas for Hassan Reddick, & The Jets get Davonte Adams. In the works right now!!!!

  22. LakelandBuc Says:

    The better team one this football game

    The problem with Bucs fans,
    They think this team are better than they are

    I’m a realistic Bucs fan
    This team is missing a lot of pieces
    It’s the GM fault for wasting high draft picks on these loafers

    Blame Jason Licht for screwing up this roster

  23. Larrd Says:

    It won’t get easier: Saints, Ravens, Falcons, Chiefs, 49ers. A real crucible up until the bye week. The young backups getting plenty of experience and hopefully the team will get healthier.

    Palmer and MacMillan are needed, as well as Goedeke.

    With both Hall and Vea playing well and even rushing the passer, the return of Kancey and Winfield and eventually Dennis could really help solidify the defense.

    They really need to limit Britt’s exposure and maybe give Funderburke a shot at Dean’s spot.

  24. Bee Says:

    The offense isn’t really good if it’s only good half the game. This team is way too conservative and doesn’t try to put teams away. They never went for the throat and it cost em. The only time Bowles likes to play aggressive is calling a cover 0 blitz in a playoff game with prime Kupp on the field. This was bad. Very inexcusable.

  25. J Says:

    @Joes… As fans we deserve some hard questions asked. I really hope you grill Bowles on that BS soft zone defense he ran all night, outside of a few plays. It was unacceptable!!!

  26. Josh Says:

    After careful consideration, ai slept on it I’ve decided to withdraw my financial support for the NFL. Despite recent rule changes intended to reduce controversy, it seems that officiating has influenced more games in just the first five weeks of this season than I can recall in an entire season. Notably, the Kansas City Chiefs have been involved in several controversial calls already, while Falcons quarterback Kirk Cousins has benefited from officiating decisions for two consecutive weeks In my opinion.

    The no-call last night on a clear/obvious facemask penalty in the closing minutes of a game raises serious concerns about the integrity of officiating. Even with a flag thrown, the review process failed to acknowledge the infraction, its all anyone was referencing on the broacast during the play. It leaves many fans like myself frustrated and questioning the fairness of the outcomes. It’s honestly just getting really hard not to feel that certain games are being manipulated to enhance entertainment value.

    While the Buccaneers may have ultimately faltered. The defense looked like swiss cheese it was so holey last night. The lack of a penalty on what was an evident violation, especially when an upstairs official has the authority to intervene, is troubling and questionable. Fans deserve a transparent and fair playing field, not one marred by questionable officiating. I’m sick of waking up not talking about the game but talking about Blown calls one way or the other… the game came down to 1 second which if it’s offsetting and replay the down THAT 1 SECOND DOESNT EXIST…

  27. QB6 Says:

    I came across a story on a Atlanta Falcons blog that spoke to the issue that the Falcons are getting no contribution this year from their draft class…which was glaring because after 4 games, I can name several rookies on the Bucs that are contributing nicely this year. It will improve as they get game experience. You also have to be impresed with the offense this year. Last year, Canales whas out of his depth and made no adjustments. Not with this offense and Liam. It is actually enjoyable to watch “Baker bake” and the rest of the offense play so exceptionally well. Last night hurt as we had that game won, but I would rather be a Buc fan than a Falcon fan…we are bulding something special in Tampa. I do like that Coach Bowles is not accepting injuries as a excuse and the expectation is clearly there that if you are on the roster, you are expected to execute when your number is called..

  28. Steven007 Says:

    Josh, belichick has long insisted that every play be open to review. Now to review a penalty, it probably needs to be major 15-yard penalties. Like an obvious and blatant face mask. Because you could challenge a holding call on every play that was seemingly missed. But face masks and PIs should be reviewable if they impact games which they obviously do. Perhaps open it up only in the fourth quarter where it can really determine an outcome. But yes, when it’s obvious and blatant, especially when there was another penalty which made it even more obvious and blatant because the broadcast is reviewing the called penalty, it’s just inexcusable.

  29. Booger Says:

    That play-call where Bake missed seeing Evans was atrocious and I said it right off the bat, before even knowing that Evans was wide-ace OPEN. If you’re willing/going to ‘risk’ that type of play in that particular situation like THAT, then you HAVE TO be looking to catch them off-guard there (which they did), with the BOMB to end the game. I mean, WHAT did he ‘think’ he was going to get outta THAT!? I think it was just another one of those screen-plays, that was already predetermined that Baker was basically blindly, knowing where he was going with the ball come hell or high-water. Saw it CONSTANTLY, at Kentucky. Then, seems like they ran AGAIN on 3rd-Down, when you HAD TO get that yardage back so you could at least try for a FG. ATL was ready for it… They KNEW what was coming. Actually, they did all night, in the 2nd-Half.

  30. Erik w/ UniqueModernArt.com Says:

    2nd half offense was crap.

  31. Booger Says:

    Ran ‘it’ AGAIN… That same play. Won’t be good if the Saints get Adams & ATL gets Reddick. Though, I’m hearing the rare NFL ‘3-team’ trade is in the works… Reddick to ATL (but will he actually ‘PLAY’ – I believe he will for THEM), & Adams to The Jets, & ATL’s 2nd to the Raiders!!!!

  32. First Last Says:

    What do we do if Baker goes for 30 plus tuddies and less than 10 ints but miss the playoffs? Do we run it back?

  33. Ted Says:

    Every Buccaneer offense since 2021 has been handcuffed by a head coach that is so insecure and untalented that he will ALWAYS interfere with the OC who is designing the offence and calling plays. This offense would be dynamic if left untouched by Bowles. It truly is a shame that this OC and these offensive players are being wasted…..6 passes in the second half last night, what a joke.

  34. Another J Says:

    We gave Kirk Cousins all day to find his receivers in the pocket, The linebackers with the exception of Lavonte David, played terrible, and the back end of the defense failed to defend against the pass.

    Kirk Cousins isn’t known for being mobile, The defense should have made him pay for being slow, but we payed instead.

  35. Josh Says:

    I would like to clarification on a point regarding the recent application of penalties in games. Wasn’t there an instance a few weeks ago where an illegal downfield block call that ended up benefiting us was overturned after a review? I recall that if a flag is thrown under two minutes this season, even penalties are subject to booth review.

    If I remember correctly, this was cited as a reason for not being able to call a penalty in another game because there wasn’t an initial flag, and thus it couldn’t be reviewed. If that is indeed the case, it raises concerns about the consistency of rule enforcement.

    I could be mistaken, and I acknowledge that I’ve been wrong before, but I would appreciate any clarification provided as I thought this year for the first time ever penalties under 2 minutes were reviewed by the upstairs official to prevent controversial endings like this.

  36. FortMyersDave Says:

    Falcons adjusted to the Bucs at halftime. Bucs had no adjustments. Typical Turtle Todd Bowles. He got outcoached yet again. Also, unless he holds certain players accountable for their ineptitude by making some changes, this is going to be something we will see throughout the season. A decent game followed by a putrid loss to an inferior opponent.

  37. Herbiebuc Says:

    Bowles lose one game and now he’s such a terrible coach 🥴 he’s playing without his all pro safety and Jordan whitehead went down last night we had a backup corner playing safety. Bowels beat the eagles and Detroit with a bunch of starters out I love the direction this team is going we can’t win them all and everybody who watched that game last night knows who the better team is. We will
    See them again in two weeks no big deal let’s just root for the saints to lose Thais Sunday and take care of business the next two weeks. We are a Super Bowl contender and last night proved it to me. It’s way worse defense units right now than the Bucs and offense is elite at this moment BUCS FANS RELAX ANOTHER BOAT PARADE IS COMING !! 🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️

  38. It’s Exciting!!!! Says:

    100% AGREE WITH JOE!!!

  39. Ted Says:


    This is correct, the Gasparilla Invasion is January 25, 2025, you can see the boats celebrating on that day.

  40. Ed Says:

    One thing that is being overlooked was the freedom the Falcons gave Cousins to make his players hurry up and speed up the plays when the Buc defense had given up plays or even to know they were ready to push the tempo on 4th down.

    The quarterback is the captain/leader of the offense, they are seeing in real time if a defense isn’t organized, they know if they get their lineman to the line of scrimmage fast and don’t waste time they can get a mismatch and quickly make a play.

    The Bucs need to loosen up the reins and play faster on offense, they have great skill players and these guys need to be on the attack and be better coached to adjust to get easier 3rd and 4th down conversions a hurry up mode.

    Atlanta threw a ball down the middle of the field with 12 seconds left, the Bucs tackled the guy and Cousins and his line got up to the line of scrimmage to clock it out it’s one second.

    That is exceptional awareness by a well coached team ready for that moment. I don’t think the Bucs could ever have executed an 11 second set up after a completion in the middle of the field with no time outs.

    That play effectively won the game for Atlanta even though they still had to kick the FG. I just knew their kicker would make it. He’s good under pressure.

  41. Bucsalltheway Says:

    Fan duel couldn’t pay everyone get over it folks…the next time we see them we will win because everyone is going to go Atlanta crazy and take kirk cousins for 600 passing yards lol

  42. Biggun Says:

    I expected a split with Atlanta as well as the Saints the question which game will it be??? We now half the outcome determined already. As far as for the Panthers we should sweep them. After this loss we’ll make the adjustments for the game on 10/27 at home… GO BUCS!

  43. churrasco Says:

    Baker had 180 yards passing … That was the NFL per game team passing average in 1979 … I’ll say it again, we’re wasting our time with Baker … A second season hovering around .500 … Had we played Trask these last two seasons we’d know he is the future or we’d suck and be picking high in the 2025 draft … Instead we’ll never sniff a Super Bowl with Baker and Trask will move on from this quarterback dumpster fire in 2025.

  44. Deadwood South Dakota Says:

    Poor coaching lost that game.. so many small things that turned into a big ole loss..

  45. churrasco Says:

    5-5 or 4-6 at the break.

  46. GoneGator Says:


    Give it up dude. Nobody believes Baker is the problem at this point.
    He’s been a top 5 QB for the last 12-14 games. He’s making incredible throws that not many can even make and he’s not turning the ball over. Running for big yards when needed. The guy refuses to throw his teammates or coaches under the bus and accepts the blame even when it’s not his fault.

    What the hell else do you want Baker to do ?

  47. Mostly Peaceful Trask Fan Says:

    By the break? 3-7. No playoffs for the Bucs this season.

    They need to beat ATL at home to have a shot.

    After they get drummed by NO and Balt not a given.

  48. Mostly Peaceful Trask Fan Says:

    This is only the beginning too.

    Once Trask goes to Carolina the pain only gets worse.

  49. BradyGronk Fan Says:

    It’s sad if your comparing Baker’s play to Brady’s 2022 year. It was one of the worst year if not the worst year in his career. It was the only year he had a losing record and he was a shadow of himself.

    Baker played the game purely safe and as a game manager. When it came time to put away the Falcons he couldn’t get out of his game manager mode. How many passes has he made where it’s gone for at least 20 air yards? Just disappointing. What I saw with Cousins was what I hoped Baker would be this year.

  50. churrasco Says:

    Mostly Peaceful Trask Fan Says: “Once Trask goes to Carolina the pain only gets worse.”

    Since the Bucs obviously like short quarterbacks I don’t understand why they don’t trade Kyle Trask for Bryce Young of the Panthers. Instead the Bucs are going to sit on Trask this season who will then leave for the Panthers and the Bucs will miss out on getting the shortest quarterback in the NFL. Makes no sense.

  51. Bartow Buc Says:

    I am excited about this offense !! Thanks Joe !! I love the Bucs and I see players and coaches giving their all on the sidelines and on the field ! Good things are going to happen soon !! We just need to get healthy!!

  52. Mike Johnson Says:

    great. Be excited about our Offense all you like fellow Buc fans. But unless we can stop somebody? We shall not outscore them. Look no further than Thursday night. We could not, failed to, and would not..stop the Atlanta Falcons from scoring. And that..is a FACT.

  53. Faspro Says:

    Pfft, Evans was wide open to seal the game…

  54. unbelievable Says:

    So what keeps happening to our offense in the 2nd half of games though? Why are we taking our foot off the gas and going turtle?

    vs. Philly, 2nd half: 9 points

    vs. Atlanta, 2nd half: 6 points

  55. Bartow Buc Says:

    We were in position to win it. Had we not fumbled and gotten the bad holding call. Had we just made a first down, that game was ours. Someone made the point we played with 13 defensive players ….. how did they do as good as they did ? The D had to be totally exhausted.
    Good things are going to happen !!

    Go Bucs !!

  56. Saskbucs Says:

    Haha Pewter Power. The division has not caught up. There was a clear better team on that field last night they just choked. We are very injured, won’t use that as an excuse but the guys we are missing easily change that game. How much of a difference were Landman and Anderson and their C out vs Kancey, Winfield and Goedeke. Not the same thing.

    Saints are still on borrowed time. Currently 90 some million over next years cap. Roster is still old.

    Falcons invested 140 million in Kirk, had to go out and buy a couple 30+ year old vets just to compete in this division.

    Bucs have a 35 million good QB and a young roster of hopefully ascending talent. Yeah Evans and David and Vea are old as well but the Bucs future looks brighter next year than this year and I am not sure I can say the same about the rest. Possibly Carolina, cause how can it get worse but they have major issues cough Young.

  57. Don'tBmad Says:

    Atlanta favored, Atlanta at home, Atlanta wins….deluded Bucs fans “fire everybody”

  58. White Tiger Says:

    Bucs offense looked great, in the 1st half. Suddenly someone went conservative in the 2nd half and. Tried to run out the clock with a terrible run-blocking o-line.

    Defense was awful, but we’re missing the best Safety in the NFL and our second stud on the d-line.

    Typically, if you can score 30, you should win the game.

    Maybe we’ll get AWJ, Kancey back in defense – but I’m not sure who our coverage MLB is out – but the Britt experience should be over. He’s great against the run, but worthless on passing plays.

    If we do not get our AWJ & Kancey back – we’re going to have to remember to keep passing EVERY QUARTER. We don’t have the running game to close out games, yet.

    I agree, I’m very please with the 1st half offensive scheme of the past couple of weeks, future looks bright. Got to work on some smoke & mirrors for the defense.

  59. JD Still Says:

    I must be living in an alternative universe , Mayfield throws for a measly 180 yards , nothing in the second half and loses the game, Cousins throws for over 500 yards , sets a new team record and wins the game , but it’s Mayfield that gets praise for playing a great game? Scotty , beam me up!

  60. BakerBucs says duh Says:

    let’s put aside the OT,TD. Everybody keeps saying what happened 2nd half they only scored 6 points well hell atl only scored 10 points 2nd half so take the facemask & shove it where the sun don’t shine in the refs azz that was the game winning drive or shud I say the nail in coffin drive those dirty birds refs are the true story of this loss that facemask was 1 of the worst plain site in u r face neck breaking pull I have seen so stop complaining bout the Bucs get behind this quality team Licht has bolt

  61. BakerBucs says duh Says:

    This game steal was way worse than the steal they got at the saints

  62. BakerBucs says duh Says:

    It ain’t over til the fat ref sings at game 17


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