Concussion Issue Still Plaguing Luke Goedeke

October 9th, 2024

This is getting scary.

Starting right tackle Luke Goedeke has missed four consecutive games because his concussion (better defined as a traumatic brain injury) has not improved to the point where he’s cleared to play in a game.

He was limited in practice today in New Orleans, Todd Bowles told media, as the Bucs prepare for Sunday’s game there against the slimy Saints.

Three games is a lot to miss with a concussion. Four is rare. Five would be territory Joe doesn’t want to think about.

Iconic Bucs guard Ali Marpet (2015-2021) retired at 28 years old, in part because of a concussion that cost him three games during the 2020 season. As most NFL offensive linemen will tell you privately, that position generates a blow to the head on every play. And Joe thinks it’s fair to say Goedeke plays more violently than most of his peers.

Tough Weekend For Bucky Irving

40 Responses to “Concussion Issue Still Plaguing Luke Goedeke”

  1. dls5492 Says:

    Prayers to Luke.

  2. zzbucs Says:

    Jesus H Christ!!!!

    All the best Mr Luke!!!!

    Health always first…….

  3. BucVoyager Says:

    Time to think about retirement. Love his play before he got hurt and was really stoked about his potential but health is more important than football.

  4. Fred McNeil Says:

    Damn! Get well soon, Luke.

  5. A Bucs Fan Says:

    He’s got ten days to get to full participation without any setbacks or becoming symptomatic again. If he can’t I would put him on season ending IR.

  6. Tampabaybucfan Says:

    What an awful shame….prayers for Luke..

  7. Leopold Stotch Says:

    Yeah this is not good. I feel horrible for him. Really should have been coming into his own this year. May have to end his career. Just awful. Prayers for the young man. I am hopeful he can recover.

  8. Chad Says:

    If he has to miss again. He needs to think about his health and probably retire. 5 and a half weeks out due to a concussion is not good at all

  9. Ds Says:

    Might need to retire imo take the settlement

  10. Irishmist Says:

    This is why short arms are a liability for an offensive lineman. Even if you have the strength that Luke does to hold people from getting past you, they can get close enough to head butt you. Someone like Wirfs who has longer arms can keep the opposing players from getting up in his face. But I think we’re rapidly coming to the point where all players will be forced to wear the Gazoo helmets. As Joe points out, these players are taking blows to the Head on a regular basis and they are just getting faster and stronger each year so the force of the blows keeps going up. Josh Allen probably had a concussion last game from getting his head slammed against the turf, and we were lucky that Mayfield didn’t have one himself when his head slammed into the turf.

  11. heyjude Says:

    Luke really needs to look out for himself now. He is only 25 and this may be a wake up call for his well-being. Ali was smart and retired.

  12. Jack Meoff Says:

    Luke need to ask if you want to biggie size them fries

  13. Koala Says:

    We need to consider whether that independent neurologist is a resident of New Orleans.

  14. Mike Says:

    Football is just a game and the kid needs to think about his long term health. I hate that this happened to him but he’s got to come to grips with the reality of the situation and think about his future.

  15. Bojim Says:

    Want him back but his brain is pretty important to o.

  16. gbobucsfan Says:

    Tua has like 12…..Luke will be fine.

  17. Tiff, Okla,Bake, Bucs 4 life Says:

    I do hope gbobucs fan us right and think its true
    But, if he diesnt play thuams week, team HAS 2 put him on ir 4 the year and get us a HEALTHT man out tgere n niw!! We keep waiting 4 miracle n it dies not seem 2 b happening

    Team needs tge player as Luke needs 2 watch his health n decide what 2 do

    Bucs really cant wait , need 2 get smeone up n ready n capable B4 falcons game again

  18. Saskbucs Says:

    Wild. Not good at all for Luke or the Bucs. If he is done, that’s some rough OL luck the past 3-4 years. Line looked to be set then boom Ali retires and Jensen career over in a blink.

    Just when we are hopefully a LG next offseason away from being set on the OL again, our RT has a career threatening injury.

    I think the career ending talk is pure speculation, I know many hockey guys who have suffered concussions and been out for a month or 2 before coming back. Happens all the time in NFL as well (Tua).

    Does anyone know how and when this concussion happened ? Did a bus hit him leaving the Commanders game week 1?

  19. unbelievable Says:

    I said since he missed the 2nd game that this is not looking good for him, and might be the end of his career.

    I hope I’m wrong, but 5 missed games would be A LOT.

  20. BucU Says:

    His career very well be over before it even really got started. Bummer.

  21. Vegasbuccaneer Says:

    Career over

  22. Mike Johnson Says:

    Life means more than Football, Do what you gotta do Luke.

  23. GoneGator Says:

    Where are all the “cupcake” comments about soft athletes “these days”?
    Rod ? SMH.

  24. A Bucs Fan Says:

    Luke was officially a full participant today. Graham Barton DNP (hamstring) m, Izien DNP (elbow/groin). Jordan whitehead limited (groin) and Antoine was limited with the foot sprain.

    Bucs are still the walking wounded.

  25. Josh Says:

    I apologize if I come across as harsh, or inconsiderate but I have serious concerns about our medical staff. They pulled Vea, yet it turned out he was fine to play the following week. Kancey has yet to play this year. Meanwhile, Godeke had no obvious concussion but is out for almost half the season, meanwhile Tua can return in just a week. I understand that concussions are serious, but at some point, players should be allowed to make their own decisions. If he doesn’t want to play anymore, I can respect that, but he should consider retiring to help the Bucs find a viable replacement. Also at what point should he have been put on the IR again I know it’s a concussion but we’re going on 5 games now. Utilize the tools you have at your disposal. If the medical staff is going to be soooo careful with him then just like with Kancey why wasn’t he put on the IR at this point?

  26. Nicholas Carlson Says: (which could be wrong) says he was a full participant…

    C Graham Barton (hamstring) – DNP (Wed.)
    DL Earnest Brown IV (ribs) – FP (Wed.)
    DL William Gholston (knee) – FP (Wed.)
    T Luke Goedeke (concussion) – FP (Wed.)
    DB Christian Izien (elbow/groin) – DNP (Wed.)
    WR Kameron Johnson (ankle) – LP (Wed.)
    DL Calijah Kancey (calf) – FP (Wed.)
    WR Jalen McMillan (hamstring) – LP (Wed.)
    WR Trey Palmer (concussion) – DNP (Wed.)
    RB Rachaad White (foot) – LP (Wed.)
    S Jordan Whitehead (groin) – LP (Wed.)
    S Antoine Winfield Jr. (foot) – LP (Wed.)

  27. PewterStiffArm Says:

    Is a Guardian cap with a Bucs logo in order here? Luke is a monster coming off the snap of the ball. Finally, we have an anchor on the right side and he can’t get back on the field. It would be sad if we were to loose this talent, we finally have a rock star with major dizzines. He also has a nasty demeanor that we need on our line, good fortunes Luke, good fortunes.

  28. A Bucs Fan Says:

    @Josh regarding the injuries you don’t come off as harsh. You come off as uninformed.

  29. Josh Says:

    I don’t see how I’m uninformed but, If I am please tell me what I’m missing. The doctors literally said they told Tua he shouldn’t play, but ultimately it’s his decision. They put him on IR, Godeke’s evidently wasnt considered serious enough to even do that. Tua wants to play hes said that does Godeke? What happens if the doctors never clear him? Is that allowed? I understand he’s hurt, it sucks fewl terrrible for the man but, again there must be better or different tests to determine how long this will affect him like a series of brain scans before the season on players for a baseline and then track it or something.

    I appreciate that the Glazers seem to care, which is great. Hence the medical staff safety first but, what can the Bucs actually do to protect players and help those who want to play get back on the field safely.

    For example MMA fighters often sustain numerous concussions yet still compete they spar almost everyday. This raises questions about the differing approaches to player safety in football versus MMA. There’s a clear need to prioritize player health while ensuring they can safely return to play if that’s what they desire to do. So ultimately who makes that call and how long should they be allowed to decide is all I’m asking.

    What do you think???

  30. JustVisiting Says:

    The league should just require guardian caps for OL and DL players. They have potentially hazardous impact almost every play. It’s just the nature of the positions. Nobody wants to look “soft”; the league needs to help them be smart without losing face.

  31. Bucs Fan From Philly Says:

    Well another first round pick on a lineman and not on an edge rusher

  32. JustVisiting Says:

    Josh, concussions are caused by direct blows to the head that basically cause the brain to ricochet off the inside of the skull. This is a pretty rare occurrence for QBs, at least under current rules, so a QB who chooses to play with a concussion is betting decent odds that he won’t take the wrong kind of hit. On the OL, these impacts occur nearly every play on that first contact after the hike. If they have a lingering concussion, playing is almost guaranteed to increase the damage. Those are a fool’s odds.

  33. GoneGator Says:

    I haven’t been keeping up with news on Tua but mark my words, he’ll be retired soon enough.

  34. Josh Says:

    I’m not arguing; I’m asking how you can tell a man he can’t do what he wants in this aspect. Isn’t that what this country is founded on? He’s not hurting anyone but himself. Inform him of the risk and make him sign a liability waiver at a certain point. I could see a year-long rule for a recurring issue, or even where after a certain number of concussions, a player would have to medically retire. But to me, that feels un-American. Should he retire? Should any player after a few concussions? Yes, but no one should tell someone they can’t do something because they might get hurt. That’s like saying someone can’t drive because they might get into an accident. Are the odds higher in this instance? Once again Yes, I’m not arguing that. But let them come back if they want to. It’s a gladiator sport for ridiculous money….

    I guess I just remember John Lynch knocking people out and loving it. Those old players were legends and deserve immense respect. It was a different sport, a different age, and a different mentality. I guess I just miss it.

  35. JustVisiting Says:

    Josh, I get where you’re coming from. The teams are probably worried about liability…and looking relatives of brain-damaged ex-players in the eye. Personally, I’d like to see mandated guardian caps and an upright starting line stance. That should drastically reduce brain injuries, and they’re just workplace rules like we all deal with. That done, I guess I’d let players make their own decisions, but I’d want team docs to make +damn+ sure they truly understood the risks.

  36. Usfbuc Says:

    A big part of the delay in him coming back is the new independent doctor clearing the player. If you have a legit doctor they are going to hold the player out for longer. All the studies I have heard about have shown the more time they can put between concussions the less likely there is long term damage.

  37. Usfbuc Says:

    It’s also not even the concern about another concussion it’s any impact at all can further increase the damage long term. And from what I picked up watching stuff about the concussions every person is different in their recovery time. Personally I would rather a guy sit for more time and come back 100% than come back early

  38. adam from ny Says:

    josh stop busting balls during milton

  39. Mockyrock Says:

    Uhhhhh. He practiced in full Wednesday?

  40. Joe Says:

    Uhhhhh. He practiced in full Wednesday?



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