Chase Daniel: Bucs & Baker Mayfield Better Than You May Think

October 2nd, 2024

MVP chatter.

Joe was listening to a national sports radio show not found on SiriusXM NFL Radio and the host was rattling off teams he believes are the NFC’s best.

Naturally, he mentioned the three teams the Bucs have beaten this year as contenders. But the Bucs? Are you kidding?

(He did say the NFC South stinks.)

Former NFL quarterback Chase Daniel concludes that if any radio host doesn’t believe the Bucs are contenders for the NFC, they need to — in the immortal words of Mike Tyson — turn off their station.

Appearing on the podcast “Scoop City” with Dianna Russini of The Athletic, Daniel said the Bucs are among the NFC’s elite and they’re being driving by their quarterback.

“Baker Mayfield is for real,” Daniel said. “He is in the top-three of the MVP voting in my opinion.

“It’s Josh Allen, it’s Sam Darnold and it’s Baker Mayfield.”

So why has Mayfield succeeded with Dave Canales and Liam Coen and Todd Bowles? Daniel thinks it has a lot to do with when the Bucs signed him and how they told him not to try and be someone else.

That’s the magic tonic, Daniel said.

“The Bucs have allowed him to be himself,” Daniel said. “His personality, it’s infectious. … It’s completely different than how Tom Brady did it. But I am a huge Baker Mayfield fan right now.”

Daniel rattled off a bunch of quarterback stats and noted Mayfield ranks in the top-five in several categories including touchdowns thrown (second).

If Mayfield can keep on keepin’ on, with the exception of the Denver debacle, the Bucs could have an incredibly fun season.

22 Responses to “Chase Daniel: Bucs & Baker Mayfield Better Than You May Think”

  1. Win in the Trenches Says:

    Thursday night football will be a good test. Atlanta was in every game till the end . It will be a dog fight till the end.

  2. Boomer Says:

    Here’s hoping the Bucs come out strong, set the tone, sustain the first drive and punch in a touchdown.

    I’m here for it….

  3. Defense Rules Says:

    Joe … ‘That’s the magic tonic, Daniel said. “The Bucs have allowed him to be himself.”

    Sorry Chase, but I don’t vew that as a ‘magic tonic’. What’s made all the difference is that Baker is getting decent protection, Baker has some outstanding weapons at his disposal, Baker is being supported by a quality defense, AND Liam Coen is doing a very good right now of putting Baker in a position to succeed.

    When it all comes together, it’s a beautiful thing (like against Philly). When it doesn’t, it can get really ugly (like against Denver). Yes Baker is being allowed to ‘Be Baker’. But then again, what coach in his right mind would say ‘Hey Baker, we want you to Tom Brady today’. Like Popeye used to say ‘I yam who I yam, and that’s all who I yam’. Go Baker.

  4. adam from ny Says:

    something to consider:

    you don’t want to even be 4-0…
    you don’t want to be the hot team that comes flying out the gate…
    you don’t want to be the team that peaks too early…
    you don’t want to be the team that fizzles out down the stretch…
    usually the hot team early on tends to do that…

    you want to be a little more slow and steady, improving as the year goes on and peaking in december and january…

    3-1 is just where we want to be…
    were we gonna be 4-0………no
    are we better off than 2-2……yes

    the denver loss was a good thing………well sorta

    who would you rather beat…?
    which is more satisfying…?

    beating detroit or denver?
    beating philly or denver?

    we won the opener which is great…

    and we beat the 2 teams out of the 3 teams that we really wanted to beat, and who are our direct nfc competition and rivals…

    we are right on schedule if you ask me…
    maybe even better

  5. adam from ny Says:

    now the idea is to escape atlanta with a victory and then get some needed rest…

    some how, some way, just slink out of their building with the W…

    #EatTheW #AndScootOffToTheAirport

  6. LakelandBuc Says:

    Everyone is good when things are going good. I wanna see good things from this team when the going get tough!!

  7. BakerFan Says:

    LakelandBuc Says:
    October 2nd, 2024 at 8:03 am
    Everyone is good when things are going good. I wanna see good things from this team when the going get tough!!


    With all these injuries I think it is rough for them and they are holding their own.

    Win in Atlanta, you don’t want to sit around 10 days with a loss gnawing at you.

  8. Marky Mark Says:

    Dont let success get to your head. Keep the underdog mentality

  9. LakelandBuc Says:


    They are holding up good
    The injuries are going to continue
    I just hope they continue to play hard and win games

  10. orlbucfan Says:

    Go Bucs!

  11. garro Says:

    Baker is who he is and I never ever bought in to the rumor mill coming out of Cleveland. A bunch of Chumps spreading crap. Who would believe anything from those idiots! I like his attitude but the media labeling it as moxie gets on my nerves a bit.

    Allowed him to be himself? Who else were you today? Who else would you try to be? Try being someone else tomorrow. Not an easy thing to pull off.

    Now as far as personalities? I played with some asshats and some great guys also played with some who should have been put in a rubber room. We were playing football while on the field. They were my teammates… Simple as that. People put too much on all the psychology stuff. Did Brady hate to lose?…Hell yeah he did! Does Baker? Umm hell yeah he does!

    Tell Mr Daniel that right now and for the foreseeable future, teams go as there QB goes. Protect the QB and give him some weapons and you almost cant help but win some games. Roger and company have seen to that.

    Go Bucs!

  12. BA’s Red Pen Says:

    Both wins the Falcons have were lucky pull it out your azz stuff. They are simply not impressive. Bucs win.

  13. Jeagan1999 Says:

    Joe…look into your crystal ball….The Raider trade Davante Adams to the Jets….the Jets trade Hassan Reddick to the Bucs for the draft capital to make it happen.

    Could be?

  14. Bucs And Them Says:

    Ahhh yes Defense Rules. Invoking the great philosopher Popeye! Well played fine sir. I always thought he was an underrated actor….lol But seriously, I don’t think it’s surprising at all that Mayfield is flourishing with this Bucs team. It’s frustrating that the Mayfield naysayers never seem to acknowledge the uniquely bad position he was in from the get go of his career starting in Cleveland. All the upheaval of coaches and coordinators year after year along with the overall disfunction of that franchise. Not sure how many, if any at all, 1st round quarterbacks that had to start their careers in such a manner as he contended with, and flourish. Then get dumped to an arguably worse organization in the Carolina Panthers. If any quarterback faced a more volatile and disfunctional 5 year introduction into the NFL, I’m not aware. Here, he walked into an organization/team that was stable, well run and, with talent. No surprise at all that his talent is showing under those circumstances. Brilliant move of Light & Bowles going after him and seeing the potential of Mayfield in a stable organization.

  15. Alanbucsfan Says:

    Denver’s Defense kept Aaron Rodgers out of the end zone last Sunday
    Bucs offense wasn’t sharp in their game against Denver, but the Broncos’ D is currently ranked 2nd in NFL

  16. Erik w/ Says:

    The drama in Cleveland was mainly from P Diddy’s butt buddy Odell Beckham, and with Baker’s injury shoulder and lack of arm strength, he didn’t have the clout there any more to run off Odell and stick around.

    Glad it all went down like that, so we ended up with Baker who’s a stud and true Franchise QB.

  17. J Says:

    @DR… I believe Baker is beginning to get better protection, but I wouldn’t agree Baker has had good protection to this point in the season necessarily. Barring any major setback to Goedeke and his noggin, I will agree that we will have much improved protection, and eventually a consisyent top 5 to 10

    I have to admit, Skule was a pleasant surprise last week. His reps could become a blessing if Luke’s issues linger.

  18. J Says:


  19. BoomerSooner Says:

    Bucs and Them,
    Certainly a wise move by bucs front office and head man to discount the noise that surrounded baker. They clearly understood their locker room was functional and stable and humble enough to get the most out of him. Really seems to indicate a bit of mastery on their part Because given a proper supporting cast AND enough time to win them over, baker’s value can’t be overstated. This is the sort of environment where a real leader (ex. Tom Brady) can succeed and i think awesome to see because that sort of environment seems to be eroding away in this league and pro sports in general. Looking at it from afar, i would consider the Bucs a model organization

  20. Gipper Says:

    To the question why has Baker Mayfield succeeded with Canales and Coen, the answer is easy? He hasn’t been injured like he was in 2021 with the Browns when he tried o play the entire season with a torn left labrum in his shoulder. Canales and Coen have had little to do with it other than Coen making a rational decision to throw under the deep safeties popular now in the NFL. Neither Coen or Canales was around when Baker was named the college QB of the century by Sports Illustrated. Mayfield has a rocket howitzer arm. When receivers drop his passes, usually it is because they are to hot to handle.

  21. BoomerSooner Says:

    Can joe tell me why he would omit a coherent comment? Quickly Losing credibility, joe

  22. Bucs And Them Says:

    BoomerSooner,……..Very well put. Couldn’t agree with you more. A lot to be proud of with our Bucs organization from the ownership, front office and, on down to the players. Same with the Lightning & Rays.


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