Bucs Defense Set A Season High Monday — And Not The Good Kind!

October 23rd, 2024

Todd Bowles

If this is the type of defense Joe can expect a defensive guru to craft, perhaps it is time to scrap the defense and start from scratch.

The Bucs defense set a season-high Monday night. And Joe is going to guess you won’t find this  mark featured on Buccaneers.com.

If you think the Crows had open receivers in their curb stomping of the Bucs, you don’t know the half of it.

Check out this little nugget from official NFL NextGen Stats: When the Bucs used a zone defense against Crows quarterback Lamar Jackson, which happened on 16 of his dropbacks, Jackson shredded, absolutely shredded the Bucs zone defense.

And that’s easy to do when dudes were running as wide ass open as a whitetail buck in an Illinois cornfield.

Against the Bucs’ zone defense, the Crows averaged 5.3 yards of separation. The highest NextGen Stats has recorded in any game in the 2024 season.

Additionally, the Bucs blitzed Jackson like there was no tomorrow. It didn’t do a damn thing. Against the blitz, Jackson was 11-of-15 for 166 yards and three touchdowns.

But nnnnnnooooo! The Bucs just cannot have an edge rush. There’s no need for an edge rusher when a team can blitz like a banshee — and leave receivers wide ass open. An edge rusher is simply trivial. Let’s instead blitz the hell out of the quarterback but not get home and leave dudes as open as Tom Hanks on a deserted island.

Now THAT’S a winning defense — for a good chance at a high draft pick next spring!

The Bucs rank No. 28 in the NFL in defensive points allowed averaging 26 per game, just slightly worse than the Crows but a hair better than the Raiders.

(Hat tip Sean Sullivan at Bill Currie Ford.)

Mike Evans Injury Update

43 Responses to “Bucs Defense Set A Season High Monday — And Not The Good Kind!”

  1. Josh Says:

    If we don’t trade for a pass rusher this season is OVER!!

  2. Beeej Says:

    We played a lot of zone last year to cover up for Neal, I don’t understand why we’re still doing that

  3. Buc4evr Says:

    Honestly it makes me sick, especially since the Ravens didn’t do a damn thing to change their offense. As long as the Bucs keep JTS,Hall, and Britt they are going to struggle. With the exception of Winfield there is no one in the secondary that is worth a flip. This by far was the biggest comedy of errors watching the secondary get smoked on pretty easy offensive routes. No communication, no trying to intercept balls that were pretty easy to jump the route on, no over under coverages. When the TE ran seam routes the CBs and Safeties were just looking at each other. Overall, Bowles is not that great with his blitz packages once the Ravens made adjustments. The defense knew that Henry was going to run to the weak side and only put on LB or Safety on that side. Btw, Britt is slower than my grandma, bring White back please.

  4. Josh Says:

    Myles Garrett, even if it cost you a first, third, and sixth round pick, would be worth every penny, and I wouldn’t even care about our draft position next year. Your not going to get in elite pass rusher if you make the playoffs which this team with Myles Garrett can do that and more. Resign Godwin next year have a nice 3 year window until Evans retires hopefully this is the phone call Licht needs to make…

  5. Razor Ramone Says:

    I was stoked about getting Whitehead back. Where’s he been?

  6. Buc4evr Says:

    The Bucs defense has regressed to the days of the lost decade. Jameis could pass for 5000 yards but it made no difference as the defense was terrible. Looks like the same thing is playing out for Mayfield. He can score 30 points, but the defense is putrid. At least Bowles will be gone after this season. All because he kept guys that shouldn’t be starters in the NFL and wouldn’t address the Edge situation. Hope JTS , Hall and Britt join him.

  7. Viktor Vaughn Says:

    It doesn’t matter what type of records are set against this defense, Bowles isn’t going anywhere. He was a diversity hire, yeah I said it. Firing him would be a PR nightmare for the organization especially if they replaced him with a white boi. We aren’t going to get our wish unless we literally go 0-17.

  8. WiscoJoe Says:

    Todd Bowles after losing to Dallas in the playoffs:

    “I think when your nose is your leading sack guy, I don’t think the pass rush was good enough. We fell off some, we missed some – but they came from a multiple group of people. You want to be able to get there with four so you can play more coverage. I thought we got better from a pass defense standpoint in that aspect, but we can also rush the passer better.”

    “If the situation becomes available, we’ll definitely need more sacks from that position,” said Bowles. “That’s one of our money positions where we count on sacks to come from – the majority of them, anyway. Hopefully Shaq comes back okay. In the third year, Joe can be better at that. Nelson hopefully we can get back. Carl stepped in nicely. But we need more production from a sack standpoint out of that position.”

    Then in an interview Ronde Barber did with Ari Meirov in September he talks about how when Todd Bowles was in Arizona they didn’t have a lot of talent on defense so he needed sacks to come from everyone and that’s why his defense is the way it is.

    I just don’t get it, does he value the edge rush or no? It’s mixed messaging, it’s like he knows they need an edge rush but won’t do anything about it. He admits they would like to rush 4 and play coverage but he has his edge rushers drop back in coverage all the time… make it make sense. I’m tired of Bowles and it’s time to promote Liam Coen before we lose him to someone else as a head coach.

  9. Gipper Says:

    Myles Garrett can be had. Browns are in rebuild mode. Not going to find that kind of talent in draft, plus Garrett under contract for a remaining 3 years,

  10. Allbuccedup Says:

    The nfl has become wise to Bowles defense and hes too old to change thats all he knows. Winfield and Vea are the only two bright spots on the defense the rest are average and some below average it is what it is. No “D” now no “O” ?

  11. Bucsfan81 Says:

    We will know if a few weeks how this is going to play out. We lose the next 3 games then there is no reason to even bring Mike back this season and we will be tanking for the best draft pick as possible.

  12. Bucswin! Says:

    How about some coverage sacks? No sacks available if receivers are that open. Go BUCS!

  13. ocala Says:

    I don’t want the Bucs to trade for any defensive player. Bowles has Winfield, Vea, David, Kancey and Mccollum but his game plans still are unable to stop anyone.

  14. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    Now this is what Bowles needs to be blasted with ad nauseum! When does he come off his high donkey and realize in today’s game sending linemen out to cover receivers and rbs and sending guys in who are meant for that responsibility in on ineffective blitzes DOES NOT WORK when there’s only so many you use in the first place??? Shortly after the our 2nd sack they adjusted and then he shredded us like mozzarella! He should change his name to Todd Mike Lovie Smith-Bowels because he definitely coaches like them. At the next press conference someone should be like
    ” Uhhh coach Mike err uhh coach Lovie duhhh I mean coach Todd Bowels”!

  15. Scott Says:

    He needs to go!!! This defense sucks! At least retain Cohen and find someone else to try out. What could it hurt??

  16. David Kilmer Says:

    It is amazing to constantly see the other teams receivers so wide open game after game. Bowles says it is a communication problem. I believe he is covering for his players at this point. I believe the real answer Britt simply is not quick enough and does not read his coverage assignments. Unforunately father time is catching uo to Lavonte David and he can’t cover ground likehe used too and is no help to Britt. I have no undertanding of Dean. He plays far to off the receiver and can’t catch. I am not sure what happened to Winfield and Whitehead in this game, but they appeared lost?. To add to that McColum , who has been playing well had a poor game and no ne to help him out. I don’t think the lb situationcan be fixed this year and Bowles is simply trying to do what he can with what he has. I don’t think we will see an improvement in the pass coverage his year given the aformentioned. The only hope is the offense can carry the defense this year. However, at the moment that does not look to good

  17. Joe Says:

    I was stoked about getting Whitehead back. Where’s he been?

    Joe saw him Monday night in the fourth quarter — making a business decision.

  18. cottleville buc Says:

    Each time the defense gets beaten as it did Monday night, the same explanation is “we had some communication issues”. This seems to be a pattern? Possibly simplifying the coverages so that we don’t have secondary players looking at each other while the opposition is celebrating a touchdown may be in order. Just saying!

  19. CChead Says:

    Todd’s defense ranks 31st in total defense giving up 386 ypg. That is not going to win to many games.

  20. Nick2 Says:

    Todd Bowles end will be his soft zone coverage.

  21. BucsfaninOregon Says:

    Let’s see, did I say back when some were printing their SB tickets, that our pass defense shows sign of breaking even when we beat the Lions and others.
    JTS is my favorite to focus on since he’s easily spotted on the end. And endless times he drops back in coverage, stands around in the left LB position and COVERS NOBODY! Last week he was in this position when the run play came in his direction and he was simply blocked by a single player. Did he even seem to enter the play- -no he just stood there and was blocked out. He did look good chasing the runner as he moved down the field for a nice gain. I can’t remember if he helped a Buc to his feet after the play was over. He is very good in doing that. Helping Bucs up after the play is over seems his main contribution.
    Having your (wanna bee) edge rusher drop into coverage most of the time IS A BAD PLAY. Look at Bosa of 49rs. He lines up like a track star and tries to get to the QB. You know, like an edge rusher. It will be little good to trade for Garret, Reddit or any other edge specialist. He will only be wasted in this defensive system. And our head coach is the owner of this defense. That is why I vote “Little Confidence” in Joe’s poll. There is only one way to fix this problem.

  22. BucsfaninOregon Says:

    I focused on JTS in my above screed. That’s only because he’s relatively EZ to spot. I suspect there are other similar problems all over this defense. You know, it’s our head coach’s specialty.

  23. Scott Says:

    Promote Cohen and hire Saleh. Todd can’t make things happen unless he has all stars at every position. Are we going to lose another good OC.. only to hope that one day Todd might have a good defense.

  24. Tucker Says:

    When recievers are that wide open a pass rusher isn’t going to do squat Joe we don’t need another edge rusher running after a wide open reciever we are seeing enough of that joe.

  25. Saskbucs Says:

    Whitehead looked like a world beater vs the Lions. Haven’t noticed him since. I guess Dean out hurt more than most of us thought. The soft zone and D rotations are a travesty. Clearly not working for this unit Todd.

  26. Greg Says:

    I’m over hearing TB referred to as a defensive guru or genius. It is not on display with this team. TB always speaks about missed assignments or communication problem….but when these things are an every game occurrence, it points to coaching. At least in my mind.

  27. Mike Johnson Says:

    A good offense may win you some games. But without a slightly above average Defense, you will not, cannot stop your opponent from scoring. And that my peoples is a true cold-blooded NFL FACT of football

  28. RuKa_44 Says:

    It’s the famous Todd Bowles Cover-0, as in, cover zero receivers.
    The other famous Todd Bowles coverage is the Cover-Each-Other, where defensive backs just cover one-another instead of the reviver…
    This is why Todd is a genius, a Guru of the D….

  29. heyjude Says:

    I really like Todd and he has been a pretty good HC. Ya, his forte is defense.

    However, I agree with Scott about hiring Saleh as a Defense Consultant. He did well with the 49ers. He could take the pressure off Todd.

    Not ready to promote Coen to HC. He is just starting out as the Bucs OC. There is a lot more games to go.

  30. Jake been there since the beginning Says:

    Are you saying we need to either get rid of Bowles or get a defensive coordinator which runs the defense. I do believe it should always be better not to leave recievers wide open. I also

  31. heyjude Says:

    Don’t get rid of Todd. Just have more help for defense. I think Saleh was a defense consultant aka coordinator for the 49ers. He did a good job there. Todd probably wouldn’t allow someone to take it over. But maybe take some of the pressure off.

  32. Pewter Power Says:

    Hey at least they are faster in the secondary

  33. First Name Greatest Says:

    Imagine having a defensive head coach who many call a Defensive Guru but having an awful defense…

    Todd Blows decision making and defense are awful

  34. SlyPirate Says:

    With these injuries, season is pretty much over. If the Bucs lose to ATL, the season is definitely over. I won’t mind a new HC. Bowles can’t win in Prime Time. It’s embarrassing with the level of talent the Bucs have.

  35. Bosch Says:

    Bowles is a superatively poor defense coordinator. It is time for his career to go the way of Mike Smith’s career.

  36. First Name Greatest Says:

    I was hoping he’d be bad enough to get fired in 2023, Bucs surprised and had a good year.

    The real Todd Blows is coming out for every to laugh at. Injuries and a tough stretch might rid the TRUE fans of Arians last F you to the franchise

  37. Buchen61 Says:

    The bucs seem to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory

  38. michael French Says:

    On every big pass play by the Ravens Jordan Whithead always looked lost. He would be running around when the ball was in the air, and he wasn’t looking for it or he was getting faked out and left in the dust by TE’s. This was an absolute embarrassment on National TV for all to see.

  39. unbelievable Says:

    Todd Bowles zone scheme sucks?

    Yeah, what else is new? It’s called cover zero for a reason…

  40. Dave Pear Says:

    Anyone with objectivity and eyes knows that Bloweszo’s zone defense is too hard for a non Mensa person to grasp. They don’t know what they’re supposed to do. Yes I’m a broken record for someone that drules defense fantasies – but it’s been true. The Bloweszo had two great press man corners. Hardly ever played it.

    Say no more. Anyone with a hint of reality knows the rest.

    Jeebus Crunch. Sorry for using Capn Crunch’s last name in vain.

  41. JeffreyLane77 Says:

    Is it really a zone defense if the first 15yds aren’t covered. Looks more like a safety like defense. Give up the first down to stop the big play defense. They couldn’t even do that.

  42. My Momma Says:

    Id say fire Bowles if he had a Myles Garrett, or someone who could provide an edge rush. This is more on the supposed “Ring of Honor” GM. Fire both if they can’t get it done.

  43. My Momma Says:

    Licht has whiffed too many times on defensive linemen.


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