Baker Mayfield Takes Blame For Loss

October 4th, 2024

Points finger at himself.

Baker Mayfield is just trying to be a standup guy.

He knows the Bucs offense had two possessions late with the ball well within field goal range for Chase McLaughlin. Both possessions came up empty and left the door open for Atlanta to mount a shocking comeback.

And that’s exactly what the Dixie Chicks did. They kicked the door open and stole all the Bucs’ beer.

Mayfield, speaking on the Buccaneers Radio Network following the game, said he should have found a way to score points on those last two possessions.

“I had multiple chances,” Mayfield said. “That [Atlanta] kick they made [to send the game into overtime], they should have needed a touchdown.

“[The offense] that’s on me,” Mayfield said. “That’s for sure on me. We shouldn’t have even been in the overtime situation.”

The Bucs in the second half, after leading 24-17 at halftime, scored but two field goals.

Ccore field goals and your opponent scores touchdowns, guess who wins? It’s simple math.

Joe found Mayfield’s words noble but Joe doesn’t think Mayfield was calling the horrendous three crap plays on the final drive. Two runs and a chickens(p)it screen pass?

This is what happens when you don’t put the ball into your best players’ hands (Mike Evans and Chris Godwin).


49 Responses to “Baker Mayfield Takes Blame For Loss”

  1. Mike Johnson Says:

    Offense played well enough to win. Our Defense totally let us down. TOTALLY. You gotta stop somebody sometime. We simply would not and could not. There is always hope we can beat them here in Tampa. I’m tired. Good Night.

  2. Oxycondomns Says:

    this is what the coach should be saying

  3. Rod Munch Says:

    I’m not Baker Boi sycophant, so my opinion when it comes to Baker actually matters, unlike theirs, since they always say the same thing no matter the truth of it.

    And, as I said when Winston was here, the QB is not at fault when you’re scoring 30 points. Baker played a great game, there was nothing he could do, the refs determined the outcome of the game.

  4. Chad Says:

    I agree rod, the defense and the refs were the reason we lost this game, you score 30 points on offense that’s enough to win.

  5. Jason Anthony Sturgess Says:

    I’ve never been so disgusted about an early season game before like this. It was a disgraec. There is no way this team will go to the Super Bowl with Todd Bowles as Head Coach. Todd Bowles is a defensive genius the same way Kamala Harris is an agent for change, lol. It’s too late to cancel my NFL Sunday Ticket which I purchased to follow Baker Mayfield and the Bucs but if I could I would. Get rid of Rasshaad White & quit relying on this turkey to run for 1 yard gains.

  6. gp Says:

    Class act

  7. LakelandBuc Says:

    The Bucs defense was burnt out, tired, exhausted. The Falcons offense ran 81 plays, what defense won’t get tired, especially on few days rest from their last game.

    The Bucs ran 51 plays
    The Falcons 81 plays

  8. Kenton Smith Says:

    Mayfield is 100 percent right. Score 6 points second half of a game like this. Don’t deserve to win. Liam and Baker look in the mirror on this one.

  9. Chad Says:

    Kenton smith, this is baker showing that he’s a leader, this loss falls on the defense and the refs, not the offense, you score 30 points you should win the game. Defense gave up 4 touchdowns and 509 yards. Baker don’t need to look in the mirror this time

  10. Bucs Guy Says:

    How many times were Godwin and Evans targeted in the 2nd half? I don’t know, but it wasn’t many — especially Godwin.

  11. Chad Says:

    Bucs guy, that was the problem with the offense, they got conservative the whole second half

  12. Greg Says:

    509 yards passing into soft coverage? That’s not Bakers fault.

  13. Oxycondomns Says:

    amongst all this lets not forget when bowles challenged the forward pass on cousins despite atlanta recovering the ball 10 yards down field

  14. StormyInFl Says:

    This loss is on the defense and whoever decided to go totally turtle with the offensive playcalling.

  15. LakelandBuc Says:

    The Bucs offense is to blame for this loss, Bucky fumble the ball when they could have put the Falcons away. The defense was tired, and the offense couldn’t score in the 2nd half. I have said this a thousand times, the Bucs are too inconsistent. Yeah they scored 39 points.

    24 in the first half
    6 in the second half

    They won the first half 24-17
    Loss the second half 19-6

    That is not a COMPLETE game

  16. LakelandBuc Says:

    *30 points

  17. StormyInFl Says:

    Bowles and his stupid challenge.

    Bowles NOT taking a timeout when the Falcons went hurry up on 4th down in the red zone, so his defense could get set. They weren’t ready and the Falcons walked right in.

    Whoever decided that KJ Britt is a starter.

    Whoever keeps calling ultra soft zones.

    Whoever keeps trotting JTS out on the field, even though he’s pretty much invisible.

    The guy who held his PUNTER accountable, but god forbid guys like Britt, JTS, and the rest who are constant no shows are.

  18. Bosch Says:

    Bowles is a technician. He designs defensive schemes. It takes a coach to get the players ready to execute the scheme. Bowles is a failure as a coach. The Bucs need to hire a legitimate defensive coordinator.

  19. Vegasbuccaneer Says:

    Choke ,,,,,,,,,,, kamala Harris on a 🍆🍆🍆🍆🍆🍆

  20. Josh Says:

    This team is frustrating, and the refereeing the last few years is infuriating. If the NFL is aiming for long-term financial success, they are not considering the bigger picture. While their current money-making strategies may yield short-term large financial gains, it’s the fans who purchase tickets and merchandise. It’s the fans that watch the games that drive ratings for mega tv deals. If they continue to manipulate games—whether through blatant missed calls or other means may it just be poor officiating —fans will lose interest. Gamblers in my experience only look at box scores, but this approach is not sustainable for the NFL’s financial health long term. At times, watching these games feels like watching a soap opera; the team may play poorly yet still good enough to win, only to be undermined by questionable officiating. Yeah the play calling sucked but how do you not call a facemask there its all the Announcers were even talking about then it turns into a hold…..

  21. RGA Says:

    In my opinion the blame lies on a few issues, a defensive coordinator (Head Coach) determined to run a zone defense and not using man. An offensive coordinator the went into a shell in the second half and turned into a coward. A secondary led by Dean that got totally abused, Kirk Cousins who I believe is a great thrower of the football will easily pick apart a zone defense, and lastly a bunch of fragile players that seem to not be physically prepared to play football.

  22. Bosch Says:

    Hey Lakeland. The falcons running 81 plays is on the defense allowing 2 for 3 on 4th down.

  23. LakelandBuc Says:

    Mayfield 53 yards passing in the second half


  24. Chad Says:

    Lakelandbuc, 509 yards for Kirk. Offense was conservative in the second half, this loss ain’t on baker

  25. 1sparkybuc Says:

    If Mayfield played in the second half like he did in the first half, the Bucs would have won going away. 49 yards passing is pathetic.

  26. Chad Says:

    That’s play calling, that’s not bakers fault, they played conservative, any person that ain’t a hater knows baker is not the reason the Bucs lost. This is completely on the defense. They gave up 509 yard passing and didn’t make any adjustments.

  27. LakelandBuc Says:


    It was the play calling
    The Bucs went conservative and was celebrating
    And the Falcons kept fighting, kept grinding
    Until they grinded out a victory

  28. Seemore Bucs Says:

    Just like politically, being conservative today means you’re a LOSER! Instead of pushing the envelope in the second half and putting the Failcons away, the Bucs let them hang around and steal it at the end. Conservatism blows..

  29. Dave Pear Says:

    When the Bucs stole one from the Lions, Head Coach Dan Campbell put it all on himself and asked for all the blame. Took all the blame.

    Bucs? Baker has to do it, his head coich won’t. One more example of what an inspiring leader does, and what an uninspiring leader who will probably be running guided deep sea fishing tours in five months, doesn’t do.

  30. Dave Pear Says:

    I mean, Todd is great. He’s a real winner.

  31. Oz lynn Says:

    Hard to overcome this many injuries on defense. If Atlanta needs 500 yards passing just to win in overtime, good luck with that. Even though we lost this one better days ahead when we get our defense healthy. And maybe a right tackle…

  32. Dave Pear Says:

    If this defense had the 85 Bears with this game plan, preparation, and coaching, same result.

  33. Leopold Stotch Says:

    Only thing I can “blame” him is for missing a wide open Evans on a dreadful screen play call. Otherwise he balled out. This loss is not on him at all. Play calling and the defense was atrocious.

  34. heyjude Says:

    Baker is a stand-up guy. This loss was not on him.

  35. Kenton Smith Says:

    Leopold Stotch – Evans sure was wide open. But in football the QB goes from first read (screen) to second read to third read. In other words no QB in real football would have read that. Baker and Liam didn’t keep the pedal down and the team paid for it. Lesson learned. We’re still going to be a strong playoff team. Bet me.

  36. Gofortheface30 Says:

    Kenton, if you had more than 700 dollars or so in your checking account then I’d love to bet you in other capacities because your takes are as brain dead as Tim Walz

  37. JK Says:

    Rod the Trobbing Rid Muncher owns the only opinion that matters!! Just ask the gay boi

  38. JK Says:

    Baker allowed 509 yards passing but still drew the Falcons in regulation. Never touched the ball in OT.
    This game reminds me of the Houston game lat year…..Mayfield cant play defense
    That guy sucks bad

  39. Fan of the South Says:

    Who called Tails?

  40. heyjude Says:

    The team probably agreed on Tails beforehand, in case they went into OT.

  41. RustyRhinos Says:

    So Joe’ “Ccore* field goals and your opponent scores touchdowns, guess who wins?”

    If we Score 6 FGs and they score 2 TDs, we win, right? I was at the game watching the OT and final moments when they tied the game up. We lost Whitehead about halfway through the 4th quarter. Without both of our starting S, we had a tough row to hoe. Raheem’s OC dialed up passes to their spots did you not notice?

    Good game one we should have won. Now it is on to the next game the “Taints’. Hopefully, we can get some of our wounded back on the field, Cauncy, our glass eater RT, and our all-pro safety Winfield. We are beat up and still playing strong.


  42. Marky Mark Says:

    He is a leader. The conservative game plans don,t work. Yes, bad plays were sent in. But Baker can change at the line. Next time he will call his own plays at the line.

  43. Bojim Says:

    It wasn’t on Baker or the offense.

    JL. If you don’t like Munches opinion, scroll past it. No need for name calling. Are you like 12 or something?

  44. Larrd Says:

    The last few weeks he’s been making comments covering for Skule, I noticed. Irving and Barton this week. It is empathy and leadership and it will keep the youngsters on track, hopefully.

    Saints, Ravens, Falcons, Chiefs, 49ers up next. It will be a bumpy ride, at best!

  45. stpetebucfan Says:

    It was ONE freaking game but let’s throw the baby out with the bathwater and fire Bowles.

    Raheem made the ballsy moves on 4th down and got rewarded. Fail on any one of those and the fans in Atlanta would be screaming instead of the Bowles haters.

    Let’s see..3-2 after losing a heartbreaker on the road to the team favored to win the Buc’s division while playing without the best player on D Winfield and perhaps one of the best game changing DL’s on the roster in Kancey.

    MY only fear is that the Bucs rebound like the sorry fans here!!! What if the team believes Bowles should be fired. What if the team feels like many fans here and that they’re not good enough.

    This is clearly a career year for Bowles a make or break season. Last year after a horrid collapse at this time in the season did the players QUIT on him? NO!
    Did the fans? YES

    And those same fair weather fans have already started yelling for his scalp after ONE freaking game against the favored team in their crib!!! The Bucs and Bowles did not suck last night. They LOST a one possession game and that sucks. It however does not determine the season.

    Please God return Winfield and Vita and Kancey’s health and protect Baker!

    Now bring on New Orleans. If anybody thinks we’ll walk over them in their crib be prepared for more disappointment!

  46. Coltol Says:

    The second half offense had 5 possessions, 2 FG’s, 1 lost fumble, and 2 drives stalled after holding calls. Not sure you can say they were conservative, mistakes were the killer.

  47. Aaron Says:

    Games like these hurt – chance to win a division game on the road on a short week. I’m just a casual football fan of 40years or so…watching that game play out you could feel the Bucs D wasn’t going to be the reason why we’re going to win that game. So on our last possessions Bowels needed to tell Coen go get the win…especially that last one…when the math quickly turned to best case punt and cousins gets the ball with 1min and only needing a FG for OT. You know your D can’t go into OT….thats what tix me off about Bowels…as a defensive head coach he has beer goggles for his what 30th ranked D.

  48. JK Says:

    Bojim: it’s JK, not JL…….and you ain’t my momma bro.
    The Throbbing Rod Muncher has been making an ass out of himself daily regarding his miniscule knowledge of anything and I am here to let him know every now and then that he is a TOOL of epic proportions
    Mind your own damn business

  49. captivajim Says:

    If you can’t win a game against an aging immobile QB by scoring 30 points; You must need a good/ better defensive minded HC


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