Baker Mayfield: Sloppy, Moxie & Huge Stats

October 13th, 2024

So Baker Mayfield is now on pace for 42 touchdown passes, 14 interceptions and 4,218 yards this season. And he’s having the best scrambling year of his career.

More important, the 4-2 Bucs have won twice as much as they’ve lost.

What a wild game for Mayfield today in the Bucs’ 51-27 rout of the slimy Saints in New Orleans.

Mayfield was sharp early, then he imploded with three first-half interceptions. But he didn’t break and did just enough to settle and spark the Bucs offense. His second-half scrambles were huge.

In the end, it was a 24-of-36 passing day for 325 yards — with 4 TD throws and those 3 picks. Plus, Mayfield had 29 yards rushing on just three tries.

Joe thinks Mayfield is a guy who learns from mistakes and will get better off a showing like this.

And he might even check to his beastly new running game a little bit more often. The Bucs entered this game ranked 13th in yards per carry this season. After Bucky Irving and Sean Tucker combined for a whopping 217 yards on just 28 carries, Joe is confident the Bucs will be a top-8 rushing team when the Week 6 games are in the books.

Crazy day for Mayfield, but it’s so satisfying to see the Bucs blow out the Saints without Mayfield playing his best.

67 Responses to “Baker Mayfield: Sloppy, Moxie & Huge Stats”

  1. DEFF JEFF Says:

    He makes it fun to watch on so many levels. Hanging 50 on the saints doesn’t suck. Baker bleeds creamsicle

  2. Orlando Kevin Says:

    Second quarter was hard to watch but what a game aside from that. There were some bonehead players penalties we need to clean up but also some phantom penalties called against us.

  3. Gipper Says:

    It was clear that ME was injured and playing on one leg. Mayfield shook off all the negatives and seemed confident about the outcome. Really helped the offense when Bowles brought the defensive heat on Rattler.

  4. Paratrooper Buc Says:

    Baker made one bad throw into coverage he didn’t see. One pass hit McMillan and it deflected (I hate those count). Last was a tip ball which baker could have been more careful. I agree Mayfield is much smarter than he gets credit for and learns. Glad we have Coen and Mayfield with Bucky, Mike and Chris. Offense overcame adversity from tough loss and bad quarter.

  5. Winny Testaverde Says:

    One of the strangest Buc game I’ve ever witnessed…and that’s saying a lot. Great 2nd half shutout.

  6. Husky Says:

    Was a horrible second quarter, but one pic wasn’t on him and the other was just a batted ball that took a wrong bounce. Only 1 was a bad decision.

  7. Teflon Don Says:

    Rachaad White.. your days are numbered sir!!!!

  8. CallTheSaltTruck Says:

    Baker made one real mistake with the first pick, the other two were just ricochets that went straight for the Saints. The real story is the defensive adjustments. Ratler was beating us up in the first half, but they scored 0 points the second half. That’s what we needed to get back into it. I knew Baker wouldn’t give up, but it was nice to see the defense start throwing up 0s for the first time in a while.

  9. Ex-Browns02 Says:

    So proud of Sean Tucker for finally getting to show what he can do — and delivering! Proud of the defense, their toughness and grit – and getting the necessary stops to add another W to the board!

    Go Bucks!

  10. Conte Piscatelli Says:

    Tuck & Buck!!!
    I loved watching us run the ball at the stinking saints

  11. A Bucs Fan Says:

    Trade Rachaad for an edge rusher or linebacker STAT

  12. adam from ny Says:

    wild game…hard to summarize at the moment…but baker very well could have had a 4-1 td to int ratio today…

    wild affair at the dome today…


  13. adam from ny Says:

    buckage tuckage & ruckage 🙂

  14. NaplesBucsFan Says:

    Can’t pin those 2 INTs on Bake, he had a couple other bad throws that could have been intercepted, but when it counted he made plays and htrustef his receivers to do their job on some of those long TDs

  15. NaplesBucsFan Says:

    Good QBs overcome their own (and inadvertent) turnovers with more good play, that’s what Baker did

  16. Tbbucs3 Says:

    White should be demoted to RB2/3 but trading Rachaad White is only a suggestion from dumb drunk Bucs fans….

    He’s still a valuable asset and literally one of the best pass catching backs in the league….most NFL teams use a 3 back rotation….trading him would be stupid but good thing Licht and Bowels are smart enough to not even entertain that idea.

  17. Chad Says:

    On top of Mike being defended by their best corner, he looked hurt, wasn’t running routes as hard and fast as what he usually does. Hope he heals up and has a bounce back game next week

  18. BucsGuy Says:

    Biggest growth aspect for Baker here is in the past when he started performing poorly or throwing a pick or two he used to implode and it was all down hill from there. This time he didn’t let it rattle him and turned it around quickly which is very promising for our franchise QB

  19. Bakerfan Says:

    I think they need to go vertical more at least a few times a half. It seems like the Saints were just sitting on the short routes in the first half

  20. Farmer Says:


    Im one of Bakers biggest fans but tipped balls at the LOS are still the fault of the QB.

    We praise him for his athletic scrambling ability that other QB’s don’t have, we also need to judge him for batted passed at the LOS due to his height.

  21. Let Them Eat Bake Says:

    The trade talk is crazy, y’all. What inside or outside LBs do you think you’re going to get in exchange for R. White? I’ll tell you: not as good as the ones we already have.

  22. Trask To The Future Says:


    I’m joking. 🙂

    Sure, Baker, had 3 picks today but other than he played pretty solidly. Even I’m willing to admit a couple of those INTs weren’t all that bad.

    As long as he keeps making those short, quick accurate throws, the Bucs will go far. Coen is clearly playing to his strengths and not trying to draw up deep routes that require perfect pass protection and longer time to develop.

  23. Bucs And Them Says:

    Buck & Tuck and, the run blocking, served the Slimy Saints a nice Tucky two-piece dinner. How’d that taste Nawlins!?

  24. Bosch Says:

    I wonder how the Bucs score of 51 ranks in buccaneer history. I’ll bet Joe knows.

  25. Brandon Says:

    Sean Tucker… what can I say? I praised his signing last year, have stated joy this year avohf Bucky but have maintained all along that Tucker is our best runner. There is ZERO doint now. The guy has elite ability. I’ve always been a fan but had no idea he was so hard to bring down. He’s impressive.

  26. unbelievable Says:

    Baker played better than stats will show. Only 2 bad throws all game IMO. More Tucker please. This is what I was waiting for last season. It’s clear that Coen’s run scheme is so much better than Canales was.

    Also id like to point out that all week I said we would need 30+ to beat them even with a rookie QB… looks like that was correct.

  27. adam from ny Says:

    we have a 3 headed monster at RB…

    a healthy line moving forward focused on pounding the rock can only open up the passing game in many ways…

    also sterling shepard had a crazy azz game…lol

    mike was obviously injured early on and played decoy as best as he could

  28. Tbbucs Says:

    Sheppard has earned the WR3 position moving forward…..he looks like he hasnt lost a step and has a good connection w Baker.

    Plus McMilan looks undersized and iffy right now.

  29. Danfan Says:

    TTTF, great to see a balanced view from you on Mayfield’s play! I guess when we score 51, its easier to overlook a few INTs

  30. Hodad Says:

    Admit it Joe, it’s fun to watch the run game suck the life out of your opponent. You can’t just give up on it at the first sign it isn’t working.

  31. Mike Johnson Says:

    Luv Baker. He never gives up, @ consecutive interceptions and he’s still slingin it all over the field. And Tucker guys..Man, He gotta get more playin minutes.

  32. Davenport Says:

    With the emergence of Irving and Tucker, it’s possible that we possibly have a strong running game.

    This team is talented enough, when healthy, to be a serious contender. Sad thing is, it’s being coached by a career loser who is doing his best to waste the talent.

  33. rrsrqnc Says:

    I guess when we heard it was baby Nick Chubb, that what it is

  34. Lightning Buc Says:

    After watching Baker get nailed in the ribs and come back on the next series and throw a block downfield, I will be a fan of his forever. He’s one tough SOB.

  35. Captain Vic Says:

    Most bizarre, and entertaining game I think I’ve ever seen. Wow did we just see the new modern “Thunder and Lightning”..Bucky and Tucker? Kudos to Baker for just being resilient with all the bad bounces! And kudos to coach Bowles for actually looking like a top tier DC! Great Blitz package calls! Way to attack! Godwin, “Mr. Reliable” All-Pro. Great bounce back game, great team win! Go Bucs!

  36. NaplesBucsFan Says:

    Farmer, Tom Brady had tipped passes and he’s 6’4”/6’5”…it’s the job of the Oline to engage their man and keep their hands down. Was a good play by the Dline and even better that Jordan was there to get it. NOT on Baker…agree to disagree

  37. orlbucfan Says:

    Why should White be demoted? Bucs won cos they outplayed the Aints and refs. I can only imagine what the penalty stats look like for the second quarter. Who is next? Sean Payton and Broncos on a THNF game. Bucs have to prepare for two teams again, and kick Payton’s crooked jazz to the North Star.

  38. Lightning Buc Says:

    Bowles is actually a winning coach with the Bucs.

  39. Farmer Says:


    Sure, all QB’s have batted passes but I believe Baker leads the league in batted passes since hes been in the NFL (i could be wrong but im 95% sure thats correct). Due to his height linemen know they can just throw up hands and affect his game more-so than larger QB’s.

  40. Les opyd Says:

    Loved watching Tucker bust through players and bucky big zagging his way out of tackles. Great running boys !

  41. Bucs 95 Says:

    We play the ravens orlbuc not the broncos next monday

  42. Marky Mark Says:

    Rattler finally got rattled when he had no time to throw.

  43. Gipper Says:

    A shame the ATL game got away. Really would like Bucs at 5-1. Impressive today the team and coaches didn’t fold when Q2 went so poorly. Tough schedule ahead but the way the team rallied today was impressive. Also, impressive is a developing running game. Not anti R. White but very pro Tucker and Bucky. Bound to help with play action passing attack.

  44. Tiff, Okla,Bake, Bucs 4 life Says:

    Luv Baker, luv Bucs, way 2 go tucker, irving n Baker, Godwin, Evans, Shepard, Otton, n all yall, Goedke yahoo
    Winfield, tykee, vea, mccollum, on n on
    Way 2 hang in there n beat Refs and Saints Soundly


  45. Tiff, Okla,Bake, Bucs 4 life Says:

    Oh my stars , 4got kancey n sooooo many ,awesome win Bucs

  46. Buctoothbuc Says:

    I hear everybody and read your all comments.But I’ve heard nobody mention the elephant in the room. Nobody has talked about the excellent job that Hainsey did. You guys yelled crucify him not too long ago. Oh how quickly we forget

  47. Rod Munch Says:

    Well we all know from the Winston years that if you throw 3 INTs you can’t have a good game and it’s basically a loss, because the NFL isn’t about scoring points, it’s about protecting the football.

    This is only an actual win, but it’s a moral loss.

  48. David Says:

    Two of the picks were deflections up in the air. That said, he threw a couple other passes that should never have been thrown. Take out those deflections and a bunch of sloppy penalties in 2nd quarter (& a punt return TD)…
    And this game is 60 to 17.

  49. SenileSenior Says:

    I love Buck and Tuck. I still like White. We shall see.

    Bucs win! Go Bucs!!

  50. geno711 Says:

    The difference I saw today between Baker and Winston is that Baker did not over force the ball all game like Winston would. Baker also gave us a lead at the beginning of the game that Winston rarely did.

    Yes, 3 interceptions Munch. But clearly different than everyone of Winston’s 3 interception games.

    Not a moral loss at all. We took care of a division opponent and the head coach for the Aints is now 1 and 5 against the Bucs. Ouch.

  51. orlbucfan Says:

    Bucs 95 Says:
    October 13th, 2024 at 5:40 pm
    We play the ravens orlbuc not the broncos next monday
    Well, my mistake. Hopefully, the game will be better/more honestly officiated.

  52. 1#bucsfan Says:

    Deff the 1st pick is bakers fault. The other 2 I wouldn’t put on him. 2 tipped balls. He was a little off at times. Almost 4 picks if the defender didn’t drop the int

  53. Gipper Says:

    If people here think an NFL QB isn’t going to throw interceptions once in awhile, you are dreaming. Baker’s 3 INT’s today were more than he threw in total in the first 5 games. Sometimes it’s just the way the ball bounces. What’s important is how a QB responds to adversity. Oh and by the way, even the sainted Tom Brady threw 3 interceptions in one game more than once.

  54. dumboldguy Says:

    orlbucfan Says:
    October 13th, 2024 at 5:24 pm
    Why should White be demoted? Bucs won cos they outplayed the Aints and refs. I can only imagine what the penalty stats look like for the second quarter. Who is next? Sean Payton and Broncos on a THNF game. Bucs have to prepare for two teams again, and kick Payton’s crooked jazz to the North Star.
    He should be demoted b/c he has consistently been the worst RB in terms of rushing the football in the league for the past 2 seasons and because his replacements using both stats and the eyeball test are far better backs. Far better.

  55. Gipper Says:

    In fact, Brady threw 4 interceptions in a single game 6 times in his career. Notwithstanding this, Munch never removed Brady’s poster from his bedroom.

  56. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    A few years ago people cried about YAC and now that’s the biggest contribution to his passing #s. His scrambling was on point he made some really nice throws. His happy feet still are hard watch though

  57. Lightningvinny Says:

    He’s fun to watch ,,, the guys love him,,,, maybe he has grown up in the last few years but many Browns fans would trade straight up for Watson,,, at the very least he gives it all he has ,,, sometimes it’s not enough but it’s not cause he isn’t giving his best !
    Are the Saints taught to jump on and knee a QB who is sliding in the back,, give the guy an extra push on the way out of bounds ,, hold and tie up WR on every play ,,heck I even wanted to slap Carr and Hill standing on the sidelines lol, i hate calling a team cheap but man they make it hard not to think that way ! Anyway 50 plus felt nice

  58. Bartow Buc Says:

    We were pounding that rock today !! Baker did a great job helping his team to a monumental win in New Orleans !!

  59. Lightningvinny Says:

    Rod, I strongly disagree ,,, this was a huge gut check win,,, to be up,, then be out of sorts in the 2nd,, regroup and basically blow their doors off in the 2nd half ,,, I call it the most impressive win so far !

  60. orlbucfan Says:

    Hey dumboldguy, since when do you post on a Bucs site? You’re dumb, too.

  61. Bartow Buc Says:

    The last time the Bucs scored over 50 points Winston was quarterback and scored 55 points against Jared Goff and the Rams in LA.

  62. Gipper Says:

    Lightningvinny Says:
    October 13th, 2024 at 7:43 pm
    Rod, I strongly disagree ,,, this was a huge gut check win,,, to be up,, then be out of sorts in the 2nd,, regroup and basically blow their doors off in the 2nd half ,,, I call it the most impressive win so far
    Let me explain. MiddlingMunch is heavily invested in wanting Mayfield to fail. For a year and a half he has been Baker’s most vocal critic. Munch wants redemption and will only get it if Mayfield fails. At this writing Mayfield has thrown 15TD’s and 5INT’s for the season. The TD passes are a league high in 2024. There is more to come as Baker will lead Bucs to the NFC Championship this season.

  63. sunny Says:

    im no fan of rod munch but do you guys seriously not recognize sarcasm/trolling? that was definitely not a serious post. munch has said multiple times this season that baker is playing well.

    lighten up!

  64. TampabayDJ Says:

    Bucs put up 55 against the Raiders I believe. That was a few years back. I think they also put up 55 on the Rams ? I could be wrong about that one.

  65. TampabayDJ Says:

    Todd Bowles made the greatest halftime adjustments since taking over as HC . I mean , take away that crazy 2nd quarter and the defense shut down everything else. Hopefully Evans isn’t too hurt , he will get his 1,000+ yards as long as he can play at least 15 total games. They should get rid of fake turf in all stadiums , the last few weeks have been brutal on the team playing on turf .

  66. Callahan 22 Says:

    Why is Joe making it sound like Baker threw 3 bad picks instead of just 1? I come here for the truth. It’s like I’m reading an AP article by someone who didn’t watch the game.
    You’d find a lot of people in the game who would say the swatted pass at the line of scrimmage is on the quarterback. –Joe

  67. Ryan Says:

    Last night I watched Josh Allen and realized I have always desired/hoped Allen would fall into the Bucs laps. However, watching the game last night against the Jets, I started realizing that Baker is very much like Josh Allen. The toughness, the scrambling, the accuracy most times, the leadership, etc.
    Then, I googled head to head stats – amazing how close they are in stats (except for rushing TDs). I love it. Let’s go Bucs and I say if Baker keeps his season up, we extend him another 3 years to lock him up for the rest of his prime years.


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