Baker Mayfield Passing Chart Week 7

October 23rd, 2024

Still putting up numbers.

So Monday night, it appears Bucs offensive coordinator Liam Coen let loose.

Joe has documented several times this season that the Bucs offense has been a dink-and-dunk offense. Rarely do the Bucs throw farther than 20 yards downfield.

But how could Joe quibble? The Bucs offense is (was?) very productive and among the NFL’s best. Whining about not throwing long would be stupid.

Bucs quarterback Baker Mayfield may have thrown past 20 yards downfield more than he has in any games thus far. One of those passes was a touchdown to Mike Evans.

So 12 of Mayfield’s 45 attempts actually were at or behind the line of scrimmage. Is that just Joe or is that very unusual to have so many passes attempted to receivers at or behind the line?

Despite the carnage in the wake of the loss to the Crows, the Bucs still put up 31 points. Not too shabby.

The Bucs problem, at least until Week 8, isn’t the offense. It’s the damn defense. A bad defense with a defensive-minded coach is a very bad mix.

Baker Mayfield Getting Good Pass Blocking

31 Responses to “Baker Mayfield Passing Chart Week 7”

  1. FrontFour Says:

    Two second quarter melt downs by Baker – and this one cost us. Why is Joe afraid to criticize him. Same with Coen. Building stats when the Ravens were playing soft D with a lead doesn’t change the fact that red zone breakdowns and int’s had a major impact on this game when we were still in control.

  2. heyjude Says:

    Good for Baker! Not too shabby at all.

    How about hiring Robert Saleh as a defensive consultant? He did well with the 49ers.

  3. Alanbucsfan Says:

    When you’re in an offensive shootout football game, turnovers are critical – Mayfield made 2 bad decisions that resulted in 2 interceptions.
    J Dean and then T Smith being out obviously affected the communication in the secondary in the 2nd half.

  4. Kenton Smith Says:

    FrontFour- you and trasktothefuture and others speak about building stats. So shouldn’t we just kneel on the ball then. Like every team does. Yeah when you get behind just call off the game. You sir and those like you are true idiots. Padding stats. F- ing idiots.

  5. Ra'Shad Says:

    Only one of Baker’s picks were bad in my opinion. The first one, you must give credit to the CB. He drifted off his defender and got Baker. That second pick was forced.

  6. Wyoming Joe Says:

    FrontFour: You conveniently forgot to mention the TD to Godwin that was called back and perfect TD pass to Evans that was dropped. Were the two INTs bad, of course. But they might never had happened except for fate stepping in…

  7. WiscoJoe Says:

    Fire Todd Bowles and promote Liam Coen.

  8. Beeej Says:

    Teams we play seem to cheat toward guarding against the long pass, you take what they give you

  9. Leighroy Says:

    The first INT, Baker just straight got caught playing his eye-ball games trying to look off defenders keying on where he’s looking. Heck of a skill when it works, disastrous when it doesn’t.

    The 2nd INT was a pro-bowl caliber move by Marlon Humphrey, breaking off his assignment and sneaking underneath to intercept – Baker never saw him.

    Baker is responsible for his INT’s, each and every one, but how they happen provides context – and it matters. I don’t fault the overall game that Baker played.

  10. CChead Says:

    31st ranked defense giving up 400 yards per game average. Todd is a genius.

  11. Buc4evr Says:

    Well the offense is doing a good job of taking what defenses are giving them . Even with two picks and two drops in the end zone, the offense didn’t doom the Bucs. It was the piss poor defense. They were unprepared and for the life of me I don’t understand why. The Ravens didn’t change their gameplan one bit from previous games, but the Bucs acted like they never saw Henry change directions at the LOS. Also the secondary let the TE run down the seam and didn’t make any adjustments. Bucs have a defense that Bowles and Jason built and it’s pretty pathetic.

  12. Alanbucsfan Says:

    Both interceptions, Mayfield had checkdown options- the 1st one he had R White near the goal line, the 2nd one he had Otton in the flat – bad decisions both times

  13. Alanbucsfan Says:

    ^B Irving near the goal line

  14. adam from ny Says:

    slantboy is available too…

    mike williams could be had from the jets

    see if you can get dj chark from the chargers…he was on ir but should be activated for this upcoming sunday…go get him and jarvis landry for baker, if you don’t wanna pull a big splash move…

    chark and landry are ok choices

  15. adam from ny Says:

    baker and coen need at least one guy with some familiarity of baker………or coen’s offense…

    that’s why i mention landry

  16. LANshark Says:

    Interesting that 11 of his 14 incompletions, and both interceptions, were on the right side of the field. Wonder if that holds true for previous weeks? Might be worth a look.

  17. LANshark Says:

    a HUGE difference in the game – Lamar was throwing to WIDE OPEN receivers. Baker had to thread the needle to make any completions. The only wide open was the first TD to Evans. Not sure why, but our receivers were not getting separation. Baker believes he can force a ball into a tight space, and sometimes that bites him. I’d rather he did check down a bit more often, but you cannot fault him for believing he can make the throw.

  18. Badbucs Says:

    @LANshark. Yes, maybe crossing the line little between confidence and overconfidence. There are guys open but he is choosing to trust his arm and go for the higher risk reward. Mainly the last two games. Dialing it back just a little would help. Baker is not the main problem. He’s probably pressing some. He’s not blind. He knows what that defense is giving up too.

  19. JustVisiting Says:

    I don’t understand people’s assumption that elite competitors’ motivation for competing is to pad their stats. Do you honestly believe these guys got to the NFL without a bone-deep drive to be the best every time they hit the field? Like, they wanted to win on the elementary school playground, and their junior high team, and high school, and college, and then suddenly it’s all BS and they turn into amateur statisticians? Weird.

  20. Gipper Says:

    JustVisiting Says:
    October 23rd, 2024 at 12:32 pm
    I don’t understand people’s assumption that elite competitors’ motivation for competing is to pad their stats.
    Really good obesrvation but what you are ignoring is most of the people on the outside critizing have never, ever been in the arena competing. Basically, they are middle age, beer swilling guys who played the clarinet in the high school band. Makes them feel important to opine on topics that they know little about.

  21. Bucks 'n' Bucs Says:

    Hey Gipper….I’ll have you know I played the tuba!😂😂

  22. Rod Munch Says:

    So if I’m reading that correct, Baker was 5 for 15 with 2 INTs when passing more than 10 yards down the field.

    That comes a week after going 1 for 10 with 2 INTs when passing more than 10 yards down the field.

  23. Kenton Smith Says:

    Rod you’re not going to trigger me today. I’ve already been triggered. Oh yeah – stats are for losers!

  24. Rod Munch Says:

    Wait, my bad – I forgot the TD since it’s in blue and my mind just ignored it. My bad.

    So he was 6 of 16 for 1 TD and 2 INTs.

    So over the last two weeks he’s 7 of 26 with 1 TD and 4 INTs.

    Yeah, that’s terrible. But here’s the thing, Coen obviously knows that, and look at the chart. Almost everything is short – and Baker is good at short throws (not a height joke) and Baker is good at moving in the pocket. Good coaches use their players in a way that takes advantage of what they do well, and try to hide what they do poorly.

    Also that is an exceptionally bad stretch for Baker on passes over 10 yards. He’s always been terrible in that category, to be sure, but he’s not that bad. So he’ll improve some, and you want to keep taking some deep shots for no reason other than to keep the defense from crowding the box.

  25. Rod Munch Says:

    Kenton Smith – Sorry, I didn’t mean to trigger you with stats, but I assure you, it was just an observation that came to me as I looked at the passing chart. I had no agenda. If it makes you feel any better, if we reduce it to 9 yards, instead of 10, Baker is 7 of 17 with 1 TD and 2 INTs.

  26. Dave Pear Says:

    The truth needs to be laid so bare Blowes can’t hide from it. Jason must know and must do something.

    Joes, you are undoubtedly going to be bloviated and scolded by the local school
    Principal for using Todd’s name in vain. The truth hurts but is necessary.

  27. Kenton Smith Says:

    Yep that’s all I needed was a good laugh. “If we reduce it to nine yards.” You really helped the old mood there Rod. I believe I’m almost back to my optimistic old self. Along those lines I am not mad at the defense. That effer threw 17 passes and 5 went for touchdowns. I don’t know if any defense could have stopped him. Our offense has a bit to clean up but we will. I won’t judge our defense by that one game. Guys let’s get ready for Sunday. Let’s get back to complementary football. Let’s relegate those imposter Falcons to also rans boys and set our sights on NO in February. Time to get back up after that haymaker. Somebody’s going to pay for that mauling. Thanks again Rod for the positivity you’ve brought our way today!

  28. Kenton Smith Says:

    Dave Pear thanks you and Rod joining hands to pull this forlorn group out of the doldrums!

  29. Richierich Says:

    Top 5 in Almost every QB category. I mean Mahomes has 6 TD and 8 int, yet idiots on this board still hating on the NFL TD passing leader.

  30. TrueBuc Says:

    Let’s improve D in this game, and make some better overall coaching decisions going forward. Go Bucs!!!! Hang in there Baker, bring’’em in!!!!!!!🏴‍☠️🏈🏴‍☠️

  31. Scotty Mack Says:

    Humphrey’s second INT looked like either a poor play design or an inexperienced receiver ran the wrong route. There is no way that play was designed to have to receivers just 8 yards apart vertically in the same part of the field. If Shepherd wasn’t so close to McMillan, there is no way Humprey can make that play.


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