Who Will Break Out The Guardian Caps?

September 6th, 2024

Guardians caps can now be worn in games.

This offseason, the NFL made a ruling that players, if they so choose, can wear those dopey Guardian caps.

For those unaware, the “Guardian caps” are foam outer helmets players are required to wear in practice. Prior to this year they were banned in games. Now, if a player chooses, he may wear one if he chooses.

Those things are both hideous and hilarious. They create a poor image and frankly, make players look like the “Great Gazoo” Martian character from “The Flintstones.”

Yeah, Joe will say it, they look downright dumb. Or, as the “Great Gazoo” himself would say, downright “dumb-dumb.”

So, will any Bucs player wear one of those things? Bucs coach Todd Bowles said today, he’s not sure.

“Most of the guys I’ve talked to have elected not to,” Bowles said. “We’ll see about the rest of them.”

Joe gets that the NFL is trying to create the image that owners care about injuries. It doesn’t dismiss that the Guardian caps look absolutely ridiculous.

But this, along with the stupid new kickoff rule — “This Joe” still doesn’t understand the nuances of it and honestly, doesn’t want to understand — is what happens when you try to take football out of football.

Thank you, Roger Goodell.

54 Responses to “Who Will Break Out The Guardian Caps?”

  1. Dewey Selmon Says:

    I remember when it was dopey to wear seatbelts. The future is now old man lol

  2. Bucsfan Says:

    It used to be legal for children to work in mines and manufacturing plants , but not now. Gazoo was from Zetox , not Mars.

  3. PSL Bob Says:

    Players will also be permitted to play within a Zorb ball if they choose.

  4. Dom Says:

    If it actually helps lower the risk of head injuries then all power to the players that decide to use this. The players health is much more important then if the helmets are aesthetically pleasing. The organization made use watch the team wearing those ugly alarm clock jerseys for years so I don’t see the issue with this

  5. Joe Says:

    It used to be legal for children to work in mines and manufacturing plants

    Yeah, well tomatoes were once thought to be poisonous, too. What that or factories in the 19th century have to do with those dumb Guardian caps, Joe has no clue. But since we’re open to ridiculous analogies, WTH?

  6. Buc4evr Says:

    I can see a player wearing one if they are recovering from a concussion or have a history of concussions. Probably won’t be too long before Goodell makes all players wear them. A horrifying sight. lol.

  7. Jason Says:

    I’m more of a Captain Caveman kinda guy. Lol.

  8. Jack Burton Mercer Says:

    Jose revealing that he has never had a concussion.

  9. EssexBuccaneer Says:

    They’ll become the norm, and that’s a good thing. We’ll get used to seeing them, and they’ll advance and become less ‘obvious’.

    Of course if you prefer seeing guys suffer with CTE then that’s up to you.

  10. Rod Munch Says:

    There’s literally no proof that these stop or lessen concussions, but don’t let facts interfere with your woke feelings.

    Also there’s the fact I don’t care if they work or not. If ‘safety’ is so important, then why even have tackling? Why not tickle your opponents until they give up, and that’s where the ball is placed?

    You cupcakes who think this is great, are the ones who will be talking up how fun flag football is at the Olympics and how it needs to replace the NFL.

  11. A Bucs Fan Says:

    @Joe – Nightshades are poisonous due to the solanine and salanocapsine content. Causes inflammation, arthritis and eventually cancers. The majority of tomatoes today are hybridized version that aim to reduce the natural pesticide but it still remains. That’s why we used to always peel them and separate their skins before making sauce or eating.

    Similarly haven’t you heard of Jerusalem cherry tomatoes? Don’t try one if you haven’t.

    Regarding guardian caps. They will not prevent concussions in my view, but they could have prevented Kyle Van Noy from breaking his orbital bone last night. That’s the value.

  12. Beeej Says:

    When I was a kid, a good way to get your arse beat by the neighborhood kids would have been to wear a bicycle helmet

  13. Oddball Says:

    So does the “game time” guardian cap have to be in team helmet colors with a the team logo? Wouldn’t it be a problem if guys on both teams had the same black helmets? Picture a receiver and a DB.

    Not sure if the QB keys more on the uni or not.

  14. Dave Pear Says:

    I hate how they’ve ruined the kickoff. It’s just awful, goshdarnit.

    As are the stupid guardian caps, dadgummit.

  15. Mike C Tevens Says:

    Have you not seen Steve McMichael? Scot Brantley? Heard of Vincent Jackson? This is the most ignorant tone deaf comment I have ever heard. Your gonna shame a player who is trying to protect their brains from traumatic injury and your gonna make a stupid smarmy comment? Love the site but this is just an ignorant comment that places no value on the human other than football player. Do better

  16. Jack Burton Mercer Says:

    How much weight and/or awkwardness do they add to the helmet? Rod, I would say that they probably do reduce the probability of concussion up to some percentage point. What is that? Don’t know but for the moment I’m assuming that the manufacturer would test the impact reduction of the padding.

    Which players are more likely to get concussions? I would guess DBs just watching because they seem to lead with their heads more than anyone. If a DB wore one of these, or a pass rusher perhaps, it would possibly increase the likelihood of getting called for a helmet-related penalty since you will have a larger helmet.

    Something to remember is that all of these players, every single one, is playing the game voluntarily. This isn’t Russia, Danny. Also, you could, and should, consider their outlandish salaries as hazard pay for the physical danger they put themselves in every game.

  17. Dom Says:

    @Rob Munch

    That’s a major overreaction as well as incorrect. There have been studies that show it can lower risk of concussions by 15-35%. There are players that lose their mental capabilities as early as their 30s and 40s because of this. Vincent Jackson was only 38 years old and had stage 2 CTE. It cost him his life. These cases are a tragedy. If there are helmets out there that will lower that risk we should praise it, not shun it. So enough with this whole “woke” nonsense. No one that is a serious football fan is trying to take away tackling. It’s just nice to have helmets that are better designed to prevent head injuries

  18. BigPoppaBuc Says:

    If we have to choose between these or flag football I choose these.

  19. heyjude Says:

    Love the cartoon!

    The guardian caps are for the right reasons. However, from what I have read about them, I think you need more players to wear them during the game so the percentage of concussions go down. Otherwise, if only a couple of players are wearing them, it isn’t as preventive. They can cause some off balance too. The committee should review the new kick-off and caps again. Especially the kick-off.

  20. A Bucs Fan Says:

    It is pure marketing. These will not reduce concussions. Helmets do not reduce concussions especially the types of repeated impacts that contribute to CTE. Like all helmets they primarily guard against preventing fractures. High impact is high impact no matter how you bubble wrap something fragile when a player is stopped forcefully their brain rattles around inside their skull and that is what primarily causes concussions and other neurological injuries. A half pound piece of material isn’t going to change much.

  21. Joe Says:

    Have you not seen Steve McMichael? Scot Brantley? Heard of Vincent Jackson?

    Have you seen Roger Staubach? Retired because of concussions. Played when football was far more physical.

    He’s a self-made billionaire. Still has all his wits about him.

    Your point?

  22. EssexBuccaneer Says:

    The anti-giardian cap argument is basically ‘But muh don’t like it’

  23. Jack Burton Mercer Says:

    Staubach was a QB. Got hit about 10% as much as other players. Staubach was also 38-39 when he retired.

    Head injuries are not mythical, helmets do help and Goodell is afraid of lawsuits. All of these things can be true at the same time.

  24. EssexBuccaneer Says:

    You know who played with Staubach, Joe? Tony Dorsett. How many concussions did he suffer? How’s his well-being these days?

    Football will move on with guardian caps or similar, and everyone will get used to it.

  25. EssexBuccaneer Says:

    There’s an argument that the best way to reduce concussions would be to remove helmets altogether and force players to tackle rugby-style. But that’s infinitely worse than players wearing guardian caps

  26. Dick LeBeau Jr. Says:

    The fact that there’s a discussion about something that can protect someone’s mental faculties and be around for their families as a bad thing is unbelievable in and of itself. I’d rather players have as good of a healthy output as they can playing in a sport in which you’re bound to have some injuries. Better a limp than what we’ve seen with some of the outcomes of CTE. IJS

  27. unbelievable Says:

    I could care less about the caps, but the new kickoff so far seems lame AF.

  28. Downthwrabbithole Says:

    Better call Shaq B and see what it will cost. This dude won’t play much this season,same as last year .

  29. Hearty Dikerson Says:

    I can totally see JTS choosing to wear one of these

  30. Permanently Moderated Says:

    The caps look ridiculous. It’s the sudden stop of your brain inside your skull that causes the concussion. That’s not going to stop with the Kazoo helmet.

  31. Evan N. Says:

    People shouldn’t be getting so worked up about this Joe, he’s here to collect a paycheck. He doesn’t care if anything happens to the players long term. As long as he’s entertained and getting paid.

  32. BigPoppaBuc Says:

    Our own mike Alstott also suffering these days…. The data is stacking up big time on head injuries. The NFL knows it has to do something.

  33. stpetebucfan Says:

    There are some people I respect who are embarrassing themselves with their ignorance. Rod Munch I understand, he’s never been known here as an intellectual despite his massive education in science at was it Cal Tech or MIT Muncher? Or perhaps your rectum where you pull your scientific opinions.

    That the head JBFer has fallen into such a trap is sad. I respect this blog so much but when it wanders from football it generally falls off the cliff intellectually!!!

    Not sure what has wandered. Joe is all for players choosing to wear one or not. Joe doesn’t have to like it. Maybe the NFL, if it really wanted to protect football players, could pay for every high school kid to wear one. That would be special. Start with a small state and fund the whole damn thing. A concussion by definition is a traumatic brain injury. Of course, it’s serious. But they can’t be taken out of the game without trashing the game. If the data on the caps were sound, Joe would have a different opinion. –Joe

    “The NFL reported that the mandatory use of Guardian Caps for linemen and running backs in preseason practices has resulted in a 50% decrease in concussions since 2022”

    And that of course is the OPINION of MEDICAL EXPERTS not bloggers!! In fact I’m wrong it’s not a freaking OPINION it’s statistical EVIDENCE!!! Um, tackling in practice and hitting is probably down a lot more than that. –Joe

    The Roger Staubach example is just embarrassing statistically. Taking what scientists would call the exception and comparing it to the results of STUDIES is just…

    People like to say that using heroin, cocaine, enormous amounts of alcohol is also not good for your health. According to the “Roger Staubach” analogy people are full of manure if they think a non stop diet of drugs and alcohol is bad. Look at Keith Richards!!! He’s freaking 80 and still rocking. Therefore according to JBF logic a large amount of heroin,cocaine and alcohol through the majority of your life is not damaging despite what “studies” might indicate.

    Muncher you need to stick to football! I had to work to discipline myself to use the word “literally” accurately. I realize vocabulary and proper English do not interest you but you posted…”There’s literally no proof that these stop or lessen concussions, but don’t let facts interfere with your woke feelings.”

    I used the NFL study, others have provided even more evidence, but I always bow to the intellect of the anti woke who wish to do things like sell our parks to their buddies to turn into golf courses and paddle ball.

    Now I can show you the proper use of the word. You LITERALLY made an ignorant FALSE statement.

  34. View from 132 Says:

    This blog is reading like “get off my lawn” old folks complaining. The stupid kickoff rule? Yeah, it was a real factor last night. Give me a break.

  35. George R Says:

    I can’t believe that anyone would be against anyone trying to protect themself because of ascetics. There is not such thing as acceptable losses in a game.

  36. JustVisiting Says:

    Like I really care whether a bunch of guys look good. The game started with leather caps, and I bet fans whined about how dumb the current helmets looked when they were new. I’m sure we’ll all survive this grievous blow to our delicate fashion sensibilities. LOL

  37. GoneGator Says:

    Rod Munch back to being his normal ass/idiot self.

    It really pisses some of you that things are changing. God forbid these woke pansies and cupcakes try to avoid injury and long term health issues.

  38. stpetebucfan Says:

    Speaking of “old folks” I may be tops in that department at 76.

    Yeah that’s old. This story makes me realize just how long I’ve been around.

    I got my first football helmet for Christmas long before I played football, I was only six. It was around that time that the NFL finally mandated face masks. I remember this because my helmet didn’t have a face mask.

    In 1955 the NFL mandated facemasks but “grandfathered” in the guys who didn’t wish to wear them. Moron Tommy McDonald, a great receiver, was the last NFL player to wear one but by the end of his HOF career in ’68 he was wearing one.

    Lots of guys in the mid 50’s were like hockey players and felt like ‘sissies” if they wore protection. Who needs teeth when you can go to the Dentist and buy a set eh? Face masks grew into the modern bird cages and other ‘UGLY” additions. You could no longer see the players faces! These things make NO difference except for as a poster pointed out “aesthetics” or as those who miss the REAL men who fought in Rome’s coliseum like Muncher not proving their “manhood.”.

  39. GoneGator Says:

    @Joe said:
    “Have you seen Roger Staubach? Retired because of concussions. Played when football was far more physical.
    He’s a self-made billionaire. Still has all his wits about him.
    Your point?”
    What’s YOUR point? That not all, or most, retired players dont have long term brain damage?
    So what percentage of players need to suffer serious long term effects for it to be a valid source of concern that needs addressing?

  40. Bakerfan Says:

    Never understood how Dorsett has CTE. He ran out of bounds more than taking on a tackeller

  41. Rod Munch Says:

    You can tell that the NFL’s marketing to women is working, just look at all these limp wrists above and their stupid comments. These are the people that put their kids on leashes and cover their house in nerf and then wonder why 3 decades late their dumb scared kid who is now 35 is still living at home, alone, and afraid to go outside.

    Hey sweethearts, where does the ‘safety’ end? What is an acceptable risk? You can’t answer that because the line will always move depending on what time of the month it is.

    You ladies should stop ruining football and stick to watching soccer, that’s more your speed.

  42. GoneGator Says:

    @Rod Munch said:
    You can tell that the NFL’s marketing to women is working, just look at all these limp wrists above and their stupid comments.

    Limp wrist is a rich put down coming from a mans “man” like Rod.
    Aren’t you the same dude who said he’d let Tom Brady beat his girlfriend like Ray Rice cause he was so great? Never heard a comment that sounded more limp wristed and sissified in my life.

    There are more than a few nice slang term for guys like you too Rod. 😉

  43. Ol' Boy Says:

    I could totally see JTS wearing one of these ridiculous ideas.
    Football should be a brutal sport, not meant for equal outcomes for all. Let the players worry about their safety and y’all go watch pickleball. Ta-ta

  44. GoneGator Says:


    Thanks for putting the effort in to make logical arguments to counter the “back in my day” gang, but you’re obviously bright enough to know logic isn’t their strength 🙂.

  45. CallTheSaltTruck Says:

    Nothing better than watching a beer-swilling couch potato like Rod pretend to be a big man and cheer for brain damage because he wants to be entertained. Big man is big mad, and I love it.

  46. Kenton Smith Says:

    Stpetebucfan yes the face mask makes all the difference. Fifty years ago we were trained to hit with our face – never put your head down without having your face up. Lots of hard helmet to helmet contact but faces were damn sure not down – you’d break your neck. Some of these players hit with too much of the crown of their helmets and I guess then maybe that extra padding may help. I’m much more inclined though to listen to the experts on this and the game has gotten bigger and faster. We just don’t want to lose the violent nature of the game.

  47. geno711 Says:

    Agree with stpetebucfan.

    The collisions in pro football are so much more intense than high school or college. Anything that can help prevent long term health issues, is a good thing.

  48. garro Says:

    Those things are Rogers proof that he is all about “player safety” as he lobbies for a 20 game schedule and more games in Rio. What a freaking joke!

    Go Bucs!

  49. ChiBuc Says:

    Will the in game guardian caps have team colors/logo or will they have nifty little sensitivity quotes (e.g. “love not hate, end racism, end hunger by buying season tix) to show how much the NFL cares? Better yet they can advertise gaming apps, maybe go full euro soccer with corporate logos…. better yet advertise the streaming platform du jour, because it’s hard to keep track of the many TV venues needed to watch a season of football.

  50. ChiBuc Says:

    Tbh, I think the old school neck rolls would prevent more concussions than that spaceballs monstrosity

  51. ChiBuc Says:

    Will the in game guardian caps have team colors/logo or will they have nifty little sensitivity quotes (e.g. “love not hate, end racism, end hunger by buying season tix) to show how much the NFL cares? They can advertise sports book apps, maybe go full euro soccer with corporate logos…. better yet advertise the streaming platform du jour, because it’s hard to keep track of the many TV venues needed to watch a season of football

  52. geno711 Says:

    ChiBuc Says:
    September 7th, 2024 at 9:35 am
    Tbh, I think the old school neck rolls would prevent more concussions than that spaceballs monstrosity

    ok to have a hypothesis. Any support.

    Just as randomly, I could say an extra undershirt would prevent more concussions than the new helmets too.

  53. ChiBuc Says:

    geno711 Says:
    September 7th, 2024 at 1:16 pm

    ChiBuc Says:
    September 7th, 2024 at 9:35 am
    Tbh, I think the old school neck rolls would prevent more concussions than that spaceballs monstrosity

    ok to have a hypothesis. Any support.
    NOTE THE WORD “THINK”. However, the mayo clinic defines concussions as “a head injury that happens when your brain moves or twists inside your skull.” It bears to reason that getting slammed and your head whipping around may cause your brain to move or twist, regardless of the impact to your head.

    Just as randomly, I could say an extra undershirt would prevent more concussions than the new helmets too.

    YOU COULD if hard nipples on a chilly day caused your brain to move or twist. Or you could say it just to be a smart azz

  54. GoneGator Says:

    [Real good way to get run dude. — Joe]