When Baker Mayfield Is Healthy

September 2nd, 2024

Good news and bad news for the Bucs from one of the voices of FS1, Nick Wright.

The co-host of “First Things First,” seen weekdays on FS1, went through his NFL predictions for division winners and playoff teams and he’s split on how the Bucs will do.

Bad news: The Dixie Chicks will win the NFC South.

Good news: The Bucs could win 10 games and will be a wild card team.

For Wright, it all depends on the health of Baker Mayfield.

If Mayfield is hurt, well, don’t ask.

“You know what Baker Mayfield does when he is healthy?” Wright asked, [Mayfield] makes the playoffs. He wins a playoff game and throw for 300 yard in the playoffs. That’s just what the man does.

“When he’s healthy.”

Wright thinks the Bucs will be doomed if Mayfield is hurt. If healthy he’s calling for them to be dominant in the division.

“They will go 4-0 against the Saints and Panthers,” Wright said. “If they can split with Atlanta and steal a game [they are underdogs in], the Bucs can win 10 games.”

Wright likes the newfangled Bucs offensive line. He loves their receivers. Wright thinks the season comes down to the Bucs defense, along with Mayfield’s health.

Wright also thinks the Stinking Panthers will be one of the two worst teams in the NFL (New England will be the other) and the slimy Saints will have a housecleaning come Black Monday.

Ira Kaufman’s Annual & Ultimate Bucs Season Predictions Episode, Plus Several NFL Calls

26 Responses to “When Baker Mayfield Is Healthy”

  1. Lunchmeat Says:

    Chicks or Bucs: Whose QB stays healthy?

  2. Farmer Says:

    It’s not really bad news, there’s only a handful of teams who could make the playoffs if their starting QB got injured early in the season and its not like Baker is especially injury prone or anything.

  3. bob in valrico Says:

    Baker is a high effort player and that ability to make a play when there doesn’t
    appear to be one is necessary at times. That said, the coaching staff and most fans thinks he gives us the best chance to win. So this season it is important to protect himself from injury and rely more on the O line and the weapons he has at his disposal in both the passing and running game.
    Even though there is still pressure to win and get in the playoffs, IMO, Todd
    needs to take advantage of opportunities to prepare and evaluate his backup
    in case Baker does get injured or his limited by an injury.

  4. Dreambig Says:

    Rewatched week 17 against the Saints, they beat the crap out of us in every way. It’s a bit of a stretch to flippantly say we sweep them. They are always fired up to play us and seem to out physical us. Mathew’s almost ended Mayfields season with a brutal headshot to the Ribs. Mayfield in significant pain, had to be helped to the sidelines, and fell to his knees before the Bench. He was back in for the next play and not surprisingly threw a pick. That one is on Canalis and Bowles for letting him go right back in, but Mayfied is a warrior. With messed up ribs, good thing we got to play the Panthers the next week.

  5. Kenton Smith Says:

    Yeah Dreambig. The “ honey badger “ will hit you til the echo of the whistle fades. I think we Bucs deserve a little revenge for that hit. Much as I’d like to see Wirfs knock his helmet off (hell his shoes Too! ). Revenge is a dish best served cold! Now TM gets to try to stop our offense. A good ass- whipping, say by about 24 points or so, would settle the score as far as I’m concerned. Go Bucs! LFG!

  6. Drunk Bucs Fan Says:

    Here’s a wild thought. If for any reason Cousins isn’t able to play in week 5, the Bucs will play against 3 rookie QBs in the first 5 weeks.

  7. The Canales Curse Says:

    That is the issue with a small run around QB. How often are they healthy through the year?

  8. 74 Bucs Fan Says:

    If the QB stays health. Thanks – oh and water is wet.

    Could Trask carry the load for a few games? I believe he can.

  9. Lt. Dan Says:

    @ Farmer – spot on.

  10. Let Them Eat Bake Says:

    The take on the Falcons is typical droolbait, but the Bucs take, while a little underwhelming, is at least fair.

  11. Buc4evr Says:

    I agree it comes down to the defense. Think the offense will be a lot better this year and hope we can score TDs in the first quarter. LFG!

  12. Alanbucsfan Says:

    Wright thinks the season comes down to the Bucs defense, along with Mayfield’s health.
    – No sht, Sherlock

  13. Bucsfan Says:

    Do not sleep on the uber importance of the Special Teams. Accurate FG kicking is paramount to a good season. So glad we signed our thunder footed kicker.

  14. SlyPirate Says:

    He has ATL winning more than 10 games?

    ATL hasn’t made the playoffs in 7 years and suddenly they are an 11+ win team. Cousins isn’t TB12. Rah isn’t Arians.

  15. Cobraboy Says:

    Dog bites man.

    What NFL teams can go to the playoffs without their #1 QB out for, say, half the season?

    I’ll take a healthy, mobile 29y.o. Mayfield staying healthy over a 36y.o. coming off a ruptured Achilles any day of the week.

  16. Cobraboy Says:

    ATL is the new crush of the reallyreallyreally Kool Kids of the Talking Head NFL.

    Why should non-casuals even care?

  17. JonCyn90 Says:

    Seem funny that no media is saying anything about Rah’s first go round as a head coach and how that worked out. I am sure all Buc’s fans want to forget it.

    It is just funny that a head coach can go 17-31 in 3 years with the Buc’s gets fired then in 2022 as HC of ATL goes 4-7 but he will win the division in 2024.

    He may be a good DC but has not shown to be a good HC.

  18. Dave Pear Says:

    At least Nick Wright grew out his hair and looks more like a musician than a Wall Street pencil neck geek hating on Tom Brady’s Bucs.

    My son actually met him in a card room a year ago and talked with him. Said he was actually a very cool guy. I was surprised.

  19. infomeplease Says:

    Bring on Sunday!

  20. stpetebucfan Says:

    As much as I’ve enjoyed sparring with Trasktothefuture and the other Traskophiles
    I haven’t given up on Trask like they have Baker.

    I still harbor hope that Trask can “run” a team that is talented with a great OL, plenty of receiving targets, and now a good run game. I haven’t given up on Trask. I just think Baker has beat him out. But Baker plays a different game and is fearless! While that’s great for inspirational leadership it means Trask BETTER be the real deal. While I do not think Baker is injury prone he is or at least has been wreckless. If he continues to try and truck DB’s it’ll be fun to watch but Trask better be ready.

    IF however Baker is not forced to be so physical and starts “protecting” himself at least a bit he’ll be OK.

    “That is the issue with a small run around QB. How often are they healthy through the year?”

    I concede the “often” part of the comment BUT…it’s not impossible.

    Fran Tarkenton played 18 years for 2 different teams at 6-0 190lbs!!!
    He was famous for his wheels and running around as well as WINNING!

    Tarkenton is an exceptional HOF player and so NO I’m not comparing Baker to him…yet. I’m simply comparing his STYLE. Although Tarkenton was not a guy to truck a DB he was an elusive runner.

    BTW for the young dudes here…

    Tarkenton’s list of bonafides is considerable. He was named league MVP, was selected to nine Pro Bowls and in 1986 was inducted into the Pro Football Hall of Fame. 6-0 190 but that was in a smaller league, Baker is 6-1 215, about as much larger than Tarkenton as the rest of the players are for their positions.

    AGAIN…I’m not putting Baker up there with Tarkenton, just pointing out that Tarkenton has done it and so there is a CHANCE Baker will as well.

  21. Crickett Baker Says:

    All these pundits were so wrong about the Bucs last year that I am worried about the villainous Carolina team.

  22. Mike S Says:

    Nick has been a Baker homer since day 1 (when he’s not being a Mahome holster) .

    The annoying thing about Nick is he’s right a lot of times – BUT he usually gets his homer picks a little sideways.

    I watched that clip last night on the tubes.

    Nick is clever. This is how he can stay with the conventional wisdom (picking the Falcons) and still pump the Bucs and his beloved Baker. If the Bucs win the division then he can say picked them for 10 wins and a playoff spot so he wasn’t THAT wrong.

    Bottom line is the NFC South team that wins on the road within the division and can beat a playoff team or two on their schedule will grab the division.

    Stafford never could win the big game before going to the Rams.

  23. Kenton Smith Says:

    Stpetebucfan – it’s a shame that QBs of all the positions- it really requires you win the Super Bowl. To be one of the greats it matters. Sorry Marino and Kelley and Tarkenton and so many others. If Baker hangs his average stats the next 5 or 6 years he’ll be up there stat wise with some of the great hall of famers. But I think he’s different than some of those guys. I think the Super Bowl is his only carrot. And for the first time he can see a path. He is laser focused and he is on a team with Winfield and Evans and Godwin and Wirfs and David and need I go on. Again I loved Fran Tarkenton. But this group we’ve got understands what I mean.

  24. GP Says:

    Many on this site write Trask off as a worthless scrub.
    Others give him way too much credit.
    He’s definitely talented and IMO capable of delivering wins if he has to go in for an injured Mayfield.
    Highly doubtful that he’ll take Mayfields job away though, for one glaring reason. He’s not a leader. At least not at the same level that Mayfield is.
    If he does “get his chance” to start and win a few games, you can bet he will be gone in next years free agency to a QB hungry team.

  25. Fan of the South Says:

    Cobraboy Says:
    September 2nd, 2024 at 10:15 am
    Dog bites man.

    What NFL teams can go to the playoffs without their #1 QB out for, say, half the season?

    Cousins missed 1 game in his 2nd season at Michigan State with a sprained ankle and nothing in the NFL until the Achilles.

    He can take a hit when he needs and apparently knows how to avoid them.

    If the Bucs success hinges on Cousins getting injured and losing half a season it does not look good.

    Based on history Mayfield stands a better chance of losing time from an injury and is not likely to admit that he isn’t the best option and play through it to the detriment of the team.

    From the neck down Cousins hold an edge in the injury department but from the neck up it’s not even close.

  26. Kenton Smith Says:

    Fan of the South. “From the neck down Cousins holds an edge in the injury department.” Mayfield one missed time injury. Non throwing shoulder. Never missed a college start. So an old QB who tore his Achilles holds an edge in the injury department? You’re certifiably crazy dude. From the neck up- Mayfield has more playoff wins already. Beat Cousins butt last year. Baker is the definition of a “heady QB”. He’s young and has never had a leg injury. Cousins is old coming off an Achilles. Fan of the South I believe your posts are pure drivel. You definitely hold the edge on bullcrap from the neck up and it’s not even close.