Week 3 Blues Are Historic

September 21st, 2024

“Bruce, why can’t we shake this anywhere?”

So it’s Week 3 in the NFL!

That reminds Joe that the Bucs have lost 8 or their last 10 games in Week 3.

Man, Buccaneers general manager Jason Licht must be sweating like a beast today. That’s every season of his tenure.

What’s with the Bucs and Week 3? Well, one thing that makes the trend especially interesting is the Bucs have started 2-0 for four consecutive seasons, including this year. In Bucco Bruce Arians/Todd Bowles era, the Bucs are 1-4 in Week 3 games.

Joe doesn’t think the trend is a coincidence. However, Joe knows Bowles has been hypersensitive this week to the possibility of his team either having a minor letdown or starting to think too highly of itself.

It’s been a priority for Bowles to keep the Bucs mentally grounded and focused on beating a patsy Broncos team tomorrow. He’s trying to make sure guys treat the Broncos like they’re a hated division rival.

Joe has a feeling Bowles will be successful keeping the Bucs’ minds right against a bottom-feeder opponent. If the Bucs can’t thump the Broncos at home by a couple of scores, then either injuries have caught up to the Bucs or there are underlying issues.

For those wondering, Bowles’ New York Jets teams were 1-3 in Week 3 games. Arians was 2-3 in Week 3 games as Cardinals head coach.

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18 Responses to “Week 3 Blues Are Historic”

  1. Dave Pear Says:

    No such thing as a patsy in the NFL. Stop it.

    Todd needs to remind his players of how slimy Payton is and how the best way to deal with a cheater is to smack him in the mouth. Physical. Pound them. Put an extra lineman next to the armless legless slug. Run Bucky Run.

  2. John Sinclear Says:

    Thanks for that ray of sunshine!

  3. HC Grover Says:

    Yep they could come out flat as a pancake.

  4. BA’s Red Pen Says:

    The Bucs are going to the cesspool of Puke Orleans 5-0. Bowles will have 4 weeks of film on their new offense and we will smash them in front of their low life fans in their terrible excuse for a stadium. GO BUCS

  5. Lt. Dan Says:

    And yet Joe doesn’t believe in coincidences…? The week three records of the coaches mentioned above seem to scream coincidence. These guys are very smart coaches and yet….week three happens.

  6. Rod Munch Says:

    Mostly concerns me about Payton being their head coach, he’s had the Bucs number for the most part. With that said, the Denver offense is horrible at the moment as their rookie QB hasn’t shown much yet (which is to be expected at this point).

    The Bucs have to win this game, they can’t hand back a W as their schedule is about to get really really tough, and they need to stack up as many wins as they can get.

  7. JimBobBuc Says:

    Trap game coming off a big win. Payton knows how to attack Bowles’ defense. Forget about looking ahead to the Saints or anybody else.

  8. Lakeland Says:

    The Bucs need this game more than Denver. If Denver lose, it’s just another loss. If the Bucs lose, it’s demoralizing.

    This is a must win for the Bucs

    They have a very tough schedule

    They need to mop the floor with these Creme Puffs

  9. PanhandleBuc Says:

    Every team is beatable, not taking ANY game lightly!

  10. Kenton Smith Says:

    Great to see you back Rod Munch ! I know you’re still concerned about our new right tackle getting our QBs neck wrung (as any Buc fan would be ) but Dave Pear seems to think the kid has a chance to turn it around. And about the strength of schedule ahead – Eagles, Niners, Chiefs, they are the walking wounded. And it’s their ball handlers dropping like flies. This is shaping up to be a funny season and I believe it will be the Bucs fans doing most of the laughing. Hope to have your input on the game feed tomorrow – I’ve been watching at the kid’s house and they aren’t home tomorrow so guess I’ll be following the JBF feed. By the way thanks for having that Joe.

  11. Gipper Says:

    Kenton Smith is a fake name for Rod Munch’s wife. Oh wait a minute, she doesn’t like him either. Must be MiddlingMunch himself, using another alias?

  12. Kenton Smith Says:

    Hahaha Gipper i l got a good laugh out of that one !! And then I blushed. Yeah, something is definitely wrong with me.

  13. Crickett Baker Says:

    Pirate Crush. GO BUCS!

  14. Saskbucs Says:

    Need this one.
    Next 7 are tough. Need 3-4 there (very doable)
    Last 7 get easier. 5-2

    11-6 season. Let’s get it. Hopefully that’s enough for the South crown. Cash this guys future ticket!

  15. orlbucfan Says:

    What week 3 blues? The Joes have no idea what they’re talking about. There’s a few of us fans still breathing who watched the Bucs start 0-2 and it was SOS. Week 3 rolled around and we hoped/prayed/meditated, etc. for a win. It didn’t matter upset or not, we just wanted the Bucs to win! 3-0 manana, guaranteed!

  16. 1#bucsfan Says:

    We’ve lost to worse teams Joe. This must be a intern Joe writing. No such thing as a guaranteed win in the nfl. I know that’s not what you said but you deff thinking it lol

  17. Bucs'n'Bucks Says:

    Need the 12th man for a guaranteed win. Go Bucs!!!

  18. dbbuc711 Says:

    Bet that Mayfield is keeping them grounded as well


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