Todd Bowles Confidence Poll (Week 3)

September 17th, 2024

Flash poll posted at 11:42 a.m. Poll closed at 1:01 p.m. Last week’s results linked here.


19 Responses to “Todd Bowles Confidence Poll (Week 3)”

  1. Cobraboy Says:

    No one was more critical of Bowles than me.

    I am coming around. He and Licht are responsible for this group playing well and with real cohesion.

    While not “totally confident,” I look around the NFL and am glad the Bucs have Bowles. as HC.

  2. Obvious Says:

    I haven’t had a lot of nice things to say about Todd Bowles after the last two years BUT he seems to have finally started to get his act together as a Head coach. Had some doubts about his DC capabilities but wasn’t nearly as critical in that department. Still….

    Now if we can somehow figure out how to keep Liam around…..

    Confident…. It will take MORE to get anywhere near very confident

  3. First Name Greatest Says:

    Little confidence until there is some improvement to the pass defense and run game.

    Bucs seem to allow teams to just pass the ball at will until they get to the redzone then they decide to tighten up. That is not a sustainable strategy for 17 games especially playing against QB’s like Mahomes, Herbert, Prescott, Hurts, Cousins (twice), Carr (twice) and Jackson.

    The red zone defensive success is not sustainable, Bowles and Coen have got to improve. But Bowles is responsible for the team so he gets the blame

    19-17 in the regular season does not inspire lots of confidence unless you are related to Bowles

  4. First Name Greatest Says:

    To see how bad this pass defense is schematically look at the Lions passing numbers this weekend against Arizona.

    Last year a QB would light up the Bucs pass defense then the next week against a better run pass defense their numbers almost always came back down to Earth.

  5. Rod Munch Says:

    I’d feel a lot more confident when I get the alert that Sucke has been cut.

    Why is this taking so long. Get that garbage player off the team already.

  6. RustyRhinos Says:

    Wait, until the first loss, then give us a Bowles confidence poll… How many here on JBF have called for HC Bowles’s head?


  7. AMI_Chris Says:

    Bowles is not in the Belichick – Tomlin – John Harbaugh – Andy Reid category of not being blamed for an unexpected loss. We will only be confident in him to the extent that his teams perform well … which they have, mostly.

  8. 74 Bucs Fan Says:

    8 wins out of the last 10 games? Props Bowles!

  9. Pickgrin Says:

    I have voted “Confident” in every Bowles poll available – going back to the beginning of 2023…. even throughout the mid season losing streak – I went with ‘confident’… no reason to change now….

    Its amusing to me to watch the see-saw nature of this particular poll over time.
    Win the first 2 games – coach gets a 95+% ‘approval’ rating….
    Lose a couple games games in a row- and that approval rating will plummet below 50%….

  10. Alvin Scissors Harper Says:

    I’m coming around as well. I thought he was a bad hire at the time. However, he clearly has the respect of the team. If he can avoid boneheaded clock management, then maybe I can be “totally confident” in the future.

  11. Joe in Michigan Says:

    Rod Munch Says:
    September 17th, 2024 at 12:21 pm
    I’d feel a lot more confident when I get the alert that Sucke has been cut.

    Why is this taking so long. Get that garbage player off the team already.
    You do realize that Aiden Hutchinson has 26.5 sacks in 36 regular seasons games, right? He’s one of the best pass rushers in the NFL, and he gets sacks vs. good O-Linemen. So, Skule should’ve been given more help, and not from guys who looked like they’ve never blocked in their lives, Cade Otton and Rashaad White. Put some blame on Coen, too.

  12. J Says:

    White and Otton need leasons on how to chip apparently. Some of their “effort” was captured and it was a joke. It’s not 2 hand touch guys, get your body into the defender.

  13. Defense Rules Says:

    First Name Greatest … ‘Last year a QB would light up the Bucs pass defense then the next week against a better run pass defense their numbers almost always came back down to Earth.’

    For those who STILL don’t understand Todd Bowles’ defensive philosophy, the Bucs’ defense was ranked #7 last season (out of … oh ya, 32 teams) and only allowed 325 points in 17 games, our lowest PPG average since Monte Kiffin ran the defense in 2008. MAYBE he’s doing something right? Just maybe, considering that this defense isn’t overflowing with 1st Rounders.

  14. Buc1987 Says:

    Very confident and I’m really not a big fan of Bowles.

  15. Joe in Michigan Says:

    First Name Greatest Says:
    September 17th, 2024 at 12:09 pm
    19-17 in the regular season does not inspire lots of confidence unless you are related to Bowles
    Let me guess, you had the Bucs going 4-13 or 5-12 last year, right? Bowles getting fired? How did that work out for you?

  16. Defense Rules Says:

    Pickgrin … ‘I have voted “Confident” in every Bowles poll available – going back to the beginning of 2023’.

    Same here Pickgrin. This coaching staff has worked wonders with just average talent, especially on defense. Todd was handed a ‘Mission Impossible’ IMO back in March 2022 (salary CAP issues, Leftwich & Brady, etc) but he still somehow made it work. Slowly he’s getting HIS coaches & HIS players in-place, and understandably it’s now a very much different team than what BA created. Sunday’s game was about as thrilling as they get, and to come out on the winning end was just awesome IMO. And a solid testimony to what our Front Office & this coaching staff has been able to achieve in just a tad over 2 years.

  17. Joe in Michigan Says:

    Exactly, Defense Rules. Some of these jokers think yards win you games, and not points.

  18. 813BUCBOI Says:


    simple as that!!!

    GO BUCS!!!!

  19. Rod Munch Says:

    Joe in Michigan – Did you watch the game? Better question, did you watch preseason? Sucke was terrible in the preseason vs 3rd stringers.


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