Rough Assessment For Logan Hall

September 25th, 2024

This offseason, defensive lineman Logan Hall, the Bucs’ No. 33 overall pick in 2022, was ordered to “add to the party” by his position coach.

Hall hadn’t been playing up to his draft status and wasn’t making impact plays as a full-time starter. Yes, Hall is durable and capable, but he wasn’t showing up as a solid starter.

Has Hall improved much?

Well, that seems doubtful after head coach Todd Bowles acknowledged Hall’s game is limited. When talking about his struggling interior pass rush with WFLA-TV sports chief Dan Lucas this week, Bowles noted of his interior defensive linemen on the field Sunday, “well, those guys are good run guys, they’re not necessarily pass rushers.”

That included Hall.

Joe was surprised by Bowles’ choice of language. The Bucs didn’t draft Hall that early to stop the run.

“But with the depth that we have and the guys that are down, you know, we gotta offset that in other ways and we gotta get more from the outside,” Bowles continued. “But we do got to get a little more push in the pocket from the inside guys.

Joe understands that Will Gholston no longer has the juice to be a stud inside pass rusher like he was in 2020 and 2021. Veteran Greg Gaines flashed a bit as a pass rusher last season but not as much with increased snaps as a 2024 starter for injured Calijah Kancey.

Hall? Well, Joe will take the very high road and hope he’s still recovering from an early-September foot issue.

Get well soon, Vita!

"Worst Game" For Jamel Dean

48 Responses to “Rough Assessment For Logan Hall”

  1. Hearty Dikerson Says:

    So much draft capital spent on this d-line. So little to show for it. Looking at you Licht.

  2. Cobraboy Says:

    Dude is the quintessential “meh” fill-in DT who is average in every category.

    Bust as a #1, semi-OK as a #6-#7.

    Not much upside or downside.

  3. Beeej Says:

    I don’t think they are going to pick up Hall’s option, whenever that happens

  4. Buc4evr Says:

    He and JTS needed to be gone last season end. Last Sunday’s game proved it. Both are total losers and I can’t believe that people defend their poor play. Guess salary cap reason is why the Bucs kept them.

  5. Bucamania Says:

    Go to move on. Hall is a rotational fill in at best.

  6. DoooshLaRue Says:

    Beeej Says:
    September 25th, 2024 at 11:03 am
    I don’t think they are going to pick up Hall’s option, whenever that happens

    You’re really going out on a limb there man.

  7. Drunk Bucs Fan Says:

    It’s a bit sad to see this is probably Will Gholton’s last year. If they made a Hall of Damn Good Pro he would be first ballot for sure.

  8. Lakeland Says:

    Logan Hall had 1.5 sacks during his first 3 seasons at the University of Houston ( 33 games). His final season at Houston he had 6.5 sacks. But he was never a sack guy at Houston. I don’t know why the Bucs decided to draft him to pressure the QB.

    Dude had 8 sacks at Houston in 46 games
    Playing in a mediocre conference

  9. A Bucs Fan Says:

    Hall was a second round pick. There is no option to pick up.

    Jordan Davis and Travis Jones are the only productive DT’s that were drafted in 2022 out of 28 taken. Bucs had no shot at being successful at that position.

  10. Bosch Says:

    Licht is clueless when it come to drafting edge rushers.

  11. Smashsquatch Says:

    He looked a lot better this pre-season and then he got hurt. He hasn’t looked the same since. We need him to be a solid rotational player. I’m not giving up on that yet based on what I’ve seen. Health along the d-line helps everyone. Rotating Hall, Gaines, Gholston & Brewer in the middle would doom most edge rushers. Everyone improves when Bowles can rotate more players with better talent.

  12. Permanently Moderated Says:

    Hall’s biggest accomplishment will always be permanently taking out Ryan Jensen.

  13. BillyBucco Says:

    They drafted him because they were hoping that 6.5 meant he would keep ascending. It’s flat out taking a chance which you simply DONT DO with your first pick. I honestly think when you look at pick #, Hall is the worst pick ever by Jason Licht. We say as much capital as we have paid, yet DT is still a priority next year. It really is sad. Kancey has pissed me off man. I had a ton of hype going for his season and I still think he will be great, but at this point he has missed 40% of the games. Ridiculous. He is soft man. Look at that hair cut. What a wuss.

  14. Upstate NY BUC Says:

    Logan Hall & Dean for Reddick straight up!! Come on Jason… make the move call the Jets!!!

  15. Red Skeleton Says:

    On one play Sunday Hall hell to his knees and appeared that he was just going to stay down until he realized the QB was still being chased back. He then decided to get up and join in the chase…too late. Too much quit in him.

  16. BuckyBuc Says:

    his biggest impact was ending Jensens career

  17. Simeon4HOF Says:

    Mr Hall and JTS were clearly both bust picks by JL when he reached to try to address positions of need. Hopefully he’s learned his lesson for good

  18. Dave Pear Says:

    Hall the Oaf. Waste of a roster spot.

  19. Jake been there since the beginning Says:

    Another R White in my opinion football isn’t a lime light thing. You sweat, get a little dirty, and at the end of the game Hollywood is the furthest thing from your mind. Especially when you lose. Go Bucs!!!!

  20. Defense Rules Says:

    Lakeland … Looks like Hall played at 260-275 lbs at Univ of Houston (bulking up in the last year it sounds like to move to DT). He further bulked up to 283 for the Combine, and that’s what the Bucs still list him at today. Gut feel is that too light & not strong enough to play interior DLine in a 3-4 defense. Might’ve done reasonably well as a 4-3 DE though.

    OLines seems to be getting bigger & stronger, and right now our Bucs are just too light IMO (outside of Vea of course). Gaines is our next biggest DT (312 lbs) but he’s not all that tall (6”1″) & doesn’t look like he’s getting much ‘push’ inside. Other than that, the rest of our DLine is fairly light (all under 300 lbs), and not particularly strong or quick it appears.

  21. The Truth be Told Says:

    Hall is a Bust. Virtually been invisible his whole Bucs career thus far. They missed on this one. Go Bucs!!

  22. A Bucs Fan Says:

    @DR – he was drafted to be a 3-tech. He failed because he plays too high and slow. Now they want him to be Gholston’s replacement at 5 tech DE who is the same height as Logan but Will played at 310-315lbs most of his career. The extra weight has done Logan no favors. He’s a bust all the way around.

  23. Slacker Says:

    Why just name Hall. No production from anyone.

  24. TF Says:

    Hey Jason drafted a position of need like every other GM in the universe. I cut him slack. As far as DE available, He could have gotten the Falcons guy from Penn State they drafted a few picks later. He is doing okay and way better than Hall but again it’s not an unusual whiff. If I was to try to second guess Licht, in “hindsight” he could have drafted a RB here like Breece Hall, Walker Jr, or Cook and then passed on White in the third round. DEs Michael Wright or Michael Clemens were available. So it’s Breece Hall and Alex Wright or what Licht chose: Logan Hall and Rashad White? It’s a thankless job being a GM. And not easy. In one hand you have Joe always including the epitaph “Ring of Honor” GM Licht because to get there you Need to only hit one or 2 HRs a draft with 5 strikeouts. Goes to show you how hard it is.

  25. SlyPirate Says:

    Slacker Says:
    Why just name Hall. No production from anyone.


    Joe hates on certain players and loves on others. His sheep follow his lead. You are correct. The truth is they’ve all sucked.

    JTS (1 sack) – Hate.
    Yaya (0 sacks) – Love.
    Hall (0 sacks) – Hate.
    CK (0 sacks) – Love.

    Don’t defend CK, either. Two years, same sh*. At least Hall lines up.

  26. DoooshLaRue Says:

    Draft position is a big factor.

  27. Permanently Moderated Says:

    SlyPirate, except YaYa and Kancey, when he plays, have shown they can improve. Hall and JTS play like rookies too many times.

  28. Pewter Power Says:

    Years of coaching, you know what he was going into the offseason so don’t blame that man for playing up to the level he can. It would have been common sense to draft competition but they chose him as the unquestioned starter so live with the product you choose to put on the field

    Vea and Kancey aren’t on the field to cover that homegrown talent you were so proud of Mrs licht lol you’re not as good at your job as you think you are taking quantity over quality on the draft so you won’t trade up unless it’s a few spots. You won’t make team trades unless it’s a can’t miss like JPP and all your free agents are low risk. Dude you’re scared to put it on the line. It’s real easy to go all in with Tom Brady

  29. HC Grover Says:

    He has the Plan 9 hair doo. What could go wrong.

  30. Fred McNeil Says:

    JTS was #32. Hall was #33. It’s hard to find anybody great at pass rushing that late.

  31. Fred McNeil Says:

    Yeah, he does have the same hair. LOL.

  32. NCBuc Says:

    @ Sly….. Don’t stop there. It dates back years. Needing to sign AC to a team friendly deal was the biggest start when I realized this years ago. Take all the hate for RW and the love showered on “Low Ball” Lenny when RW had more ypc than the “Low Ball” did his last year here. You wouldn’t know that by reading JBF. Just sayin

  33. Lakeland Says:

    Our year to get a beastly pass rusher, OLB, DE, DT was in 2019. We had the 5th pick, and we drafted Devin White..

  34. Buccos Says:

    Hall is just a guy

  35. NCBuc Says:

    DW has all the tools you would want in an athlete. That’s without question. IMOP I think he lacks in between his ears. He could be great, but he doesn’t show it with the me first attitude. Dude could’ve been the next Ray Lewis. This is another player joe liked to joke as “The Savior”, but referred to JW as Jesus! The list keeps growing

  36. Hodad Says:

    Not Hall’s fault he was over drafted. Same with JTS, Mauch, I could go on. We counted on YaYa to be a double digit sack guy this year, that’s proving to be a mistake. He wasn’t over drafted, but counting on him was a mistake. Licht’s great drafts we’ve been raving about are not getting it done.

  37. Lakeland Says:


    Winston 1st overall pick
    Devin White 5th overall pick

    Didn’t either one of them get a 2nd contract

    It’s a waste smh

  38. Destinjohnny Says:

    Missing on this pick hurt us

  39. Anyhony Says:

    One loss and it sounds like everyone is bailing on Licht.

  40. Wild Bill Says:

    Oh woe is mean. The Bucs lost a game. The sky is falling. That was a team loss. And a coaching loss. Two big wins and then a let down. Plenty of blame to go around. Even Baker didn’t bake. Next game should show what backbone the team has. Come back hard and kick ass or?

  41. Bet dat up Says:

    JASON Light more worried about culture and drafting nice guys when we need doggs and some players that are nasty that can get after it

  42. BucsFanSince1996 Says:

    It’s better to evaluate the team in December rather than September. In both seasons where the Bucs won a Super Bowl neither of those teams looked like a team that would get to the Super Bowl if you watched the first few games. And both of those teams had games that made fans want to jump off the Sunshine Skyway Bridge.

    Licht built a team that won 3 straight division championships while he was digging out of salary cap hell. Not many GMs ever pull that off.

  43. OriginalJud Says:

    SideShow Bob vibes

  44. Doolnutts Says:

    Bucs won’t be in position to get an edge rush id prob take another DL round 1. Vea isn’t getting younger, Kancey is unrealizable and Hall is more of a back up imo.

  45. Doolnutts Says:

    Hodad – they are getting it done he’s top 5 GM in the league drafting… you should really check out the stats behind draft picks. Failure rates are over 50%. That being said he’s crushing it. No one hits 100%

  46. FrontFour Says:

    Bucs have a lot invested in the trenches, ROI is nominal.

  47. Buc2Blame Says:

    Another reason Jason Litch time has ran its course. It’s time to replace that man

  48. Drunkinybor Says:

    He’s trash


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