Praising The Rookies

September 8th, 2024

Rookie receiver Jalen McMillan has his eyes on the prize as he turns upfield to score his first NFL touchdown today.

Mike Evans has seen a lot of things now in his 11th NFL season. So what Evans said about the Bucs’ rookie class made Joe take notice.

Evans is very bullish on the players Bucs AC/DC-loving general manager Jason Licht brought in this spring. Evans is particularly fond of center Graham Barton, running back Bucky Irving and a guy who scored his first NFL touchdown in his first NFL game, Jalen McMillan.

Evans suggested McMillan, besides being a talented back, is damn smart.

“When he came to the sideline he said it was a similar look to what he had in practice,” Evans said of the immediate moments after McMillan’s touchdown catch. “Those are the things that you love to hear. When you have the answers to the test, it’s really a good thing.”

What Evans said tells Joe the Bucs not only scouted the Commandos well, but McMillan recognized a look from the defense from practice.

After McMillan came back to the bench, Joe loved what he saw from fellow Bucs players. Both Chris Godwin and Evans were laughing and shaking McMillan’s hand and hugging him. Baker Mayfield then came up to slap skin.

Then, safety Jordan Whitehead showed up and embraced McMillan and that was followed by several other defenders.

Team game? Seems that way.

Evans added more about the rookies. Joe noted to Evans that teams clearly respect him and Godwin and Rachaad White in the pass game. If McMillan begins to make plays and defenses then have to also worry about defending him, the Bucs passing attack could be quite dangerous.

Evans didn’t disagree (“Absolutely”). He added that soon, all teams will have to worry about all of the Bucs’ rookies.

“Bucky, J-Mac, Tykee, we’ve got some other rookies,” Evans said adding Barton’s name to the list. “We have a really great rookie class that is going to help us win some ball games.”

This could be the second season in a row where the Bucs have several rookies making impact plays.

From Extreme Loaf To Critical Sack, A Joe Tryon-Shoyinka Story (videos)

35 Responses to “Praising The Rookies”

  1. Baking with Coen Says:

    In Licht We Trust!!!

  2. Rod Munch Says:

    Rams are picking on #0 on the Lions … hopefully Mike or Godwin or McMillan will be doing that next week.

  3. Les Says:

    Don’t forget the Lions corner is Carlton Davis remember him with the bucks?

  4. BucsBeBack (Artist formally known as: BringBucsBack) Says:

    More help from the TE group would be nice.

  5. DBS Says:

    If Zyon is out there next week the Lions will be picking on him.

  6. Tbbucs3 Says:

    Welcome to the Carlton Davis experience, Lions fans. Enjoy!!

    Maybe sign Ryan Neal too while your at it?

  7. Buddha Says:

    The two highest scoring teams in the NFL: Saints and Buccaneers. The beleaguered NFL South.

  8. Not Says:

    Carlton just slipped and Kupp got his TD, lol 😂 Carlton .

  9. Rayjay1122 Says:

    Baker threw TDs in sequential order to # 13, 14, and 15 repeat. Cool trick Baker!!! 😎

  10. Simeon4HOF Says:

    And suddenly the Lions look soft .. CD3 soft

  11. Tbbucs3 Says:

    Tyler Johnson still making clutch catches for the Rams??

  12. Tbbucs3 Says:

    Awesome sign that McMilan looked better than the other 2 Washington WRs drafted ahead of him.

    Great day for him and Bucky.

  13. unbelievable Says:

    Did CDIII make the INT? No.

    Is he now injured? Yes.

  14. Jmarkbuc Says:

    Carlton Davis injured.

  15. Jmarkbuc Says:

    Probably only be out 3-4 games😂

  16. Tbbucs3 Says:

    Carlton Davis in a nutshell

  17. Capt.Tim Says:

    Not sure what you were watching, but Zion had a great game pre concussion.
    He was good last year, looks great this year. He is a special talent.
    If Zion isn’t out there- we’ll be in trouble?

    Just watched Carlton Davis drop an interception right to him- then he layed there, playing the injury card. So typical of him. If he embarrassed himself- right to the turf.

    Zion is definitely an upgrade.

  18. Irishmist Says:

    If Zyon is cleared to play next week, Bowles needs to tell him to wear the Great Gazoo helmet and make it clear that it’s under his order. That way Zyon won’t feel self-conscious about it. We can’t afford him to get another concussion and be out a couple months.

  19. PowerOfPewter Says:

    If McCollums concussion took him out of the game, I doubt he’s allowed to play next week.

  20. Rod Munch Says:

    I’m going back through and watching this game, and man does Britt f-ing suck. Here’s garbage, get him off the field. Maybe keep him on the roster to play special teams, but that’s it. Seriously, he’s terrible. Just flat out too slow, zero agility, can’t make a play unless someone is running directly at him and doesn’t move left or right.

  21. Rod Munch Says:

    Also rewatching this game, and man did Winfield get screwed this game. He got the call for the BS helmet to helmet hit – but on that same play, YaYa was literally held like 5 times directly in front of the ref – I mean grabbing the jersey being lifted up by the jersey being held BS. Then later, a the goalline, the runner was not in the endzone, Winfield held him up, they showed it from multiple angles and he never crossed the line. Later in the game, he had the Daniels stopped at the goalline only to have Braswell knock him into the endzone.

    Man, the refs sucked this game. I didn’t really see all the holding during the game when it was live, but watching it again, what a bunch of garbage.

    On the other side, I will say if the Bucs had that awful crew from opening night that kept throwing flags for not lining up on the LOS, the Bucs would be in trouble, as they’re not all up on the line on nearly every play. The Bucs had better be ready if they get that awful crew.

  22. Steven007 Says:

    Davis whiffed on the cupp touchdown. And then he dropped a potential interception that would have sealed the game before going into overtime.

  23. MadMax Says:

    Thank you Rooks…you’re showing up, but its a long 16 more weeks (hopefully plus more) dont party, just keep hydrating yourselves and rest as much as possible….you got this, i love my rooks!

  24. Dave Pear Says:

    And in speaking about other ex-Bucs besides Davis……the horse whisperer looks like a situational 3rd stringer in Philly.

    SVD might have grabbed Britt’s spot tonight. Good. Britt did suck today.

  25. Fred McNeil Says:

    I didn’t see the Lions game. I doesn’t really surprise me that CD3 is injured again. What’s wrong this time?

  26. Bucs Guy Says:

    Did Braswell do anything? Wirfs did not look good. Gave up a sack and got beat multiple times.

  27. heyjude Says:

    Rookies looking really good. Loving the chemistry. Watching how seamlessly Evans, Baker, and Godwin interact from the sidelines with Bucky, McMillan, and others. It feels great!

  28. mj Says:

    my favorite play was when the penalty ineligible man df for the 32 yard run was picked up! that new Center is awesome on the replay. They showed him doing exactly what he needed to do. he’s already making a positive impact, Graham for pro bowl!!

  29. SenileSenior Says:

    Thank you, JL!

    In Licht we trust.

  30. BucsfaninOregon Says:

    Fred he tried for int., missed it, hit the ground hard, and then laid there.

  31. unbelievable Says:

    Rod the officiating was absolutely terrible. They picked up like 3 different flags against Wash, plus let them hold the entire game both offense and defense.

    Meanwhile we were getting penalized when their players were tripping and falling down. Pretty clear sign of what’s to come this season- the NFL wants the rookie QB to shine so they can promote him, and want the Bucs to fail in favor of the Falcons (who looked awful yesterday lol)

  32. orlbucfan Says:

    That kind of BS referee-ing is nothing new in Buc World. I’ve believed for years that the Bucs have to be ready to play the opposing team and the refs. When they started dropping all those hankies in a row on Tampa, I started shaking my head. SOS. Glad I’m a Bucs Radio nut so I don’t have to see it. Watch what the zebs pull next week in Motown.

  33. Alstott to Canton Says:

    Bucs Guy
    Wirfs played well, his guy only got that sack because baker couldn’t step up in the pocket cause White couldn’t stop the blitz up the middle, literally drove baker back into wirfs man. Yes he technically gave up the sack but he held up all day. Dudes not Superman, hes gonna look human sometimes

  34. Alstott to Canton Says:

    Also agree with some of the calls Tampa got was bs, but that’s every game these days. That hit Winfield delivered to Daniels was completely legal, but it’s the new nfl and you mines well let the qb do whatever he wants unless you want a flag. The protection the quarterbacks get is ridiculous

  35. Bakersbucs says Says:

    Rod munchkin says where is u r nasty take on baker not a peep as usual u stage some other bs bout play calls from refs,not a good luck not 1 positive comment on u r post u r not a BUCS real deal fan u fake